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rivermonster ,

Is there a law that's been broke here, even if it's just defamation or something? I'd love to see this asshole prosecuted.

rivermonster ,

Because a war on terrorists in self-defense is NOT ethnically cleansing. It's good to see this group is as stupid and confused as ever.

rivermonster ,

There are no liberal counterparts. The billionaires are all capitalists. That's all there is to it. Any other political theater they perform for you playing left and right is just theater.

Dems and Republicans are identical parties on economic policy (note I said economic, not all policies).

rivermonster ,

Biden is performing theater about doing that. When was the last time dems actually managed a significant wealth tax? LOL

It is pure theater. If anything like that ever got close to passing, and the paid actors Sinema snd Mansion weren't enough, then they'd just pick another actor or two so the dems could pretend they really wanted to but no matter how much power they have its not possible to actually DO something.

rivermonster ,

The worst crackdown in recent memory on welfare happened under Clinton and the neolibs. I think both of these groups have examples of doing the things you've listed.

I appreciate your insights but respectfully disagree as there are examples of your listed priorities across party lines.

The end part is right. The same billionaires and companies pay both sides campaign bills. Which is why they're basically the same economically.

rivermonster ,

The helpless dems excuse has been used by apologists for the past 50+ years of failure to do anything!

rivermonster ,

Sherman them all again.

rivermonster ,

Burn it down, no reconstruction this time. That was one of the biggest mistakes post-civil war.

rivermonster ,

If Obama had fought for his seat, Roe would still be the law. Dems never ever fight. They cry about how they can't do anything. Even when they have the house, senate, and white house, they couldn't do anything. Watch the excuses that follow this comment.

Neither capitalist party will ever help because they're both avowed capitalists.

Vote dem, move right slowly. Vote GOP move right fast AF, with added racism, hatred, and Christo-fascist oppression as well.

But ultimately, NO capitalist party will ever fix anything in this shit two party system. Both parties get all their campaign donations from the same billionaires., and companies.

rivermonster ,

And they have helped over and over to disable democracy and reduce the ability of citizens to affect change over monied interests who buy Thomas his motor home and other "gifts" (spelled bribes). And Scalia, and the others...

rivermonster ,

In my lifetime, a dem only ever once gave me something to vote FOR, and I actively campaigned for him-Obama. And the first thing he did was give up on universal care and then even on public option. But he's making millions by leveraging his presidency, so he's a good little capitalist.

And the banks still appreciate him vailing them out while ficking us all and all our municipalities, etc.

rivermonster ,

MAGA should be declared a terrorist organization.

rivermonster ,

Billionaires have paid BOTH Republicans and Democrats for this legal victory. It's another reason Obama didn't fight hard for his pick, and why the dems didn't stop Drunky McRape from getting a seat.

Theater was fine, but this is what all those campaign "donations" (read bribes) were for.

rivermonster ,
  • Spend EVERY day having a press announcement on it and bashing the GOP with the latgest bully pulpit on the planet
  • Expand and pack the court
  • Push a court case that it was their duty.
  • Push a case that it threatened national security based on issues it was holding up.
  • Move to just put someone in the seat regardless and let it get argued in the courts meanwhile the seat is filled.
  • withhold all federal funds to any state who's senator was blocking it
  • Any number of creative parliamentary maneuvers that let the GOP decide everything even when they're in the minority
  • BREAK ALL NORMS, just like the GOP did in stealing th pick. But Dems roll over and play victim. It's all they EVER do, even when they control Hoise, Senate and POTUS at the same time.

There's a ton of other shit too, but you get the point. Obama was quiet most days and played victim, bc the billionaires who owned him and who he bailed out of the financial crisis told him to ge a good boy and he did.

rivermonster OP ,

I feel you, and don't have a good coping mechanism for this one, plus it's hard as shit to not have an emotional take on it, hence the difference of the title in my community. https://lemmy.world/post/10842873

rivermonster OP ,

Even legitimately tracking law enforcement federally is difficult and half ass'd, and always opposed by some of the worst criminals in our country the Police Unions (they misspell "organized crime ring" as "union"). There's always bullshit like "voluntary compliance", and failure to follow up on no compliance at all, it's god-damed ridiculous.

