
SmokinStalin , in You can be banned from lemmy.blahaj.zone for calling out transphobia
@SmokinStalin@hexbear.net avatar

This behavior is why hexbear has defeated from blahaj.

DroneRights OP ,

I heard it was just a moderator on 196 that the admin removed after they were transphobic. Am I misinformed?

jack ,
@jack@hexbear.net avatar

Were they removed? Because the issue was that Ada was tolerating their transphobia because the community was big.

hypelightfly ,

The moderator in question is trans Ada never told them to stop being transphobic. Hexbear users just can't stop lying and making up bullshit drama can you?

DroneRights OP ,

You're right, the issue was ableism. I'm all frazzled from talking about transphobia and couldn't remember the hexbear drama very well because it wasn't interesting to me until the transphobia stuff I experienced

hypelightfly ,

So uninteresting that your supposed transphobia happened in a thread dedicated to the drama? You're lies are showing, you're not a very good troll.

DroneRights OP ,

I was new to the instance and wanted to familiarise myself with the topical issues that were occuring. Memory consolidation had not yet begun when I encountered transphobia and got into a drama about it. Here are some articles explaining memory consolidation: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/memory-consolidation

The hexbear drama was less interesting to me than the transphobia.

hypelightfly ,

I understand, you're a drama stirring troll who found drama and decided to stir it and are now trying to brigade another instance.

poVoq , in GitLab plans support for ActivityPub
@poVoq@slrpnk.net avatar

On a side note: Gitea/Forgejo are also working on this and will probably get there first. Interoperability with Gitlab would be nice for sure.

0x1C3B00DA , in GitLab plans support for ActivityPub
@0x1C3B00DA@lemmy.ml avatar

This is exciting. I think code forges are one of the biggest opportunities for ActivityPub to really go mainstream and change the internet. Not only because it'll make working with open source way easier since you can work with any compatible forge, but developers will be more exposed to ActivityPub just by working with the software and so more likely to participate in AP dev. It will be interesting to see what effect this has on the fediverse. There's been a lot of talk from various organizations/companies but this will be the first large project adopting AP. I'm interested to see how development goes for them and for other fediverse projects.

I wonder what changes it will force on Mastodon. Masto won't be the biggest project anymore and won't be able to throw its weight around as much. Just like the recent influx of users forced the implementation of full text search and has reenergized conversations about quote posts, I think federated gitlab would force masto to rethink some things.

miniu ,
@miniu@beehaw.org avatar

Didn't think of it this way. It would be cool if we weren't stuck with microsoft github for coding social network.

Cube6392 ,
@Cube6392@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah I've been trying to find good alternatives to github for "where open source should happen" because at it stands a ton of it happens on a single node owned by a single entity. My first instinct was gitlab since its big and open source, but you can't really do discovery with it like you can github, and you need to be logged in to do discovery at all. I landed on Codeberg as being the best for an open source future, and them with Forgejo, Gitea, and Gitlab are all implementing ActivityPub now. This is great news. Mastodon users could hypothetically create and comment on issues without creating forge accounts. People with self hosted forges can do some work and open pull requests. Major win, I think

rusticus , in There is a drop in monthly active Lemmy users (from 65k to 57k)

I can tell you the drop in active Lemmy users was NOT from hexbear and lemmy.grad. Those trolls are worse than the_donald was on the other platform.

thoro ,

Might as well say Beetlejuice three times

deadsuperhero Mod , in Should we decide to have a main fediverse community or should we keep posting everything twice?
@deadsuperhero@lemmy.ml avatar

Hey, I'm the guy who started the .ml fediverse community. I started it with the Lemmy part of the network was young, and there weren't many instances yet. It's become a very active community, and I'm constantly amazed to see how much faster things move these days.

This has kind of been an ongoing conversation in some prior feature request discussions for Lemmy. One idea is that communities could consensually relay posts from one together, effectively creating a group containing Group Actors. This would probably cut down on duplicate content, but could create a larger surface vector for spam. But, I think it's an interesting idea.

