Cartography Anarchy

itsgroundhogdayagain , in Beware the Long Empire

Yeehaw Florida could just be all of Texas

Lemminary , in Beware the Long Empire

Err, this is actually the Great Empire of Yucatán, tyvm. 💅

Abnorc , in It has to be a conspiracy of some kind

Georgias are very territorial. The world is better off if they don't have to battle.

wreckedcarzz , in Map of the Midwest and its territories avatar

This has legitimately always pissed me off. The mid(dle) west is not in the eastern portion of the country. The first thing I'd do as supreme leader of the united furry states of america is put everyone that says things like "Ohio is in the midwest" onto a boat headed to the Bermuda Triangle. Then sink it when it approaches, just to be sure.

I've heard arguments "but in 1612 we didn't know that if we kept walking we would find more land" or "the population density is what matters". You know what I say? On the boat.

Signtist , avatar

I remember being very confused about Ohio being part of the Midwest when I was learning geography in school. It's literally one state away from the east coast.

Of course, the concept of "Midwest" as a whole is pretty confusing. I get that it's meant to be about halfway to the western part of the US, since we started on the east coast, but it's a bit of an antiquated term at this point.

If anything, we should call it the Middle-North or Midnorth for short, since that's a more objective description of it's placement in the country, without the old east-coast-centric viewpoint featured in "Midwest."

kofe ,

I'd say it's all mid, along with Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, and uhhhh I'm too tired to look at the picture again to see if I'm missing any other worthy candidates (brace for ninja edit)

Ok yeah Louisiana too. Fuck it the whole US is mid Mexicanadian

tiredofsametab ,

"Great Lakes" is a regional name, but it isn't used all that much since it's sometimes too narrow.

ech ,

The crux of it is that the name developed along with the expansion of the US, ie from the east coast. From that reference point, everything else was "The West", just with varying degrees of distance.

xor , in Map of the Midwest and its territories

Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are “North Woods” regions…

jeremyparker , in It has to be a conspiracy of some kind

I hear this complaint all the time and you people just don't get it. The existing inter-georgian transportation network employs hundreds of thousands of people, and you want to just put them all out of work?

Non-georgians just don't understand that a 34 hour commute is very normal and just fine and we don't need your fancy "tunnel" to shorten it.

Look at the Cross-Carolinian Expressway (CCE) that was initiated last year. It won't be done until 2177 but it will shorten the trip from North Carolina to South Carolina to a mere 17 hours. Until then, they still go around the horn of Africa to make that trip, seeing 77% of the known world. Pretty soon none of those Carolinian kids will know the feel of the sea air on their skin.

And yeah, obviously the Inter-Georgian Tunnel would be a feat of engineering on the level of the Bama Skyway, connecting Alabama and Myanmar (look it up), or the Alexandria Rail Network which connects every city on earth named Alexandria. But any real engineer will tell you that engineering for the sake of engineering isn't engineering at all.

But you guys can post your propaganda all you want. We all know that the Anti Absurdist Infrastructure Association (AAIA) has been emboldened by their recent "success" against the Des Moines Highway (connecting Des Moines, Iowa with Des Moines, Iowa, the long way around) and shutting down the Moonshot Committee, who had well over 17 plans in the works for roads to the moon in progress with municipalities all over there country, until AAIA got wind of it.

Good luck.

Eheran , in 900 years of peace

Did not change much over time? first Google link
Sure sure.

WeevilFriend , avatar

I think OP was just doing a funny! It's a cartography joke community.

Eheran ,

Ooop. Sorry.

Taako_Tuesday ,

Breathtaking powers of deduction

caseyweederman , in It has to be a conspiracy of some kind

The Mountain Goats song was a prophecy!

Syd , in aww beans

I can't comprehend this.

nick , in it takes 13 hours to travel from Texas to Texas

That’s nothing. Try driving across Nebraska, i was stuck there on route 80 for like six months it felt like.

AncientFutureNow , in it takes 13 hours to travel from Texas to Texas

Once they get to Colorado they will magically have more rights.

snootchiebootchies , in The most popular metal band (2024) from each country, according to Spotify

Flesh Juicer and Bloodywood should definitely tour together

Leate_Wonceslace , in The true weakness of the Roman Empire avatar

This is why Rome fell.

NigelFrobisher , in Some things are impossible to explain

This more looks like how I remember it from my timeline, with a big river between the US and Mexico.

outer_spec , in I am a single issue voter, and that issue is Flannel avatar

denim is too scratchy, if you vote for the denim party you should be considered guilty of treason

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