
vk6flab , in AI Detectors Get It Wrong. Writers Are Being Fired Anyway
@vk6flab@lemmy.radio avatar

What will it take until people get it through their thick skulls that ChatGPT isn't intelligent, doesn't learn and is a tool that can only generate plausible gibberish.

Using the same tools to detect such gibberish will give you more gibberish.

Garbage in, Garbage out has been true since the difference engine, it's just that today the garbage smells like English words, still garbage, but not knowledge, intelligence or anything like it.

The machine learning approach for building models, used to produce so called large language models like ChatGPT is also used to create weather forecasting models that are bigger, better and orders of magnitude faster than available until now.

The tools have changed life, but I'm unconvinced that it's a suitable, sustainable or realistic way to create artificial intelligence, despite claims to the contrary.

Bye ,

Nothing, it seems close enough to most that they actually can’t think about it any other way apart from human.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

People are so insistent that it's ai that it all reminds me of Blockchain. It's new! It'll change everything!

It'll change some things. What we are seeing now is business forcing it into everything when really, right now, there are only a handful of things it makes sense to use.

It's really great at giving you a starting point a very rough outline of something. That is the easy part. The hard part is turning that into something new and coherent, and for that I think modern AI is nowhere close. That needs a human

ValueSubtracted OP Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

I think it's definitely a bubble that will burst eventually.

At the same time, I don't think there's any way to put the toothpaste back in the tube. This technology is out there, and even once the hype has died down, we're going to be dealing with it forever.

Daxtron2 ,

It is by definition AI

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

In the sense that AI is an extremely general term that involves many different technologies, yes. Generative AI/LLMs are not true AGI, which is what people think it is. It cannot think, it cannot learn, it can only predict.

snooggums ,
@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

People think it AI intelligence is comparable to how a hovercraft hovers, as in the word is taken literally, but it is actually comparable to a Hoverboard.

scrubbles ,
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That's actually pretty good... the techbro equivalent of "We did it!"

logi ,

It cannot think, it cannot learn, it can only predict.

That's a distinction without a difference. If it can predict what a AGI would do in a given situation, then it is an AGI.

I'm not saying that it is an AGI, but the reason it it isn't is more than "it can only predict".

gravitas_deficiency ,

Nobody who’s not an engineer seems to give a shit - or, indeed, even understand - the nuance of LLM technology, or the technical reasons behind its limitations and the implications thereof. Hell, I know a lot of engineers who don’t care or understand it at a meaningful level.

stoly ,

And some of the engineering types are busy kissing the feet of people like Altman and Musk so they don't get a chance to even notice.

stoly ,

I manage computing for a large university. One of my recently graduated students told me that he thought that technology just worked until he worked for me and saw the problems that come up. He was already a very tech-aware person and is going for a PhD in Infomatics, so if even he didn't understand this, then what can we expect from the general public?

DrBob , in In honor of the late William Anders, here's a really great video on the "Earthrise" photo and how improbable it is that we have it at all

One useful function for AI would be to watch YouTube videos and extract any useful information into concise paragraphs. I am looking to be informed, not entertained.

Corgana OP , (edited )
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

sir this is a wendys

DrBob ,

I am saying I am not watching the video. I would prefer a tight paragraph or two about whatever the videographer thinks are the extraordinary circumstances.

Corgana OP ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I know what you are saying, and I fully support you in your mission to consume content faster, it's got nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

Psychodelic ,

Well how else would they make your post about themselves? I mean, would they even feel superior if they hadn't bother to comment

100 ,

you can keep using tiktok and melt your brain with 10 videos per minute then

Psychodelic ,

Not sure if you're mostly joking but TT has tons of long-form content as well. It's one of the main reasons I don't use it - all my recommendations are super interesting 7+ min videos (I think I get too anxious to open the app knowing it's going to open up to some super in-depth breakdown on a very specific topic. It's insane how good their algorithm is. It practically never misses

Tagger , in In honor of the late William Anders, here's a really great video on the "Earthrise" photo and how improbable it is that we have it at all


Corgana OP , (edited )
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

my dude it is a youtube video and I am not chatgpt

magic_lobster_party ,

Why spend 15 minutes to get the answer when it can be explained in a few paragraphs?

