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filister ,

I wonder once this war is over if Israel will allow international media inside Gaza and what pictures we will see then.

filister ,

Do you really need multiple VMs, can't you run all at one? The easiest would be to install some windows/Linux on a single machine. Then stream your games with Sunshine/Moonshine and connect over RDP/VPN?

UN food agency pauses its aid work at US pier in Gaza over security concerns, in latest setback ( )

WASHINGTON (AP) — The director of the U.N. World Food Program said Sunday the program has “paused” its distribution of humanitarian aid from an American-built pier off Gaza, saying she was “concerned about the safety of our people” after what had been one of the deadliest days of the war there....

filister ,

The same pier which is a covert US military base where 1000 marines deployed? I am not sure that this pier was ever meant to be a humanitarian hub.

If the US was so worried about the Palestinian well-being they could have simply stopped military shipments until Israel opened their land border and provided an adequate humanitarian relief to the population living in Gaza.

filister ,

And that's what's happening pretty much everywhere. Inflation is a godsend to employers for which work became immediately cheaper while they adjust the prices to either match the inflation or surpass it

filister ,

And now imagine you were on the opposite side. How would you feel if someone kills your child, in the pursuit of saving their own? Would you still be so cool?

filister ,

Congrats, you just found how terrorism is created. By violence. You just openly admitted that you will turn willfully a terrorist if the right conditions are met, e.g. someone endangers your child.

Now imagine how many Palestinian parents lost their children in this war. How do you think they feel?

filister ,

Correct me if I am wrong but it sure as hell seems like this is the aspiration of Israel to slowly evict all Arabs and Palestinians out of Israel or make their life hell, in order for them to revolt and give them an excuse for ethnic cleansing.

And let's not forget that Israel prior to its founding had less than 10% of the population in modern day Israel.

So stop pretending that Israel is only fighting for self-defence and see what's happening in the West bank and how they actively are trying to make the lives of all non Israeli citizens unbearable. Occupying the West Bank, uprooting olive trees, building checkpoints. Sorry but I am pretty sure if you were personally a subject to those restrictions you wouldn't be happy either.

filister ,

You will be surprised how much of the open source software out there is written and maintained by lefties and tankies.

Sadly conservatives seem to have either lower education and are not notorious for their sharing and selflessness.

filister ,

And yet so many people believe in religion without a single scientific proof. But yes, I got your point.

For the record there are a lot of shameful events in your history too, but I am sure your own government has done its utmost to hide those facts.

Just that in the US there is a massive anti China and anti Russia propaganda. Do not get me wrong, I don't disagree with a lot of their policies, but the US isn't also spotless and a role model in a lot of ways.

filister ,

I am exactly in the same boat. I might disagree with someone but the amount of work he put into it is admirable

What tips or resources would you recommend to someone who knows about Linux and wants to self-host, but has no experience self-hosting?

I have several years of Linux experience and I know how to fix my own problems, and I have experience self-hosting using Docker and Docker Compose, but I really feel that I don't know how to self-host and that I just copy and paste commands without understanding it, I would really like to learn how to self-host by myself but I...

filister , - just pick one or more services from the list and start looking into their documentation.

YouTube and the web are full of information and guides how you can do it. Me personally I would suggest you to use Docker container and Docker compose if possible. You can see how you can install Docker or Podman to run the containers.

filister ,

Not to mention that the state of Israel exists today thanks of Jewish terrorism. Read a bit of history and the events preceding the founding of Israel.

filister ,

Perhaps you should educate yourself before opening your mouth:

Tell me that this isn't a terrorist attack, and mind you this isn't the only one. So in a way the Jewish state exists today due to Jewish terrorism.

filister ,

So how usable is OLED for productivity and what WM/DM do you recommend?

I am toying with the idea of buying one, but people are saying that it sucks for productivity, and the text is less legible compared to IPS for example.

filister ,

Majority of the government in the West. I am sure if you start reading news from arabic media you will see a completely different story.

The problem is that international law is applied differently based on the country abusing it. And Israel is trying to shape the news perspective, by its bot army in English speaking of outlets and pushing hard a media campaign trying to discredit everyone who is not acting according to their interest.

