Off My Chest

Wanangwa_Bamidele , in Here's how my wonderful week has gone...

So, what is $3200 for.
Is it all the damage, or cost of have someone fix your damage, or cost car repair ?

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

Cutting down the tree that hasn't completely fallen off the trunk (the one that hit the neighbors' house) and getting rid of all the others since they were way too heavy for us to lift and our chainsaw is electric, which doesn't help when the power is out.

Ledivin , in I get irritated when I check out a community and there is no content on it.

if you're community is over an hour old and has nothing on it


Lemmy has like 1000 people on it, you need to either chill or work on being some sort of ambassador if your want content.

TootSweet ,

More like 45,000 according to the monthly active users metric on FediDB. Though your point still stands. It's still quite niche.

Blaze , avatar

being some sort of ambassador if your want content.

With 1.23K Posts, OP kind of is

maegul , avatar

Yea, holy shit. That’s about 4 posts a day for a straight year.

brbposting , in I miss text-based tutorials

Feel it. Sometimes prefer a video in certain circumstances. Those who offer both are tops.

A limited, imperfect solution: add “transcript” after YouTube in the URL.

Can try to use control/command F to find relevant parts.

Korne127 , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

Honestly, I'm 21 years old and 95% of tutorials I consume are text-based. For really complex stuff or really niche stuff, sometimes only a video exists, but I think text is a big norm. That can be because I'm in software development though as most things are documented by text and most tutorials in that area are text-based.

LinkOpensChest_wav , in I miss text-based tutorials avatar

It's not perfect, but usually I can ctl+F and find the part I'm looking for

I fully agree. Text based tutorials are so much more convenient and becoming scarcer all the time.

Alice , in I have officially lost ten pounds since returning home from a foreign country last year. avatar


I'm jk lol sheesh

ParabolicMotion OP ,

I actually did dose myself with wormwood tea and take some pyrantel after coming back to America. I had been living off of tap water that was sourced from a lake that had leeches, and wasn’t chlorinated after being taken from that source. Now every time I see water with bubbles in it, I make a joke that it’s leeches breathing in the water.

eyeon , in I feel no remorse about save scumming in video games

it depends on the game imo. in the end so what it takes to enjoy it it's your free time. but it's also easy to remove the enjoyment entirely, and at some point you are better off just modding what you want in.

Nethacks a good example of that. permadeath is pretty key to the way the game was designed. restoring a backup save file does help when youre starting out but then why not just enable explorer mode and keep going?

Or if you're reloading saves in bg3 every time the dice rolls are bad.. why not just get a mod to do infinite rerolls or always roll perfectly?

streetfestival , in Walked into the office today to see people had been discussing me avatar

That is a lot of crap to go through. I think your math degree, licensure, and love of your career are really impressive and admirable. I've hated my job for years, and am finally in a 1-year transition to leave it. It takes time to get things in order, and I don't even have kids. Are there any local women in academia groups you can access for some fellowship and/or to evaluate whether the working environment is better in other nearby universities? It sounds like a better working environment would be a big boost, and might even help a bit with personal matters, like bearing your parents' under-recognition of your professional accomplishments. I know this doesn't sweeten working in a bad environment that much, but the people passing their time by judging you on superficial aspects of your life are just superficial people, perhaps desperately focused on trying maintain an appearance of having their own things in order

ParabolicMotion OP ,

Thank you for understanding. From about 2017 to 2020 it became quite a living hell, since I felt forced out of my career at that point. Some people have been really understanding and supportive, but that isn’t always the case. I have been trying to return to my career, hoping things will improve, once I have a contracted position again. People like my parents will still not treat me any better because of it, though, I’m sure. I have a job interview for a contracted position with salary. That job offer is for a state in the Deep South. I’m female. I’m separated. I’m in my 30’s. I don’t know how they’ll react to me if I move there. I have hundreds of relatives in the South, but I have never even met some of them, and many of them hate democrats, I’m sure. Wish me luck, right? If you see me running to an airport in Alabama with my luggage flying open, in a hurry to high tail it out of town, you’ll know it didn’t go well!

streetfestival , avatar

I hope the interview goes well! I'll be rooting for you

ParabolicMotion OP ,


Zidane , (edited ) in Next week marks 5 months without sodas or caffeine

Hell yeah! Haven't had any caffeine in 12 years. I have a pic somewhere of my dr pepper/monster/chic fila cup collection from a single semester of college (I'll try in a few hours and see if I can find the pics found it lol all of those drawers were full btw & pic number two). Shit was kinda wild.

Alice , in I deleted pasts posts with personal information in them after at least two users admitted to doxing me avatar

Admins can purge the mod. Log. Ask them to do that. I don't know why they didn't. That's messed up

ParabolicMotion OP ,

I reported the comments to the mods, but I never received a reply.

Blaze , avatar

There seems to be only one mod here, and they were last active 8 days ago. You might want to reach out to LW admins.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

How do I reach the LW mods via the mobile app? I don’t see a place to find their usernames on here.

Alice , avatar

Girl DM me ill fucking help you seriously hit me up this is ridiculous

Alice , avatar

Go directly to the server instance admin. They're the ones operating the software on their computer they should be liable.

Community mod is just any dumb ass off the street. They only have a ban and remove button and don't operate or have access to the software and database like SERVER admins do

I'm not saying that to scold you. I'm just trying to let you know, so you're aware you know what I mean, that's all

mycoffeeisready , in The staggeringly-idiotic company Brother (printers) won't let you update your email (which is your account name), but also won't let you register the same printer on a new account (with the new email)

This is why i havent bought my own printer. That shit is a scam industry. 15 years ago printers already had plenty of issues and now it's only gotten worse with this type of shenanigans

givesomefucks ,

Brothers is one of the few good brands left...

The only reason to register is a warranty, but I've never heard of anyone needing to use one for one of these.

OP is complaining that it's slightly difficult to do something with no benefits no one is making them do...

betterdeadthanreddit , in I'm never going to buy anything from Temu

Are these ads in your browser and, if so, does your browser support the extension uBlock Origin?

iamdisillusioned ,

I've started seeing them in a few free apps on my phone.

ALERT , in Here's how my wonderful week has gone... avatar

I'm from Ukraine. Wanna hear how my week went?
Be brave and stand your ground.

FlyingSquid OP , avatar

I'm sorry you're going through that, but I hope we're not going to have a "how bad has our week" been comparison and accept that for different people "bad week" can mean different things, but that doesn't make the person who has had that bad week feel any better.

Someone from Gaza could say the same to you, after all.

ParabolicMotion , in I’ve become self-centered instead of self-absorbed

Have you considered local volunteer work? You could go give blood. You could visit a retirement home and bring some board games for the residents to play. Just some ideas. I don’t think you’re self centered. You reflect on how you can be less self centered, and most self centered people don’t do that.

callouscomic , in I was awarded my 3 gallon award today for blood donations.

In a world where cadavers get used for military explosions rather than actual science, ehhh, I'm not so sure most people would wanna know.

ParabolicMotion OP ,

No, there have been several cases in America where cadaver dogs have been used in rural areas to find dead bodies. They use them all the time to solve cold cases, and to locate bodies when a suspect finally confesses and says where the victim is buried.

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