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realbadat ,

52 is already at its limit, I think he'll be page 53 of Republican sexual predators, abusers, and enablers.

Help with deployment

Hello nerds! I'm hosting a lot of things on my home lab using docker compose. I have a private repo in GitHub for the config files. This is working fine for me, but every time I want to make a change I have to push the changes, then ssh to the lab, pull the changes, and run docker compose up. This is of course working fine, but...

realbadat ,

Dockge would be more appropriate for that.

Watchtower has different functionality, mainly keeping them up to date with images.

You want Jenkins, GH Actions, or even ansible.

realbadat ,

I'd even go as far as to say many of them today are just copying Jobs. He was a terrible person.

realbadat ,


Not having money for food or a place to live prevents a whole lot of actions being taken that are appropriate and necessary.

realbadat ,

Get rid of the plastic, attach it to one of your own gloves.

Way better experience. Also really good for home grown vr in the early 90's (combined with some LCDs nabbed off camcamcorders and a VGA to s-video (or composite) converter).

i'd love to see a new powerglove. Though I think at this point an esp32 and some sensors could do all the same tricks... Hmmmm...

realbadat ,

And I appreciate your choice (considering a good number of communities I enjoy are on your instance).

Personally I think anything prod level should be manual updates only anyway.

realbadat ,

This is reddit blocking all VPNs it can, and only on new reddit.

It has nothing to do with bad actors and everything to do with maximizing user data gathering.

realbadat ,

Only DNS lookups. And it's lightweight enough you could have an original NUC, set up a pi hole LXC on proxmox, and have plenty of power left over for other tasks.

realbadat ,

An article was linked in other comment threads, there was a clear start and an uncomfortable girl who texted her mom with absolute fear of being raped.

Something a lot more than moving them around may have happened if she didn't send that text. So yes, no clear attempt at sexually assaulting the girls, but the amount of effort he went to.... Doesn't give me the feeling that this was only about a good night's rest.

That said, I'd prefer the girls safe over him getting more time in prison any day of the week.

realbadat ,

I think you may be misremembering some osx fun with cups in the past, just like with Linux. Honestly most activities for the older folks these days is mobile or web based, the tech support needs for them is about the same regardless of OS imo.

Back when I did solo IT work (a good 20+ years ago now), the questions were pretty much the same no matter what was being used too, though the Linux desktops at the time were usually focused on specialty hardware (so the dot matrix they were connecting to was about as easy as it could get).

At the time though, macs were getting popular again, even among folks like me who appreciated Darwin and thought OSX would lean more heavily into open source rather than the outright thievery they ended up doing, but that part is neither here nor there.

I'd say back then it was maybe 65/25/10 split of windows/osx/linux (usually redhat there, and two machines with slack), but the questions were mostly the same. And no matter what OS it was, it usually became a request for me to just do it for them on my next trip over.

If anything, aside from specific bits of software that may be unique to an industry and someone actively working, which OS has gotten far, far, far less important than it used to be.

realbadat ,

I don't know if I can agree on that, I personally find osx frustrating even today with how little control users are provided with, but I've also been a Linux user for far longer than just about anything else.

Still though, I do put OSX above Windows these days - purely based on software, not their hardware/price - for being easier than windows.

With package managers and stable desktop solutions (Debian for example), I think it's easier now than ever to ditch the proprietary and have a better experience.overall as a user.

realbadat , (edited )

Ah, yes, because Trump has been historically climate friendly, and didn't try to sell his presidency to oil companies even as little as a few weeks ago.

Great choice. Brilliant even.

Edit: For those down voting without a comment, please feel free to explain why you think not voting (which is going to boost Trump) or voting 3rd party (which again, is going to boost Trump) is helpful.

As opposed to not ignoring the differences between candidates, accepting that Biden is the lesser evil, pushing for progressives at the city/state level, and having a future path forward as opposed to what Trump has explicitly stated his plans are where there won't be a progressive option in the future.

I'd love to hear a viable alternative, really.

realbadat ,

I'm going to have to disagree pretty hard.

Biden won't do much of anything to move things where they need to be, absolutely. But Trump is going to make it much worse - and a few months before an election, those are the only choices.

To get more progressives in requires starting lower down. Local, county, and state representatives. Shawn Fain, for example, would have a good chance in a state election. More folks like Cori Bush or Jeff Merkley representing their state at the federal level.

With Trump elected - democracy is at stake, we've already seen that just a few years ago. You're not getting progressives anywhere in a Trump presidency.

