BirdEnjoyer ,

My mother's coworker's child made a bacon bundt cake, and specifically sent a piece for her.

I agreed to eat it with my mother out of solidarity.

Honestly, she's like, 9 or something, and did a great job of it. Kinda had a bacon pancake going, didn't have many tunnels or anything. Would be a great dessert for a barbecue, that kinda thing.

But no one in my immediate family is that into bacon, let alone being combined with sweets.

JohnnyCanuck , avatar
Yaztromo ,

Growing up my mother would occasionally make a dish my father enjoyed that she called “Depression Dinner”. It was mashed potatoes covered in fried ground beef with beef gravy poured on top of it.

I like mashed potatoes. I like using ground beef in a variety of dishes. And who can say anything bad about gravy? But mix those three together — ugh, no thanks. It was like baby food for adults. There was a reason why my brother and I took to calling it Depressing Dinner growing up.


Potatoes and hamburger gravy, yep that's a thing

VaultBoyNewVegas ,

Similar to beef mince, onions, gravy and mash for me. My da loves it but I found the combo depressing despite the fact I used to eat mash out of the pot with a spoon. And yes I'm Irish.

JohnnyEnzyme , avatar

Doesn't sound that far from Shepard's Pie though, a tasty dish beloved by zillions.

Fermion ,

Yeah, the mistake here is in putting the beef and gravy on top resulting in mush. Putting the potatoes on top and allowing them to crisp would really change the flavor and texture.

Yaztromo ,

Oh certainly changing the presentation, texture, and separation of the ingredients can make a big difference in a dish! I’d say the difference between “depression dinner” and Shepard’s pie is like the difference between cake batter and cake — they’re both made up of the exact same stuff, but one is a gloopy mess you’d probably not want to eat a whole bowl of, and the other is delicious cake you’ll want a second serving of.

JohnnyEnzyme , avatar

I hear ya, altho at the same time your DD as is doesn't sound that bad to me.

Of course, I'd want to drain the hell out of that ground beef and cook it with some chili mix, too. Without some simple steps like that I could indeed see how it might taste more like oily Gerbers.

Yaztromo ,

To be clear — Mom’s “Depression Dinner” was in fact just greasy fried ground beef poured over mashed potatoes. No spices. I don’t even think she used any salt or pepper. Oily Gerbers would be a perfectly apt description!

tiredofsametab ,

meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and gravy but with fewer steps?

aDogCalledSpot ,

This is what I ate after I could finally graduate from soup after having my wisdom teeth removed

JohnnyCanuck , avatar

A number of years ago when cupcake shops were opening everywhere, there was this one called Mancakes that did "manly" cupcakes (think bacon and alcohol). I finally broke down one day and decided to try one. I went with the "Buffalo wings" cupcake which turned out to be what I guess was Frank's Red Hot flavoured cake, topped with icing and some sort of crispy sprinkles (chicken skin?), and stuffed with (to my gagging surprise) blue cheese icing.

I love hot wings, I love blue cheese dip, and cupcakes are just fine.

But a buffalo wing cupcake has to be the nastiest concoction to be called a cupcake that I've ever tasted.

TexasDrunk ,

That's the greatest thing I've ever heard that I absolutely wouldn't try.

TeaHands , avatar

Thank you for experiencing this so the rest of us don't have to.

BallsandBayonets ,

The bakers were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.

Pulptastic ,

Do want.

Edit: but it needs some form of hot pepper.

Alice ,

A number of years ago when cupcake shops were opening everywhere

Starts off in a universe completely separate from my own, and keeps veering further.

idiomaddict ,

Cookout pasta salad. I like pasta, mayo, corn, tomatoes, cucumber, olives, onions, whatever else goes in normally, but pasta salad is just so disappointing.

I am the opposite about a Reuben- I’m not especially a fan of pastrami, sauerkraut, Swiss cheese, or thousand island dressing, but fuck if it’s not incredible together.

rjthyen ,

I like your idea of reversing the question. On their own I'm not big on sour cream or mayonnaise, but either of them mixed together with the right seasonings or sometimes even together with some seasoning and I can't get enough. Mayo is nasty, but a garlic aioli? Fricken great. Plain sour cream? A tad on a baked potato is fine, but a chipotle lime crema? I might lick that up off the floor...

qupada ,

I too have an oddly specific one of these, which is tartare sauce.

I actively dislike all three of mayonnaise, gherkins, and capers. Mix 'em together though? Brilliant.

BurningRiver ,

Pasta salad and mayo just sounds wrong to me. I generally use a red wine vinaigrette, it holds up better at a barbecue.

idrum4316 ,

I feel like I'm in the minority on this one, but I don't like fruit and yogurt together. Individually, they're great.

Perfide ,

Fucking same. Gives me the same vibe as OJ with pulp, ugh

reddig33 ,

That weird jell-o gelatin / cool whip combo they serve at cafeterias.


But everything's better with cool hwip.

umbrella , avatar

cool what?

lemmefixdat4u ,

I once tried sardine ice cream. I love sardines and I love ice cream. The only place I want them to mix is AFTER they are in my stomach.

Goun ,

Wtf that sounds awful. You sure nobody was playing a joke on you?

lemmefixdat4u ,
Goun ,

Ow shit no, I can smell it from here. Ugh, I'm so sorry

Yrt ,

Oh I feel you! I ate spaghetti Bolognese ice cream a couple of years ago and I couldn't stand it. Ice cream is great and Bolognese is great but not mixed together.

ButWhatDoesItAllMean ,

Cottage cheese and fruit. I just can't do the cottage cheese saltiness and texture with the sugary flavor and chunkiness of pineapple.

lemmefixdat4u ,

Bet you don't like Hawaiian pizza then.

ButWhatDoesItAllMean ,

Pineapple rings on ham is, however, another story!

Catoblepas ,

Have you tried it with peaches or pears instead of pineapple? Fruit halves work better than small pieces IMO.

It’s definitely very texturally special, so I don’t blame people for not liking it, lol.

MelonYellow , avatar

How bout something like onion jam and cheese?

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