bdonvr ,

If you can sound confident in a reddit-y way, being right doesn't matter. If it seems like the threads going that way just disengage, it's not worth it.

OhNoMoreLemmy ,

My favourite thing about this is that most of the AIs like chatgpt and its copycats use Reddit as a source of data.

Then they make shit up, sound confident, and mislead people.

All it needs to do is also repeat the same four tired memes, and it would be a high karma user.

Kusimulkku ,

One important aspect is to make a snarky comment starting with "it's almost as if".

anarchyrabbit ,

I left Reddit after the fuck spez debacle and haven't looked back. I occasionally go to reddit through Google for some specific things. But I don't log in or engage in the content besides reading what I was looking for. And I use my ad blocker so that dickward spez doesn't get anything from me.

But yeah I suppose this is more about mods. They think they have so much power at the end of they day it's a fucking forum, that is not much power.

umulu , avatar

Same thing here!

SonnyVabitch ,

And my axe!

BlemboTheThird ,

Eddrit is a great frontend replacement, in the same vein as nitter. Take any reddit link and replace the front with

limelight79 ,

Mods on reddit didn't have the power to slow down the rate of posting. That sounds like anon was posting so much the site's anti-spam measures kicked in. As always we're only hearing one side of the story here.

umulu , avatar

You might be right. But I am glad that I left Reddit. I was spending way to much time there.

The only thing I miss is learning about a lot of stuff from specific subreddit's

limelight79 ,

Yeah, the "hobby" communities here definitely don't have the momentum they had on reddit.

rickyrigatoni , avatar

If you get mass downvoted your account gets rate limited for ten minutes, too. Happened to me once when I had the audacity to say I didn't think Skyrim was all that great.

rbos , avatar

I also have criticisms of Skyrim. I mean, it's fine, and genre defining, bit doesn't hold up super well.

rickyrigatoni , avatar

Death sentence.

MindSkipperBro12 ,

If the writing was better on some parts, it would hold up better.

rbos , avatar

Yeah. And the worldbuilding isn't great. Like the magic system is wide but not deep, and isn't well integrated into the society. I'd rather they cut it down to like ten spells and actually had them feature in the world. Some spells are absolutely bonkers in the effect that they would have on the economy, for instance transmutation and "summon sword".

MindSkipperBro12 ,

I always hated how you can be the king of every guild but it never means a damn thing. Characters like Delphine just needs to be taken out back and shot.

Stealth archer is way too powerful compared to any other run, especially with how powerful the enemies would get later on.

limelight79 ,

Ah. I wonder if EA went through that with their massively unpopular comment about having a sense of achievement.

Having not played it, or really any other games, I have no opinion on Skyrim. It's insane to downvote people because they dislike something like that. But that will happen here on Lemmy, too.

FlihpFlorp ,

IMO Skyrim is good, has its flaws but i find it fun. Modding is really where it shines for me, I can make my game truly unique.

Unfortunately they decided to update it nothing big but so many mods broke, I almsot got my mods going again and another update drops.

I’m buying the older version of skyrim but for better or worse it’s unlisted on steam so it’s very unlikely it will be updated

zarkanian , avatar

Lemmy isn't any different in that respect.

anarchyrabbit ,

I guess you are right in that regard. Maybe the difference the is that there is no monetization being driven from the top to force the hands of mods.

Fizz , avatar

The modlog is such a great feature of lemmy.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

1,000% agree. Almost as if it's designed to be used by a community of people working together and not by a ruling class deciding what's permissible and nonpermissable for the peasants who are blessed to exist on their server 🙂.

DdCno1 ,

This transparency does come with the side effect of shattering the hope that moderators in the lemmyverse are any better than those on any other part of the Internet though. It's the same little lords ruling over their little fiefdoms.

Maestro ,

That just being human. It sucks but it's universal. Look at the police, politics (local and national), HOAs, churches, etc.

onion ,

That's why all fiefdoms in the Holy Aggregator Empire of Upvote Nation have joined the Schengen Agreement

jak ,

I don’t think it’s available in voyager, which is afaik the only extant iOS app that’s not in beta. I miss it

sjmarf , avatar

Mlem is still under constant development (source: am Mlem developer), but Voyager is the most feature-complete at the moment by far. I don’t know of any other iOS clients still in development. Unfortunately Memmy’s development seems to have halted :(

jak ,

I saw that on the list, but I thought “in development” was the step before beta testing- can you already use mlem?

I miss liftoff :(

sjmarf , (edited ) avatar

Mlem has been out of beta testing for a while; it’s available on the App Store. It offers all of the Lemmy features that the average user would use, except for post searching. It doesn’t yet support moderation/administration features.

Although the app is fully out, we still improve it over time by releasing feature updates every few months (we’re planning to release an update this week, actually). That’s what I mean when I say “in constant development”.

It’s vital that a Lemmy client has at least one active developer. When a new version of Lemmy is released, “breaking changes” are often included. These changes by the Lemmy developers require the client developers to modify their apps to support the new system. If there aren’t any developers left to make those modifications, the app can stop working.

