Your journey with Lemmy: When and why did you join? When did you leave and come back? Are you finally settled?

My journey with Lemmy started in 2022 out of interest in the fediverse and paranoia around how much control social media companies have, and how little choice common people are left with over the Internet.

Lemmy was much smaller back then. I really wanted it go get bigger, and tried to contribute to it. But it was small enough to be unsatisfying, so I would go back and forth between lemmy and Reddit.

After the Reddit fiasco, I shifted more and more towards lemmy and less towards Reddit. I finally abandoned Reddit when third party apps broke. I only go there for specific questions in communities that aren't active on lemmy.

What about you?

PaulSmackage , avatar

Chapo got banned, checked out, found the "under construction" page with what i think was "call me maybe" as a chiptune playing, and joined a little while after.

D61 ,

r/chapo diaspora, spent a week on the Discord that popped up and it was just too much for my old eyes. Shifted to chapochat (now hexbear) and got all comfy.

mp3 , avatar

Four years ago on my original account when I discovered it. I participated once in a while in parallel to Reddit, then when Spez shat the bed I removed myself from modding any Reddit communities and logged off for good.

nutsack ,

third party Android apps

Trollivier ,

I left reddit with the reddit fiasco. I heard of lemmy and created an account, but the only good Android tool back then Jerboa and I hated it so much.

The only tool I looked for reddit mobile was Reddit Sync. When Lemmy Sync was published, I started visiting Lemmy about half as much time as I used to spend on reddit. I'm good with this, I used to spend way too much time on reddit.

shinigamiookamiryuu ,

My journey on Lemmy is a part of my journey to be on every site. I have the world record for the most sites having signed up for. Even had I not signed up for genuine interest, I probably wasn't going to not sign up for Lemmy. I gotta be the best like no one ever was.

slazer2au ,

When RIF stopped working and the Dev of RIF said he jumped to Lemmy I jumped too.

The only subreddits I visit on old are technical ones like Sysadmin, Cisco and the associated certification subs, and Fortinet.

The rest of the time I am scrolling new local or new all on Lemmy.

missingno , avatar

I'd been on the microblog side of Fedi for a while, when Reddit shat the bed I went to check out the link aggregator/forum. But it's a long way from ever being able to replace what I used Reddit for: communities for niche microinterests. And I'm not optimistic it'll ever get to that level. We have a slow moving frontpage for memes and world news but that's about it.

I still keep the tab open and poke my head into it from time to time, but I don't do much more than lurk because there's not much for me to see here. I'm still not going back to Reddit either, but that just means I'm a hermit living in a cave now.

SalineSolutions , avatar

Found this during the Reddit diaspora. Tried it for weeks. Left. Came back once a month. Still not committed to this place but i still check in and post.

Too much FOSS/Linux evangelism here.
Still too little activity in communities centered on my interests.
The vibes are... not great here but I'm not giving up on it. I just don't think "my" people are here yet

cyclohexane OP ,

What communities do you wish existed here or were more active?

waterbogan ,

I joined on here a bit over 9 months ago after I was permabanned from reddit for ????? reason after I posted a Google Streetview link of a layby. This happened to coincide with the third party API fuckup and several other irrational and counterproductive changes so I arrived here right in the middle of a period of huge growth. I havent left since then per se but have had periods of reduced activity. Have started another profile on reddit (which was stupidly easy) as there are still a number of niche communities there that have no activity on their equivalent communities here. Am settled, and will likely gradually spend more time here as reddit management continue to find more feet to shoot themselves in

dandroid ,

I created my first account in June of 2023, like many of us, I'm sure.

Now that I have RIF back via Vanced, I spend a lot of time in both places. The communities that I want to engage with just aren't here. But when I want Linux news, this is my place to go.

I had my own instance for about 10 months. I started it when I was frustrated at the downtime all the big instances had. But now they seem a lot more stable, so I shut down my instance.

Kierunkowy74 , avatar

Vivaldi web browser opening their Mastodon instance brought me to the Fediverse. I started from Mastodon, but became curious of other fedi softwares - /kbin is one of them. I am on as my Threadiverse instance in English since April '23, before Reddit API affair.

communism , avatar

I've known about lemmy and the fediverse for ages, applied to join a mastodon instance a while back but never heard back. Joined lemmy recently because !unixporn was created and I wanted to talk about linux on an actually privacy respecting floss platform rather than one of the mainstream proprietary social medias. I like it, a good middle ground between modern social media models and more old school forum vibes.

Edits: been figuring out how to link a community on lemmy lmao. Now I know

some_guy ,

Last summer when the old site had a protest. Left for two weeks at the same time that I stopped checking Google News. Felt happier. Tried adding Lemmy back but not news. Still works ok.

Zerlyna , avatar

I heard about Lemmy on Reddit and spend the majority of my time here since the third party app fiasco. There’s a subreddit for my state and local area that I still visit but that’s it. I have never seen a HeGetsUs ad since and very happy about that.

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