Voting for one doesn't move the needle. Voting for the other, or not voting at all and taking a vote against a potential future, is guaranteed to make things worse.

Suggesting Trump and Biden are the same and yield the same results is absolute lunacy.

What's your server wattage?

I'm in the process of wiring a home before moving in and getting excited about running 10g from my server to the computer. Then I see 25g gear isn't that much more expensive so I might was well run at least one fiber line. But what kind of three node ceph monster will it take to make use of any of this bandwidth (plus run all my...

realbadat ,

Let's see...

My servers (tiny/mini/micros) in total are about... 600W or so. Two NASs, about 15-20W a piece.

I spend a out $150/mo in electricity, but my hot water/HVAC/etc are the big power draw. I'd say about $40-50/mo is what I'm spending on powering the servers in my office.

Definitely puts off some heat, but that's partially because it's all in one rack, and I've got a bunch of other work hardware in there. It's about 2 degrees warmer in my office than the rest of my home, but I also have air cycling all the time since it's a single unit HVAC and I need to keep the air moving to keep it all the right temp in the other rooms anyway (AC will come on more often otherwise, even without my rack).

realbadat ,

Closing down the business entirely, selling off all it's assets, with claimants and creditors getting first dibs on cash.

It's been around a year since a lot of us quit Reddit, myself included. I'm happy with Lemmy, but I still feel a bit lost online since leaving the old site. Discussion?

Been thinking of making a post like this for some time, apologies if some of this is not completely relevant: this community seems more like it's about Reddit the platform/product than Reddit the social "thing", but I'm sure a lot of people have similar experiences to mine. Maybe on some instances more than others....

realbadat ,

I go on Lemmy and mastodon and have had no reason to visit reddit. The content on Lemmy reminds me of how reddit was many, many moons ago - less content, but higher quality. I'm part of that "older generation" of the internet, with the "information superhighway!" posters in my local library when I was in middle school, so I get what you mean.

My wife still visits (logged out) to read bestofredditorupdates, it's all she really likes that's there, which isn't really here yet.

Personally, I really like the federation model. I think it has a long way to go still, but this structure makes sense to me. I'm interested in seeing where it goes.

As far as other solutions like discord, I don't use it much aside from a few niche things where it's the best place, due to the number of non-tech people involved. I think that will shift over time too, as federated solutions becomes easier for the typical user.

realbadat ,

Stand up a little VM with an install of Debian 9.

Don't mess with your main system, don't worry about flatpaks, and you can just get rid of it if you're done with it.

Finally an alternative to Big Tech, your new open-source mobile ecosystem ( )

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to engage in a mobile ecosystem outside of the watchful eye of the Big Tech giants and gatekeepers? A system that includes everything from operating systems, to app stores, to cloud services, messaging apps, email servers and more? A system that puts your privacy first, believes in a...

realbadat ,

Nah, just have it be like a palmtop!

Going to have to build one of them one of these days....

realbadat ,

It's more likely it wouldn't be able to handle the number of people + PCs. They are sized for use, and they may be hitting the limit with just the people in there, then add the BTUs coming off all that hardware, and you've got yourself a sauna.

realbadat ,

Considering the way they presented what was obviously them trying to skirt the rules, it isn't hard to believe that CF did provide that info, and it just wasn't presented in this writeup.

Not that I have any love for CF, just saying this is a case of no one being trustworthy.

realbadat ,

I wasn't born when it came out, but I did get to see it as a rental in ~ 1987 or so, I was young so rough guess. It was well before the box set that came out in 1992 which I got as a gift, which is still with my parents in the gigantic VHS collection (Dad got a camcorder, we have so much recorded, I'm converting it all to digital but by bit).

So at home as a kid on a (by today's standards) small screen - a 25" RCA CRT TV.

realbadat ,

Then you should know that to move things left, you need to vote more local progressives.

People don't start out going for the presidency (and they shouldn't, as the obvious recent mistake of a president shows).

Slowing down fascism provides opportunity for progressive politicians to make moves in the right direction, and take positions that are higher up the ladder.

Allowing a nose dive to fascism prevents the progressive folks from having an opportunity.

In short - yes, slowing it down is good enough at the presidential level.

realbadat ,

That really depends on the candidate.