Their foreign minister is posting some despicable videos and trying to link Spain and Hamas and claim that Spain is complicit in war crimes is nothing but despicable and shows the morale of all their government.

filister ,

Because your government has laws that would shield its citizens from ICC persecutions. Because you know, your government feels above international humanitarian law.

When those arrest warrants are against your rivals (Putin) it is all fine and commendable, but when it is against you and your allies it is a despicable act. You see the double standards here?

War crimes are war crimes no matter the side that commits them. And trying to undermine international laws and institutions created with the whole idea to prevent humanity from making the same mistakes like in the past should be preserved and protected.

filister OP ,

And this is creating a very dangerous precedent, where the US government shows complete disrespect of international law and provides Israel with this so-called feeling of utter impunity.

I understand that Biden should please his donors, but isn't there a single candidate that thinks more about the humans than for the money.

And that's why ladies and gentlemen, we the plebes outside the US don't like the US state, because they always think they are above the law and act as such. Law should apply to everyone equally, no matter what their nationality or how fat their bank account is. Deliberately undermining the law should be punishable, and these people should seriously be ashamed of themselves by thinking they are the only one who can define what's right and wrong!

filister ,

I also have 3440x1440 curved at home and flat at work. My personal recommendation is to get a curved one. But if I have to shop now for a monitor, I will simply get a 4K flat. 32-34 inches. The lost vertical space is a real deal breaker for me and it annoys me.

Ultra wide are nice for example for audio/video editing, where you want to visualise the timeline, but majority of tasks you would do, including gaming on them are better on a standard 16:9 monitors.

filister ,

It is amazing how many companies rely on ffmpeg and built their businesses around it.

filister ,

Please remind me, weren't there a couple of Israeli politicians calling Palestinians human animals and asking to drop nuclear bombs on top of them.

Or weren't some far right looting trucks full of humanitarian aid for famine ridden Gaza.

I can definitely continue this list or you can do yourself a favour by reading some Wikipedia page on the subject, and while at it you can also check (pick a random non affiliated with Israel human rights organisation) think of Israel's treatment of Palestinians.

filister ,

That's why I also switched to Obsidian. Used it for a while, but the inability to port it to another app turned me off.

filister ,

Not only Americans. Pretty much the whole West, especially people who were unlucky not to buy their own places. My rent is 1600, without bills, my projected rent is 2500. And mind you, I am well above the average.

I have zero trust that when it is time for me to retire I will have money to pay my rent, bills and have something left for food. Because my rent will also increase in price and also the inflation will be 40-60% higher. It is really f****d up situation.

filister OP ,

If something like this happens to my kid I sure as hell will radicalize. I wonder if Israel managed to kill more terrorists that they gave birth to, and call me sceptical but I think they did not.

filister ,

I think we should get a blind match dating app, where we emphasize on the content and not on the visuals. You just add some information about what kind of a person you are, what you are looking for, etc. and after you match and exchange some messages, you can open the pictures.

But dating apps are turning into those cheap e-commerce sites where everyone judges the items by the packaging and no one actually cares about the content. And mind you in a lot of cases the pictures of the packaging are highly exaggerated or from a couple of years, from better times. And you know, no matter how shiny this package is, there would be a day you will need to throw it in the trash and you will need to decide whether to throw the product along or only the package.

Excuse my metaphors.

filister ,

Isn't the US famous for their prison for profit, where prisons are privately owned and states need to pay if there are fewer incarcerated people inside?

To me, this sounds straight from 1984.

filister ,

It will take months to get real figures, and even then they will be both exaggerated and diminished by both sides so we might never know how many people had died in this conflict. Unfortunately I don't see anything good coming out of this war, more and more people will get radicalized on both sides and peace will get even more illusionary

filister ,

Have you tried I don't have any experience with it, but heard it is good at masquerading your traffic and making it almost impossible for your ISP to block it

filister ,

I didn't know there were almost as many Germans as Americans, the majority of Reddit users were Americans which has created Americocentric perspective on a lot of topics which from a European perspective was quite annoying.

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