GottaLaff , avatar

Via NPR's Tom Dreisbach:

New investigation:

Dozens of fed judges attended wk-long seminars at luxury retreats -receiving free rms, free meals, free $ for travel worth 1000s - & failed to fully disclose as required.

Judges w disclosure issues incl some big names.

Aileen #Cannon, currently presiding over #Trump’s docs case, attended 2wk-long seminars at lux resort near Yellowstone Nat Park...failed to upload disclosure w/in 30 days as required.

Court said it was an “inadvertent” omission.

GottaLaff OP , avatar
JamesWNeal , avatar

Thanks @GottaLaff

(NPR) At one event, a far-right German politician with a history of racially inflammatory and anti-immigrant statements made a presentation to dozens of judges. At others, judges heard from an advocacy group that uses lawsuits in federal court to change environmental policy, as well as from corporate CEOs in the oil and pharmaceutical industries.

Dodo_sipping , avatar

@JamesWNeal any hint, who that German far-right politician was? @GottaLaff

JamesWNeal , avatar

@Dodo_sipping @GottaLaff

From the article "For example, dozens of judges took part in a 2022 event that featured a speaker from the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany) political party.

Gunnar Beck, a member of the European Parliament and an AfD member, spoke to the group of American federal judges about "European Jurisprudence." Beck has a history of anti-immigrant and racially inflammatory statements.

heidilifeldman , avatar
UncivilServant , avatar

@GottaLaff I, as an executive branch employee, could be fired and prosecuted for that.

Equal Justice Under Law.

BlueWaver22 , avatar

@GottaLaff @JonChereau Re: Cannon: We need to know who owns the resort and who was there🤔 2 weeks? Must have been a cult indoctrination workshop-- probably led by Should be in Jail Ginni😡 I mean I was in corporate sales for 30 yrs....never was there ever a 2 week long retreat, conference, etc.

asbestos , avatar


Im sure "inadvertent

18+ AlgoCompSynth , avatar

@GottaLaff Inadvertent my a$$. There isn't much we can do about SCOTUS justices, but I say haul the rest of them up to a Senate committee and let them answer some questions under oath.

skip_lacaze , avatar

@GottaLaff The laws and codes of ethics related to judicial “educational” opportunities need to be rewritten. Failure to file any required forms should be subject to serious penalties—perhaps on the order of 5% of annual compensation. The submission date for the annual form should be moved up and no extension should be allowed—as a city employee in California, I was required to file a Form 700 financial disclosure when sworn in, when I retired, and every year by April 1; such disclosures are not nearly as difficult as an itemized income tax filing. (Disclosure is required of any employee or contractor who may even influence a decision.) The Clerk of the Court or other responsible officer should be subject to discipline up to dismissal for failing to get reports online by the deadline. I hope that there are many public interest attorneys making plans to have bad decisions set aside because this information was not available when they needed it.

GGMcBG , avatar


Someone should ask how many free, billionaire-funded vacations she gets that she totally forgot two weeks riding bison and hunting the poor.

GhostOnTheHalfShell , avatar


Let’s do a survey. How many groomed by Federalist Society to gain their seat?

Doreen32128 , avatar

@GottaLaff WTF?

Cirdan , avatar

A sad state of affairs. I remember one judge who was concerned about the appearance of impropriety for having a lunchen with the attorneys from the local bar. He wouldn't even allow them to pay for his lunch.

QRSS_Test , avatar

@GottaLaff I work for a state entity in Texas. I would be fired so fast if I did that kind of thing. A current vendor buying me lunch is OK, but frowned on. They need to be impeached and removed.

knutson_brain , avatar

We know how this turned out with drug companies and doctors…
why would it be any different for lobbyists and judges?
Time for anticorruption legislation.

BlueWaver22 , avatar

@GottaLaff Of course, just like all her rulings are just "inadvertently" beneficial to Traitor Trump

gooba42 , avatar

@GottaLaff How many times can you inadvertently blow off all legal and ethical obligations and still get to preside over other people's lives?

heidilifeldman , avatar
IAmDannyBoling , avatar


There is nothing "inadvertent" with our court system nowadays. NOTHING.

sspopovich , avatar

@GottaLaff Inadvertent, my eye! I can hear their apologies now. "I'm sorry" (that I got caught). "It won't happen again" (not this obviously, I'll hide it better next time).

PandaChronicle , avatar

@GottaLaff "inadvertent" my ass

tob , avatar

@GottaLaff inadvertent in the sense that no Republican-appointed judge seated since 2001 has taken those regulations seriously.

BobHorowitz , avatar

Google tells me "neglecta lege nulla excusatio" is how you say "ignoring the law is no excuse" in Latin.

Keep up the good work, Laffy. I have been following your posts closely for a while... and really appreciate the work you have put in to keep everyone informed.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@BobHorowitz Many thanks!

solownh , avatar


Just like "inadvertently" taking top secret documents home and refusing to return them, no doubt

petep44 , avatar

@GottaLaff “Who, ME?” “What, THIS?” “PShaaaawww, it’s nothing. It’s like a coffee mug or a T-Shirt. . .”
And the beat goes on.

mls14 , avatar

@GottaLaff Oopsie! Whatever will Johnny Roberts do to them? I hope they don’t have sensitive wrists, because I have a feeling a slap is all they’ll get… if that.

GottaLaff OP , avatar

@mls14 They won't even get that.

bruce , avatar

@GottaLaff @mls14
A disapproving look while whispering "attagirl" is more like it.

Aviva_Gary , avatar

@GottaLaff 😉 "inadvertent" 😉


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