Corgana OP , (edited )
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

the answer to what?

lunarul ,

Most people don't like a paragraph worth of information being stretched out into a 14 minute video. Luckily someone already provided the info in another comment.

FiskFisk33 ,

Because the video is nice in and of itself. You do you though, no one's forcing you to do anything.

magic_lobster_party ,

There’s nothing wrong with wanting a short TL;DW summary. I’ve already seen the video a while ago, but I don’t remember all the exact details.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I'm convinced this is what death of attention span looks like

porous_grey_matter ,

Death of attention span is real but not wanting to listen to ten minutes of bullshit waffle, please like and subscribe, for two minutes of information is not it.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

That could be someone's creative output. Hell, that could be the paycheck someone's eating off of-- and you and others like you out here "can it be condensed? I rly don't wanna hear it". If it's not death of attention span, then it's atomized, anti-social fuckshit; so either way this ain't the defense strat you think it is

porous_grey_matter ,

Ok? We're not obligated to watch stuff just because it's someone's creative output. We don't owe this person a paycheck through YouTube ads. Everyone's got the right to have the necessities of life but that's got nothing to do with this. Different people have different interests, and someone who's really into this subject or this creator might want to watch the whole thing, but not everyone has to.

frauddogg , (edited )
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

It's the principle of the thing. You clearly have the free-time, otherwise you wouldn't be here. You clearly have the interest, otherwise you wouldn't be in this thread. And yet, you demand an abridging of someone's creative output to suit your entitlement. Tfu.

If you only have the time to demand abridgings of people's work, maybe you shouldn't be on this site. I'm sure twitter or reddit would be more your speed.

Corgana OP , (edited )
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Nobody is obligating anyone to watch this video.

magic_lobster_party ,

When the internet is riddled with clickbait and sensational headlines, we’re getting quite protective of where we want to put our attention.

frauddogg ,
@frauddogg@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Still not a defense for demanding abridgings to suit one's entitlement. If I think something is sensationalized or clickbait, I move the fuck on without demanding somebody else play stenographer for me.

blackwateropeth ,

No, but you’re sensitive af, just don’t respond next time.

Corgana OP ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar


tf u smoking? that dude responded to me

blackwateropeth ,

Tf you smoking, he wasn’t asking you directly. That’s not how these platforms work. Go outside you’ll feel better.

Taako_Tuesday ,

Basically they weren't originally planning on taking a photo of earth from the moon. The fact that they even had a camera was due to interest from a few astronauts in the earlier missions. The camera had its viewfinder stripped to save weight, so the astronauts couldnt see what they were filming. On that mission they were only planning to take photos of the moon's surface. And then they decided in the moment as the earthrise happened, that it needed to be photographed, and out of tons of shots they only got one clear image.

Maybe a little clickbaity but "It's highly imporbable that they got this shot" doesn't ring the same

Tagger ,

Brilliant, thanks.

DrBob ,

Doing God's work.

themeatbridge , in Paramount Cuts Nearly All Content on Comedy Central, TV Land, CMT and MTV Websites

Coincidentally, but entirely unrelated, nobody ever leglaly watched any Comedy Central, CMT, or MTV content ever again.

deegeese , in All hear this, all hear this: On July 10th, c/Quarks will become "local only" and participation will be limited to users with StarTrek.website accounts.
@deegeese@sopuli.xyz avatar

That’s a total bummer but I’m not moving my whole identity for one single community. If everyone did this, Fedi would be an ever lonelier place.

Bye 👋

Admin OP Mod ,
@Admin@startrek.website avatar
ValueSubtracted Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

I'm legitimately curious: what is the appeal of this community to a remote user?

deegeese ,
@deegeese@sopuli.xyz avatar

On my home instance, the community !meta is for discussing issues specific to the instance, it's not really relevant to people not using the instance.

