Framework Laptop Community

socialpankakemix , in First Framework Laptop 16 shipments and a $499 Framework Laptop

Each laptop is pre-packaged with a Framework screwdriver only. Memory, storage, WiFi, Power Adapter, Operating System, and Expansion Cards are not included. You can bring your own or pick them up in the Framework Marketplace.

so it's not "really" under 500. still a good deal I might buy if I had the cash.

Elk0287 , in Direct USB-C Plug-in Question

Yeah sure. The USB-C card is essentially an extender meant to reduce the ware and tear on the motherboards ports and make it flush.

recursive_recursion OP , avatar

reduce the wear and tear on the motherboard's ports

ahhh you're right I forgot about that

hmm guess buying the expansion ports might still be better for me when thinking about the long term use then

thanks!🤗 +1

Dudewitbow ,

more or less a lot of the decisions of ports ultimately is because of durability. its why some people are wondering why the audio jack wasnt included and integrated into the FW16. the answer is that if it breaks, you can replace it easily. (despite how wasteful it sounds to use a port on audio)

velox_vulnus , in How easy is it to run stable diffusion on framework’s amd graphics card? avatar

It won't run. Don't try to damage your laptop. This should be done on a desktop or a server in the first place.

s12 OP , avatar

I don’t have the space for a desktop/server yet, hence I’m considering a graphics card laptop.
What do you mean by “ It won’t run. Don’t try to damage your laptop.”? What road-block prevents it from running? Why would it cause damage?

somenonewho , in Buying components separately, saving money?

Yeah got the framework 13 AMD end of last year. Bought the ram separately (crucial) and used an NVME I had lying around. The RAM was cheaper this way.

Zectivi ,

I did the same for the AMD 13 I bought 2 weeks ago. Saved about 140 USD on both the 32GB ram (Crucial DDR5-5600) and the 1TB ssd (SN850X)

OsrsNeedsF2P OP , in Put it off too long. Here's to my final laptop purchase 🍻

Here's what I got and why:

CPU: Ryzen™ 7 7840HS - I could have gotten the more expensive one, but based on the Framework forums, they seem identical. If I want a better CPU later, I'll buy one that actually has a performance boost

RAM: DDR5-5600 - 32GB (2 x 16GB) - I don't need 64GB (current system is 32GB and never had any issues). Also heard that more RAM = more time to go to sleep and wake up. Reason I went for two, 16GB sticks instead of one 32GB stick is in my mind - 2 RAM sticks can send memory faster than 1 stick, ya? (Who knows, but yolo)

Storage: WD_BLACK™ SN850X NVMe™- M.2 2280 - 2TB - I'm perpetually at 1TB on my current laptop, so 2TB sounds good. I cba to deal with a secondary drive

Expansion Bay Module: Graphics Module (AMD Radeon™ RX 7700S) - Nobrainer, let's play some games!

Expansion Cards: DisplayPort (2nd Gen) - 🖕 HDMI. 3 x USB-A so I can plug in mouse/keyboard/headphones. 2 x USB-C so I can plug in a charger and future-proof for the world of USB-C dominance

PopOfAfrica , in Put it off too long. Here's to my final laptop purchase 🍻

While I like what framework is doing, given that Linus Sebastian is a investor of the company, I don't think I can support them.

At least not until the sexual harassment investigation that he promised would be released is finally released and shows no wrongdoing. Although I suspect it was a line it's never going to get released.

otter , avatar

I think he invested $250k, which my gut says is a very small part of what the company got?

Don't buy a computer if you don't need it obviously, but consider that other companies likely have bad/harmful investors too. Bad people benefiting from a good thing isn't a reason to hate on the good thing

This might change if he owned a more significant part of the company

silliewous ,

So what you’re saying is that you’ll never buy anything anymore? Every company has shit investors. Your actual reason is probably more like “It’s too expensive and don’t actually care enough for what they stand for”

feine_seife ,

And if you knew what other investors of other companies did... cough

lemming741 ,
Lettuceeatlettuce , in Framework 13 AMD 3.05 BIOS Update avatar


DavidGarcia , in Expansion Cardslot compatibility - Not all Framework 16 ports are created equal

I wonder what this "Higher Power Consumption" means and why that is. Higher than USB-4 or higher than other USB-A slots? I would except a USB-A slot to not use more power than a USB-4 slot.

lwe ,

If I remember correctly due the chip behind those two Usb-c ports the usb-a adapter in those two slots will consume more power than in the others.
Others might know more.

oo1 ,

is the usb A high power still limited to 5V?
This means it'd need high current ratings (and heat dissipation) to deliver higher power at that voltage.

compare to say usb-C that can negotiate up to something like 20V, if all links allow it.
this means your usb-c can offer higher power with lower current rated components..

For basic solidstate power supply doubling the V ratings from say 6V to 12V will likely be cheaper than doubling Amp ratings from say 3A to 6A.
but for sure in a laptop managing the heat will be a consideration.

Maybe theres a version of USBA that can use the data lines to negotiate power - in which case this would be non-standard.

