@dhayannada@kolektiva.social cover
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar



Born In The Fifties, shaken by the Sixties, flying high over the Seventies, coming down in the Eighties, living in contradiction ever since, against everything authoritarian, violent and inacceptable ...

"Kein Gott, kein Kaiser noch Tribun!"

"Identity is the crisis" - X-Ray Spex

Header: Wallpaper by Nine Inch Nails from Ghosts

Avatar: Still from "Dead, But Pretty" by the antimilitaristic band IC3SPEAK

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oatmeal , to palestine group
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

/ German Ambassador: Israel and we had military relations for years, I will not apologize for that

The German Ambassador to Israel, Stephan Seibert, said at the "Tel Aviv University - The Future of Israel" conference that "I do not see all of Europe and Germany following Spain and Ireland, which recognized a Palestinian state. We believe that a sustainable agreement should be in the form of a peace agreement based on two states, with all security arrangements."

Seibert added that "for many years there have been military relations between our two countries, and I will not apologize for that."

See also:

Germany and Israel: Whitewashing and Statebuilding by Daniel Marwecki (London: Hurst & Company, 2020) https://kolektiva.social/@oatmeal/112045173041541248

Diplomacy in the Shadow of Memory: Israel and West Germany, 1953–1965 (Roni Stauber, 2023) https://kolektiva.social/@oatmeal/112518654410069167


dhayannada ,
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar

@oatmeal @israel @palestine

So Germany does not only profit from selling arms to Israel or receiving HighTech-drones like Heron for the Bundeswehr, the latter is also in the business of at least some German soldiers being trained by IDF in suppressing l insurrections as they do in occupied Palestinian territories so Bundeswehr is prepared for civil unrest under a state of emergency or martial law.

faab64 , to random

@faab64@diasp.org:> ### EU parliament election in Sweden: turned left. The big jump for Vänster (left)is because of their Gaza stance and antiwar politics. All 3 left wing parties won big. Sadly the neo-Nazi SD is no longer second, but the conservative parylty M. Is and the green party, MP is 3rd.


dhayannada ,
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar


That's the way to go - not to leave the question of peace and war to far-right-parties like the in Germany that is hypermilitaristic and supports Israel unconditionally but has successfully made the impression that it is a "peace party".

They have nothing less but sympathies for autocratic Russia, for its clerical nationalchauvinism, for Putin romanticizing the Tzarist empire and the ideology of ethnonationalism, criminalizing trans and queer people as being opposed to patriarchal and antifeministic family values.

AfD-politicians are brothers in arms with Russia and other autocratic far-right governments, they are by no means a peace party, but support Prussian militarism to the max of waging war for colonial gains everywhere on the planet where German imperialism and capital interests are challenged.

The rest of the once big German left has missed out to oppose the drive to war by NATO
not really helping ordinary Ukrainians who have to die in masses for "our values"
but mainly following their own hegemonical agenda in Eastern Europe

I guess there are many people in who didn't want to join as they had nothing to gain by this but the drastically grown danger of direct war with Russia and a militarized Baltic Sea that today is a hot spot of international conflict equalling only the Taiwan Straits and Persian Gulf.

And Germany's silence to the in is deafening
especially because Berlin counteracts against every moral argument it has put up against war crimes Russia has committed in Ukraine

while accepting the same and worse in and .

All that results in a historic defeat of an originally antimilitaristic and internationalistic radical left.

flawed , to palestine group
@flawed@kolektiva.social avatar

How far-right is so called "center" in Israel?

This is a point (they use different words but mean the same) I have seen mentioned by Palestinians & Jewish Israelis who pay far close attention to that society.

It's definately worth repeating because the so called "centrists" & "liberals" in Israel who were (likely are still) politically attacking genocidal right from their right are now want to take a strategic break from committing genocide because the genocidal right is not strategic enough in committing genocide in such visible manner. If it was upto these "moderates", they would have ensured the same dispossession, apartheid & genocide would have been committed but in a more orderly, clandestine, with even better PR than the openly genocidal right.

@palestine @israel

dhayannada ,
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar

@flawed @palestine @israel

Maybe Netanyahu is a bit worn out, so they need a new facade for a war, that couldn't be continued without the assistance of the US and Germany to begin with.

Netanyahu was always overrated as the main culprit for in . Survey results repeatedly showed a majority of Israelis supporting not only the war as such but acting recklessly on the Palestinians.

The personalization of politics gives the ruling classes a lot of leeway to maneuver themselves out of predicaments - just change the face and people believe in a new start of something that just gets a reputational face lift.


faab64 , to israel group
dhayannada ,
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

Imagine to be an experimental setting for postapocalyptic survival practice. If you're not on the ground and feel the imminent danger of being harmed or killed, then this sencario is not so far fetched due to the cognitive incapacity of the average Western guy.