And it depends on the main candidates as well. What we have now is "strong" words against genocide while continuing, or fascist genocide. The third party candidate (RFKJr) is an anti-vax, conspiracy theorist, covid-19 denying, whacko with name recognition for a while host of democrats, and was one until. He's a spoiler candidate. Voting 3rd party in this election is, imo, dangerous.

Now that DuckDuckGo is out. Give me your search prompts and I'll answer them as best I can. That includes images (based on what I have saved on my PC). So what is it you wish to know or see?

Edit: Due to popular demand FatTony Search servers are down for the time being. but has gone open source just in time (Yes that's how it works 😡) . You may now get responses from other users. Servers will be back up some time later.

realbadat ,

You may be surprised to know, not only does he know where but he makes some too! In fact, he made some with Muñequita Enfadada and it can be found on xnxx!

(I couldn't resist)

realbadat ,

My only thought there is "LOL"

  • Export violations (sanctioned countries)
  • Illegally collected personal information from children
  • Price fixing
  • Wage theft
  • Discrimination
  • Privacy violations
  • Mismanaging peoples 401ks

There are long, long, loooooong lists of violations MS has been caught for. The penalty has always been a fine small enough that it's a cost of doing business.

realbadat ,

Their scheme hatchery department is top notch, I'm sure they are already working on more

realbadat ,

Bigger number sounds better for the ISP.

realbadat ,

I like this a lot more vertically!

I also think it could have a bit less detail and get the point across, which would let it scale better.

realbadat ,

Exactly - honestly would be neat to stick on the boxes for the controllers I'm using for sensors in the garden.

May play around a bit with the design (with the help of a few graphic designer folks that I work with and would enjoy this, who can also do in minutes what would probably take me an hour or two)

realbadat ,

Honestly stencils are best for that.

realbadat ,

Big L little l.

Big L is the party - and yeah, it's just Republicans in a different T-shirt.

Little l is the ideology, which in many ways matches up with what I think, but to get there you need so many social programs to put people on even ground that we should have but don't. Universal healthcare being only one of so, so, so many.

Edit: And just to add, I think Rand was just a precursor to the Big L Libertarians, and little to nothing to do with the little l. You can have true individual liberty without the protections and support to enable those liberties.

realbadat ,

I think you're missing my point, yes.

Equality in the law, freedom of association, civil liberties, etc., etc. while technically in the US we "have" these freedoms, in reality we do not - we are subject to capitalism with regulatory capture, fines that unfairly punish the poor, so on. I'm on a phone, so I'm not typing out a dissertation.

Probably the best reference would be libertarian socialism or libertarian communism. The right wing Libertarian movement (which is dominant in the US) is really anarchi-capitalism, which is the complete opposite direction of left libertarianism (which is anti-capitalist).

Anyway, yes, there are a variety of ways freedoms are limited by simply being unable to afford things, or even being put into a position where you don't have the time to dedicate to those things. To me, that's fundamentally wrong.

realbadat ,

Solar powered battery banks which keep a few things up and running in my office (glass sliding doors, so I get plenty of light. Also use them to charge my phone and such.

My bike, which I used to ride to the bus to get into work until I went full remote. Has a small solar kit for my lights to stay charged on long rides. It's been a bit due to some joint issues, getting back into it now, but used to do centuries every weekend. Didn't need to it charge to full, whatever trickle worked just to extend it past the 4 or so hours it would do from full, then charge on the battery banks.

Gardening and associated sensors. Working on moving those over to lorawan, right now the updates are a bit spotty even at once every 4 hours updating due to distance.

I've got a bunch of stuff that's running on lightweight chips, like esp8266's and ESP32s, to do things like Bluetooth beaconing, lights (wled), etc.

It'll be a bit, but we are going to need to move to something with a bit more space, so other plans (solar + battery for the whole home, indirect solar water heating, etc) will be on hold for a bit.

realbadat ,
realbadat ,

The bottom is disposal, and recovery is energy recovery - as in, burning it. Part of the disposal process.

Yes, recycling is the bottom for what individuals can do.

realbadat ,

So a few comments...

  • I'm not a fan of Ubuntu server, in part because their distribution of docker through snap can conflict with snap from the docker repo. My preference here is either Debian or Proxmox (debian + great virtualization setup). Mint is good, though I like LMDE (Debian edition) more, in part because I prefer Debian in general.
  • You may want to check out dockge. You do need to have docker running for it, but it's a simple setup, and it has a clean interface for docker compose. Good for getting used to it imo.
  • grub has no part in docker, so it's something else hanging.
  • What are the exact errors when you enter "docker-compose up"?
  • what is in your docker-compose for each of these?
realbadat ,

Depends. Smaller townships without regular access to a breathalyzer, yes. Or cops trying to get you to admit that you are intoxicated.

