Phegan ,

Honestly. I do want many of the things in black.

orcrist ,

I don't support corporations making a lot of money. I don't support the ultra rich.

And you can't compromise on that. If the company or the person is too powerful, there is no good way to make them play fair.

BoringHusband ,

You do want free (at the point of using it) healthcare. You want to have it because when you need it you may not be in a position to pay for it.

Harbinger01173430 ,

I want everything that's written in black letters.

LW_m0ds_are_autist ,

Usually when I read "both sides are the same", it's a blue conservative like you trying to make people critical of the Democratic party seem unreasonable. Both sides are capitalist and conservative, but there are differences for sure. Dont you want more differences? If you wanna really shut up those people bitching from the sidelines, the best way to do so is to put them in the game! Force them to show us how to do things since it's so easy and they have it all figured out. Switching away from first past the post voting allows people to vote for who represents them best while still counting their vote against those they dont want to win. Just search for videos on FPTP voting if you want an explanation on how and why the spoiler effect exists. Electoral reform is possible in each individual state (for now), we dont need federal reform! Maine and Alaska have already passed electoral reform. Republicans are moving to make alternative electoral systems illegal in their states. Why would you want to use the same voting system republicans prefer? More political parties means a higher percentage of the population is represented by their choices in the voting booth. More people involved in the electoral process, more people engaged. Its a win win win all around for not just the people, but also for the democratic party. More people voting means more democratic votes. The numbers dont lie. So what's the hold up blue states? Electoral reform needs to be the number one priority for every democrat. No more waiting. Consider starting campaign to change how we vote in your own state! Force our representatives to compete with fresh outside ideas. We deserve the best representation, not excuses.

PiratePanPan ,

I'll take Things That Will Never Happen for 500, Alex

KillingTimeItself ,

well actually, counter point, i do want the elections to deliver the result i want, which is a functional system that represents its people fairly.

VoilaChihuahua ,

I want everyone to be given what they need to live comfortably so they don't get so fucking pissed off about the glaring unfairness of the world that they do a bunch of antisocial shit to cope.

masquenox ,

You want late-stage capitalism? Because that's how you get late-stage capitalism.

This is your brain on liberalism, folks.

madcaesar ,

I don't think you know what any of those words mean.

masquenox ,

Try me.

feddylemmy ,

Wow, are you a buzzword bot?

masquenox ,

Oh... I forget that liberals suffering from liberal brain-rot are still under the impression that capitalism is (somehow) unrelated to their precious liberalism.

Spolier alert... this failure is yours.

Leate_Wonceslace ,

But wait, I actually do want those things.

DAMunzy ,

Eh, I think corporations should be banned. Make everything individual and worker co-ops. These huge businesses and huge governments do more damage than good.

melpomenesclevage ,

also, as an actual radical:

yeah pretty spot on with healthcare. this is basic 'having a society' shit.

I don't want a job that pays so much as an actual society I can contribute to and nurture and be a fucking part of that will take care of me some noticeable fraction of how I take care of it. I'd rather not have money involved, if its all the same to you.

I do actually want a free place to live. I'll help build it or whatever, but I'm fucking done compromising with landlord parasites; watched too many of their victims die.

I do not want corporations to be unprofitable; I want them dismantled and their boards executed. worker co-ops are cool. individual enterprise is cool. no more exploitation, no more not having a voice.

I think the entire concept we have of 'democracy' is absolutely cucked. I could write some essays on what real democracy looks like, but the short version is: fuck your bourgoise elections.

kill the billionaires; tjwyre literal monsters who drink children's blood steal and transfuse the blood of the young to grasp vainly at eternal youth while burning our futures. no problem with your party yacht if its green and you built it with your friends, but I think we need a reset on 'wealth'.

CurlyWurlies4All , avatar

Glad I was not the only one who was reading these points and questioning why the fuck wouldn't I be fighting for free healthcare and housing. These aren't impossible goals.

melpomenesclevage ,

these are incredibly basic 'minimum first world country' shit.

most peripheral ('third world')countries have at least half of these. a few manage all of them, albeit with a much lower standard of medical care, because they don't have things like reliable electricity.

these are incredibly moderate, even conservative ideas, and the only systems they could possibly disrupt are the most rabidly unselfconsciously exploitative. if you're against any of these; you're anti civilization.

return2ozma , avatar

Where's Eat The Rich?

melpomenesclevage ,

yeah I'm down for some ol fashioned neighborhood community guillotine building.

SuddenDownpour ,

I don't want my money for nothing; I want a job that pays for my basic needs

Nah fuck that. We live in a time where technology allows for universal material luxury and plenty of time off. If you're working, you deserve both to have your basic needs met and luxuries.

melpomenesclevage ,

yeah. we've been creating more and more eficiences, or so every single tucking source has told me; through technology, economies of scale, and expertise. just like non fucking stop for the past 200 years.

so if we're working at least as much as people did 200 years ago, some heads need to fucking roll.

InternetUser2012 ,

I want the government to server the people. NOT the corporations and churches. Keep your religion to yourself and tax churches. (at least the bullshit big ones)

OpenPassageways ,

When it comes to tax exemptions for religion, I'm in favor of removing them all.

Religions should be treated as non-profits, if they don't want to pay taxes they need to file paperwork that shows the money is being used for expenses or charitable purposes, and there should be transparency to ensure that if they're doing shady shit like sending donated money to Italy or paying pastors millions or buying private jets, then at least that information is public.

melpomenesclevage ,

honestly in most places this would be sufficient, but in america I think we need to just ban it all for a few decades first.

Schadrach ,

Make them legally split into two entities - one that does the religious stuff and one that does the charitable stuff. The latter is a non-profit and can be treated like any other charity. The former should be taxed like any other corporation. The religious side can of course donate to the non-profit and get the accompanying tax break for charitable donation if it wants, but then that funding has to be used for charitable purposes.

littlebluespark , avatar

Keep your outdated superstition to yourself, and tax or abolish churches.

There, FTFY

Asafum ,

Number 1 is hitting super fucking hard currently, not just with healthcare but science. I'm so fucking angry to see year after year after year NASA gets a budget cut and the fucking military gets yet another massive increase...

It's to the point now that NASA had to decide what currently running missions to cancel not just what future missions are now unfeasible... Chandra X-ray telescope is the only one we have and the entire global X-ray science community relies on it... We're now forced to give it the axe so we can shovel more money at Boeing, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin....

My entire life this is all I've ever seen. More military, less science. More military, no healthcare.

melpomenesclevage ,

and nobody fucking wants it but the billionaires! its great.

direct action or nothing.

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