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xor ,

he looks a lot more like the Green Goblin from spiderman, anyways

xor ,
xor ,

thanks… it’s my favorite bitwise operator….

xor ,

huh, i don’t really see it…

xor ,

they look like they could be related….
but it would be a fun fake conspiracy theory to start….

xor ,

i like how flesh simulator’s stories are all well cited though….
most conspiracy concerned people just say random stuff and never back it up….

xor ,

i’m annoyed that even if i boycott evil social media sites and try to use the fediverse, half of the posts are still screenshots from twitter….

xor ,

i’m sure there’s microplastics in space by now…

xor ,

i oof/cringed at your comment here

xor ,

he’s been hanging out with shelly miscavige

xor ,

there’s a religious requirement in that tribe where two toed people are only allowed to marry two toed people….

also, we all have mutations to help handle lions…

xor ,

not too likely

xor ,

same strawman argument constantly repeated by people who neglect to criticize trump or russia….

nobody on lemmy like biden… stop pretending like you’re trying to educate people

xor ,

not really… there was just a huge wave of “genocide joe” people who somehow were completely incapable of saying anything bad about trump….

stuff like “libs = genocide, gop doesn’t”… but without ever directly saying gop….

xor ,

that sentence doesn’t even make sense….

xor ,

well luckily, now that it’s been sequenced, you can take a DNA printer and make one of your own!
no need to cultivate it anymore…

xor ,

if a helicopter loses power it can still kinda land, just really hard….

they’re probably being eaten alive by ants right now…

xor ,

based on genital structure, women can pee a lot easier when wearing a dress, men can pee easier just unzipping the front of their pants….
this post is stupid.

xor ,

what does that have to do with anything?

xor ,

did everyone have codpieces? i thought that was just for fancy lads…

xor ,

you know that would be bad for everyone, right?

xor ,

plus the lemmy bot could at least repost the picture… i don’t see the point if it’s just a link to reddit….
plus, the picture was already deleted….

xor ,

Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota are “North Woods” regions…

xor ,

no, this is the “NSA hacked the Iranian President’s helicopter, nuclear war commences” timeline

xor ,

sounds like something the NSa would Say

xor ,

nope... well partially but, the real difference is they bring guns.
chuds always bring guns to protest... cops aren't going to tear gas a bunch of guys holding AR-15's and wearing body armor...

they only like to attack defenseless people...

xor ,

nah, this is one of those "shills running the activists" examples.
a. self-mangling is a good way to discourage sympathy or participation.
b. disrupting a bunch of random travelers, and actually endangering them because planes are in the air and need to land... so, not helpful in getting sympathy for the cause... just press coverage... which will be mostly negative.
c. there are a lot more direct ways to cause disruption, and a lot more sympathetic, less self-harming tactics to get press coverage.... and much much much more effective than delaying some flights at one airport for a few hours... this is peak stupidity at worse, but more likely, peak infiltration...
e. did i mention it even fucks up the activists physically!!! it's so fucking stupid and counter productive

xor ,

i’m talking about how one particular thing is the wrong way to protest, yet you’re pretending like i’m against all possible protest or something

xor ,

the action is stupid, not the people, necessary.

and how does posting a wikipedia article to general topics like “ExxonMobil climate change denial” supposedly apply to gluing yourself to an airport runway?
a link that’s just a keyword search to pictures of Earth Day 1970???????
you’re pretending like you’re responding to me with some proof, but you’re just sea lioning.

why not go block an oil refinery, some shipping ports where oil is being loaded onto trucks? DDOS exxon’s backend online? throw feces an exxon ceo’s?

it’s a stupid fucking tactic and don’t you dare pretend like i’m talking about the concept of protesting climate change in general.

i’m talking about people like you tricking people like them into harming themselves.
and you’re awful.

xor ,

you’re lying, disingenuous, and not trying to tell a story by posting a link to a search result for images of earth day….

but, pretend like you’re genuine:
trying new stuff is FUCKING GREAT.
try to glue yourself to things is FUCKING STUPID.
why harm yourself, when there’s CEO’s with houses and addresses you could….

