

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

How much does it matter what type of harddisk i buy for my server?

Hello, I'm relatively new to self-hosting and recently started using Unraid, which I find fantastic! I'm now considering upgrading my storage capacity by purchasing either an 8TB or 10TB hard drive. I'm exploring both new and used options to find the best deal. However, I've noticed that prices vary based on the specific...

emptiestplace ,

Yeah, you don't want a surveillance drive. They are optimized for continuous writes, not random IO.

It's probably worth familiarizing yourself with the difference between CMR and SMR drives.

If you expect this to keep growing, it might make sense to switch to SAS now - then you can find some really cheap enterprise class drives on ebay that will perform a bit better in this type of configuration. You'd just need a cheap HBA (like a 9211-8i) and a couple breakout cables. You can use SATA drives with a SAS HBA, but not the other way around.

emptiestplace ,

Definitely isn't necessary, but if you search for '3.5" SAS lot' on ebay you might find all the drives you'll need to get to 50TB for the price of a couple new SATA drives.

emptiestplace ,

This is fucking useless. Please stop.

emptiestplace ,

Let's flip it, then: what about this post is useful?

emptiestplace ,

This community needs moderation. :(

emptiestplace ,

Thank you for sharing your opinion and your brilliant advice on how to be constructive. I especially enjoyed the part where you said I shouted my comment with anger—that was really good!

emptiestplace ,

Have you automated host record creation?

emptiestplace ,

Ah, that would make it easy. I can't use a wildcard with most of my domains, but maybe I could set up subdomains to have this convenience for dev/test sites. Thanks!

I suspect it would be trivial to add a hook to dynamically create (and remove, maybe) DNS records, just haven't tried yet.

emptiestplace ,

Lots of different hosts, multiple load balancers / ingress controllers.

emptiestplace ,

I suspect, if you were to stop being an entitled asshole, "these nice people" would find it a bit easier to be nice to you.

emptiestplace ,

Oh. Seems this is a pattern.

I definitely don't condone people telling you to kill yourself, but the fact that you are consistently receiving negative responses in an otherwise friendly community should give you pause: you're missing a lot of clues. Unless you enjoy being ostracized like this, it might be time for a bit of serious introspection.

emptiestplace ,

Agreed, this is obnoxious. Release notes are only relevant to folks who are already using the software.

This community seems completely unmoderated.

emptiestplace ,

This is a generalist community. Tell us about the app you are excited about, not its latest update. That's all!

But I shan't bother again.

Sulking isn't super effective here. Unless you are responsible for a bunch of posts like this, you just had bad timing - it's not personal.

emptiestplace ,

Yes, that should be fine - water is the real danger here.

emptiestplace ,

Would it not be relative? If sentience were to emerge from just 100 neurons, wouldn't their experience of terror be the same as our own? I mean, you could argue that ego is required for true suffering, but I think there is a more fundamental biological aspect that ensures all species capable of moving out of the fire are incentivized to do so.

emptiestplace ,

I agree with the first part, but you lost me with "no evidence of that": everything conscious is "evidence of that". And, unless you're getting epistemological af, there really isn't a lot of assumption here: quarks -> atoms -> molecules -> organelles -> cells -> tissues -> organs -> systems -> organisms -> consciousness -> sentience.

emptiestplace ,

relevance of inherently subjective valuation?

emptiestplace ,

I'm not sure why the obituary coming from Texas is questionable

It being from a different state makes it less likely to be the same person.

emptiestplace ,

I try to drive so I am as far away from other vehicles as possible. I also try to avoid ever inconveniencing other people. It doesn't matter if I'm going 140, if you come up behind me, I'm moving over to let you by - as quickly as I can while still being safe. I expect the same from others. Changing lanes isn't hard, I often move over to let someone by and then go back to continue passing.

Also, please stop passing on the right. You're just making everything worse.

emptiestplace ,

What the fuck? How is doing something unsafe not making things worse?

