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dylanmorgan ,

Leave income tax (VAT is useful but ultimately a regressive tax in that it relies on consumption and therefore disproportionately affects the poor).

Leave the Supreme Court but add term limits-I like 13 years because it keeps the chances that any one person will be able to transform the court very small.

Add in universal pre-k and post-secondary education. Pre-k in particular benefits society at large because it teaches children how to interact with peers in an equitable fashion.

dylanmorgan ,

I just realized I’m gay, how do you respond to that?

dylanmorgan ,

I’m horny, sad, and misanthropic, but I’m not a misogynist and I still like Neutral Milk Hotel. Clearly this chart is a farce, a scam!

dylanmorgan ,

I’ve had a vision for a while of a community of tiny homes that are basically for sleeping and studying/entertaining oneself. There would be a shared cooking/dining area, and a shared shower area similar to Japanese public baths (shower and wash yourself in a stall, soak in a hot tub once you’re clean.)

Lab-Made Meat? Florida Lawmakers Don’t Like the Sound of It. ( www.nytimes.com )

Supporters include environmentalists who say it would reduce animal cruelty and potentially help slow climate change. Meat and dairy together account for about 14.5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the United Nations.

dylanmorgan ,

The sound of it? I would assume it’s silent. /s

dylanmorgan ,

This sounds like a mondragon corporation, a specific type of co-op primarily from the Basque region: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mondragon_Corporation?wprov=sfti1#

dylanmorgan ,

There’s like 1.6 jokes in this article. Should have been one of those headlines on the main page that go nowhere.

dylanmorgan ,

“The assumption that what currently exists must necessarily exist is the acid that corrodes all visionary thinking” - Murray Bookchin.

dylanmorgan ,

They just said the streets, not your street.

dylanmorgan ,

Watching strangers eat sandwiches is my kink.

dylanmorgan OP ,

Not sure what your point is, assuming the theory that Homo sapiens wiped out homo neanderthalensis it was before you could really argue there was such a thing as colonialism.

dylanmorgan ,

Yeah, one could argue that a functioning democracy would prevent the kind of wealth gap we have.

dylanmorgan ,

I read it as a celebration that anyone can distribute podcasts. Distribution is via RSS so as long as you have the feed URL you can use whatever podcast player you want to subscribe to whatever podcasts you want.

dylanmorgan ,

Counterpoint: it wasn't funny the first day it was posted.

dylanmorgan ,

I suspect he has people watching to let him know if someone is about to leave, or hasn’t arrived. Those people likely also run interference if someone is getting up to leave, promising it’ll be just another few minutes.

dylanmorgan ,

I'm really confused why you got downvoted so heavily. If I'm reading your comment correctly you were just trying to point out the utility (to a wealthy asshole) of suing a bot creator. Rich people use lawsuits to silence their critics there's even a specific protection in California against that type of lawsuit.

dylanmorgan ,

Nestor Makhno, the Ukrainian anarchist, referred to himself as a libertarian, I believe.

Barbarian: Path of the magpie - An improvised fighting barbarian ( i.imgur.com )

A friend of mine wanted to play an improvised weapon-wielding barbarian. He was using a homebrew subclass he found online, but frankly speaking, it was terrible, so I reworked it. This is the result of 2 hours of rushed brainstorming and development. I'm not a barb main, so I'm not really familiar with how they work, but I'm...

dylanmorgan ,

I like the random table for improv weapons, but I think it makes sense to give the player or DM the option to base the available weapons on an existing scene that has been set.

Has a fight broken out at a banquet the party is attending? I’d give the player the choice of grabbing some plates (light, thrown) or a chair (heavy, two handed) rather than insisting on a d12 roll.

dylanmorgan ,

The NLRB has been such a milquetoast bullshit agency for so long, even the most minor enforcement action has companies shook.

dylanmorgan ,

Do you have any links for the bad marks on Purism?

dylanmorgan ,

Wow. Yeah, that’s shady and shitty as hell. The cost was always enough to keep me away from them, but knowing they’re a shit company will make me sure to warn others off as well.

Self Portrait - Suzanne Balkanyi (1952) woodblock ( upload.wikimedia.org )

Suzanne Balkanyi (14 March 1922 – 7 April 2005) was a French-Hungarian artist, known particularly for her humorous etchings of Paris street scenes. After narrowly escaping transportation to Auschwitz in 1944, she left Hungary in 1947 to live in Paris, where she worked until her death.

dylanmorgan ,

It looks like this artist inspired the style of Persepolis.

dylanmorgan ,

Can anyone link to the original comic or cartoon? The version I heard was a duck walking into a bar.

dylanmorgan ,


I do prefer the version where the bartender says “if you ask me again I’ll nail your feet to the bar!”
Duck comes back in, asks “got any nails?”
“No, why?”
“Got any grapes?”

dylanmorgan ,

Few things would make me happier than Abbott (and Ken Paxton and Dan Patrick) being hauled to prison in…how about northern Minnesota.

dylanmorgan ,

Presumably union families have more dollars to vote with as well.

dylanmorgan ,

That’s the dirty secret of capitalism: it’s actually just feudalism with a different set of qualifications for membership in the nobility.

dylanmorgan ,

Did we need a study? If the obstacles were actual naturally-occurring phenomena that would be worth studying. As it is, it’s almost entirely a matter of union-busting action by corporations.