there’s a lot of waaaay better tactics than hurting yourself to gain sympathy… it’s basically turning munchaousens syndrome into a form of protest….
or, what you are doing, is referred to as munchausen syndrome by proxy
in english, at least….

please fucking stop advocating for SELF-harm

xor ,

he definitely wanted to free the slaves, talked about it and wrote about it extensively, and definitely why we they started the civil war.

his bff was a former slave, even... and just how do you suppose he was supposed to add that 21st amendment before the civil war? you know the president isn't dictator, right? half of congress was the south, at the time... and they were voting pretty heavily in favor of slavery...

members of congress actually beat members of congress to death, in congress, in the lead up to the civil war... while arguing about slavery (in particular about accusations of members of congress owning slaves for raping purposes, rather than their arguments about labor)

xor ,

Lincoln during the war: "If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them"

i don't think you understand that sentence you just quoted... i know it's a bit weird in phrasing, but it's probably a trap to cite the longer quote, but ignoring the context that he's a politician in the process of convincing people of shit and not every sentence he said was some plain fact and proof of something by itself, in a vacuum

Lincoln before elected: no, I'm not coming for your slaves

i wonder why that was a topic? it's almost as if: slavery was a very big point of contention, and the war and division was brewing for a while and lincoln didn't start the civil war by himself... and so he said some politician-type stuff to get elected and then in fact "come for" the slaves...

xor ,

i just quoted him... i don't have the amendments memorized by number

xor ,

oh it was aaaaall about that! well thanks for explaining that so well...
it's weird all of the historical documents showing quite a few people were arguing about the morality of slavery... that members of congress came to blows over it and nobody mentioned the secret double secret reason of: it was aaaaall about votes because scubus saw a youtube video about it once....

xor ,

standard nazi bullshit lies

xor ,

nazi bullshit lies, mainly

xor ,

it's not really a vote for the worse option, it's a vote saying "i don't know what's best or don't care, so i'll take whatever happens"

xor ,

if all the people that don't vote, voted third party: they'd win...

xor ,

that's not the problem at all.
the problem is that you must do labor for a particular group of people who own all of the money, and you must do something that they want you to do.
so you end up selling bullshit that destroys the planet, made with slave labor, to abusive assholes.... also, no sitting allowed, no expressing your personality, no unusual tattoos or hairstyles or then you're only allowed to do the really shitty work.

btw, we've fenced off all the land and you're not allowed to sleep anywhere or gather any food without money... so which, again, is almost entirely owned by a very small group of slave masters.

nice how you're pretending like the argument is about working vs not working at all...

and btw, we do live in a post scarcity society and universal basic income works just fine and is a huge benefit to society.

xor ,

i didn't say anything about "utopian"

xor ,

i responded to some things you said, not everything...

you can't just ignore everything i said and pretend like i was responding to something else i wasn't

xor ,

almost inevitably

as if you're basing this off of some historical examples instead of just regurgitating the same bullshit argument you've heard repeated a million times...

the paradox of tolerance is about tolerating intolerant groups... not about maintaining some good powerful group to prevent some other bad group from taking power.

xor ,

honestly it kinda looks like a looney toons device; a bomb with little propellers on it….

xor ,

the less/fewer distinction was made up by a king one day... because he felt like it...

but, english is a living language and words mean what people intend them to mean, not what some dead guy mote thus be foretold, henceforth...

xor ,

it doesn’t say anything like that…

xor ,

price of soil = compost + dirt = free….
or a few bucks for pre made soil….
price of water?
what tools?
use an old milk jug with holes poked in the top for a watering….
a hand trowel is like 50 cent at a thrift shop… and could be substituted with a good stick….
a pot to hold the plant is free… or you could make a gardening box with a couple planks of wood….

i’ve grabbed live but sick tomatoes plants from the trash at a gardening store, came with soil and a pot… i just added water and had the best tomatoes of my life….
2/ 8 plants died quickly and i planted herbs in those pots…. made pizza….
cost about $1.00 in tap water total… (tap water should sit in an open container a while before using to neutralize the chlorine).

spent a few minutes watering it every once in a while….

check your math, bruh

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