RBWells , (edited )

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I love a Paloma and agree, Jarritos and fresh lime, absolutely.

My current favorite is an adjusted Paper Plane

2 parts bourbon

1 part Aperol

1 part Amaro Nonino

1 part fresh lemon juice

Shaken with ice, served up.

CommunityLinkFixer Bot ,

Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !cocktails

Lavitz ,

The Drunk Uncle

  • 1 oz blended scotch
  • 1/2 oz islay scotch
  • 3/4 oz cynar
  • 3/4 oz dry vermouth
steeznson ,

Tie between Pisco Sour and Bloody Mary. Usually a night drinking the former will lead to the latter the next day.

eightpix ,
@eightpix@lemmy.world avatar

Sub "Caesar" for "Bloody Mary" and I'm down.

BilboBargains ,

Caipirinha. Made with cachaça, sugar, and lime. The drink is prepared by pounding the fruit and the sugar together, then adding the liquor.

HelixDab2 ,

I'm a big fan of a Malt Neat.

The ingredients are:

-3oz Islay malt

That's it! It's so easy and simple, and it's impossible to mess up!

BigBananaDealer ,
@BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

i love fruity drinks, pina colada is my favorite but bartenders hate making it so i just go for whatever cocktail has coconut or pineapple flavor

jxk ,

Why do bartenders hate making piña colada? (I feel guilty now)

BigBananaDealer ,
@BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

some places may only have 1 blender and they have to clean it out after every use

RBWells ,

Pineapple juice, whiskey, and a squeeze of lime is so much better than it should be.

Makhno ,

Other than cheap domestic beer when im trying to get drunk, I stick to Old-fashions. Great drink to sip as the liquor slowly mixes with the water from the melting ice, smoothing out the flavors.

1.5 ounce whisky

.5 ounce of simple syrup (I like mine extra sweet)

A couple dashes of Angostura bitters

1 fat chunk of ice

(Basil Hayden is my bourbon of choice)

dropcase ,

Agreed on Old Fashioneds. We make them with bourbon, sometimes rye to change it up, and throw in some orange bitters

Makhno ,

I'll twist an orange peel over my bourbon to get some of the oils! My buddy does the same with lemon peel and rye

statler_waldorf ,

I like a Canadian Old Fashioned.


Maple syrup

Angostura bitters


Orange peel if you have them

Pulptastic ,

Good whisky, neat

Decent whisky, bitters, club soda, ice in a short glass.

Gin, flavored fizzy (LaCroix etc), splash of lime juice, ice

Gin shaken with ice, small rinse of dry vermouth in glass, 3-4 blue cheese olives

4:3:3:4 añejo tequila, grand Marnier, key west lime juice, honey simple (50/50 honey and water) shaken or blended with ice. (Could sub honey for sugar free sweetener to be "healthy")

RBWells ,

My favorite margarita is just 2oz tequila (yes añejo or reposado), 1oz orange liqueur, juice of one lime. No sweetener, the liqueur provides enough sweetness.

Shyfer ,

Lots of good cocktails in here. Going to plug !cocktails for everyone to check out and contribute these cocktails, too.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

My favourite drink is 0.000% alcohol water.

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Pantherina ,

99,9% Ethanol, for cleaning and extracting shit.

I dont drink poison lol

LazaroFilm ,
@LazaroFilm@lemmy.world avatar

I’m a big IPA guy. Especially at 99% great to clean 3D printer bed and flux from PCBs.

Pantherina ,

And for extracting Terpenes and Cannabinoids ;D

gandalf_der_12te ,
xkforce ,

A white russian or a raspberry or mango mojito

intensely_human ,

A gin and tonic with Squirt

claycle ,
@claycle@lemm.ee avatar

If I have to pick one drink to take to a desert island, it's the classic Sazerac.

That is what I will want most of the time when I want a cocktail. However, I will allow a few others to enter rotation, depending on mood, time/temperature, and place:

  1. Margarita.
  2. Vesper.
  3. Pastis.

And, finally, my embarrassing guilty pleasure (which I never order except when I am in company I know well or I am on a Caribbean island): piña colada.

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