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yesman ,

American libertariansim is solipsism; it's natural they can't agree on anything. A group of libertarians is called an impasse.

yesman ,

You think that a court that can can step over a constitutional amendment can be tripped up by federal law?

The leftests who seethe at the DNC and Hillary won in 2016, why are they so bitter about their victory?

'No Question This Is Dead’: Biden Impeachment Probe Collapses ( )

House Republicans reached a critical point this week in their bid to impeach Joe Biden: a closed-door interview with the President’s younger brother James. But the coveted testimony was dramatically overshadowed by another development: The Justice Department indicting one of the impeachment inquiry’s lead informants for...

yesman ,

Nobody wants the House to move on Impeachment more than the Biden admin. The Republicans would be fools to put this obvious bullshit in the news-cycle for weeks in an election year. The only witness who doesn't contradict their narrative is a Russian agent.

Some in the House will push for it anyway. The crazies who don't have to worry about getting re-elected in their gerrymandered districts, and don't care about being in the majority. All they care about is re-tweets and bending a knee to the Donald. Impeachment is retribution and retribution is life.

yesman OP ,

Honestly it bugs me that AI generates historical Europeans who are overwhelmingly and astonishingly attractive, by modern standards. The 'historical accuracy' crowd doesn't seem to notice this bias.... for some reason.

yesman ,

It's kinda ironic to chastise other leftests for having too much internal conflict.

yesman ,

This matter was resolved in the landmark case Grant v. Lee.

yesman ,

Raw Story is garbage. Not because it's partizan, but because it's lazy.

"MAGA freaks out..." is 3 people responding to a fox news tweet identified by their twitter handle, another who's not even identified that way, and some other rando who doesn't agree. That's it, that's the story.

IDK what kind of sweatshop the reporters working for that outlet are laboring under, but there is nothing in this "article" that couldn't be hammered out in 10 min on a smartphone.

Just because it's lefty garbage, doesn't mean it's not garbage.

yesman ,

One of the things not addressed in this interview is how the ideology of libertarianism is central to the transition from markets to fiefdoms. All the big tech bros are huge libertarians and that's not an accident.

And I do think this is a new phenomena unlike classic capitalism. Marx thought that a post-scarcity society would mean more leisure, he didn't anticipate that that leisure was just another source of value to exploit. Think of reddit selling it's "content" to an AI company. That content wasn't produced by coerced labor paid unfairly, it was produced by voluntary labor paid nothing.

yesman ,

when the courts operate on the basis of “innocent until proven guilty”.

This is a slogan, a hypothetical that applies to a spherical defendant in a vacuum. In over 90% of all US criminal convictions, the prosecution has no burden of proof.

yesman ,

This kind of marketing ruined gaming culture.

There is a throughline between gendered marketing; the idea that young hetero men owned gaming; and chud gaming culture like gamergate.

The idea of the young horny gamer dude is sexist toward men too. Never mind the accompanying stereotypes of gamers as loosers and nerds.

yesman OP ,

The kid was blown away by the modem. For those who don't know it's a cradle type dial up modem where you place the (land line) phone on a receiver instead of plugging the computer into the cat4. You could get up to 150 bits per second on one of those bad boys.

yesman ,

South Carolinians are just nostalgic for secession because it's the last time they were first at anything.

yesman ,

The idea that any working class boomer could raise a family/ own a house on a single income is a myth. That was only true if you were a man, and happened to be white. The federal government built the interstates to the suburbs, the GI bill loaned the money to buy the house, and sent you to college. All to the exclusion of POC and women.

Even the labor unions told black men that you couldn't be in a union without a job, and couldn't get hired unless you were in a union. This "golden age" economy was also when a divorced woman couldn't get a bank account, an apartment, or a job.

The capitalists weren't sharing more wealth, they were sharing with fewer people.

“I really do believe in IQ science”: Laura Loomer, Trump ally floated for a potential White House position, goes on wildly racist rant against Rep. Ilhan Omar ( )

Only months after Donald Trump Jr. floated Laura Loomer as a White House press secretary, Loomer used her platform on Rumble to launch into a half-hour long racist screed against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Somalians living in America, birthright citizenship, and Muslims. Loomer begun the show by referring to Rep. Omar as a "black...

yesman ,

IQ by "race" discredits IQ (and biological determinism)

Ask: what is a 'black person' or a 'white person', and you'll find social categories, not biological ones. So, the fact that IQ consistently finds differences between these groups proves that it's not a measure of biological quantity.

It'd be like IQ testing showed that blondes really were dimmer than their peers, but the effect held for bottle blondes as well.

yesman ,

Youtuber Perun joked this week that the Houthis had done more to disrupt international shipping than the Russians had done in the Black Sea.

yesman ,

fill Carl Sagan's shoes.

Cox (and Tyson) are substitute teachers.

yesman ,

The Supremacy clause doesn't apply to the free person Abbot. He's is not succeeding, he's traveling.

yesman ,

Just for some context here. In the US, Christianity is everyday, more an identity than a religion. The "evangelicals" that support Trump overwhelmingly don't attend services, don't read the Bible, and don't pray unless they're in trouble. The evangelical movement has been cooped by the Republican party so thoroughly, that there isn't much difference between conservative politics and Christian belief in the average worshiper's mind. Christianity is the justification for having power, not the ethic of how to wield it.

I'm not playing "true Scotsman", or trying to define what a Christian ought to be. I'm just posting this for the people who are mystified at the disconnect between the teachings of Jesus and the support for regressive and hateful politics.

It's ironic that apotheoses of the individual, so central to modern conservative thought is antithetical to patriotism, faith, and family values.

yesman ,

I would argue that Christianity has moved much further toward reactionary politics than the other way round. Evangelicals in the 70s were pro-choice for example. I'd also point out that reactionary politics is at a high water mark while Christianity is in decline.

