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Why openSUSE?

First, let me be clear up front that I'm not promoting the idea that there should be one "universal" Linux distro. With all the various distros out there for consumers, there's lots of discussion about Arch, Debian, and Fedora (and their various descendant projects), but I rarely see much talk about openSUSE....

fr0g ,

MicroOS (and its flavors) update the same way Android does; as a full image

They don't. They update with regular packages. The updates are atomic though and are only applied at next boot, so there's less of a risk of weird breakages.

fr0g ,

In isolation, it's very obviously a bad thing, because it makes solar less profitable and might slow down the switch to renewables.

In a wider context, it can still be seen as a god thing as it means there has been a significant pivot to solar already and luckily it's also a very solvable problem. There just needs to be more energy storage.

fr0g ,

I guess that depends. If the costs to invest in storage is cheaper long term than losing money from excess energy, then energy companies would lose less money and thus could offer cheaper prices.
But it would definitely help decrease or get rid of negative prices.

fr0g ,

A lot of the mainstream apps definitely have privacy issues. They often sell data about their users menstrual cycles which can theoretically be bought by anti-abortion activists/authorities on the free market to track whether someone might be pregnant.

fr0g ,

This is the best FOSS keyboard that's under active maintenance.

I assume that might be a reference to FlorisBoard? Because development on that one as actually picked up again, but that's only visible so far if you're using the Beta version. They're opreparing for a new full release.

fr0g ,

StreetComplete and its expert editions are definitely my favourite way to contribute to OpenStreetMaps on mobile. There's also Vespucci which allows you to do more complex stuff like add paths and shape, but the UI isn't super great imo. Organic Maps which I use for navigation actually allows you to edit and contribute quite a bit.

Threads is automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed ( )

For anyone wondering if Threads and Facebook at large will be a fine neighbor in the space and compatible with other apps/services in the fediverse: they’re already automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed

Thread showing meta hid a comment that mentioned Pixelfed
fr0g ,

Or maybe the original post was simply muted for a different reason.

fr0g ,

Yes, the idiotic fallacy of giving greater weight to the opinion of an authority at the subject being discussed. It is no match to the logical chad move of giving weight to the opinion of a random internet commentator who claims something is nonsense without giving any reason or explanation why.

fr0g ,

You hinged your entire position on theirs.

I did what? That was my first post in this entire thread.

fr0g ,

Personally, I would suggest antiX Linux. It is well known that the antiX name is supposed to stand for "anti politiX"

fr0g ,

Wie süß. Der denkt, er würde in Zukunft noch mit irgendwem koalieren, statt unter der 5%-Hürde zu versauern.

fr0g ,

Was'n Quatsch!

Das sind dann die 18-jährigen, zukünftigen KI-Millionäre.

uhrbaan , to Fediverse avatar

@fediverse Fediverse user growth jumped to ~50'000'000 users. What happened ?
The FediDB Fediverse User Growth graph shows a significant jump in user count in February. Software distribution is also 81% other, and the biggest server is with 39 million users ! What happened ?

fr0g ,

There's also been huge waves of spam account attacks on Mastodon recently.

fr0g ,

Wenn du tatsächlich konstruktiv sein möchtest, könntest du jetzt auch erklären, wo hier die Vereinfachung ist und was genau daran falsch ist. In der jetzigen Form unterscheidet sich dein Post auch nicht wirklich von einem wahllosen Buhruf aus der zweiten Reihe.

fr0g ,

Überhaupt nicht. Der Artikel verlinkt auf die originale Studie, zitiert ausführlich einen der Hauptautoren und unbeteiligte Wissenschaftler und Experten in dem Feld und erklärt die zugrunde liegenden Phänomene recht verständlich. In Sachen Wissenschaftskommunikation ist das schon recht vernünftig. Würde ernsthaft gerne mal wissen, was du hier auszusetzen hast.

fr0g ,

Okay, die Studie hat das mit dem bisher detailreichsten Modell an einem Supercomputer über sechs Monate durchrechnen lassen und ist zu dem entsprechenden Schluss gekommen.

Du beziehst dich mit deinem "stimmt so nicht" auf was oder wen jetzt genau?

Korrekterweise muss man natürlich anfügen, dass die Wärmungseffekte durch den Klimawander in dem Modell nicht einberechnet sind. Aber wenn man sich anschaut, dass die Temperaturverringerungen für weite Teile Europas prognostiziert im zweistelligen Bereich liegen, ist das nun wirklich Makulatur.

Hast aber Recht, dass sich das am südlichen Ende Europas vielleicht gerade so ausgleicht.

fr0g ,

My judgement is that he's still kinda bad, but also probably the best president the US had in decades.

fr0g ,

Nobody is surprised. The FDP knows exactly what they're doing, which is make as much politics blatantly in favour of their donors as long as they're in power. They don't care about what that does to the general populace or even how they're perceived for it. One or two elections later everyone will have basically forgotten about it again anyway and the whole shtick repeats.

Ocean system that moves heat gets closer to collapse, which could cause weather chaos, study says ( )

An abrupt shutdown of Atlantic Ocean currents that could put large parts of Europe in a deep freeze is looking a bit more likely and closer than before as a new complex computer simulation finds a “cliff-like” tipping point looming in the future....

fr0g ,

"Weather chaos" is one hell of a euphemism.

fr0g ,

There have been numerous reports about EU officials/MPs considering stripping Hungary of its voting rights preceding this. So most likely Orban as just beenade aware that there's a limit to which degree he can block stuff while still being allowed to play ball.

fr0g ,
fr0g ,

Here are some that I enjoyed:

Mongolia: Rise and fall of an empire

Betrayal and brainwashing: North Korea and the defector influencers

Unbridled greed and growth - Challenging global corporations

fr0g ,

"2.0" impliziert ja auch meist ein Update oder eine Modernisierung. Diese Partei ist aber wohl eher Sammelbecken für Reaktionäre und Hängengebliebene, die sich halt grob im Linken Spektrum einordnen.

mamus , to Green - An environmentalist community

Why does this Öko-Institut care about reducing emissions in farming?

According to emissions of farming is negligible. Even if they change anything, probably with great effort, they wouldn't change anything. They are the least who need to care.


fr0g ,

Yes, and Germany will probably not be too dissimilar. The difference in magnitude here comes from just looking at directly emitted CO² vs all greenhouse gase emissolns in general. If you add all those up, methane emissions particularly, the picture becomes a very different one. This is also what the oeko institur is talking about their post (emissions from lifestock), so it makes sense to care about that.

fr0g ,

Already mentioned this in a subcomment. Your graph is about CO² specifically. The oeko institut talks about emissions from lifestock, which is mostly methane and a very significant and potent overall contribution to global warming.

fr0g ,

I don't update daily, but rather every once in a while

Sounds like Slowroll could be for you then. Even if TW is updated infrequently, it's still a roll of the die whether that specific snapshot you will be updating to will be one of the rare ones that have some issues.
In theory at least, Slowroll should fix that by trying to handpick some select promising snapshots.
Whether that works out as intended in practice will remain to be seen of course, as backporting some security fixes ca of course also introduce potential instabilities.

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