trackcharlie ,

Anyone that actually believes this shouldn't be allowed to continue breathing.

I'm done being nice about this.

blazeknave ,

I mean .. we could shove a 10 cm bowling ball up his ass against his will and see how he feels thereafter

trackcharlie ,

You KNOW he's just going to respond "I've had bigger shits" and then cry about it in a closed room.
If logic was ever going to work on these morons, it would've happened decades ago.

e. I feel like it's also important to note that there are dumb as fuck women who also believe this fucking nonsense and these laws would have far less efficacy if it didn't have their support (looking at all those ladies with (R) beside their name)

blazeknave ,

I know, it sucks. It took years of therapy and separating from my ex and other unhealthy relationships to realize you can't debate crazy.

trackcharlie ,

I think it was worth your time trying. There's always the possibility somewhere down the line that the individual(s) you spoke to will encounter a situation in their life that will force them to reflect on their views and attempt to update them from archaic to pre-modern.

Discussion is never a failure, in my opinion, but I absolutely believe it can be seriously draining.

blazeknave ,

It's crazy making which is definitely draining.

blazeknave ,

Wow, not a single downvote against violent comments. Honestly taken a back by that.

Mediocre_Bard ,

This is how you get increased suicides and abandoned infants.

lennybird , avatar

The problem is (a) Republicans don't care if the issue isn't their own, and (b) Republicans seem to lack the capacity for identifying systemic failures. It's like an object-permanence thing with them. If they can't physically see the thing happening directly with their two eyes, then there is no relation. Like they're blind to negative externalities or indirect side-effects. at the macro level.

In other words... There's a reason these folks don't normally make great engineers or scientists.

Fredselfish , avatar

This guy looks like a rapist. Why do they all look like that?

HawlSera ,

Are you completely insane?

recapitated ,


Norgur ,

I literally feel ill. Like physically ill. My wife blessed me with my baby boy and imagining that someone could force her to go what she went through to get him into this world is... IDK what it is... Too angry rn. Fucking disgusting fuckfaces!

skeezix ,

Conservatives are horrible people at worst and deluded at best. Conservatism is a mental disease.

yeah ,

Let's not conflate hideous morals with mental illness.

nao ,

Not sure if today’s GOP deserves to be called conservative

MeanEYE , avatar

These people should get intragastric balloon shoved up their ass and inflated so they can feel some of the "greatest healing" first hand. It should be done against their will as well since they claim it's not an issue. You know, not to be left out of the whole greatness. Not quite fair that only females get to experience it.

If anyone complains how "god didn't meant for balloons to be in our assholes", just make a counter argument: if that were true why did it make us fart then. Clearly air is suppose to be there.

Boddhisatva ,

If anyone complains how “god didn’t meant for balloons to be in our assholes”, just make a counter argument: if that were true why did it make us fart then. Clearly air is suppose to be there.

Or use their own argument, “God doesn’t make mistakes.” If that balloon is up your ass, even though you didn't want it there, then too bad. God wills it so.

MeanEYE , avatar

Or that.

logicbomb ,

What happens to the rapist, then? Can he get partial custody of the child? Can he use that as an excuse to keep meeting or at least indirectly interacting with his rape victim?

What a great healing agent, to force women to be repeatedly reminded of that time when they were raped.

Drusas ,

Generally yes. They can even get partial custody.

mp3 , avatar

It's for the healing process /s

DigitalTraveler42 ,

This is just a step to eliminating rape as a crime, they'll find some way to justify as "for the babies", the GOP are completely garbage people.

ringwraithfish ,

Under his eye

massacre ,

May the Lord open

nilloc ,

We’re getting godtse’d at this point.

wicked ,

Don't worry, the good bible has the answer.

28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered,
29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

rambaroo ,

Good damn it's so obvious the Bible was written by mediocre, out of touch men

logicbomb ,

That's pure evil, but one part stands out, not as the worst part, but somehow still stands out.

"and they are discovered." What's that got to do with anything? If this is from the religious point of view, then surely God knows what he did, so why would it matter if they're discovered. If it's from a legal point of view, then of course you can only redress crimes that are discovered, so there's no need to include that phrase.

So, including that phrase doesn't seem to have any relevance or benefit. Conversely, including a phrase like that does imply that if they're not discovered, then God doesn't care whether anything happens to the man. The girl has been violated and lost her virginity. But since they weren't discovered, there's no penalty, even from God.

The other thing this makes me think about is, "If the penalty for breaking a law is simply a fine, then the law really only applies to poor people." So, a person who can afford fifty shekels of silver can just pick any maiden he wants to marry, as long as she's not pledged to be married, even if he's old and gross. All he has to do is something terrible and then get "discovered." This section simply seems to legalize rape for rich people.

Boddhisatva ,

Because if they are not discovered then it's just her word against his so there's no proof so he's free to go rape someone else. Honestly, I think that's really what that means.

clgoh ,

Fifty shekels of silver? That's how much today in Stanley Nickels?

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

fifty shekels of silver

That's about $290.39 USD.

Empricorn , (edited )

A child that will be a living, breathing reminder of their attack for the rest of their life is also a cruel thing to force upon them. But this is masochism sadism.

Queen___Bee , (edited )

Hate to be THAT person, but it's sadism if you are referring to the guy who said it. Misogyny often breeds both though, so I can imagine the confusion.

Anti Commercial-AI license (CC By-NC-SA 4.0

Empricorn ,

Haha, no you're right; brain fart! Edited and thank you...

douglasg14b , avatar

If you give them an inch, they will take a mile.

"We would never take a mile, you have our promise"

And here they are taking a mile.


moon ,

Would a rapist not take this as encouragement? Would this not make women feel incredibly unsafe? Why do men have no equivalent laws that restrict what they can do with their own body?

Kase ,

I'll bet he thinks forced marriage to said rapist is a Great Healing Agent too. (He's never advocated this as far as I know, and I'm not trying to put words in his mouth. But c'mon, we gotta Bring Back the Nuclear Family, no?)

Caaaaarrrrlll ,

Missouri really is misery.

Hazzia ,

Legit refusing to pronounce it "mis-SOU-ri" anymore

ctkatz ,

I always knew something is wrong with a state when the local state drivers are policing the speed limit in the fast lane on the interstates.

BigMacHole ,

This is EXACTLY what Republicans mean when they say they're HARD on Rapists! After a Rapist Rapes your daughter it's illegal for her to get an Abortion and if she does her Rapist gets a bunch of money from her!

ctkatz ,

how ironic, if a man rapes a woman she's forced to have the baby and he goes to jail. but if a man rapes HIS woman (wife, daughter, sister), she'd forced to have the baby but he needs to die.

they don't care because this doesn't involve them.

ctkatz ,

what do you expect. missouri republicans see women as brood mares, and brood mares aren't people.

I'm this close to expecting them to call women "fee males".

FiremanEdsRevenge ,

"The greatest healing agent," says the rape enabler.

PeckerBrown ,

So's flushing these fucking GOP turds down the toilet.

Them not existing anymore would heal the fuck out of me.

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