I don't really have a full idea of what the best solution is. A Fediverse-specific instance similar to socialhub.activitypub.rocks could be a really interesting experiment, in that it would try to serve as a "Neutral Zone" between instances while sharing all kinds of news.

In the end, I don't really have much of a horse in this race. I think cutting down on duplication and redundant communities in favor of a more active shared space would probably have a lot of benefits, there's always going to be independent communities dedicated to the same theme on some far-off server. I'm not really interested in preventing anybody from starting their own.

queermunist , in Sibling communities: A middle way
@queermunist@lemmy.ml avatar

Redundancy has been so important recently with the DDoS attacks, and even as that subsides it's still definitely an important infrastructural perk that federation offers. It'd be a shame to lose that to centralization.

fresh OP ,

I agree. Do you feel this proposal doesn't address that? My hope is that sibling communities would allow us to keep redundancy and diversity while still enjoying some of the benefits of sometimes coming together.

dbilitated ,
@dbilitated@aussie.zone avatar

it would be good to have some kind of linking.

my feed is usually ten copies of the same thing posted to similar communities on different servers

kitonthenet , in Has anyone defederated your instance? Introducing Defederation Investigator

You should probably cache results so users aren’tspamming other instances

jsdz , in I know that recent drama has caused a bit of uneasiness in the community for this platforms future, but I am optimistic for lemmy. It might be helpful to look to mastodon to learn how to move forward.

the most toxic Redditors migrated over

Nah, the most toxic redditors will never leave reddit. Their souls will be consumed in agony as it collapses into a fiery little black hole of hate. The ones who made it over here can't be all bad no matter how stupid some of them appear at first glance.

JoYo ,
@JoYo@lemmy.ml avatar

this place is toxic like never before.

jsdz ,

You mean c/fediverse? Or lemmy.ml? Or all of lemmy? Or all of the fediverse? Or the whole world?

Fedi is all about different communities coexisting, sometimes uneasily, alongside each other. Lemmy doesn't need to have only one monolithic community identity. I hope it grows in scope and diversity until everyone can find one that suits them.

JoYo ,
@JoYo@lemmy.ml avatar

I've been on the fedi coming up to 15 years soon.

this year has been the worst.

jsdz ,

Ah, I see. I was only around the past few years but over that much time it has changed a lot for sure. There's more of everything. If you preferred the old-school fedi experience though it seems like lemmy is the wrong place to look, as it's designed to be something else. As is mastodon for that matter. There still exist quiet corners where people do things more in keeping with the old ways. The ones where I started have since disappeared but hopefully some will hang together.

JoYo ,
@JoYo@lemmy.ml avatar

what about Lemmy's design lends to toxicity?

why was that all but missing until a couple months ago?

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

what about Lemmy’s design lends to toxicity?

The combination of users and communities in a single space.

On the regular fediverse, if there is an instance that doesn't moderate transphobia, I can just defederate my instance from it, because the only content on there will be generated by folk who either generate transphobia or are ok sharing an instance with people who generate transphobia.

On the threadiverse though, communities change that. Because there might be a trans friendly community, moderated by trans folk, whilst the instance itself doesn't moderate strongly for transphobia. If I defederate it, my users lose access to everyone on the threadiverse that uses that community, whatever instance they're from. Combine this with the generally underwhelming willingness of admins on the threadiverse to deal with transphobia (compared to the microblogging fediverse) and the end result is more transphobia on the threadiverse.

It would be different if the threadiverse had a large extant culture with strongly inclusive norms prior to the reddit migration, but it didn't, and the new lemmy mega instances that have popped brought reddit's vague tolerance of transphobia with them.

JoYo ,
@JoYo@lemmy.ml avatar

that's a good point, maybe each community needs to be it's own instance.

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That doesn't work either unfortunately, because there are way more communities than there are instances, and it simply wouldn't scale.