There's a trap in being a critic of religion that one tends to overestimate the power of faith.

yesman ,

What you need to keep in mind is that corpos embracing the values of younger customers mainstreams those values and moves the Overton window. Regardless of the motivation, it's a W.

Conservatives understand this; it's why they resist it so hard.

yesman ,

Everything I know about Linux I learned troubleshooting a problem. And I still feel like I don't know shit about the OS. After so long with Windows, Linux feels like living in a country where you don't speak the language; everything is harder than it needs to be.

If the day comes where games are as easy on Linux as they are on Windows, I'll give desktop Linux another shot.

This said, I've self-hosted on a Debian box for years.

yesman ,

If we're going to teach the horror of colonization of the Americas in school, I don't think that time we did graffiti is very important.

Symbols are for the symbol minded.

Alex Jones is profiting from his new game on Steam — while refusing to pay the Sandy Hook families he defamed ( )

Following his trial for defamation of the families of the children and school staff killed in the Sandy Hook massacre, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is using Valve Corp.’s Steam, the world’s largest digital distribution platform for PC games, to sell an Infowars-themed video game. Jones claims to have earned hundreds of...

yesman ,

Look, people need something to play after they've finished Hogwarts Legacy.

yesman ,

It’s one of the most progressive minded games I’ve ever played

That is such an incredibly low bar. What passes as progressive values in AAA games is just a shoehorned and saccharine checklist progressiveness. I can almost understand why the chuds get annoyed because playing some games can be like bad corporate DEI training.

Right wing ideology meanwhile is baked into gameplay. It doesn't matter much if the themes are anti-racist so long as every problem can be solved with the right gun. It doesn't matter if you're a socialist state in a strategy game who's economy is straight out of the Chicago school.

A couple games get it right. "This War of Mine" shows you what's happening in the out of bounds areas of Call of Duty. "Darkest Dungeon" is a microscope on the exploitation of capitalism. But good luck finding something like this in the AAA space.

yesman ,

So the leader of a violent coup attempt is given a lenient punishment by a sympathetic judiciary?

Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.

yesman ,

Don't you see the contradiction in "she won the popular vote" and "she was a shit candidate"?

It's kinda like the contradiction that Bernie could win the general election, but 12% of his voters defecting to Trump wasn't enough to make a difference.

Leftists are going to be shouting "the DNC is corrupt" on the gallows after Trump wins.

yesman ,

This case is just like the New York one. The matter of guilt is already settled, only the award remains.

The real lawyers will work on the real case, witch is the appeal. Habba's job is to make headlines, keep Trump in the news, and fight every inch no matter how useless. Just because her behavior makes her a bad lawyer, doesn't mean she's not serving her client, or that she's dumb. Habba's legal work probably amounts to tens of millions of dollars in free prime time advertising for Trump's reelection.

Trump's strategy is to be in the news everyday. So many scandals that only Rachael Maddow can keep it all straight. Is it a good strategy? It worked in 2016.

yesman ,

Pakistan's government took our money, promised to fight terrorism, denied it in public, all while their military (who actually ran the country) supported the Taliban as a proxy force.

The only thing Trump ever did that I agreed with was suspending "aid" to Pakistan.

Education Ministry withdraws funding of Jewish event over Arab Israeli host ( )

'A woman who represents mixed marriage cannot represent Jewish culture' said the ministry about journalist and host Lucy Aharish, who is married to Jewish Fauda star Tsahi Halevi; the Israeli council that hosts the annual event to 'promote a pluralistic, progressive and free Judaism' demands the ministry to retract its decision

yesman ,

Whether it's Christofascists, Hindu nationalists, or Jewish supremacists that shit always sounds exactly the same.

yesman ,

Strategic bombing is terror bombing. Killing civilians and terrorizing the survivors was the stated goal. If Israel needs to learn anything from the Allied experience of strategic bombing, it's probably that it doesn't fucking work.

From Wikipedia:

Area bombardment came to prominence during World War II with the use of large numbers of unguided gravity bombs, often with a high proportion of incendiary devices, to bomb the target region indiscriminately—to kill war workers, destroy materiel, and demoralize the enemy. In high enough concentration, it was capable of producing a firestorm.[35] The high explosives were often delay-action bombs intended to kill or intimidate those fighting the fires caused by incendiaries.[36]: 329 

It's also pretty dishonest to frame the conflict from Oct7 as some isolated event. Like the charge of genocide rests only on the events of the past hundred days. It's not like the Allies had forced Germans into Dresden then walled it off before bombing it.

It should also be stated that Dresden is often used as a whataboutism by Holocaust deniers and Nazi apologists.

yesman ,

Of the Americans in Europe? No.

The USAAF didn't do daylight bombing to spare civilians, they did it because of doctrine. They thought it was more effective to target industry. But those daylight bombs fell on cities just like they fell on factories and just like they fell on empty fields. They didn't care about the aircrews, much less the people on the ground. What do you think it means to "demoralize" the population?

My comment about the framing was directed at the author of the article, not you.

yesman ,

Unreliable =/= false. Even heavily biased outlets usually get their facts straight, but editorial choices like whom to quote, how to frame events, and what stories to cover can absolutely give a wrong impression. Especially if the audience isn't paying close attention.

You can take a fact like "two hostages were killed in an Israeli airstrike" and frame it as "look how indiscriminate the IDF bombings are" or "look how cowardly Hamas is". Those are two very different stories, but neither are "false".

Genuine fake news is pretty rare, unless the source is a random link from Xtwitter. Go fact check what you consider a heavily biased source and I think you'll be surprised.

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