
Mama told me not to come.

She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.

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sugar_in_your_tea ,

Eh, I think sitting in the middle is totally reasonable. The right lane is for exiting and merging, and everything to the left should be used only when passing. So as you go left, speeds should increase. The speed limit here isn't that important, the important thing is that you're never passing from the right.

Obviously reverse for backwards countries like the UK.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

pull back into the outside lane

Not sure if you mistyped, but if you're in the left most lane and the person in front is passing someone, then you stay in the lane until they move over.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Or better yet, if there's room to your right and the lane to your right isn't the right-most lane, move right. It doesn't matter if someone is behind you or if you're one lane from the left, move right if you're not passing someone.

Far too many people camp in the left most lane when there's plenty of room to the right. This forces traffic that you're probably not actually noticing to pass on the right, which is unsafe and, in some areas, illegal.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

The real solution here is to pass and enforce "stay right except to pass" laws. You should only pass on the left, full stop.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Amateur, you gotta get your car lifted:

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Yeah, they should honestly have two:

  • actual carpool lane
  • the pay carpool lane

In my area, apparently enough people pay for the HOV lane that it's just as slow as everything else. Kinda defeats the point.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

It doesn't matter who's faster, what matters is if the car in front is actively passing. If there's a big enough gap that the car in front can merge over without having to slam on their brakes to match the slower flow, then yes, they should move over. But if there isn't, then I guess you need to wait until there is.

The rule should be codified and enforced as something like: stay right except to pass, and passing on the right is illegal. That's simple. If there's room to your right, regardless of traffic behind you, you should move right. It doesn't matter what speed you're going, if there's room, move right. The only exception here is on highways with more than two lanes, in which case it's totally fine to leave the right lane open for people exiting and entering the highway. Other than that, stay right. And if someone else isn't following that law, call traffic enforcement and don't pass on the right.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

As it should be. I wish it was in my state, because so often we have a line of people in the left lane, nobody in the next two lanes, then trucks and grannies in the right two lanes.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Unsafe driving is anything that's surprising. Having a car go faster than your to your right is surprising, thus unsafe. The #1 rule in any kind of dangerous activity where a lot of independent actors are involved is to be predictable.

Here's a clear scenario:

  1. Driver A is cruising in the left lane
  2. Driver B comes up behind driver A
  3. Driver A notices B, checks to the right (looks over shoulder), and decides to merge right
  4. Driver B gets impatient and starts to overtake A on the right
  5. Driver A, assuming moving to the right is safe (mirrors look good), moves right and collides with B, who is in their blind spot

It's reasonable to assume someone isn't going to jump into your blind spot on the right. That's less reasonable to your left, so you should be extra careful when merging left.

Merging right should always be safer because you may need to move over if an emergency vehicle approaches from behind.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Yup, I'm the same way. A flag is a piece of cloth, and it only has relevance due to the symbolism on it. Sure, be respectful of the freedoms it represents, but at the end of the day, it's a piece of cloth.

And yeah, I would totally not be comfortable living somewhere like the UK, if only because of the traditions around the crown, royalty, and court and legislative procedure. I'd be civil for sure, but I'm only using reasonable titles. That said, I'm okay with "the honorable" or "your honor," if it's referring to someone respected in the community that represents justice under the law. But "your grace" and whatnot are right out, I save that for actual deity.

sugar_in_your_tea , (edited )

No, I'm pretty sure that's a quirk of how the fediverse works. Posts, comments, etc are in two places:

  • the instance the community is hosted on
  • your instance (i.e. unique to users of your instance)

You'll want the first (the permalink) for general posting, and the second for your own use. However, lemmy doesn't handle the first very well, so both options kinda suck.

I honestly don't think there's a good solution to this. We can make improvements though, such as lemmy figuring out that a link is a lemmy link, either through special syntax (like @user or !community) or checking a list of known instances, but the real problem is that users need to be aware of instances, and that's poor UX imo.

I'm working on an alternative to lemmy that solves this (and has a bunch of other drawbacks that I hope are acceptable), but I hope it's not necessary and someone more clever than me can solve it.

sugar_in_your_tea , (edited )

Yeah, that would work within lemmy, and it would make it easier to detect whether a link is to lemmy or something else (look for /c/<community chars>@<hostname chars>/<rest>). But you'll still have the issue of clicking a link elsewhere (say, a blog post) to an instance that's not yours, so you still wouldn't be able to directly comment w/o copy/pasting part of the URL to your instance.

