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kernelle ,

One of the guys who invented the process for large scale production was Fritz Haber, to make explosives and chemical weapons. He's also responsible for using chlorine gas on the battlefield in WW1. His wife was a chemist and an activist, who shot herself in the heart after learning about his involvement. Haber left within days for the Eastern Front to oversee gas release against the Russian Army.

He ended up saving more lives than he destroyed, but what a story.

kernelle ,

They've also locked N64 and GBA behind an extra subscription model on the Switch. I've paid a month here and there for online support, I don't want an entire year AND paying double to play one or two retro games.

kernelle ,

I'd be willing to pay that yearly fee for one game, just to have it on there and play when I want. Meanwhile I'll be using my PSP, so good for handheld emulation.

kernelle ,

Such a trip, what you reckon the height was when it stopped right before landing?

kernelle ,

That's so cool thanks for finding that!

kernelle ,

You could start by downloading your Google data raw, much easier to explore your own data if it's all on the same drive.

kernelle ,

Yep. I kept baconreader installed with an API patch so when I click on a reddit link I didn't have to interact with their horrible interface, earlier this week I clicked one and the app still worked, now it doesn't. When I was switching being able to continue using my app was a godsend, now I won't even bother with changing my User-Agent lmao.

kernelle ,

I'd say living for eternity doesn't imply being conscious for that time.

Edit: Eternal recurrence could be a fun thing to witness

kernelle ,

I feel like I'm missing something here so I'll be the devil's advocate, why can't unpublished papers be reproducible? Multiple teams could independently be verifying hypotheses and results under the same organisation, adhere to the same standard but never publish, that would still be science no? Not doing humanity any favours, but science nonetheless.

kernelle ,

Seems like the only difference is that if it's public or not ie published. I think it becomes a matter of opinion then, because independent teams within the same organisation can absolutely peer review eachother, use completely different methodology to prove the same hypothesis and publish papers internally so it can be reproduced internally.

Science should be made public, but just because it's not doesn't mean it's not science. When the organisation starts making public claims they should have to back that up along the official route, but they could just as well keep their findings a secret, use that secret to improve their working formula and make bank while doing that. Not calling their internal peer reviewed studies science just seems pretentious.

kernelle ,

I think the word you're looking for is merit, publication which are cited and peer reviewed hold much more merit than those who don't.

Science is a rigorous, systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world. 1

Nothing in this quote requires external publication. Following the scientific method, publishing, peer reviewing and reproduction can all happen internally in organisation using independent teams. Those private publications hold but a fraction of the merit of publications in recognised journals, but are science nonetheless.

kernelle ,

An organisation with fully independent teams tackling the same problems can absolutely be defined as peer review. Not in the traditional sense, but reviewing, confirming and replicating nonetheless. Following the scientific method is what makes something scientific, not the act of publishing.

You can argue of the merits of those papers, an organisation can never make public statements about private research. But saying that what their doing is not science, then you're just needlessly gatekeeping.

kernelle ,

Reporting your conclusions doesn't require being public. It means the larger group of people you release it to, the less bias you'll have. Meaning in a closed organisation you have added biases of companies and marginally less people to prove you wrong, decreasing the overal quality of the conducted science. But still science, which by definition isn't black and white.

kernelle ,

He's clearly taking the "but it's better for human kind" stand, which I support with all I can. But academics can be guilty of gatekeeping and being pretentious, which I've seen by many lmao

kernelle ,

I remember the static of those CRT's having a particular smell too

kernelle ,

Lmao one of the first videos I ever saw on youtube, haven't seen that in 15 years probably and I heard it in my head instantly

kernelle ,

It's always "but it comes from the Latin and it means cute fury flying thing". Why not just name it Cute Bee Furry Face and be done with it?

Obscure screw added so appliance cannot be disassembled ( )

Basic blender went bad (motor ran but spindle wasn't rotating). I wanted to disassemble to see if it could be repaired. Three of the four screws were Phillips head. I had to cut the casing open in order to discover why I couldn't unscrew the fourth. It was a slotted spanner.

kernelle ,

Same, and I bought one over 6 years ago. Would buy again 11/10

kernelle ,

Here's the study on that, it was specifically the name calling that was studied. Where they concluded that the cats brain reacted to their name, but actively decided to ignore it. Always stuck with me as well!

kernelle ,

Combining sound and food stimuli is classic pavlov conditioning. Cats learn very quickly if they make any sound that a human will react in a way, ie scratching a door for territory or meowing for food.

kernelle ,

You wouldn't be able to start a video like that 10+ years ago, now though everyone knows smoking is bad for you. Even smokers know it, it's probably one of the most prevalent addictions. People wouldn't still be doing it after all this time and backlash if it didn't at least feel good.

That's the point they are making, smoking fucks up your natural balance by making you feel good, making you crave more and deteriorating your body in the process.

kernelle ,

I've heard people say 'but my aunt smoked for 40 years and didn't have any health complications' in a fully unironic way. People will justify their smoking, but will also tell you they wish they'd never started because it is so difficult to quit so I agree with you point.

Now I've never used heroin, but that is the feeling people describe: euphoria, calmness and relief beyond anything you've experienced, to the point that you can't really think about anything else anymore. - I've read this many times and it makes me deeply uneasy. That sentence should make anyone revolt, but many people will be drawn in by this description just the same.

In much lesser ways ofcourse that is how people talk about smoking, but I think the point of the video is no substance should be altering your state of mind, but it's never to late to quit.