They should just state peak and continuous V, A and W for each port, and also for the set of ports as a whole. maybe in different input/battery scenarios. I assume a third party, or home gamer could create their own plug in module to do whatver, but it'd be helpful for them to know the electrical ratings.

jo3shmoo ,

IIRC There's an issue with the retiming chips that retransmit the USB4 signals over to the A style and how they're able to interact with the rest of the system. It causes the chips to stay awake and waste energy. The same issue is present on the AMD 13 framework; something to do with the AMD USB4 implementation. The 3.2 ports don't have the same issue.

Basically the port will still work in that configuration but the battery life will suffer.

ParanoidPizzas , in Direct USB-C Plug-in Question avatar
recursive_recursion OP , avatar

huh surprisingly that looks pretty snazzy✨

LodeMike , in Expansion Cardslot compatibility - Not all Framework 16 ports are created equal

It's very expensive to have all the features for every port.

monk , avatar

@LodeMike @SatyrSack not when it's the only port (cries in oversized phones)

festus , in Expansion Cardslot compatibility - Not all Framework 16 ports are created equal

The AMD Framework 13 has similar limitations with its 4 ports too.

morrowind , in Expansion Cardslot compatibility - Not all Framework 16 ports are created equal avatar

One of the advantages of the Intel 13 in you don't have to worry about this

SteveTech , in Linux Mint (LMDE 6) drivers for Framework 16?

Trying to use Brave causes freezes and black screen flashes, which I'm pretty sure is a driver thing.

If this is the same common issue, there's a thread on the forum about it, but IIRC you can add amdgpu.sg_display=0 to your kernel parameters.

I know the drivers come in the distro package manager, but, is there a set straight from AMD?

If you really want, you could try the AMDGPU Pro drivers, but I'm not sure if they're compatible with integrated graphics if you don't have the expansion GPU.

TheButtonJustSpins OP ,

It seems to have fixed itself after a couple reboots. If it starts again, I will try the kernel parameter. Thanks!

TheButtonJustSpins OP ,

Well, I spoke too soon. A minute later, it died and took my desktop with it.

TheButtonJustSpins OP ,

Hm. It doesn't want to accept amdgpu.sg_display=0. It looks right from here, but..

$ sudo update-grub
/usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 42: /etc/default/grub: amdgpu.sg_display=0: not found
SteveTech ,

Grub doesn't actually validate the parameters themselves, but the whole config, so you've pasted it into the wrong spot. It should go in the string that follows GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.

If it still happens, could you post your grub config?

Also some people have had success setting the GPU to game mode in the BIOS too.

Here's the forum link:

TheButtonJustSpins OP ,

Ah, I had put it at the bottom of the file. I've put it in the right place now; thank you! I'll try game mode if this doesn't fix it.

TheButtonJustSpins OP ,

Well, trying to pull up the GIF menu in the Discord app causes this consistently.

TheButtonJustSpins OP ,

Switching to gaming mode let me open the GIF menu! Thank you!

TheButtonJustSpins OP ,

Trying to open Tabletop Simulator is now doing the same thing. Is there any way to increase the amount of RAM given to the apu (without getting the dpgu)?

I've never had an issue like this on previous laptops, so I'm not sure what to do (other than be frustrated / avoid certain programs).

SteveTech ,

I'm not sure there is, I think there's some advanced AMD BIOS settings EFI file floating around but I think it still has the same options.

Are you using the latest version of the BIOS?

Edit: Found the AMD EFI PBS/CBS thing:

TheButtonJustSpins OP ,

I'm on 3.02, still need to upgrade to 3.03. Will see if that resolves; if not, I'll try the USB tool to see if I can increase the VRAM. Thank you so much!

TheButtonJustSpins OP ,

Upgrading to 3.03 didn't help. I've downloaded new amdgpu firmware as covered here; not sure if it's resolved the issue yet, since I just did it recently, but I'll report back once it's been a bit.

TheButtonJustSpins OP ,

So far, 0 crashes since I got the new amdgpu firmware!

SatyrSack , in Linux Mint (LMDE 6) drivers for Framework 16?

Are you using fractional scaling? I had similar issues with LMDE (not with Brave, though), and switching to 200% solved it.

TheButtonJustSpins OP ,

No fractional scaling.

rhandyrhoads , in Thought I was being clever...

I've always fantasized about using a USB-A to A cable.

Arbiter ,

Get an older external hard drive, live the dream.

swab148 , avatar

I have one that actually takes USB-B, you'd better believe I'm not losing that cable lol

avidamoeba OP , avatar

I have one from a work piece of hardware which has a USB port that can operate in either device or host mode. 🥹

computergeek125 ,

Those absolutely exist, but it's typically from older or more niche hardware.

I will note that you can't (usually) plug two computers into each other using a type a to a cable because USB still has a concept of strict host/client. USB-OTG allowed some portable client devices to operate in host mode with a special adapter - typically smartphones to use keyboards and such. I believe the Pi4's USB power port is one such port.

Type C more frequently has devices that can regularly operate in both modes, so you can do something like plug your iPhone into your android with an adapter for data transfer. So, if you have two computers and one can operate it's type a port in client mode, you could absolutely run USB A to A for computer to computer data transfer.

(I did all that from memory while kind of tired so corrections welcome)

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