@mcc@mastodon.social cover
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar



glitch girl

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mcc , to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

In Europe as in America there is this dizzying legal disconnect where neighboring states are either trying to protect or eliminate trans people. For example here we find the EU pondering* banning conversion therapy at the exact same time the government of Britain next door is forcibly detransitioning every trans minor in the country


  • Admittedly only a petition initiative here
mcc , to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Gonna upgrade my laptop to Ubuntu 24.04… expecting that, like everything else I have done on this laptop involving Ubuntu, I am going to regret this

Sinjo , to random
@Sinjo@tech.lgbt avatar

OH “If you’re the person who donated items containing radioactive sources to the swap shop, we’d like to talk to you. You’re not in trouble, we just want to know how many more there are.”

mcc ,
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@glyph @Sinjo I'm Not Angry I'm Just Irradiated

vampiress , to random
@vampiress@eigenmagic.net avatar

Side note: I watched "The Fall Guy" last night.

If you know ANYTHING about the geography of Sydney, Australia do NOT watch that film.

4 of us, Sydneysiders all, were going "wait WHAT? How did he get THERE suddenly!” every damn cut during some of the action scenes.

I recognise that perfect geography can be stifling to a director and liberties often need to be taken to compress space, but these cuts just made NO sense.

mcc ,
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@Cdespinosa @vampiress maybe if an NYC moviegoer sees someone getting around NYC improbably fast, it is wish fulfillment. like we go to movies to see and vicariously experience things that we cannot do ourselves in real life, such as get from one side of Manhattan to the other

futurebird , to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Why do I have to have a cat clinging to my butt behind me in my chair????why?

mcc ,
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird Due to this post I have just realized Wikipedia has an entry for "Making Biscuits"

mcc , to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

I think my favorite program in the entire linux/unix toolchain is "file". Did you even know about this program? It's on every system including MacOS and it's magic. You run it on any file and it just tells you what it is. Any file. I don't know who keeps this updated but it supports surprising things. Like it knows Windows file formats. If it's a executable it tells you if it's 32- or 64- bit. If it's an image it tells you the size and channels. If the file extension lies it just figures it out.

mcc , to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

A cool thing about alt text on Mastodon is that it works with the translation feature. Once you've translated a post the alt text beneath will change to your preferred language also.

So by adding alt text to your images not only are you adding accessibility for visual impairments, you're also adding language accessibility. Neat!

The same post, but now the Mastodon "Translate" button has been clicked and it shows "Translated from Nederlands using DeepL.com". The screenshot is still in Dutch, but now the alt text is translated into English, revealing that the article was about solar panels.

futurebird , to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

I have a powered ant vacuum for emergencies. Bringing it today feels pessimistic— not bringing it is tempting fate.

mcc ,
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird @u0421793 Now sincerely wondering if you could use the statistics of brownian motion to prove this mathematically

mcc , to random
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Sorry, you want me to what

futurebird , to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • mcc ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird ratio of wild mammals to livestock staggers me every time I see someone run these numbers.

    …Maybe this isn't fair since livestock probably includes a certain number of birds, but

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Would it be weird to learn Street Fighter 6 just so I can play as Marisa

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Incidentally I'm thankfully still not seeing any of this Google "AI results" stuff. It sounds like nearly everyone else is. I don't know if the difference is because I'm on a Canadian IP, or because my feedback when they briefly opted me into the early beta tests was so aggressively negative they put some kind of "AI Hater" flag on my account

    mcc OP ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Finally getting the new Google Shit Flavor. Just really floored that even if you report an AI result it just leaves it up there. Just such a total loathing for the customer being expressed in this feature

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    In the future, the only way to escape execution by the Microsoft killbots will be to legally change your name to be longer than 256 characters, thus rendering you invisible to their AI https://helvede.net/@jwcph/112485841825022134

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Holding head in hands We just tried to git clone the C# runtime and it failed because it would have created a pathname which is too long.