As a territorial entity Gaza is neatly cut out of its regional environment by being totally shut off from the outside even to the Mediterrenean. No refugee boats sailing to the EU only to be pushed back by Frontex and left to drown, no humanitarian crisis that exceeds the bloodyy borders of Gaza by an inch

If you know that Tel Aviv with its luxurious beach resorts, its fancy bars and well assorted super markets is only some dozen kilometers away from Gaza, where Agamben's homini sacres stumble through the ruins barely clinging onto their "naked life", you will tend to believe that this is just an hyperbolic fantasy or a film setting for the next dystopian streaming original.

This is how unreal it gets if the Israeli arms industry sells their deadly products with guaranteed efficiency approved by the outcomes of real life conditions in Gaza while the lab humans in the test site are observed and evaluated by a military that lauds itself to offer its personnel cruelty free vegan food instead of butchered meat.

Don't look into the mirror of Gaza - it might remind you
that the dark clouds of climate catastrophe and world war III hang above your own future
so that you could find yourself among the lost and forgotten who are sacrificed in the name of highest ethical values and universal rights

to bring about collective amnesia for what is about to come and shall not be confronted.

oatmeal , to israel group
@oatmeal@kolektiva.social avatar

/ Settlers looted and desecrated food intended for Gaza in front of soldiers, peace activists were attacked, and two trucks were set on fire

Dozens of settlers and far-right Israelis looted yesterday the humanitarian aid trucks making their way to the Strip through the Tarqumiya crossing near Hebron. The humanitarian aid was blocked at two points in the area south and west of Hebron Hill - near the Tarqumiya checkpoint and near the Negohot settlement. After being blocked and looted, two trucks were set on fire near the Tarqumiya checkpoint.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

B'Tselem stated that the looting continued for hours, "in front of soldiers and police officers, as well as security personnel at the crossing, who did not lift a finger to stop the desecration of food. This conduct by the Israeli authorities grossly violates the interim orders of the International Court of Justice, which demanded that Israel allow the supply of humanitarian aid to Gaza."​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

H/t Zoha


dhayannada ,
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar

@oatmeal @palestine @israel

Destroying food deliveries for a people in dire need already struck by shows a form of ethnonationalistic violence which is out of reach for any moral judgement.

Keeping to oneself and ignoring world hunger is so common as the normality of social darwinism in capitalistic market societies. But taking away food from the hungry and destroying it in front of their eyes is a murderous barbaric aggression

that remains hidden from the general public out of practical reasons

  • it negates everything that value based societies who support Israel's in need to legitimize their imperial dominance.
other_ghosts , to random
@other_ghosts@kolektiva.social avatar

Via @RadicalAnthro

There will be more and more of these grand scheme "ecological" solutions promoted as capitalists frantically try to profit off of planetary collapse. They will always have flashy, idiotic names like "The Line," and they will always be premised upon indigenous displacement and death.

People have known how to live sustainably in the desert for millenia. It hasn't been by building 170km long hi-tech mega-city abominations. None of this comports with a civilization that is earnestly trying to survive on this planet. It's all more extraction, more hoarding, and more death for the undesirables and the dissenters.

From BBC:

Neom: Saudi forces 'told to kill' to clear land for eco-city


dhayannada ,
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar

@other_ghosts @RadicalAnthro

This megalomania is all about eco-modernism and green notoriously overstretching the capacity of living organisms to reproduce in a sufficient way.

They just don't want to realize that the expenditure of more, hotter and faster incineration

results in wastelands of industrial decrease in contrast to which the desert is full of life and energy

which stays available as it's not spend for surplus profit and burned away for power explosions whether in a shell to kill or an combustion engine for power projection.

So deserters of the world unite

to never ever return to the fallacy of limitless burning away what a finite planet has to offer in such beautyful diversity and unknown potential

plink , to israel group
@plink@mastodon.online avatar
dhayannada ,
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar

@plink @palestine @israel

Those provocateurs and aggressors sadly have the back of both the US- and Israeli government

so in a way it's the expansion of Israel's annihilation pölicy in
to Western civil societies and everywhere where people dare to speak out and take a stance for the victims.

This raises questions to the state of democracy and free speech that have relevance for everybody living in these societies

so stop ignoring what happens on your doorstep

adachika192 , to palestine group
@adachika192@hcommons.social avatar


Naomi Klein: Jews Must Raise Their Voices for Palestine, Oppose the “False Idol of Zionism” (Democracy Now!, 2024-04-24)

Zionism as another golden calf. A strong message from Naomi Klein.
(Video with transcript)

"Thousands of Jewish Americans and allies gathered in Brooklyn on Tuesday for a «Seder in the Streets to Stop Arming Israel» on the second night of Passover..."

"What I want to say to you this evening at this revolutionary and historic Seder in the Streets is that too many of our people are worshiping a false idol once again... And that false idol is called Zionism."


dhayannada ,
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar

@adachika192 @palestine

Thanks for posting this very important event which of course is not being reported about in big German media

where they always are convinced to be first and best in solidarity with Israel, but certainly not with non conforming and dissenting Jews.

