FediTips , (edited )
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar

Do you have any questions about Mastodon and the Fediverse?

Let me know in the replies (or @ me or message me) and I'll try to find you some answers.

helhum ,
@helhum@chaos.social avatar

@FediTips in my Client ( @ivory) it is possible to select a language for a post. Are there clients, that are able to filter posts by language? E.g. only show posts in English of accounts I follow

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


Language selection for posts is a standard part of Mastodon, you should be able to do this on all apps.

You can set your account to filter out posts in other languages if you want:


helhum ,
@helhum@chaos.social avatar

@FediTips Thanks for taking the time to answer. This helps a lot, especially the resource you linked. It means though, that I can't filter languages for people I follow.

"However, if you follow someone this will override the language filter and show you all their posts regardless of language used."

Good to know nonetheless. Thanks again!

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


Yeah, sorry about that, it's up to the software makers I guess.

adoxographer ,
@adoxographer@masto.pt avatar


I’ve recently moved my account to a new instance - and my timeline seems to be less busy, I have the same follows and tags but it seems like less content is available.

In my previous instance 2-3 hours of not checking would result in hundreds of posts to fetch, now it’s around 20/40 what gives?

adrianmorales ,
@adrianmorales@ieji.de avatar

@FediTips Sure. How does moderation work from one instance to another? e.g. Someone reports an account from mastodon.social
I suspend it from my own instance. The moderators from mastodon.social do nothing. My instance is safe. The rest aren't. What then?

FediTips OP , (edited )
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


At the extreme end, if an instance keeps doing nothing about problematic content from their own members, other instance admins may consider defederating that instance.

If an instance consistently refuses to moderate problematic content, it will gradually end up being defederated by more and more other instances until it is isolated, and its members will start to notice how difficult it is to communicate with others.

adrianmorales ,
@adrianmorales@ieji.de avatar

@FediTips Thank you for the explanation.

sleepyrob ,
@sleepyrob@mastodon.world avatar

@FediTips what does this mean: “Are you following the publishers that @Flipboard recently federated?”. What does it mean when something becomes federated?

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


In this particular case: Flipboard.com runs a website where various news services have official news feeds. The people who run Flipboard are big fans of the Fediverse and they have connected these Flipboard.com feeds to the Fediverse as well, so they can be followed from Mastodon etc.

Being federated just means that people on other Fediverse servers can follow these accounts.

sleepyrob ,
@sleepyrob@mastodon.world avatar

@FediTips i think im tracking, thanks!

rscottjones ,
@rscottjones@mastodon.social avatar

@FediTips Do you know of any instances that are focused on a single topic and limit their users’ posts to only those topics?

I’m transitioning a travel photo-sharing community from a closed platform (with similar restrictions) to Mastodon, but am struggling with whether I can effectively keep a “clean” and well-curated federated feed. Wondering if anyone else has tried this, and if so, what their experience has been. Perhaps you know, or know someone else who might?

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


It varies from instance to instance, it's up to the owner(s) of an instance what their policy is on content.

By the way, "Federated" feeds will almost always be a mix of topics as they include posts from other servers, but "Local" feeds will just show posts from your instance so they are often specialised.

I've tried to list some well-run servers on various topics here, though it also includes some general servers too:


shadowfals ,
@shadowfals@mastodon.art avatar

@FediTips which types of posts are copied into RSS feeds? Only public posts, or are some limited posts included, too?

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


Only public posts, no limited posts and no replies. It's mainly intended for announcements etc.

ticklemyIP ,
@ticklemyIP@mastodon.thenewoil.org avatar

@FediTips Why is it that some of the accounts I follow from different instances appear completely empty and doesn't get included in my home feed?

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar
karmalakas ,
@karmalakas@mastodon.social avatar

How to not see only specific tags from someone I follow? I wan to see all posts of a person in my timeline, except those with specific tag(s)

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


You can do this with a combination of search operators.

from:(account address) -#(hashtag)

More about search operators at https://fedi.tips/how-do-i-search-for-stuff-on-mastodon/

karmalakas ,
@karmalakas@mastodon.social avatar

@FediTips but that's a search. I'd like to not see this hashtag in my main timeline among all other posts I follow

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


Ahhhh okay...

The nearest I can think of is filtering posts with a particular hashtag, though that would affect posts from everyone. More info on setting up filters here:


bgtlover ,

@FediTips can I follow rss feeds from my mastodon account? if not, is there a bridge or something which can help me do that?

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


Yes, there's a new service which lets you turn RSS feeds into Fediverse accounts:


Toot the address of the service and include the address of the RSS feed, it will create an account mirroring the RSS feed which you can then follow from Mastodon etc.

bgtlover ,

@FediTips alright, that's awesome! I'll start importing some of my feeds in there. Does it work with other things too, for example friendica, or pleroma?

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


It should work with any Fediverse platform that supports microblogging, as RSS Parrot is just creating a Fedi account anyone can follow.