I work in an office where people are terrified to say the word union because our employer is famously anti-union.

dylanmorgan ,

There are ways to protect your assets from that as well. Also, it’s probably more appealing to someone like me who expects to have very little in assets when I die.

dylanmorgan ,

One of the criteria for whether a patent is valid or not is that it is “non-obvious.” I remember reading about a patent troll who held a patent on a “system for distributing software updates over a computer network.” Which is, forgive the pun, a patently obvious use for a computer network.

People had been talking about buying music and videos online for at least a decade before this guy filed his patents. IANAL (or an engineer) but nothing in the patents seems more detailed than “sell music online, accept money for it, make sure people don’t copy it.” Which boils down to “buy music, but on the computer!” to borrow your phrasing.

dylanmorgan ,

Map out what stocks to buy and when over the last 40 years, print it out and have the time traveler take it back along with a video of me explaining what to do to become insanely wealthy to my 5 year old self.

dylanmorgan ,

In Italy, prosciutto with melon is pretty common. Sweet and savory as a combination is pretty common. See also: sharp cheddar on apple pie.

dylanmorgan ,

In this specific case, I’d say he admitted defeat by blocking you.

dylanmorgan ,

You can’t really stop buying food. There’s a reason that (say) a laptop costs the same now that it did in 1998 but eggs went from $2.50 a dozen to $8 a dozen in a few weeks with no actual change in supply or demand outside of a very brief constraint on shipping.

How a 27-Year-Old Codebreaker Busted the Myth of Bitcoin’s Anonymity ( www.wired.com )

"This is the story of the revelation in late 2013 that Bitcoin was, in fact, the opposite of untraceable—that its blockchain would actually allow researchers, tech companies, and law enforcement to trace and identify users with even more transparency than the existing financial system."

dylanmorgan ,

The article’s point appears to be an ad for the book written by the same dude whose byline is on the article.

dylanmorgan ,

Just forgive it all, for fucks sake.

dylanmorgan ,

There was never an attempt to cancel all the student debt. If he had done that from the jump, the court case would have been a lot weaker.

dylanmorgan ,

Here’s the fact sheet for the first cancellation move: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/08/24/fact-sheet-president-biden-announces-student-loan-relief-for-borrowers-who-need-it-most/

$5-10k for lower- and middle-income borrowers. The legal challenge was that this was discriminatory (and it was.)

If the first action the Biden administration took was to cancel all the student debt the federal government guaranteed, the legal challenge would have fallen flat because the “injured parties” would not have been injured. Instead we’ve gotten this piecemeal bullshit designed to appease voters who are justifiably angry with the Biden administration but will have minimal impact on the actual problem of student debt or availability of higher education.

dylanmorgan ,

I do. One of Biden’s longest-running bases of support is the financial industry, and any move that might suggest debt shouldn’t be a fact of life will scare the banks. In a more general sense, Biden is as much a machine democrat as Hillary Clinton, and for them anything that might disrupt the status quo is an absolute no-go. Student debt forgiveness for all would be a massive shock to the status quo.

dylanmorgan ,

The case before the Supreme Court was based on the exclusion of some borrowers. The first action was to forgive $5-10k for low- and middle-income borrowers. The people who sued were well-off enough that they weren’t included. If his first move had been to cancel all student debt guaranteed by the federal government, the plaintiffs would have lacked standing to sue and the case would likely not have gone to the Supreme Court. If it had it would have been a much weaker case because there would be no group of borrowers who were excluded.

dylanmorgan ,

Thats the problem with politics pretty much anywhere. You rarely get anyone spelling out their actual motives. For an example of what it sounds like when a political strategist speaks openly, google “Lee Atwater southern strategy.”

All politicians talk and think like that, it’s just they’re usually really good about hiding it.

dylanmorgan ,

Oh shit, I forgot we had a VP for a minute.

dylanmorgan ,

The response they quote from Marianne Williamson is spot on. The response from Costco is pure PR. A really different and admirable response would be “we encourage unions so we can better understand our workers’ needs.”

dylanmorgan ,

Fun fact: the first airport base station was just an airport card with power and slightly larger antennas.

dylanmorgan ,

That’s a weird way to phrase “possessing not blood but pure concentrated evil running through his veins.”

dylanmorgan ,

Poor people commit more crimes because more activity by the poor to survive is criminalized.

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