rivermonster OP ,


Cops are 22nd most dangerous career in America. They don't even cut it in the TOP 20. This according to the University of Delaware. Good thing we LITERALLY give them military hardware and equipment to use on the citizens.

rivermonster OP ,
rivermonster OP ,

And police are tied with grounds maintenance, and maintenance workers. But only one of the three gets military hardware. ><

rivermonster OP ,
rivermonster OP ,

Correction, until we have a tug from the right. There's just the current tug between center-right dems and fascist, racist GOP. Both capitalist parties, thereby both requiring a fascist force.

rivermonster OP ,

Upvoted for FACT.

rivermonster OP ,

Works the same on the federal level, too. Here is an oldie but goodie from 2013:


rivermonster ,

I would personally pay for the rope and duct tape to secure him to his chair and tape-up his orange, fascist mouth.

1 million voters have been purged from Florida's rolls as number of registered Democrats drops by nearly 10% while Republicans only lose 3% of registered voters ( www.dailymail.co.uk )

The active registered voters with the Florida Democratic Party fell by 467,337 voters or nearly 10 percent. The active registered voters with the Republican Part of Florida decreased by 153,369 or approximately three percent....

rivermonster ,

In most red states, it is literally impossible for the GOP to win a state-wide election without massive voter suppression efforts. No shocker here. Nobody hates democracy more than Republicans.

Edit: Just like Florida, Texas is easily blue if elections there were fair, and voting wasn't intentionally made difficult for minorities and blue counties.

rivermonster , (edited )

Has anyone read the resolution and can say who Sanders wants to do the human rights scruitny, and how they would do it in a warzone? I'd guess the UNHRC, but it's gaza so if that means UNRWA then it's silly. UNRWA is a wing of Hamas, and aids Hamas or they'd be kicked out.

Just a reminder from the past:


And those were the "teachers".


rivermonster ,

If you shoot missiles at civilian ships, then you die. Even if you are allies of Hamas and Iran. It is a good policy.

rivermonster ,

Holy shit, lol, talk about tone deaf. Though I think there's also a serious note of disdain for the stupid, racist hicks who keep him in power; and how amused he is that he can shit on them and still get their vote.

rivermonster ,

Are you asserting that Hamas is NOT in the west bank? It's so popular there that Abbas is about to lose his seat to Hamas.

rivermonster , (edited )

Hamas appeared to commit genocide, to destroy Israel and kill the Jews. You should read their founding document. I have. Here’s an atlantic piece that’s a decent critique of it as well:


As for the Oslo Accords, Arafat walked away and refused everything, I’m not sure what myths you’ve been reading about it. Palestinians have rejected two-state 5 times, including Abbas in 2008.

At one point Israel agreed to 80% of Palestine mandate to be the Palestinian Arabs and 20% the Palestinian Jews, but in reality they were sure they could just genocide or deport all the jews so even that wasn’t enough.

rivermonster ,

A radical religious bastard killed the PM. Equating him with all Israel is the same as saying every person in Gaza is an active combatant. And though that's ridiculous, it's where your fallacy leads.

rivermonster ,

Thank you for the Hamas talking point you regurgitated. Your number comes directly from Hamas and is a propaganda message you voluntarily spread for your ally.

~8500 of that number were active Hamas terrorist combatants, another ~1000 were other terrorist groups that operate in Gaza. But your omission is exactly what they seek with their propaganda that indoctrinates, radicalizes, and ultimately provides more terrorist recruits.

EDIT: Oh and don't forget about the hospital that Hamas hit with a rocket as they attempted a war-crime against Israel. Those victims are in that number too. ;)

rivermonster ,

It's frustrating for the super-rich when an extremely popular method of laundering money proves to be filled with shady characters. LMFAO.

rivermonster ,

Absolutely, I'm dying for some details, and what a massive loss for Russia. If true, they won't be able to use these most effectively (having to force them to stand off) or possibly at all (deoensing on what happened). That would definitely be massive

Israel Bombed an Al Jazeera Cameraman — and Blocked Evacuation Efforts as He Bled to Death ( theintercept.com )

“IT WAS AS if a storm had targeted us.” On the afternoon of December 15, an Israeli airstrike slammed into the Farhana school in Khan Younis where Al Jazeera Gaza bureau chief Wael al-Dahdouh and his cameraman, Samer Abu Daqqa, had just wrapped up filming the aftermath of an earlier bombardment in the area....

rivermonster ,

You will find regularly on Lemmy the call for the destruction of Israel. They literally mean Jews shouldn't have a homeland. Many radicals are this way, including among the "Palestinians", that's why they have rejected a 2-state solution with Israel five times.

