ColdWater , avatar

My favorites artists are still on there, I usually spend 2 minutes on there to see what they're posting and leave, I wish they had mastodon account tho

clark , avatar

Not me, but my dad.

The only reason he stays is because of the politicians and news outlets he follows. He knows Twitter is trash now, but if that’s where the people he’s following are staying, then he stays too. He has heard of Mastodon and looked into it, but it’s unfortunate most politicians won’t migrate over there.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Which is kind of ridiculous. I mean sure a politician is going to still post on twitter because there's more people there, but they could simply copy and paste their statements to Mastodon. They pretty much all have staff and they could reach a different audience for the time it would take to copy and paste some text.

PowerCrazy ,

I don't understand, why should I care about what interchangeable capitalist owns the social media I use?

MiddledAgedGuy ,

This particular capitalist is having a significant impact on that platform.

If that doesn't concern you (and it doesn't have to) then carry on with giving no shits.

PowerCrazy ,

It seems like your problem is that he is vocal about his views. In reality he isn't much different in his effect then Zuckerberg, or Larry Page, or Murdoc, Huffman or anyone else that controls large platforms and enforces policies that shape the "acceptable" discourse on the platform. To put it bluntly, in a capitalist society you are forced to engage with Capitalists. Trying to be "ethical" in your consumption is waste of your time.

MiddledAgedGuy ,

You got my number on that one. And you're right about them being cut from the same cloth and part of a bigger problem. I suppose Musk annoys me more because he's louder.

I can't argue against being ethical in media consumption being a waste of time in the sense that the tiny percentage of us that choose to boycott any given platform make no difference. But I think having ideals and following them is worthwhile and I will continue to do so.

But I was also sincere in my statement that I don't think you (or anyone) has to share that concern. Those are my ideals. They don't have to be yours and I don't expect that of anyone.

PowerCrazy ,

While I know this thread isn't really for me, since I don't have a twitter and never have, admittedly I am still exposed to and click on tweets way more often then I'd like. But ultimately, as odious as I find Musk (pun intended), there isn't really anything he can do that would stop me from laughing at a tweet or whatever. So while you are right that I don't "have" to, the reality is that with the network effect dictating where I or my friends find those funny tweets, I don't really have a choice. And besides, every time someone shares a tweet it is literally costing Elon money.

fidodo ,

The only time I'm ever there is because it has information or news I need. Unfortunately a lot of industry folk use it to post information even though it's the worst fucking UI for it. I don't think I've ever browsed their front page.

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

Post the interesting stuff back onto Lemmy

JusticeForPorygon , avatar

Mostly because I like to occasionally fuck around with the conspiracy crowd.

Meowoem ,

Conspiracy loons are wild on Facebook so I know what you mean, it's so hard not to poke them occasionally. I like that the feed is so broken you just start getting the most insane things - block as many shitty pages as you can, like all the ones that post about how a guy with one leg drove a truck 19 hours a day to pay for his grandsons double cancer so that means poor people shouldn't get hand outs. Then you start getting into the real weeds, oh and block the bot farm ones, you'll recognise them they post pickles comics and no human could bring themselves to do that.

When you start seeing Indian mechanical engineering memes like 'how to design flat roof pitch common mistake 💯 slope degree 13.5° ☑️' you're getting close, you'll start seeing things like 'today it takes us two years to build a family home but ancient people could do it in three weeks' the comments will be full of people who know every facet of whatever conspiracies the post is somehow referencing, which is normally a lot.

'normies don't realize how much easier life was when we had sonic resonance construction tools, if they did they'd rotate the sixth tower of Thomas Tesla to reopen the Elizabethan Toltec free energy portal' and you think they're just in their own world but everyone will be replying 'yeah, robin Williams was killed because if you watch Mrs doubtfire at the same time as eyes wide shut the dialog syncs up and they warn biden will cover up the free energy machine'

Except of course they can say it in 20,000 words if they feel like it.

JusticeForPorygon , avatar

This might just be the best thing I've ever read. This needs to be preserved so that future intelligent life may know what our lives were like.

And yes, I live poking at them. I know it sounds wrong, but it almost feels like honking at cattle along the highway.

Blackmist ,

I never had an account to start with.

Never really knew what it was for, and given the number of multi part parts and screenshots where you read bottom to top, no fucker else knows how it's supposed to work either.

It's just a shit blog with an arbitrary character limit.

Meowoem ,

Yeah I could never get into everything being spread around and jumbled up, I have my own rapid and jumbled stream of intrusive and inane thoughts, I don't need to see everyone else's.

Really though I just hope the people who enjoy it find a good replacement, because if those idiots start shitting up the rest of my internets I'll be pissed.

set_secret ,

i use companies that still put the little X button at the end of their posts as a filter to stop visiting them. I've found it very helpful.

EnderMB ,

For several reasons:

  • It's where people are. It's the whole fucking point of social networks! If the user base drops to a point where people are no longer there, I'll go to the next network.