    We used Microsoft's source distribution server (github)

    To download Microsoft's programming language VM (dotnet)

    Onto Microsoft's operating system (Windows)

    And this was not supported.

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Remember: They're not AI PCs, they're Surveillance PCs https://mastodon.social/@arstechnica/112475611939997391

    mcc OP ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    My experience with Windows 10 was me turning off the "Bing" features, and one day turning on my computer and discovering overnight with an automatic update Microsoft had turned them back on, and everything I typed into the Start search was being forwarded to a network service. This happened more than once.

    It won't be enough to turn Windows 11's "AI" surveillance features off. Based on how they behaved with Win10, you have to assume a feature you turn off today will be silently turned on later.

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Thinking about how Mozilla is "pivoting to AI" but DeepSpeech, one of the very few "AI" products you could possibly find a positive use for (pure-local speech recognition), is not only a Mozilla product but so abandoned that you actually have to downgrade to Python 3.9 to run it

    mcc OP ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Like, I saw a post complaining that everyone simultaneously loves Firefox's pure-local translation library but everyone is also complaining about Firefox "refocusing" on AI, and that is a fair point, but also to me if a company/org announces they are going to focus on "AI" that is a statement that they are only going to be exploring the least useful, most damaging forms of "AI". If they intended to do something good, they'd probably call it something other than "AI"

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Okay I have a question for the French people reading this (like, from France).

    To you, which of the below items is a "Beignet"? Just one? Both? Neither? Or would you not use this word to describe either thing?

    A similar puffed pastry but with no hole.

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    I feel like very recently— like, the last month— Google has gotten massively worse about aggressively correcting acronyms to unrelated, similarly-spelled words. Like look at this search where I search for the wiki for the C# game library FNA, and Google simply decides, without even offering a "Did you mean…", that it would be more interesting if I had instead been looking for "FNAF"

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    Why is this sign so ominous to me? ?

    mcc ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird The chordates have had their turn, and look how it turned out… now is the time of the Mollusc

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Oh… so you describe yourself as a "computer toucher"? How quaint… personally I command my computer from afar with my immense psychic abilities… turns over three playing cards on a table, they show a red diamond, a blue circle and a long error message concerning "dbus"

    vampiress , to random
    @vampiress@eigenmagic.net avatar

    Very close! Now, the real question... is this a packed texture problem or a code problem. Or both?

    mcc ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    @vampiress third possibility: the string is correct and being displayed correctly; the summoning is now complete

    mcc ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    @vampiress maybe next time you should summon a plumber heyyyoooooo

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    I love watching speedrun history videos because they always contain a sentence somewhere like "It seemed all hope was lost. The people cried out for a hero, but none appeared. But then entered… FartMurderer77"

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    ATTN Toronto: https://revuecinema.ca/ is doing a Mother's Day screening of Ari Aster's "Hereditary" tonight at 7, which if you have seen "Hereditary" is extremely funny, and if you have not seen "Hereditary" means you have an opportunity tonight to see the extremely good movie "Hereditary"

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    My ex had this rule, or sort of a philosophy I guess:

    "Never feel bad about spending money on books."

    And this made a lot of sense to me, at the time,

    but this was before I actually realized

    just how much money I am capable of spending on books

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar


    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    I hate it how transit apps will have a mode that lets you say you're about to get on a bus and then tracks your trip but if you're already on the bus and you just want it to estimate when you'll get there this is always awkward or impossible in the UI

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Did you know that Dansup who made PixelFed is working on a federated TikTok clone called Loops and it looks extremely good https://mastodon.social/@dansup/112331179499992996

    Dansup has been posting a lot about the WIP and the design choices are very user-centric in a way that the Fediverse sometimes is not

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Hard to imagine a signal that a website is a rugpull more intense than banning users for trying to delete their own posts


    Like just incredible "burning the future to power the present" energy here

    mcc OP ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Earlier today I edited my (small) set of Stack Overflow posts to add the sentence "I do not consent to my words being used to train OpenAI" to the end. Within hours, all these edits were reversed and I got a warning email for "removing or defacing content". I did not remove any content. If this small sentence is "defacing", it is a very minor defacement. In no way was the experience of other users made worse by me adding one sentence.