3 migrants, including 2 kids, drowned in Eagle Pass days after Texas blocked Border Patrol from area, congressman says ( www.cnn.com )

Three migrants, a woman and two children, drowned Saturday in the Rio Grande in Eagle Pass, Texas – very recently the epicenter of the migrant crisis – just days after state authorities blocked the US Border Patrol from accessing miles of the US-Mexico border, according to a post on X by Rep. Henry Cuellar....

rivermonster ,
rivermonster ,

Seeking asylum is NOT against the law.


You need to get out of whatever bubble you're in and expand your sources.

rivermonster ,

Everyone has the right to seek asylum—no matter who they are, where they come from, or when they choose to flee. The right to seek asylum, along with other rights of refugees, is outlined in the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol which has protected the rights of asylum seekers and refugees since the end of WWII. The legal documents are the core basis of international refugee protections and define the moral and legal obligations of countries to refugees and asylum seekers. 

One of the most important protections established by the Convention is the core principle of non-refoulement, the right for refugees and asylum seekers to be protected from forced returns to a country where they will face serious threats to their life or freedom. This protection gives asylum seekers the right to seek asylum without fear of being returned to their country of origin, even if their legal refugee status hasn’t been determined yet. All countries are accountable for protecting asylum seekers and must accept them when they arrive at ports of entry. 

If a refugee or asylum seeker is denied entry into a country and returned to their country of origin, they may be forced to return to an armed conflict or war and could be at risk of persecution, violence and death. To protect people from returning to dangerous situations where their lives and freedoms are at risk, the right to seek asylum must be upheld. 

rivermonster ,

Holy shit, I forgot he was even in the administration.

rivermonster , (edited )

Since I’m helping out today, I’ll bite.

They would have more success opening a conversation with someone if they forgo the insults:

Okay then, Mr Tankie McRussianbot, let’s all hear what fucking genuis solution…

Instead I suggest they try something like “I am not very familiar with alternatives to our two party system, what would you suggest instead?”

I’m not their friend, I have no desire to be their friend, and honestly I was being restrained in my response b/c they were being such an asshole. But I figure it’s usually worth a try to respond with the information on the off chance they’ll read and change.

If their feelings got hurt by the response to the angry, aggressive, insulting comment, then I’m not particularly bothered or interested.

Hopefully, this helps them have better interactions with others in the future.

rivermonster , (edited )

Agree that chip manufacturing is a component of the decision making and contingency planning. I disagree with drawing too much of a conclusion about US intent from it. If things work out, the US will happily continue importing chips even as our own capacity grows.

Part of the push for US Chip manufacturing is finally recognizing it as a national defense issue. The US isn't the only country doing this (setting up their own). Modern militaries are crippled without chips. So it's not necessarily a definitive line to the Taiwan policy.

While, I don't disagree that it's a factor, but I would debate the inference and weight of the factor.

Abbott: Texas Would Shoot Migrants, But Biden “Would Charge Us With Murder” ( www.motherjones.com )

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has told a right-wing radio host that there’s only one tool the state isn’t using to stop migrants from crossing the border into Texas: gun violence, because it would prompt a response from the pesky federal government....

rivermonster , (edited )

I want to charge him with Treason and ordering an armed insurrection against the country. Take him out by force and keep him at GITMO until he can stand trial.


Those are armed forces disobeying federal law and federal officers.

Trump Isn’t Bluffing. We’ve become inured to his rhetoric, but his message has grown darker ( www.theatlantic.com )

“We pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, that lie and steal and cheat on elections,” Donald Trump said this past November, in a campaign speech that was ostensibly honoring Veterans Day. “The real threat...

rivermonster ,

I’m deeply sorry and embarrassed by that element of this country. Doing my best to fight, right here in the thick of it! ><

Hang in there, and don’t let the cancer spread as much as it has here!

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