  • If I were to boycott everything owned by a cunt, I'd probably live in a mud hut, naked in a park somewhere.

  • The self-gratification on here doesn't make me want to use Twitter any less.

  • For all it's faults, there isn't a legitimate competitor. Mastodon has no users and has a less intuitive interface than Twitter. BlueSky is...I couldn't even tell you what the fuck it is. Threads is basically a meme project by Zuck (another billionaire cunt) to toy with Musk, and it'll be dead within a year.

FWIW, I fucking hate Musk. I'm a software engineer, and one of the few big tech companies I wanted to work for was Twitter. Their branding was cool, they worked on cool tech problems, and I heard great things about their workplace culture back in around 2010-2012. Musk fucked up a company I liked.

I've long considered Musk to be a fraud, and to be honest Twitter is the least of his problems. He's clearly a very sick man that probably needs professional help above everything else.

If he were a normal person, someone would've cornered him and coerced him into medical detainment. If people thought I had a coke problem that affected my ability to conduct meetings and think clearly, I'd be out on my ass. Musk can get away with it because he owns his companies, and no one cares enough about him to help him. He's a dancing monkey that doesn't realise that people are laughing at him, not with him...

Vendetta9076 , avatar

What cool tech problem has twitter worked on in the last decade?

Tyfud ,

How to build your infrastructure with so many redundancies that not even Elon could bring your site down when he randomly started unplugging shit at one of their data centers, perhaps?

Vendetta9076 , avatar

That ones easy and zero percent a twitter thing. Multi AZ infra is incredibly common and industry standard

EnderMB ,

The infrastructure around sending small chunks of data around at that scale, at a time when people were sending larger files/messages around was interesting, enough so that even to this day "design twitter" is the canonical system design interview question.

They were also initially behind some cool things in the front-end space, like Bootstrap.

JimmyBigSausage OP ,

Thanks for the reply. Serious question… why has a Twitter/X equivalent not been developed with all of the brilliant-minded people out there, including those laid off by Twitter and other companies?
Would it be more about marketing the app?

EnderMB ,

It has, but they don't have the users. I think that most social networks are a "right place, right time" phenomena. If Twitter or Instagram were to be released today, with all of its current features, it would probably be DOA.

BlueSky and Mastodon are solid, technically, but neither have cornered a part of the market that speaks to the average person. BlueSky is "we're Twitter, but with no users", and Mastodon solves a problem that few care about.

JimmyBigSausage OP ,

So it is marketing. Marketing can be accomplished. Money needs to go into marketing. $$$

EnderMB ,

Well, Meta has money, and Threads probably won't last more than a year or two.

JimmyBigSausage OP ,

True, but one thing different they did was tie it in to Instagram, more info gathering to the same FB/Meta company. Not a stand-alone product by a new company (fresh new thing).

doubletwist ,

Really only to get notifications of weather stuff from my local NWS office.

HatchetHaro , avatar

gay furry porn

agitatedpotato ,

Porn is the best and possibly only reason to stay on twitter. In fact I wish everyone who deleted their account goes and makes a porn following account until the app stores hands are forced to delisting it and even less advertisers pay for spots. Plus there's some good ass porn there. Or at least there was last I checked, admittedly it's been a while.

franzfurdinand , avatar

I wish I had something more significant to contribute, but... yeah. Mood.

ImplyingImplications ,

The only reason I still use reddit is because of its huge NSFW communities.

bibliotectress ,

That's one of the biggest reasons why I don't. I was angry I had to start logging in to visit those.

Omega_Haxors ,

You can get around that by using old.reddit as you can click past the NSFW filter without signing in.

brlemworld ,

I had a throwaway account. I dont use Reddit for porn because it doesnt have as much content as twitter. Also the content it does have is pretty vanilla.

Harbinger01173430 ,

I never had a Twitter account. I just joined mastodon a few hours ago

JimmyBigSausage OP ,

And Lemmy 4 days ago?

Harbinger01173430 ,

Yes. I am getting into this fediverse thingy. So far, so good

JimmyBigSausage OP ,

Welcome aboard!! 🚀

Harbinger01173430 ,

I was thinking of creating a friendica account but i think with mastodon, it'll be enough for all intended purposes.

airportline , avatar

Not everyone has moved on to Bluesky yet

Boiglenoight ,

Knowing what I know, I’m not. Mastodon is good, but not the same. There needs to be a publicly run version of Twitter, with same algorithms.

Sibbo , avatar

It is full of content. Like Reddit.

But mastodon is not very entertaining, because it is just a "new" feed. Also the twitter app works well. So I usually use Twitter instead of mastodon.

But the Reddit app is garbage. And Lemmy is a great alternative. So there I go for the more ethical solution and pick Lemmy over Reddit.

Comparing Lemmy and Twitter. They have different content. Hence I use both.

Melatonin ,

I like low-end advertising

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