That said, that change alone would reduce a lot of friction for users. My point is that it still doesn't fix the root of the problem. I guess we could use a browser extension to auto-redirect to your instance of choice, but that's just yet another barrier for users.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

To be fair, Joseph Smith wrote "The Articles of Faith" well before polygamy was abolished, which states:

  1. We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

So the belief that polygamy still has value may remain. Or it may not. It's hard to tell without a change in the law.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

It's also not that strange in more secular contexts, see this article about polyamory in general. So I think it makes sense for people to be okay with the concept of plural marriage, while not wanting to engage with it themselves (e.g. it wouldn't work for me).

sugar_in_your_tea ,

grow... via birth

I've never heard that argument. I've instead heard that there were more women than men, so plural marriage was a way to provide for those women since men were the primary breadwinners. The men who engaged in plural marriage were generally well off, and many didn't actually have children with all of their wives.

sugar_in_your_tea Mod ,

I've been working on a passion project over the last couple weeks, and I really wish I could do this full-time, and it's one of my biggest driving factors for FI. I don't want to monetize it though, so it's not something I'd be able to just commit to if it gets traction (it's open source though, so maybe a sponsorship?).

Anyway, what projects do you all want to spend time on once FI? Are you working on them now?

sugar_in_your_tea Mod ,

That's a cool project. :)

For scanning, have you tried an MFC printer/scanner with a scan bed? I've only used it on documents, but it might work on photos as well. Theoretically, you could just place a stack on the feeder and scan them all at once.

sugar_in_your_tea Mod ,

You could use AI to do the initial tagging and cache the results in a SQLite database or something. That way everything remains pretty static while also saving you time.

sugar_in_your_tea Mod ,

Huh, I've owned our house for 9 years now, and my most expensive year was $2k (furnace and fireplace needed repairs)? Most years have needed very little maintenance, like maybe $100-200 for new sprinkler heads and some other stuff. We haven't needed new HVAC or a roof yet, but that's probably coming in a few years.

On the flipside, we save a ton vs renting. Our mortgage payment plus taxes and insurance is more than $1k less per month than renting. So I could do that HVAC replacement every other year and come out ahead. Yeah, we had to put a bunch down, but we've saved more on rent than the down payment in that time (not sure about counting gains if invested though, but I think we're close).

You'll need more in savings with a house, but less ongoing costs. So if you amortize it, it's probably better to buy in most cases. But location matters.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Well yeah, they're enough to meet the minimum use cases so they can upsell most people on expensive RAM upgrades.

That's why I don't buy laptops with soldered RAM. That's getting harder and harder these days, but my needs for a laptop have also gone down. If they solder RAM, there's nothing you can (realistically) do if you need more, so you'll pay extra when buying so they can upcharge a lot. If it's not soldered, you have a decent option to buy RAM afterward, so there's less value in upselling too much.

So screw you Apple, I'm not buying your products until they're more repair friendly.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

nothing would change except it wouldn’t be under Google anymore.

That's a massive change.

Google is an ad company, so they have a vested interest in knowing what apps you use, how often you use them, and perhaps even what you do with those apps. Splitting that off means the app store needs to sustain itself without the massive ad network (I suppose they could sell the data).

It could even be split three ways:

  • Google - all the search and ad stuff
  • Android - just the OS, which survives based on license fees to manufacturerers
  • Play Store - just the play store

That way the Play store would need to compete with alternatives, like vendor-specific stores and FOSS stores. Whether that's desirable is certainly up for debate, but it would definitely be a significant change.

Change phones. Problem solved.

That's a duopoly, so no, the problem is absolutely not solved. If there were more than three phone OS options, I'd agree with you. But right now there are pretty much just two major ones, which means they can get away with a lot of nonsense because their customers really only have one other option.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

And the Chicago Bulls are a basketball team... so there's no chance they'd know what that is, despite Quidditch being essentially soccer + basketball...