To gauge whether an app is still being developed, you can take a look at their GitHub/GitLab page. It tells you how recently the source code of the app was last modified. Voyager and Mlem both had changes less than a day ago, whereas Memmy hasn’t been touched for several months.

What happened to Liftoff? I’m out of the loop

jak ,

Thank you!

Liftoff was never updated to version 19, so it still has the logout problem and it doesn’t load posts well anymore :(

I’d prefer an app in development!

rickyrigatoni , avatar

Too bad it doesn't do its job of holding mods accountable yet. Look at the mod log and you still see plenty of mods and admins removing valid posts for wrongthink.

balderdash9 , avatar

Yep. The rules are so vague that the mods get to decide what breaks the rules based on what they personally dislike.

Fizz , avatar

That's the users job not the platform.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Now do

Metal_Zealot , avatar

Lol there's a difference?

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

You probably won't get banned or rate limited

Ilovethebomb ,

I've gotten a ban from world news on world, they're basically reddit at this point.

mozz Admin , (edited )
mozz avatar

I looked up your comment in the modlog just to see; if it's the one I see, you got banned from which is a little different. They make no pretense of fairness.

That said, based on the comment that's fuckin ridiculous. I don't agree with you, but I can't understand the point of a communication network where as soon as someone busts out an opinion the operators don't like, they remove them from the community. It's like lighting a big red beacon "MY OPINIONS CANNOT TOLERATE AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO DISAGREE." It's one thing if you're insulting some person in the channel or something, but it was clearly just your geopolitical opinion.

Then again, it is; it's run by people who idolize leaders who imprison or torture people who try to disagree, so count yourself lucky that they're not in charge of anything beyond their little server I guess. I tried to debate with the tankies when I first showed up here and at this point my approach is just to unsubscribe and move on.

Edit: Just because I reread this and I'm still irritated at it somehow. My breaking point with was when I was arguing with some people, and someone else showed up in the thread and I was talking with him, and the people I was arguing with were using the new guy's opinions as some kind of "gotcha" against me. Like, this guy believes this, and you're supporting him, so clearly you're on his side (I wasn't), and you agree with him (I definitely didn't), and we can hold you responsible for anything he says because you're not attacking him.

Like, they could not process the idea that I might be talking to someone who had a different opinion than me, and it could be okay. They thought if he said flip, and I thought it was flop, I had to instantly start screaming at him about how flop was the way, and everything else had to stop, and if i didn't do that I wasn't a good flop-supporter. And so they seemed like they legitimately thought that if I wasn't doing that it meant I secretly supported flip, because that was what they would do, is just scream (figuratively speaking) at anyone who didn't agree with them completely on everything they considered important, until they "won" (i.e. the person gave up and left).

I realized there was nothing for me there, and unsubscribed from anything world-event-related on immediately, and so far it's proven to be a good decision.

Ilovethebomb ,

That's this account, I've also been banned from the world news .world community on a different account.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

Ah. I'm still a little curious whether it was for actual opinions or for being a jerk or etc. For what it's worth I got banned from tons of stuff on reddit; I complained in one sub about being banned from another and quoted the thing that got me banned, and everyone started falling out of their chairs saying holy shit dude I'm not surprised, that message is a fuckin doozy. Like okay then, tell me why it's wrong, don't just shriek and run away and grab the banhammer.

It's a tough thing. I do get the necessity to police people doing personal attacks or blatant racism or spam to keep the community OK, but I don't get how it seems like it always escalates to the list of allowed opinions and disallowed opinions.

pelespirit , avatar

The admins on world are trolls, I don't know about the lead dude though. I've been either banned or shadow banned there, my stuff isn't showing up except to the original poster sometimes. It's very odd. I'm almost fully switched over to not posting, but sometimes I do by accident. World sucks.

Ilovethebomb ,

World really is reddit 2.0, with all the idiocy best left behind.

pelespirit , avatar

It absolutely has those vibes, I wonder if it's owned by reddit or maybe meta? They seem to be doing things I think they would do. It could just be someone who wants to start their own reddit too. All just guesses, but I'm done with them.

Ilovethebomb ,

I think a lot of the communities on world were set up by disgruntled Reddit moderators, so that's where the vibe comes from.

pelespirit , avatar

For me, it's not the communities, I've found them awesome. It's the admins that are shit.

Cheradenine ,

I got a 3 day ban from news on .ml for posting a link to Media Bias Fact Check. I wasn't OP, just posted the link with a summary when someone asked about OP's source. I would imagine OP got sent for Re-Education.

cashews_best_nut , avatar

I made two similar posts on CasualUK:

  1. My shit smells old
  2. I like the smell of my feet

The second one got deleted for being NSFW. :/ There was NOTHING sexual in it - I just like the smell of my feet.

BigFatNips ,

Sir, this is a Wendy's.

Thcdenton ,

I banned them first! Checkmate atheists!

zarkanian , avatar

The platform is identical to reddit. The users are former reddit users. Of course it's going to be like reddit.