    To Stack Overflow, you are not a person. You are "content".

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  • mcc OP ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Not only does Stack Overflow say you don't have a right to remove your words from Stack Overflow, according to Stack Overflow, you don't even have the right to decide what words Stack Overflow publishes under your name.

    mcc OP ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    In the meantime, I have been suspended for 17 hours to "cool down". OpenAI is so, so offended by me saying I don't want them to train on my content. Clearly I am very angry and need to sit in time out.

    Noticed this last detail only when I tried to edit my profile and discovered you can't edit your profile while "suspended".

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    CAPTCHA not letting you by unless you can tell the difference between "0" and "O", a thing that famously humans are good at and computers are bad at

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Weird Internet trick: Quickly get a list of IPs used by GoogleBot by searching for "what is my IP" and reviewing the page previews for the pages GoogleBot fetched from whatismyip.com, which of course include its own IP

    GottaLaff , to random
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    I warned you 👉🏼💥Katie Phang:

    NEW: has now moved for a mistrial.

    Todd Blanche: We move for a mistrial based on the testimony this morning, the guardrails were thrown aside, that testimony was so unduly prejudicial to Trump and the charges in this case and the testimony about the incident in 2006 is way different from the stories she was pedaling in 2016,

    mcc ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    @GottaLaff Question, aren't witnesses deposed before being called to testify on the stand? If there was anything in the testimony the defense would object to, why didn't it occur in the depositions?

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Sometimes Discord beeps just because it is happy

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Shout out to the girl in Kensington Market with the "I Don't Date Crypto Bros" t-shirt

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    It is a Saturday. Why did my body decide. I needed to wake up so early today

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    I bet if you formed an electric car company made only of people who previously worked for Tesla then quit in disgust, you could make a really good electric car company

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    “Fluent Python” is an excellent example of a “good programming language book” — it’s not cluttered with “enterprise examples” it’s focused on how python works and goes into detail on edge cases. This lets one write code with real confidence that you know everything it’s doing. It is also written with the aim to justify why python is the way that it is. Which I need or I get irritated.

    If you like python you should probably have a pdf or buy a copy.

    Now which book on Java is analogous?

    mcc ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird @grrrr_shark Kind of an off topic comment but— this is one thing I use to judge a programming language and I think Java in particular fails bad on it: How much advanced stuff it expects you to learn before you do basic stuff. Python is specifically good about this and Java is specifically bad ("public static void" especially). C is also kinda bad because the first thing you do is strings but understanding strings in C requires understanding pointers and memory management.

    mcc ,
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird This is a good question and I wish I had an answer. The closest thing I have (it's an old book— it's been a while since I've done much Java) is "Bitter Java". It maybe is a slightly more advanced book, but. It is a book by a consultant who comes in to fix problems in other people's code. So it's all about "here's things people do wrong in Java— here's how to do them better". It's a very odd book, more philosophy than code, one of the best pieces of CS writing I've ever read actually.

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    OMG just got a CAPTCHA with an honest to goodness Treachery of Images "is this a pipe" problem

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Web traffic analytics company's new figures find that at the moment Windows 10's market share is continuing to go up while Windows 11's market share is actually going down https://www.neowin.net/news/windows-10-reaches-70-market-share-as-windows-11-keeps-declining/

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Nix is too complicated. I have decided to fork Nix and create a minimal distribution named "Minix"

    mcc , to random
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    Does anyone want to take this moment to convince me that I should use Guix instead of [Nix or a Nix hardfork]? Or otherwise, convince me that I should use [Nix or a Nix hardfork] instead of Guix? It is okay to be a Reply Person about this. I am giving you an invitation.


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