I walked a straight line while touching my nose because the cop smelled alcohol in the car (rightly so, my wife, then gf, was smashed). Took about 10 seconds for him to go "So obviously that's all her, have a good night!".

So yes, it does happen.

realbadat ,

Just run windows in a VM for when you absolutely need it. It's how I can do my job but not be constantly barraged with ads in a start menu.

realbadat ,

I'd second this, if only because it's super easy to run things on and OP explicitly said they don't want to tinker with it. There is a limited list, imo, of buy and forget.

That's said, I personally think a cheap little 4th gen or higher Intel based tiny/mini/micro would do a way better job on the services side, and just store on the NAS.

realbadat ,

First off - loved hunt the wumpus when I was little.

Second, I'd consider what's possible as well - as in mesh network solutions that would apply to a community.

You can get over a gig with a 24ghz point to point for around 50W max draw. For point to multi, you can do something like the prism station for only 10W or a simple AP for less noisy environments. You can then extend with mesh for another 10W max or so.

Its perfectly viable imo to get 100mbit or more on pretty low power. You could get more than 24hrs of backup off a wheelchair battery for even the point to point stuff which will require more power for the long distance transmission.

With a bit more money into equipment, speeds can go even higher, but even at the lower price point you can get quite a bit more than 10mbit with large scale mesh. More than enough for most use cases!

realbadat ,

Ground up, sure, wired becomes an easy solution. Ad-hoc growth though (which is what I would expect to be more likely) wireless becomes advantageous. Running new lines is going to be way more than the couples hundred for an antenna stand and couple hundred to low thousands for gear (distance dependant) if there isn't a pathway already there and usable.

And yeah, the pipe out is the kicker always. That would either need to be a bunch of locations with a solid, but lower speed connection, or a high speed line (with fail over ideally). Which mostly means a shared cost and management.

I'd love to see something like this for a community, though you'd have to have enough folks to get it started.

I remember years ago there was a town/small city, I think in NZ, that started doing fiber distribution to everyone in town. It was optional to light it up, but with distribution like that it was real easy for them to have a singular community wifi solution as folks went around town, and they used (again, iirc) copper on utility poles for distribution to homes where they could, antennas on poles for those further out. That was super exciting to me, especially as a locally run initiative.

I'm hoping to find a community when we next move that has that sort of local drive to get projects done (and also has decent schools for my kids), though still searching on that.

What's a good NAS and server system under CAD$900 (USD$658)?

I am currently using an old laptop (circa 2015) with a 250GB SSD in it, and 4GB of RAM. It runs Fedora 39 Server, and only hosts a Jellyfin instance through Docker right now (though I want to use Nextcloud later too). There is only 15GB of storage left on it, and the CPU is constantly overloaded (due to forced transcoding). I...

realbadat ,

For lots of services that require little CPU and ram, I use tiny/mini/micro PCs, bought used. I get them for anywhere from $100-$400, and usually all I do is drop in an SSD. That includes Linux VMs when I'm testing distros or deployment on a distro, since 32gb ram on the host is more than enough to leave 4-8gb ram to the VM.

For some heavier applications, I also have a 4RU case stacked with drives, which I use as a third NAS (VM with drives passed through), large DBs, etc. Its just a 1700x with 64GB ram, and that's plenty.

For most things (DNS, a few web servers, git, grafana, Prometheus, rev proxies, Jenkins, personal fdroid repo, homepage, etc) I just use the tiny/mini/micro's. Imo, you can't go wrong with those for your services, and a big case with spare parts and lots of drives for your NAS. Especially at the price you mentioned. Just remember you can separate your services easily, so don't focus on getting everything in one spot, you can make your requirements (and cost) go up quickly.

realbadat ,

Agreed, I prefer trunk with native to the vlan for services, each container that the reverse proxy will hit in its own vlan (or multiples for differing sets of services, but I can be excessive).

I'd block any traffic initiated from that vlan to all others, and I'd also only allow the specific ports needed for the services. Then fully open initiated from the general internal vlan.

realbadat ,

I say "no", but for your case and for your mom, I'd agree with what others have said, a standalone library.

BUT! Only the Christian movies. Put them in a library called "The Christerion Collection".

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