By the way, Friendica doesn't need this, it has its own built-in RSS feed reader. You can just paste an RSS feed address into the Friendica search box and then click follow, no need for any third party services. The feed's content will then appear in your main timeline.

linuxman1991 ,
@linuxman1991@mastodon.social avatar

@FediTips @bgtlover That sound interesting I'm going to try that

FinchHaven ,
@FinchHaven@sfba.social avatar


Once again I'm startled that there is apparently a New!! New!! New!! feature that will let me (or anyone?) create an RSS feed out of -- what? -- anything with a URL?

What if I don't want someone creating an RSS feed of my Mastodon profile?

Is there any opt-in / opt-out mechanism, or am I missing something completely here?

Anyone can create an RSS feed of my Mastodon stream; I can create an RSS feed of any feed?


FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


There's no way of opting out of RSS for public posts on Mastodon, but you can hide stuff from the RSS by using a non-public visibility setting for a post.

There's an alternative Fedi platform @gotosocial which does have opt-in/opt-out for RSS, and I'll be doing more posts about it when it enters beta testing soon.

To be fair to Mastodon though, public posts on social networks are visible to anyone, even people who don't have an account.


FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


The RSS feed isn't new, it's been on Mastodon since the beginning, not as an extra feature but because federation used to happen partially through RSS. It was how servers used to communicate with each other.

It was left in place when Mastodon switched to ActivityPub because many people found it useful to be able to follow accounts through RSS.

"I can create an RSS feed of any Fediverse feed?"

No, only feeds on servers that support RSS. Not all of them do.


FinchHaven ,
@FinchHaven@sfba.social avatar


So how do I know that some unknown party has added me to their RSS feed?

Is there any way at all?

And apparently it's all on my shoulders because now I have to use a non-visible setting on all my posts?

Fuck -- and let me be very blunt here -- that shit

"To be fair to Mastodon though, public posts on social networks are visible to anyone, even people who don't have an account"


This is not "being fair"

This has always been the biggest bullshit cop-out available anytime some bright star wants to invade someone else's online presence without their knowledge or permission

I've seen it used against Zuck Meta and Threads

Why is it a positive (or neutral at least) here?


FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar

@FinchHaven @gotosocial

I think we may be misunderstanding each other?

Public things on the internet have always been visible to anyone. If you want to keep a post restricted to a particular audience, it's important to use a non-public visibility setting.

I agree opt-in/opt-out would be better, but even without RSS your public posts are still visible to anyone.

The RSS only shows public posts, it doesn't show non-public posts, and it doesn't show replies of any kind (even public ones).

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


p.s. Even if Mastodon completely removed all its RSS features, it would still be possible for others to follow your public posts through RSS.

There are various services (I won't link to them) which will turn any website into an RSS feed, because anything public on the internet can be scraped and turned into a feed.

I agree there's no need to make this easier by automatically having an official RSS feed, but simply having public visibility means unofficial RSS is possible.

FinchHaven ,
@FinchHaven@sfba.social avatar


"I agree there's no need to make this easier by automatically having an official RSS feed, but simply having public visibility means unofficial RSS is possible."

But our boy Gargron gets what our boy Gargron wants, doesn't he

Growing the bottom line by pushing product

And question: why do you keep setting your replies to "Private"?

You don't want the general public to see any part of this convo?



FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


"And question: why do you keep setting your replies to "Private"?"

I'm not. I always set my replies to "unlisted", which is still public. You can check this by logging out, you will still see this reply on the web version of this conversation.

Unlisted replies are a good practice as they are still visible but don't clog up people's search results or federated timelines.

FinchHaven ,
@FinchHaven@sfba.social avatar


"but don't clog up people's search results or federated timelines"

I rest my case

FediTips OP , (edited )
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


It's been a convention for years on here that you use public for the first post in a public thread and then unlisted for replies. It's considered polite.

Look at any of my threads or replies, they all do this. Some third party apps do this automatically because it is so common.

You're doing it in your reply to me!

FinchHaven ,
@FinchHaven@sfba.social avatar


"Public things on the internet have always been visible to anyone. If you want to keep a post restricted to a particular audience, it's important to use a non-public visibility setting"

You are talking right past what I'm saying

The "Public things on the internet have always been visible to anyone" trope is bullshit because the vast majority of people -- particularly today where The Internet is some "app" on somebody's phone -- simply do not have the technical expertise to scrape a web site and extract the very small amount data they really want

If you think you're fooling me with that line, you most certainly are not

"I agree opt-in/opt-out would be better, but even without RSS your public posts are still visible to anyone."

See: above

You may be duping the majority of kiddies on Teh Internets(tm) in 2024 with that, but I put up my first web site using the pico text editor remotely over telnet in about 1993

I know a little bit about this sh*t...

cc @gotosocial

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar

@FinchHaven @gotosocial

"If you think you're fooling me with that line, you most certainly are not"

I'm not trying to fool anyone, I'm trying to warn people that using public visibility carries certain risks.

I agree with you, that's part of why I am keen to start promoting GoToSocial as it has much better safety overall (such as official support for allowlists instead of blocklists). Only reason I'm holding off GTS at moment is waiting for them to enter beta.

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar

@FinchHaven @gotosocial

"simply do not have the technical expertise to scrape a web site and extract the very small amount data they really want"

They don't need to, there are websites which will automatically turn any website into an RSS feed for you.