On startrek.website, the Quarks community seems to primarily discuss Star Trek adjacent topics which are of interest to many Trek fans.

I think it's great that you guys want a private community for discussing things only relevant to the instance. I just wish you hadn't chosen to close a community with broad external interest.

ValueSubtracted Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

Thanks for the response.

We'll probably relax the rules on c/startrek a bit to allow a degree of Trek-adjacent content that we might have previously punted to Quark's.

I'm thinking of stuff like the Paramount acquisition drama, which is off-topic but clearly still relevant.

Expanding outward from there into stuff like "here's what Frakes is up to," we approach territory that can be covered just as well elsewhere in the Fediverse.

deegeese ,
@deegeese@sopuli.xyz avatar

Trek-adjacent discussions

Literally the first topic of this community, according to the sidebar. Sales of expired Yamok sauce are also relevant to Trek fans on other instances.

ValueSubtracted Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

And to be clear, Trek-adjacent discussions will continue to be allowed in Quark's. I just don't think making the community private will be some great blow to the Fediverse.

If it helps, we will allow sales of expired Yamok sauce in c/startrek, provided the seller can produce a certificate of authenticity.

deegeese ,
@deegeese@sopuli.xyz avatar

I just don’t see how closing everyone else out from Trek adjacent discussions helps the community.

The whole point of federation is letting people with varied interests come together. It doesn’t work if every niche interest makes their “general” board private.

ValueSubtracted Mod , (edited )
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

I mean, if we're talking about the sidebar...

General off-topic chat for the crew of startrek.website.

But I do understand and appreciate the perspective. It's in-line with the internal discussion we had when making the decision.

deegeese ,
@deegeese@sopuli.xyz avatar

But aren’t all Trek-related discussions on-topic?

If you’re going to ban “outsiders” from off-topic chat, you should also ban on-topic chat from the off-topic community.

ValueSubtracted Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

If the concern is that we're going to have a sooper secret, members-only Star Trek discussion group, that is not the intent. If we were going to do that, we'd just make the instance private.

deegeese ,
@deegeese@sopuli.xyz avatar

No, I’m concerned about balkanization of the community of Trek fans.

ValueSubtracted Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

Oh. Okay.

starkraving666 ,
@starkraving666@jorts.horse avatar

@ValueSubtracted @deegeese you're joking, right?

I only discovered this place after I was on fedi for 3+ years. It's incredible and amazing to be able to participate remotely. I honestly can't fathom why you WOULDN'T want that. But hey if they want to close it then bye I guess.

ValueSubtracted Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

From what I can see, you've only participated in this community once, nine months ago.

The other communities (StarTrek, Daystrom, Risa, etc.) are all staying open and federated.

starkraving666 ,
@starkraving666@jorts.horse avatar

@ValueSubtracted oh I didn't realize there were requirements for "participation" my bad

ValueSubtracted Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

It was just a point of clarification in case you misunderstood.

starkraving666 ,
@starkraving666@jorts.horse avatar

@ValueSubtracted oh I completely understand now that liking, boosting, or privately enjoying posts is not an acceptable level of engagement in an online community where "participation" is required. Thanks 🖖💫

ValueSubtracted Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar


jonny ,
@jonny@neuromatch.social avatar

Never trust an instance with a closed governance process

jonny ,
@jonny@neuromatch.social avatar

Except jorts which transcends governance entirely

DakkiReads ,
@DakkiReads@jorts.horse avatar

@jonny @starkraving666 @ValueSubtracted wait, we have governance?

I thought the owner of this instance just set it up in some substance-induced euphoria and then forgot it existed

kamenlady , in NASA's Voyager Has Made a Full Recovery After Glitch Nearly Ended the Historic Mission
@kamenlady@lemmy.world avatar

I like to think that the ghost in the machine emerged after the glitch. Maybe a small spark caused by the glitch. Coincidentally Voyager was flying through a Interplanetary dust cloud , loaden with cosmic partcles, one particle was touched by the spark and voila: a new lifeform is created.

