some_guy ,

What the actual fuck?

snooggums , avatar

There is no way to know wheher he spewed out that word salad without confirmation.

Almost half of eligibile US voters voted for him in the last two elections and will again this fall. Those voters get a disproportionate number of electoral college votes.

It should be terrifying, but at this point it is just depressing that so many in this country would rather listen to some trust fund rapist criminal sound like someone actively having a stroke than admit that their fellow citizens are people who derserve rights.

chemical_cutthroat , avatar
RedditWanderer ,

"there is no way to know without confirmation". Yes there is a way, it's all recorded.

snooggums , avatar

That would be confirmation...

RedditWanderer , (edited )

Yeah thats confirmation. Youre implying it doesn't exist

snooggums , avatar

No, your reading comprehension sucks and you are inferring things that are not there.

RedditWanderer ,

Your sentence makes 0 sense if you know these are recorded lmao. "We can't know without the proof that exists but I haven't looked for".

No wonder Trump is going to win with people like you on the other side who can't even make a coherent point.

snooggums , avatar

Get some sleep then go back and read the first post again. The whole post, not just the first sentence.

Then name any other politician where you wouldn't dismiss this kind of word salad as a 4chan troll meme without confirming first. You can't do that with Trump, it is necessary to confirm whether or not he said it by watching the video.

jj4211 ,

I will agree that the first sentence just doesn't make sense, and isn't connected to the rest. Maybe you meant something like "it's disappointing that this is so typical that people don't even have reason to look for confirmation when with any other human we'd be skeptical by default". As written, it just says implies there no confirmation, then starts bemoaning the quote that was said. I guess you meant that confirmation would be a way to know, but to raise that question implies generally skepticism about confirmation.

snooggums , avatar

It does NOT imply anything about being skeptical of confirmation or that there is a lack of one.

It is a comment about how incoherently he talks that seemingly random gibberish could come out of his mouth and you have to check to see if it is real or just some random internet comedian making a meme.

jj4211 ,

I mean, you had several people instantly respond with confirmation, under the impression you were demanding it, or declaring that there was confirmation, thinking that you were in denial about that. I understand it wasn't your intention to imply, but it's just feedback to let you know, as written, it was easy to not take it the way you intended.

snooggums , avatar

Seems like the vast majority of people understood, and even the clearest message will be misunderstood by someone who infers something that wasn't there.

psycho_driver ,

Oh man, I can't wait for the very near future when all videos will be disputed as being deepfakes.

dditty , avatar

But then I would have to watch a video of Trump gibberish.

DrBob ,

There is no way to know wheher he spewed out that word salad without confirmation.


Zehzin , avatar

When you didn't do your report in 5th grade

Grobmobularb ,

This is probably the most lucid he’s sounded in months too. What a fucking joke of a human.

Tylerdurdon ,

What a nice fella, making us all feel really good about our historical knowledge, however meager.

rigatti , avatar

Is this a real quote? I can't tell.

snooggums , avatar

It is, and it is a shame that he has a chance to be elected a second time by riling up a base with auch incoherent gibberish.

I mean if some 4chan troll put something like that on a screenshot of Biden we would know it is fake. But with Trump we need confirmation to know whether it is fake or real, because he regularly babbles incoherently.

FuglyDuck , avatar

once, to prove a point, I found a picture of the turd wearing khaki pants and pixelated his lower half.

I showed that picture to certain idiots in my extended family and they got incredibly pissed that I was calling out trump for being unprecedented.

"Yeah. but you didn't even question if it was real. didn't even stop to wonder if trump flashed an entire rally or whatever that was, of people."

Spiralvortexisalie ,

So you perpetuate fake news to achieve your goal? And only the other guys are the baddies? Because Reasons?

FuglyDuck , (edited ) avatar


I made no assertions about the validity of the photo and explained it to them. It was in the context of just how presidentially unfit Trump was, and the whole point was that they believed it was real- which kind of requires telling them it’s not real.

You’re being intentionally ignorant.

Kind of like those certain idiots I was talking with. You’re so indoctrinated that you’re screaming “fake news” at something that was never presented as fucking news. When the picture was presented as suspicious to begin with. And that was the point.

doublejay1999 , avatar

That he can stand on stage, and talk such incoherent gibberish and attract crowds, and receive applause reflects badly on us all.

TokenBoomer OP ,

Yes it does. And it’s not easily fixed.

Asafum ,

Once upon a time a weird yell "disqualified" you from running for president...

What a quaint time.

klemptor ,

I can still hear it in my head. What a simpler time.

Spiralvortexisalie , This is bad, but Rapist vs Genocide Joe is okay. The media is run by rich people who are against us.

Cryophilia ,

If you're a Democrat, literally anything or nothing at all can disqualify you.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Would it though?

A woman at an Adlai Stevenson rally said, "Governor, every thinking person will be voting for you."

Stevenson replied, "Madam, that's not enough. I need a majority."

Eisenhower beat him in the election. Because Eisenhower might have been smart, but people voted for him because he was famous.

Asafum ,

According to their own campaign they say they'd probably have lost anyway due to disorganization, but the media still really let him have it over a dumb yell lol

BeatTakeshi , avatar

Could someone explain the meme to non US netizens? Wikipedia tells me there was a battle alright. Or is it just his generally poor language?

Fixbeat ,

It sounds like he wanted to say something profound about the battle of Gettysburg, but realized that he didn't know shit about it, so he just started blathering.

snooggums , avatar

Which is his normal approach to giving speeches.

jordanlund , avatar

The Battle of Gettysburg was a key battle during the US Civil war, and occurred just before the July 4th holiday, 1863.

The North won, and it was largely considered to be the turning point of the war.

What I think this meme is pointing and laughing at is that President Lincoln gave one of the most important speeches of his, or, frankly any Presidents career, four months later.

Whereas Trump babbles like a moron with little comprenshion of what he's saying or trying to say.

danc4498 ,

So horrible in so many ways

TurtleJoe , avatar

It's the fact that he's confused and talking in circles.

In fact, I would bet that this transcription has been cleaned up, and that he was unable to say "Gettysburg" correctly. He was probably saying something like, "Gettish-bur" because he has dementia.

iluminae ,

The word salad is something - but that venue is over 2hr away from Gettysburg, PA.

Like going to Augusta, GA and saying "Atlanta, oh Atlanta. Atlanta, Atlanta, Atlanta...."

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