That's what I'm trying to warn about. If you use public visibility, this is what you are opening yourself up to.

FinchHaven ,
@FinchHaven@sfba.social avatar


Still set to private

You don't want this convo getting out, do you?

"That's what I'm trying to warn about. If you use public visibility, this is what you are opening yourself up to"

Couple days ago I got a notification that some content aggregator had boosted a post of mine, based on a keyword I'd used

, , and

Other people may not be as aware though, eh, nor know the tools available to them

But that's their tough luck, right?

cc @gotosocial

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


It's not set to private! Try logging out and coming back to this conversation, you will be able to see all my replies.

It's set to "unlisted" which is a public visibility setting that doesn't clog up people's timelines unnecessarily.

FinchHaven ,
@FinchHaven@sfba.social avatar


Still posting Private

We're done here


FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar

@FinchHaven @gotosocial

I'm not? I think you're confusing unlisted and followers-only?

rudy ,
@rudy@mstdn.ca avatar

@FediTips i've got a question, or actually a feature request

on the web interface, i know that the letter J places focus on the next post, but i still have to scroll

is there some way to make the timeline scroll itself so that this next post slides to the top of the window?

this works beautifully on twitter, and it's a feature i really love and miss

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


I'm probably missing something really obvious, but J doesn't do that for me? It just scrolls the column? 🤔

What context do you use J in to change focus?

(Sorry, I feel a bit silly having to ask! 😁 )

rudy ,
@rudy@mstdn.ca avatar

@FediTips hard to explain unless you try it both in mastodon and twitter (web apps)

in twitter, the next post slides up to the top of the timeline, mastodon doesn't do that

ScottStarkey ,
@ScottStarkey@hoosier.social avatar

@rudy @FediTips

I'm not the OP nor a big user of the j/k keys to scroll up and down, but it seemed to scroll and focus for me properly in Firefox/Windows 11. What system are you running?

However you did teach me about a feature of Mastodon that I didn't know about!

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar

@ScottStarkey @rudy

Ahhh, got it now, it moves the highlighting of a post in certain circumstances (when the interface perceives a list of some kind is being displayed).

You would have to ask the developers if they intend to make it behave in a Twitter-like manner. Sorry I can't help with this!

MALyons ,

@FediTips I have an account on the mstdn.party instance, but found I would be able to cross post to Spoutible from the mstdn.social instance. How can I either add or switch instances to use with my other SM site/app?

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


All Mastodon apps (official and third party) support being logged in with more than one account at once. There's usually an account-switching button (often in the bottom right corner) which lets you choose which account's timeline you are using.

If you sign up for another account on mstdn.social, you can add this second account to your existing Mastodon app.

Alternatively, you can transfer your existing account to mstdn.social if you want (more info: https://fedi.tips/transferring-your-mastodon-account-to-another-server).

noim ,
@noim@noc.social avatar

@FediTips If you edit a post and add hashtags later, will they appear in others timelines? I mean, if they have subscribed to one of the later added hashtags.

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


Yes, it will do. I just tested it to make sure, and it worked.

tness16 ,
@tness16@mastodon.social avatar

@FediTips @noim For subscribers of rss feed no

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar

@tness16 @noim

True, RSS feed users don't see edited versions as they have a passive one-directional feed.

klefstadmyr ,
@klefstadmyr@vivaldi.net avatar

@FediTips Is the tag only for questions about Mastodon, or are questions about other topics allowed?

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


You can use it for whatever you want, but it sounds like it's just for Mastodon?

I try to give tips on any platform, that's why I'm FediTips rather than MastoTips.

klefstadmyr ,
@klefstadmyr@vivaldi.net avatar

@FediTips That brings me to my next question: How do I ask for help on other topics (not platforms)?

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


Do you mean questions related to Mastodon and the Fediverse, or completely different stuff?

If you're wanting to discuss any topic you can use hashtags and groups. There's a wider range of hashtags, but groups reach a wider part of the Fediverse.

To use hashtags just include the tag you want in your post. To use a group, there's a guide here: https://fedi.tips/how-to-use-groups-on-the-fediverse/

You can use both hashtags and groups on the same post, as long as the post is relevant to all of them.

klefstadmyr ,
@klefstadmyr@vivaldi.net avatar

@FediTips Completely different stuff.

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


Okay, then hashtags and groups are the way to go 👍

PepperTheVixen ,
@PepperTheVixen@meow.social avatar

@FediTips Very occasionally, I come across a toot with no alt text, yet when I open that toot on its own instance, the alt text is there. Is this some weird fedi-block thing?

FediTips OP ,
@FediTips@social.growyourown.services avatar


Weird... What are you using to view the alt text?

Is it possible that the person forgot to add the alt text, the non-alt version federated, then they added the alt text in later and the updated version hasn't federated to your instance yet?

AFAIK blocks wouldn't affect alt texts, they would either block the whole post or show it.

eibart ,
@eibart@zirk.us avatar

thank you! <3! for being there and doing it

tsyum ,
@tsyum@thepit.social avatar

@FediTips 🏆 thx for all your work here

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