Network loss after 24hrs on Docker LXC

Fine folks of c/selfhosted, I've got a Docker LXC (Debian) running in Proxmox that loses its local network connection 24 hours after boot. It's remedied with a LXC restart. I am still able to access the console through Proxmox when this happens, but all running services (docker ps still says they're running) are inaccessible on...

emptiestplace ,

Why are you doing this? Unless you have a good reason, you should probably either run Docker in a vm, or use something other than Proxmox where you can just install Docker on the host system.

emptiestplace ,
  • Kernel isolation
  • HA
  • Stability
  • It works
emptiestplace ,

Why not just use LXC though?

emptiestplace ,

In Proxmox?

emptiestplace ,

Has any of this been verified by other sources? It seems either they've cleaned it up, or this is a smear campaign.

emptiestplace ,

Oh, can you do this in the past?

emptiestplace , (edited )

You seem particular in a way that is breathtakingly unfun.

emptiestplace ,

But you are following me around, repeating my comments to me on completely unrelated posts. What is wrong with you?

emptiestplace ,

The /s actually makes this one more sincere.

Best resources to learn more about networking

I have been exploring the world of home servers/self-hosting for a little over a year now, and feel like I have at a decent understanding of a lot of things that go into this. The one thing I am not remotely comfortable with yet is networking. It's like a foreign language to me....

emptiestplace ,

Imagine trying to learn math without solving any problems along the way.

Capitalism illustrated ( media.mas.to )

Cartoon about a cat and a pig.
The cat is scruffy, the pig wears a suit.

Cat: Can I buy a house?

Pig: I already bought all the houses.

Cat: Well how much to buy one off you?

Pig: More than you could ever afford.

Cat: Is the rent cheap at least?

Pig: No it's double the mortgage so I can buy more houses.

Cat: We truly live in the best economic system possible.

The pig is now talking to a police dog while pointing at the cat.

Pig: Yes officer that's the one that was annoying me.

The police dog looks angry as he holds his baton in his hand.
emptiestplace ,

Off topic: I see your name in orange in the Voyager app. Is this a per-comment flag on Lemmy (that you have the option to set when posting), or just something apps might do based on the value of an account-level flag?

Edit: disregard, see below.

emptiestplace ,

Oh! Thank you! I assumed these were admins or something, but it seems it highlights users on my own instance. Stupid feature.

While we're here, how many of your comments has Voyager eaten?

Can someone demystify computer Ports for me? Please? Blocking, unblocking, opening, allowing, VPNs and their effect, what ports are and what they do, step by step, when you have to interact with them?

It's the one thing when I'm configuring things that makes me wince because I know it will give me the business, and I know it shouldn't, but it does, every time. I have no real idea what I'm doing, what it is, how it works, so of course I'm blindly following instructions like a monkey at a typewriter....

emptiestplace , (edited )

This is really good, I just want to clarify one thing:

there are specific protocols that are traditionally used on those specific ports

Protocols are not 'used on ports', it's actually the other way around: TCP and UDP are both protocols operating on top of IP, each with its own set of ports to help direct traffic, exactly as you explained.

There are other protocols, like ICMP or GRE, that exist quite happily without knowing anything about ports (ICMP has types and codes, GRE doesn't).

Edit: I suppose it is actually a bit ambiguous because we also refer to applications (HTTPS, telnet) as protocols. I'm not sure if there is a standard way to differentiate when discussing other than just saying transport layer protocol / application layer protocol.

emptiestplace ,

Oh no.

Unfortunately I have a lot of experience with this: attaching permanent array members via USB is a bad idea. OP, if it's not too late, and assuming you haven't already and decided to double down on yolo, I'd recommend reading about the downsides of this approach. It is easy to find relevant discussions (and catastrophes) in r/zfs.

Thunderbolt enclosures are a bit more expensive, but they won't periodically fuck up your shit just because.

emptiestplace ,

What an assertion - if you're not using ZFS, how do you know you've "never lost a bit so far"?

emptiestplace ,

Yes - and unless you treat each enclosure as its own failure domain, it will still be a compromise, but it's a lot better.

emptiestplace ,

You must be reasonably decent at counting!

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