Flying forever alone in space.

Stoney_Logica1 ,

Literally the plot of Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

kieron115 ,
disguy_ovahea , in AI Detectors Get It Wrong. Writers Are Being Fired Anyway

I don’t just want AI news to fail, I want it to take the web-scraping trending post news bots down with it.

Bring investigative journalists back to news media.

ValueSubtracted OP Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar


Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Been very impressed by the quality of reporting by 404 Media and they seem to be making it work financially so feeling cautiously optimistic!

FiskFisk33 ,

noo, this one dude on twitter said the state of contemporary journalism is great

voracitude , in Paramount Cuts Nearly All Content on Comedy Central, TV Land, CMT and MTV Websites
StillPaisleyCat , in ‘Star Trek’ Alum Jonathan Frakes to Direct Sci-Fi Adaptation of ‘Arthur C. Clarke’s Venus Prime’
@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

This is great news for Frakes.

He was on the upswing as a director until the debacle of the Thunderbirds movie basically made him unemployable.

Star Trek has enabled him to get back into directing work, and even some acting.

He’s been picking up directing work beyond the franchise over the last few years, but an EP supervising director role for an entire limited series adaptation of a prestige author is definitely a step forward.

ValueSubtracted Mod , in Season one of StarTrek.website is in the bag! So we've added "V'ger", as a treat.
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

Time to start growing that beard...

USSBurritoTruck ,
@USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website avatar
Tylerdurdon , in NASA's Voyager Has Made a Full Recovery After Glitch Nearly Ended the Historic Mission

It's a testament to simplicity. Any of our current hardware infra would have just been fuuuuuucked out there.

ValueSubtracted Mod , in In honor of the late William Anders, here's a really great video on the "Earthrise" photo and how improbable it is that we have it at all
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

Could someone please adapt this video into a full-length stage musical? That's the only type of content I consume so it's only reasonable for someone to do this for me.

Corgana OP ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar
Psychodelic ,

This is a great comment! I appreciate you mentioning your favorite form of content!

I'm going to go ahead and let OP know what my preferred format is so they can keep in mind in the future, as well

bobburger , in All hear this, all hear this: On July 10th, c/Quarks will become "local only" and participation will be limited to users with StarTrek.website accounts.

Good luck folks, I think each server having it's own identity and it's own place is something that makes the fediverse great.

Admin OP Mod ,
@Admin@startrek.website avatar

Thanks, we do too!

ValueSubtracted OP Mod , in ‘Star Trek’ Alum Jonathan Frakes to Direct Sci-Fi Adaptation of ‘Arthur C. Clarke’s Venus Prime’
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

I'm not familiar with Venus Prime - it's apparently based on the short story Breaking Strain, which has been spun into a novel series by Paul Preuss.

Corgana ,
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Thank you for posting this. I am a big Arthur C Clarke fan and had never heard of it, and my google-fu turned up nothing.

StillPaisleyCat ,
@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

‘Venus Prime’ is the way the novelizations were branded and marketed starting with the first book ‘Breaking Strain’ in 1987.

As you can see from the cover image, it was an early example of the ‘hot babe with powers’ marketing approach.


ValueSubtracted OP Mod ,
@ValueSubtracted@startrek.website avatar

Brannon Braga, eat your heart out!

StillPaisleyCat ,
@StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website avatar

Her hair even goes white-blond as of book 2. LOL

I have observed elsewhere that no women are announced in the creative team. I hope they get a strong female-presenting A-list lead who insists on EP status.


aeronmelon , in NASA's Voyager Has Made a Full Recovery After Glitch Nearly Ended the Historic Mission

They rolled a 20 for foresight when they called the ship lost in the Delta Quadrant "Voyager."

No matter how far from home, Voyagers know how to get back to Earth somehow.

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