TheDoozer , (edited )

I was threatened with a ban because I commented on a Harry Potter book being burned, saying that it was ironic that crazy Fundamentalists (who believe magic is real and evil) and people who don't support TERF assholes somehow share this one, random cause.

The reason for the removal and the threat of a ban was something to the extent of "Hurr-Durr, mah both sides" which... oh, my head, the bad reading comprehension there.

It was not on any LGBTQ+ or trans specific instance, either. It was, like, memes (edit: it was 196).

Point is, there's dumb people who want to abuse power everywhere, in every group, and always will be. Even the best causes and best groups. Especially in the worst causes and worst groups, though. I'M NOT BOTH-SIDES-ING, DON'T BAN ME.

mozz Admin ,
mozz avatar

crazy Fundamentalists (who believe magic is real and evil) and people who don't support TERF assholes somehow share this one, random cause

You literally made me laugh out loud. Well done.

TheDoozer ,

I'm glad you found it funny, because apparently a mod didn't.

shneancy ,

tbf 196 is basically a trans instance

Forester , avatar

The lead moderator of 196 Moss is a Hamas apologist and authoritarian turd. I was banned because I said fuck Hamas fuck the IDF. Both of the governments freely use the civilian population as currency in their political games. Apparently pointing out that the Palestinians are getting double -fisted is a No-No when one of the fists is Hamas.

_Sprite , avatar

196 moment

OpenStars , avatar

I mean... *we* don't.:-P

Toes , avatar

Gotta cite your facts when it's about such controversial facts.

fuckwit_mcbumcrumble ,

Bold of you to assume that they can read.

lvxferre , avatar

In Reddit it doesn't really matter. You can cite the best sources ever, use a pristine logic, and the local irrationals will still find some excuse to believe in whatever.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Just like literally everywhere else

lvxferre , avatar

You do see plenty of that in most places, but I feel like it's way worse in Reddit. As if there was something there reinforcing it. (Perhaps the local culture? I have no idea.)

zarkanian , avatar

It's the voting system. Truth is not democratic.

lvxferre , (edited ) avatar

I don't disagree that the voting system (specially karma) plays a role, but I think that Reddit embraces oversimplifications a bit too much, and that's part of the problem - because then you get both sides discussing if 2+2 is 3 or 5, and if you say "it's 4" nobody will bat an eye (except to screech at you).

In special, three types of false dichotomy:

  • no gradation: 50 is either 0 or 100.
  • no third category: since apples and bananas are different from each other, then grapes must be either a type of apple or a type of banana.
  • no superset or subset: if all bananas are fruits, then all fruits are bananas.

You do see those things in Lemmy too, but nowhere as much as in Reddit; and it has consequences everywhere, including political discussion. Or in 4chan - as much as their userbases hate each other, they fall for the same logical traps.

DavidGarcia ,

reddit attracts a certain special kind of moron, it's like a honey pot for them

DragonTypeWyvern ,


M137 , avatar

Nah, it's just as bad everywhere else online, IMO. Youtube and Facebook (including instagram, etc.) comments are unusually bad, though. The general feeling on any social media is that seemingly everyone is falling over themselves and others in a race to be so incredibly stupid and ignorant that it's gone several levels lower than should be possible.

DavidGarcia ,

I would classify the people on YouTube and Faceboom as a completely different class of special morons. They are all unique in their stupidity.

poke ,

I've seen threads just like that on Lemmy, too. People will act like people.

Rolder ,

The other key factor is to not be an insufferable dickhead when you’re posting. You can post the truest facts known to man but if you come across as a smug asshole then people will naturally be inclined to think your wrong.

lvxferre , avatar

I feel like your tone plays next to no part on that. If they agree and you're rude, your rudeness becomes "justified"; if they don't agree and you're rude, they'll play the victim, assume (yet another sign of stupidity) that you're angry, or even "u rude than ur rong lol lmao".

Same deal with explanation length; make it succinct and to-the-point and they'll assume words on your mouth, make it verbose and well-explained and they'll distort it.

In my old community (here, in Lemmy - showing that the problem is not exclusive to Reddit) I scolded people like this, even when I happened to agree with them. I could've banned them, but I have no idea on how to approach this in large scale.

[Sorry for the rambling.]

kautau ,
balderdash9 , avatar

All that matters is whether you're speaking for or against the prevailing assumptions of the site/the subreddit. Most people on the internet are not experts on the topic but somehow already have their minds made up.

Kusimulkku ,

I've cited nonexistent sources before. It seems convincing and nobody actually checks, so the other guy got downvoted because I got sources. I can imagine they weren't happy about it, seemed like they actually knew their shit.

RightHandOfIkaros ,

Average internet interaction be like:

FunkyMonk ,

Really? I take the opposing stance because i'm BUILT DIFRENT, get tilted other sentience, trolololo /s

shani66 ,

God, i hope we get shadowrun style vr one day so we can literally electrocute those kindsa 'people'

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