how should I tell my new trashy neighbors to keep their puppy off my property

They let their new puppy outside without a leash and it just comes over to my property and gets into my things that aren't confined to my fence and scares my ducks. This puppy is a pit and is going to get huge. I'm afraid it'll get to my birds or dogs.

How do I tell the super trashy people that own the dog to tie it tf up? I don't want to make enemies with these people, but they need to get their shit together.

They're the only people on the street who don't have their dog fenced in or on a time-out/leash. The road is incredibly busy so the dog is liable to get hit really quick if it decides to run into the street.

magnetosphere , avatar

Based on this post and (especially) your response to ultranaut, there probably isn’t anything you could say that would make them give a shit. In fact, it sounds like approaching them at all could start a fight if you aren’t diplomatic.

Does your town/county have laws about keeping pets on a leash or within a fence? Make it animal control’s problem. Call them whenever it happens. The fact that these people have established themselves as troublemakers might end up working in your favor.

Depending on how strict/responsive animal control is, fencing in your yard might turn out to be the only effective solution. No, it isn’t fair that you should have to shoulder the costs, but that might be your only choice.

LaunchesKayaks OP , avatar

I plan on contacting my local dog warden. We have very strict regulations on dogs, and the landlord of that house might not even allow pits. I know a lot of home insurances around me don't cover people who own pits.

ultranaut ,

"Please keep your dog off my property"

When that doesn't work, contact animal control? I love dogs but a pit running loose is not going to end well for anyone and if they can't handle their dog then you need to start getting that documented. Just stay polite and try to have empathy for whatever is going on with them to the best of your ability. How sure are you that they are trashy and not just inexperienced with dogs? If this is their first puppy they might just need friendly advice.

LaunchesKayaks OP , avatar

These people have had the cops called on them for domestic disputes and have daily screaming matches. Also, like 15 mins after posting this, their car got repo'd and the mom lost her mind so bad that the cops came. I went to take my trash out and the cop motioned for me to go back inside as he called for backup

livus ,

Don't talk to them about it.

Especially if you're going to call animal control, there's no point earmarking yourself to be the one they take it out on when their dog gets impounded.

seathru , avatar

If there's an unleashed pit in my yard I'm calling animal control every time. They'll get tired of paying the fines.

A $20 Wyze camera with pet detection helps keep an eye on things.

PP_BOY_ , avatar

Tell them to keep it off your property and if it happens again, the ol' "rat poison in a sausage" always works.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Advocating poisoning puppies now?


PP_BOY_ , avatar

A untrained, unfenced, and unsupervised pit bull is a massive public safety concern. I guess OP could just call the cops to shoot it though.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

How about you don't suggest poisoning puppies?

PP_BOY_ , avatar

What's your suggestion then?

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

I'd suggest therapy.

PP_BOY_ , avatar

For the dog? That doesn't sound like a great use of resources.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

For you.

PP_BOY_ , avatar

Please tell me how an untrained, unsupervised, and unfenced pit bull is a really great addition to a community.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

My suggestion is that they fence their yard to keep the dog out.

Are you a registered animal control person in their area or just a puppy poisoning enthusiast?

PP_BOY_ , avatar

OP should spend a few thousand dollars fencing in their yard because their neighbors don't care about controlling their pit bull? I don't know where you're from, but in the US, the responsibility to fence and manage pets falls on the owners.

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

Only four percent of the world population is in the United States, and how would Bernie Sanders feel about you poisoning a puppy?

PP_BOY_ , avatar

Okay but me and OP both are and I really don't care lol. What kind of response is that?

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

I'd build myself a fence and involve the appropriate authorities if needed as that dog isn't my business.

LaunchesKayaks OP , avatar

I don't agree with the poisoning part, but I do agree with pits being a huge problem. I despise the breed I did get a large portion of my yard fenced in for my dogs so they can be outside off leash and not be a problem. The neighbors got their puppy like 3 days after the fence got done. My duck enclosure could not be fenced in easily because of its location. It has its own fence for the outside part, but that's just chicken wire. A pit could easily bite or shove their way through it.

sploosh ,

It's not the dog's fault.

You might be a disgusting monster, you may want to get that looked at.

PP_BOY_ , avatar


GardenVarietyAnxiety ,

Tell them you keep used antifreeze in open containers and that you're worried the puppy might accidentally get into it.

LaunchesKayaks OP , avatar

I could do that. I could also say that the puppy could also get terrible parasites if it goes around my birds. Which is 100% true. My dogs are on hardcore worm preventatives because I drug whipworm in on my boots once and my puppy got super sick from it.

MotoAsh ,

Keep in mind the only bad thing about pitbulls is they're bull-headed: They'll barrel in to things and can be rough simply because they're hyper little weirdos, not violent killing machines. Roughness can be misconstrued as violence, even in humans (ask me how I know!).

I say all that to mean ... maybe also befriend the dog regardless of what happens. If you're nicer to him than the "trashy" owners, he'll listen to you better and maybe be nicer to the stuff he thinks is yours regardless of what the owners do.

lqdrchrd ,

A family friend’s pitbull chewed the ear off of someone’s toddler because it wanted to play with him. The best way to deal with a dangerous dog you don’t own is to ignore it and have the owners deal with it. The last thing you want is the dog liking you more than its owners, spending more time in your yard, then deciding to ‘play’ with the ducks.

MotoAsh ,

Dangerous is not the same thing as, "completely random dog that happens to be a species you're bigoted against."

Do better. Dogs largely don't understand what's happening. Half their lives, they're younger than children we give greater defference to, while working with a smaller brain. I wouldn't be surprised if most dogs do not know what being "alive" is AT ALL, let alone being able to openly sympathise. I love how people will blame dogs all fucking day, but cats kill billions of birds and other animals a year, get a fucking ALBUM named after the serious illness they can give with a simple scratch, and get a pass.

Again, do better.

charmed_electron ,

I second the suggestion of befriending the dog: get some good dog treats and essentially train it. Imagine the look on the neighbor’s face if everyone is outside and the dog obeys your verbal commands. Delicious!

dumbass , avatar

As a person with trashy neighbours who think they own the street, study how they talk to each other when they want something done then talk to them like that.

I tried being civil with my neighbours, but nothing, then one day I had a shitty day and had enough, walked to the edge of my drive, looked directly at their house and screamed " GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT OFF MY SIDE OF THE STREET OR ILL MOVE IT INTO THE FUCKING RIVER!" walked back inside and about 30 minutes later everything was moved, they behave most the time now, but whenever they try shit again I just do the same thing.

If they're also really loud and you can hear general conversations, make sure to repeat something they know they've said, let's them know you know more about them then they do about you.

LaunchesKayaks OP , avatar

I am not doing that. I don't want to make enemies of these folks. They've had the cops called on them by a different neighbor once already for a domestic dispute. I have no doubt that they own guns.

ThrowawayPermanente ,

It sounds like you have a gun gap

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

It might be easier to build a fence to keep it out if you can't talk to your neighbours and have them listen.

LaunchesKayaks OP , avatar

I just got a good portion of my yard fenced in like 3 weeks ago for my dogs. The portion where the birds are has its own fence, but it's only chicken wire. A large adult dog could easily get through it if they really wanted to.

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