"At the core of the Passover story is
We cannot be free until all people are free"

says Beth Miller from Jewish Voice for Peace at the Seder in the streets of New York City

A moving speech or even prayer from the ecofeminist heart of

just hours before the senate approved 14 Billion dollars for weapons and security tech for Israel

was fervent in the rejection of Zionism.

Klein, who is of worldwide prominence as author and activist, today is rejected even by German climate justice movements because of her stance against in

The more important it is to make her words heard everywhere especially in the heart of darkness, the false celebration of ethno nationalist and

These unifying words were at the end of her impressive speech against the "false Idol of Zionism":

What are we? We, in these streets for months and months, we are the exodus, the exodus from Zionism. So, to the Chuck Schumers of this world, we do not say, “Let our people go.” We say, “We have already gone, and your kids, they are with us now.”

faab64 , to random

I just can't take it anymore.

I truly hate this world. It's not like we do not see these war crimes happen almost daily, the world simply doesn't care.

Except for a few. I hate to do it, but I have to take a break and focus on my health. Try to find a surgeon and plan my knee operation in the coming months. I can barely walk a 100m without severe pain.

I'm not giving up, after 200 days of constant reporting and postings I'm just tired.

via @appassionato


dhayannada ,
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar


Those few are all it needs to know that you didn't get lost in your approach to the daily horror of violence, cruelty and ignorance. If it was a big majority of people who'd do everything to change this to the better we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.

For me that means to hold steadfastly on to what I know is favourable and supportable even if whole populations seem to know better.

In the end governments and beaurocrats, enterprises in finance, insurances, real estate, big tech, landowners, heirs of fortunes - they all have to lose a lot if change is gonna come so they fight it with all they have.

For me class relations govern the misery and downfall of most of peope. In the end the many have to rise up or to perish

All the best to you and you're family

faab64 , to israel group

This is an image that should cover the front page of most magazines and news papers.

The amazing strength and bravery of women of Gaza who are showing the world how love and humanity looks like.

This is not going to be published, no one will dare humanizing the victims of the genocidal regime of Israel. Much less a Palestinian woman wearing Hijab.

@palestine @israel

dhayannada ,
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar

@faab64 @palestine @israel

The plight of women in is underreported not only because many media even in liberal Western democracies still are based on male dominance but because liberal has a blind spot regarding its shortcomings in opposing the colonialist and imperialist i.e. patriarchal rule of their governments.

Those imperatives are baked in a feminism that restricts its activities on equal chances in their national market societies without criticising their extractivistic and capitalistic methods of accumulation in the Global south.

In the end women themselves want to benefit from this exploitative relation instead of liberating women and other genders all over the world in special solidarity with those who have nearly no agency left to resist war, famine and suppression.

The gigantic gap regarding rights, freedoms and wealth between Israel and signifies this hierarchical patriarchal relation and manifests its violent structure in Gaza in the unbearable insight that this is about annihilation

appassionato , to palestine group
@appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

How Israeli attacks have pushed over 1.5 million people into Rafah


“They didn't leave a place that they didn't bomb or leave any place we can safely shelter in. Humiliation. You have no idea how degrading and tiring our displacement has been.” - Seham Al-Athamneh



dhayannada ,
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar

@appassionato @palestine

It's like a lab experiment you do with nonhuman animals who have no right of their own and may legally be killed for the sake of science.

ist the ideal place to employ a biopolitical regime that controls all life functions of its inmates be it food, medicine, housing and of course the HighTech weapons which push them from one corner to the other while always killing a few in the process.

This is social eugenic population management on steroids emerging the worst and cruelest patriarchal war regimes have to offer.

The cynical logics of self defence of course never takes into account the own responsibility for the history of settler colonial occupation and the dynamics of violence it has set into motion.

So cementing the dogma that everything began on 7th October 2023 is part of a belief system that shows religious traits in condemning everyone who does not chime into the chorus preaching the only truth that will set you free to continue with following the only rule that really counts - might makes right.

dhayannada , to random
@dhayannada@kolektiva.social avatar

In German media every tiny bit of information about events in the US - Super Bowl, Taylor Swift, wildfire in California, the latest school shooting - gets mentioned in the news far more often than any similar happening in other countries. You just can't flee into attention deficit being overpowered by news from the US especially the sort of celebrity and society excitement which perform on tabloid level.

But three days after chose to give his life for the ultimate act of protest I'm waiting in vain for any news outlet of greater reach and importance to cover this story not only, if at all as a two-sentence newslet although aside from its political implications it has all you need to make up headlines.

The absence of any serious reporting about his tribute to the plight of in and protest against the complicity of his country and military in this war tells everything about the ideological and military support Israel gets from Germany in carrying out this .

To raise the question what could have been his motives for public self immolation seems to be informally verboten. It could contribute to the growing doubt whether German complicity might not be so ethically pure and peace loving as it's sold.

So Rest In Power, Aaron Bushnell, there are still some people who admire your courage and empathy even in the dark night of consciously contributing to this bloodshed out of sheer opportunism.


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