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Nah, I see England/UK as our ex, and it was a messy breakup.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

IDK if you could call it dating. I moved out of the house, but she followed me so I had to get a restraining order. She didn't like that, and it came to blows. We finalized things with a formal separation, but she kept getting involved in my business so I had to sue her, and then she seems to have finally gotten the message.

We're on good terms now though, but it took some time for the wounds to heal.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

No, ranked choice has serious issues and won't likely fix the issue. I'd prefer to avoid citing specific alternatives because they all come with their own biases and trade-offs. One example of surprising results is the Burlington, VT mayoral election, which is contentious because the winner was neither the plurality or majority winner.

That said, I think it's a case of "don't let perfect be the enemy of better." If RCV is on the ballot, I'll vote for it. But I'd very much prefer one of the other many alternatives because I think it doesn't resolve the spoiler effect satisfactorily and can have very surprising results.

I highly recommend looking into the various alternatives and reading up on condorcet winners before jumping on the RCV bandwagon.

Regardless I think an even better solution is to focus on fixing gerrymandering. I think we should consider proportional representation in the House, which should get more third parties elected and give us a real shot at breaking the two party system there. I think we'll always have one of the two major parties in the White House just based on voter demographics, but changing at least on house of Congress should force the President to actually work across party lines instead of waiting until their party gets a majority. Having Democrats and Republicans need to cater to the greens, libertarians, etc would be awesome.

sugar_in_your_tea Mod ,

9 months severance. Here's how I see it:

  • layoffs - always awkward, and ticks people off; also, if they're laying off my team, I'm probably getting axed soon anyway
  • severance - basically paid vacation, I can easily find a job in that timeframe

I'm the type that would always take the fall for my team too, that's just who I am. I wouldn't even think twice about it or even bother running the numbers.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Yeah, I was confused about what it was (I thought it was some indication of how fresh the comment was for sorting purposes). A percent isn't interesting when most comments have like 5 votes or whatever, and it's still not that interesting even if there are more.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Nah, the Kali Linux logo. Everyone knows using Kali makes you a hacker, and getting a kali tat gives you immediate hacker xp.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Man, I hoped he would've picked someone else as his running mate... anyone else. But it seems she's going to be running with him...

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Not sure, some ideas:

  • that instance is still on 18.5, so maybe some federation bug?
  • there's a lot of content, maybe it hasn't finished syncing?
  • did you subscribe to it? It won't sync until sometime subscribes

I went ahead and subscribed, so it should start syncing new posts.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I've looked, and it's surprisingly difficult to find one with decent resolution in a decent size. It seems they're all 1080p nonsense.

I'm not even looking for fancy features like OLED or whatever, I just want 4k in >60" screen size without any smart features. Why is that so hard??

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Huh, cool! Do you know if they tend to last longer than consumer TVs? If they include better heat dissipation and whatnot (since they're intended to always be on), it may be worth the extra price.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

It's probably worth it if they're built better, which they probably are if they're intended to run continuously. So better heat dissipation, mosfets, etc.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Yup, kid became a top tier speed runner on Twitch.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Are you me?

I actually learned so I could make a website about music, and then later wanted to make games. I'm still at step 4. :)

sugar_in_your_tea ,

If it works, it works...

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Reverse engineering is a skill. It's not something we should reward, but it's something we should respect.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

But Chad soldiers rise above the fray to destroy their enemies.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

At least a complete platoon, so something like 20-50 soldiers. That way it's big enough to handle missions independently instead of just creating issues for whatever platoon they're assigned to.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

I actually had a coworker buy Apple devices specifically to put Linux on them, which never made sense to me. He kept having issues with it... surprised Pikachu.

Obviously use what you've got though. :)

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Still working on that, but I have some ideas:

  • text only - images, videos, and other binary content must be stored elsewhere (could still have links though)
  • data is stored encrypted (user option) - wouldn't show up in scans
  • clear separation between "stuff I'm interested in" and "random stuff I'm hosting for the network" - plausible deniability
  • perhaps an option to opt out of random data storage - you'd still store stuff you're interested in

But yeah, that's a huge part of why I'm unwilling to share the code until I'm comfortable with the moderation engine. I think there's an opportunity to use that moderation engine to reduce storage of CSAM (i.e. don't store data from blocked users).

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