I wonder how workable an equivalent to the mastodon "silence" feature would be, where all content from a silenced instance is dropped unless it comes via a community that one of our users is subscribed to.

JoYo ,
@JoYo@lemmy.ml avatar

more instances are better

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Sure, but someone has to run them, and that's the part that doesn't scale

JoYo ,
@JoYo@lemmy.ml avatar

why is that? I can moderate multiple instances, no problem.

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It's not the moderation, it's the sys-admin side. It costs money to host, and it takes time and effort. My partner and I currently run two instances, and that's about our limit.

JoYo ,
@JoYo@lemmy.ml avatar

i also currently host multiple instances at thejoyo.com

it costs me $60 a year at a US vsp.

ada ,
@ada@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Sure, and that's easy enough to do. But it gets difficult when you try and run 10 of them.

Exponentially so if those users start to gain a significant volume of users.

Our lemmy instance has nearly 7000 users, and our Fediverse instance is approaching 2000 users. Dealing with the moderation and inter instance politics alone takes up a huge amount of time, and that's before we talk sys-admin stuff.

I couldn't do another instance of comparable size.

People have a limit for how many instances they can run, and for most people it's 0. For a few, it's 1 or 2. For a very small number, it's more than that. But there just aren't enough to cover every single lemmy community, especially given that many communities start off with no/low traffic

JoYo ,
@JoYo@lemmy.ml avatar

that's too large.

the fedi needs more and smaller instances.

southsamurai , in Looking for a free speech instance
@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

You've got a terminology problem.

Free speech has become a coded term.

It shouldn't have, but it did. Now, when people say they want "free speech" they don't usually mean that they want all speech protected. They mean that they want specific kinds of speech protected.

Those kinds fall afoul of the "tolerance paradox" because the people crowing the term around are specifically the neo nazis, gay bashers, extremists and kkk friendly sorts.

So, if you find a "free speech" instance, that is exactly who will dominate the instance. That's just a fact now. Every instance that has laid claim to free speech gets taken over by those people.

As such, defederation is the only realistic option because those same people refuse to follow the rules on other instances. It has happened recently with hexbear. It had previously happened with exploding heads. And, frankly, it was always the case with lemmygrad, though they were usually not as bad about ignoring rules elsewhere.

The other type of thing you get on "free speech" places is kiddie porn. Sometimes just the drawn kind, but sometimes the real stuff.

Being real with you? You will not find an instance that allows hate speech that isn't dominated by it. Period. It doesn't exist. If you specifically enjoy that kind of thing,, that's on you. But that isn't the same thing as people having a different opinion. That's people wanting other human beings to be anything from oppressed to eradicated. If that's something you think is just a matter of opinion, you might as well head on over to exploding heads because you aren't going to last long anywhere else. You'll get banned from most places by virtue of trying to defend hate speech.

teddy-bonkerz ,

This is fantastic. Well explained.

darq , in Looking for a free speech instance
@darq@kbin.social avatar

You aren't going to find an instance that both tolerates hate-speech, and is federated with mostly everyone. That's not how that works. Sorry, you cannot have your cake, and eat it too.

Federation is a two-way agreement. Instances that do not allow hate-speech will also not probably federate with instances that do allow hate-speech, because of all the hate-speech.

Grouchy , in Looking for a free speech instance

Run your own instance. It's the only way you'll be able to set your own policies. Otherwise you're subject to policies of the instance you're on and those policies may change at any time.

BlameThePeacock , in Looking for a free speech instance

If you think hate speech is acceptable, you may want to stop and reassess your life. You dun fucked up.

Try building a life that doesn't revolve around worrying about other people do that doesn't affect you, it's far healthier.

rist097 OP ,

Thank you for taking your time to reply, but you misunderstood my question.

BlameThePeacock ,

I didn't misunderstand your question, I ignored answering your question and instead gave advice to a person who would ask such a question.

You will die an unhappy person if you make hating other people a priority in your life.

fustigation769curtain ,

Let me guess, calling a trans woman male is considered 'hate speech' in your mind?