They made it edgy, risky play but I think it will be effective.

kernelle ,

Baffling, everyone could eat the exact same steak without having to breed and kill an animal. Instead people are like, "nonono, I want the suffering"

kernelle ,

Post that question now and replies would either be Arch or kys

Has ethernet become illegitimate? A librarian flipped out after spotting me using ethernet

I plugged into ethernet (as wifi w/captive portal does not work for me). I think clearnet worked but I have no interest in that. Egress Tor traffic was blocked and so was VPN. I’m not interested in editing all my scripts and configs to use clearnet, so the library’s internet is useless to me (unless I bother to try a tor...

kernelle ,

I know right? Everyone cheering them on, meanwhile I'm reading the OP and find them to be pretentious and maladjusted. Who talks about the 'clearnet' like it's the internet of normies?

Are there any innovative platforms in the Fediverse?

I've explored a few platforms within the Fediverse, but most of them seem to be inspired by and mimic existing mainstream social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook. While this familiarity can be comforting, I can't help but wonder if there are any truly innovative and original platforms out there that offer a...

kernelle ,

I think social media is a solved problem at this point, you'll need something radical or game changing to actually break through in this market. Combined with the fact that the fediverse is inherently much more difficult to monetize I don't see many companies taking on that challenge.

FOSS projects might though, but they tend to grow too slow to be disruptive.

kernelle ,

I'm thinking the same way smartphones are solved where only small increments of improvement happen. Radical changes happenen, like folding phones or the rise of Tiktok. Some have long lasting problems like the former, but the latter managed to pick a fight with the giants and come out on top.

Back to market terms, they're mature but new players have proven to disrupt the market. When the general public start caring about privacy, federated social media will rise. Seeing how that is quite a politicised thing, progress will be slow. I'd love to be proven wrong though.

One Login: Towards a Single Fediverse Identity on ActivityPub ( )

In response to Bray’s toot, Evan Prodromou — one of the creators of ActivityPub, who is currently writing an O’Reilly book about the protocol — noted that this “is also the argument for using the ActivityPub API.” He described the API as “an open, extensible API that can handle any kind of activity type — not...

kernelle ,

convenience thing first and a privacy thing second

This is convenience and privacy, with a SolidPod you decide who stores the data. It could be you, it could be any federated instance, but that data is encrypted and you decide which application can use which data. They use a WebID (see this as a hash of your unique profile) to identify the user and this would be the only data that is shared between you and any federated instance.

kernelle ,

You're going to love SolidPods, honestly. From the website:

Solid is a specification that lets individuals and groups store their data securely in decentralized data stores called Pods. Pods are like secure web servers for data. When data is stored in a Pod, its owners control which people and applications can access it.

I see no possible way that a centralized identity can be more private that an array of separate ones.

Check out the specifications as well, using Pods you could have seperate accounts on every platform linked only by the ability to login using your Pod.

kernelle , (edited )

And possible federation as well, very nice. Is this using SolidPods or did they just name their* server similarly?

kernelle ,

Ansible is great for this!

kernelle ,

Sorry I replied to the parent comment, but check out Ansible

kernelle ,

I get it, the inventory is just a list of all servers and PC you are trying to manage and the playbooks contain every step you would take if you would configure everything manually.

I'll be honest when you first set it up it's daunting but that's the thing! You only need to do it once, then you can deploy and redeploy anything you have in minutes.

Edit: found this useful resource

kernelle ,

I know its a joke but using Google dorks has always been the most effective way of searching. There was a period of like 4 or a bit more years where you didn't need them anymore because engines actually got good. Now though they're more useful than ever.

kernelle ,

I wish I had that much style at his age

kernelle ,

As someone who used reddit for 14+ years, this place feels exactly like early Reddit, a place where you actually can converse with anyone and contribute instead of yelling into the void. Realistically we will always have both, but many more will join the verse everytime Reddit has an oopsie.

kernelle ,

Lmao beans fit that list, we can cringe about it all we want now but at the time we're building community.

kernelle ,


▲     ▲

kernelle ,

Who are you talking to? I can agree with all that and still believe billionaires are actual people who provide actual value. Just like I disagree heavily with any dictator, I can acknowledge they provided value and reason for people to follow them, and I can acknowledge that it's an actual job. Did I say I agree with billionaires? Did I say I think they should exist and deserve their position? Absolutely not, but you're just as happy to project all your negative feelings upon me.

Out of touch hilarious irony

kernelle ,

Fight your strawman my dude, you're doing so great!

kernelle ,

I agree with this completely, I can tell my reply is being heavily misinterpreted.

kernelle ,

Exactly and I bet they have an overall net negative value contribution to society. I'm just saying if a rich family provides steady jobs to an entire enterprise of people, that to those people they have provided significant value. They probably get to a billion by exploiting other people and companies, providing a net negative to society.

I knew when I commented that people would intentionally misinterpret my reply, but thats politics for ya.

kernelle ,

You are barking up the wrong tree, snap out of it and actually read what I'm saying.

OP's caption is objectively wrong. Period. Their over-generalisation is hurting their point. Period. Meme still funny and I agree. Period.

kernelle ,

Valid possibility, equally valid but conveniently left out:

  • Echo chamber
  • Polorizing political landscape
  • "Downvotes must mean everyone agrees this bad" aka groupthink

Life isn't an if-then statement let me tell you that much.

kernelle ,

And since you're so eager to project your negative feelings towards billionaires on me, I'll assume you're suffering all three of my points.

Wasn't this a delightfully useless conversation? Two strangers being divided over the same hatred toward mass wealth accumulation. When you hear the quote "divide and conquer", think of this conversation.

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