In My Mind

topinambour_rex , (edited ) in I've Been To Over 20 Homeschool Conferences. The Things I've Witnessed At Them Shocked Me. avatar

Interesting article. I like how it is written.

ITypeWithMyDick ,

Interesting comment. I like how it is written.

KillerTofu ,

Interesting approach, I like how you wrote it.

TheMusicalFruit ,

Interesting observation, I like that you noticed

numberfour002 ,

Interesting, like, I approach how you wrote it.

SkyezOpen ,

Blackboard flashbacks.

Also you're very skilled at typing with your dick.

czardestructo , avatar

I really enjoyed the writing style. Refreshing and raw. I could smell the coffee.

Ellvix , in I've Been To Over 20 Homeschool Conferences. The Things I've Witnessed At Them Shocked Me. avatar

Very nice. At the end she mentions a sort of hail mary change of approach, would love to see a follow up later.

Kiryu , (edited ) in I've Been To Over 20 Homeschool Conferences. The Things I've Witnessed At Them Shocked Me. avatar

So far as I am aware the majority of the homeschooling and religious private school industry really didn’t pop up until after the federal government mandated racially integrated schools. Until that point it appears most Americans didn’t have an issue with public schooling for their children. What a strange coincidence.

water ,

Same thing happened with public pools

Dkarma ,

Nah they just closed the public pools.

agent_flounder , (edited ) in I've Been To Over 20 Homeschool Conferences. The Things I've Witnessed At Them Shocked Me. avatar

A mom enters our booth in the exhibitor hall in Missouri. “OK, my daughter loves Harriet Tubman. Tell me what you got!” she says.

I explain our product, how we use historical women to teach girls about their worth and potential. The mother says: “But is it woke? I mean, I don’t want to teach my daughter about woke.”


“What do you mean, ‘woke’?” I ask.

She opens her mouth. Half-words and phrases stumble and tumble around. A few talking points from news sources fall out. Finally, she sighs. “I don’t know. Just tell me again what you write.”


It's all feelings. Pavlovian training. "Woke" evokes feelings of fear and outrage. There's no cognition behind it just simple instinct.

PS: when having to decompress and remind themselves why they go to these right wing home schooling conventions "B" says:

“Your thing is changing the conversation,” he says. “Changing the conversation on beauty culture. Changing the conversation on how we raise empowered girls. How about we change the conversation about feminism at these events?”

That's a hell of a good reason. Ok sure they make money too but doesn't sound like that's the only motivation and maybe not even the primary one.

They say they're throwing up before the convention (presumably due to the dread of dealing with these infuriating nutjobs).

If they're that stressed by it all and still Go through with it, exposing small minded people to more egalitarian ideas, then kudos to them. I'm not sure if I could deal with this kind of thing on a regular basis.

d1tt0 , in I've Been To Over 20 Homeschool Conferences. The Things I've Witnessed At Them Shocked Me. avatar

every day we stray further from logic and dive deeper into idiocracy.

drink the brawndo. it has what you need.

HootinNHollerin , in Forced to Change: Tech Giants Bow to Global Onslaught of Rules

Title and picture are definitely sided with the tech companies like big bad gov man instead of long overdue

SnokenKeekaGuard OP Mod , (edited ) avatar

Yeah I don't like that either

Orbituary , in Is It a Crush or Have You Fallen Into Limerence? avatar

Well, shit. I've experienced this before.

SnokenKeekaGuard OP Mod , avatar

Theres a few really cool feelings that we don't know the names to and so don't talk about enough and can't understand as well.

Sonder is a word for the feeling for when you realize everyone around you has their own story and life.

Vemödalen is the fear that everything has already been done.

Anemoia means nostalgia for a time you've never known.

I love these words.

baritone_edge , in When did humans start wearing clothes?

When it first got cold I'll bet.

SnokenKeekaGuard OP Mod , avatar

Good guess

SendMePhotos , in Flowers are starting to spread in Antarctica and experts say that's not good news

God... God's... Please help. Individually, we really give a shit.. But collectively, humans are a disgrace. Everything is out of whack. Help!

I_Has_A_Hat ,

8 billion people on the planet, and yet somehow if feels like if we were to get rid of about... 10k specific people, most of our problems would suddenly be so easy to solve.

EdibleFriend , avatar

It wouldn't be that hard

DABDA , avatar

Meditations on Moloch

Moloch is introduced as the answer to a question – C. S. Lewis’ question in Hierarchy Of Philosophers – what does it? Earth could be fair, and all men glad and wise. Instead we have prisons, smokestacks, asylums. What sphinx of cement and aluminum breaks open their skulls and eats up their imagination?

And Ginsberg answers: Moloch does it.

There’s a passage in the Principia Discordia where Malaclypse complains to the Goddess about the evils of human society. “Everyone is hurting each other, the planet is rampant with injustices, whole societies plunder groups of their own people, mothers imprison sons, children perish while brothers war.”

The Goddess answers: “What is the matter with that, if it’s what you want to do?”

Malaclypse: “But nobody wants it! Everybody hates it!”

Goddess: “Oh. Well, then stop.”

The implicit question is – if everyone hates the current system, who perpetuates it? And Ginsberg answers: “Moloch”. It’s powerful not because it’s correct – nobody literally thinks an ancient Carthaginian demon causes everything – but because thinking of the system as an agent throws into relief the degree to which the system isn’t an agent.

RedditWanderer , in Musk wanted to use Tesla cameras to spy on drivers and win autopilot lawsuits

Surprised Pikachu

nick , in Musk wanted to use Tesla cameras to spy on drivers and win autopilot lawsuits

Utter shock.

drwankingstein , in Musk wanted to use Tesla cameras to spy on drivers and win autopilot lawsuits

I am weirdly conflicted on this, On one hand, massive piracy invasion, on the other hand, cars are probably doing this anyways and this seems like a no-brainer.

well not that I will ever get a smart car to begin with

MiltownClowns ,

The water's already hot. What could a few more degrees hurt?


RestrictedAccount , in Musk wanted to use Tesla cameras to spy on drivers and win autopilot lawsuits

You know, this means he already saw what was on it.

nucleative , in Musk wanted to use Tesla cameras to spy on drivers and win autopilot lawsuits

Who owns the camera? The owner or Tesla? Tesla hypothetically knows that the data should exist so can potentially subpoena it in any cases where it might help them. Hopefully Tesla owners haven't been signing user agreements that grants Tesla access to the data already.

littlebluespark , in 3,300-year-old tablet from mysterious Hittite Empire describes catastrophic invasion of four cities avatar

So, what happened‽

SnokenKeekaGuard OP Mod , avatar

According to a translation by Mark Weeden, an associate professor of ancient Middle Eastern languages at University College London, the first six lines of cuneiform text on the tablet say, in the Hittite language, that "four cities, including the capital, Hattusa, are in disaster," while the remaining 64 lines are a prayer in the Hurrian language asking for victory.

The Hittites used the Hurrian language for religious ceremonies, Matsumura told Live Science, and it appears that the tablet is a record of a sacred ritual performed by the Hittite king.

"The find of the Hurrian tablet means that the religious ritual at Büklükale was performed by the Hittite king," he said in an email. "It indicates that, at the least, the Hittite king came to Büklükale … and performed the ritual."

littlebluespark , avatar

Intriguing, certainly. 🤓🤘🏽

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