BlameThePeacock ,

A) This thread is 8 months old, what the hell are you doing going through stuff this old. Get a life.

B) If you do it intentionally, knowing that they don't want it, you're a bad person. It's not hate speech though based on the legal description in Canada. Just like I can call you a thin-skinned small-dicked asshole and it's not hate speech.

fustigation769curtain , (edited )

It’s not hate speech though based on the legal description in Canada.

I never mentioned canada or any laws. Do you think it should be considered hate speech?

BlameThePeacock ,

I'm a Canadian, so the only hate speech laws that I care about are the ones for my country.

No I do not think intentional misgendering should be considered hate speech (in the legal sense)

I would absolutely fire an employee of mine for doing it though, even if I found out they did it outside of a work context.

Just because something isn't illegal doesn't mean there shouldn't be consequences for it.

Awoo , in This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?

Holy fucking shit they're blocking piracy? What a bunch of losers. Get off the anti-corporate platform built on copyleft principles if you have a problem with piracy.

OtakuAltair ,
@OtakuAltair@lemm.ee avatar

Eh? It's understandable. They shouldn't be forced to deal with any legal issues that come with it.

You can just use another instance that fits your needs, isn't that the whole point of this decentralized model?

Awoo ,

There are no legal issues. You can fucking talk about piracy completely legally. This is a moral position being taken under the excuse of legality by liberals who run their server with a strict political leaning, as demonstrated by their mass banning of socialists and defederation from every left wing space.

silvercove , in This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?

Also lemmy.world is not the most stable instance and experiences a lot of downtime. My user experience got a lot better after I moved out of lemmy.world.

givesomefucks ,

It experiences a lot of downtime because the alt right kids who got defederated keep using 4chans ddos tool to bring it down...

It's not going down from normal user load.

TragicNotCute ,
@TragicNotCute@lemmy.world avatar

If only people knew how hard the staff was working to improve things and keep it up.

gabe , in How to Move Your Instagram Feed to Pixelfed, the Photo App That Doesn't Track Your Every Move
@gabe@literature.cafe avatar

Damn the fediverse is really having it's moment. I guess even non-techie people really are truly getting fed up with corporate social media.

mishimaenjoyer ,
@mishimaenjoyer@kbin.social avatar

impossible people, sponsored content, ads and your data on a buffet - it was long overdue, but i'm glad it's finally gaining momentum.

otter ,
@otter@lemmy.ca avatar

Someone asked this before, but is there a Canadian instance for pixelfed? That's what's kept me from trying it out.

I see that pixelfed.ca is registered, but doesn't seem to go anywhere.

Otherwise is there another good instance to make an account on?

HughJanus ,

I mean we're still a long long way from reaching mainstream status.

gabe ,
@gabe@literature.cafe avatar

I think lemmy and it's growth is the biggest step forward in the direction of the fediverse becoming "mainstream" alongside twitters implosion
As this platform specifically develops more and the front end UI improves in spite of its current flaws, I feel like lemmy and kbin are probably the most likely to be picked up by the general public as it is the easiest to navigate and populate with content. You can federate whole communities in with tons of content, instead of just individual users. There are quirks but I think it has the most potential, it's like the fediverse was made for this kind of platform in mind specifically.

HughJanus ,

Mastodon currently comprises about 90% of Fediverse users so I'll have to disagree on that one.

Black_Gulaman ,

Not everything needs to be mainstream to be great. Sometimes being less known is what makes sites great since you are sure that the user base that is on there are there because of similar reason. Unlike mainstream apps where users trend to be there only because it is hip to be there but don't care for what the sites actually stands for. Hence the proliferation of garbage material in large mainstream sites.

habanhero ,

My personal observation is that people have been fed up for quite a while, not so much by the Instagram app itself but by Meta's brand, their untrustworthiness and the general vapid and scammy nature of the hordes of Influencers and "hustlers". It's just regular folks aren't aware of decent alternatives or the alternatives aren't quite there yet.

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