@cjpaloma@mas.to cover
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar



Opinionated human.

Pro democracy, pro compassion, pro peace, anti social hierarchies based in false assumptions

putting pressure on people to do the right things (especially when lives are at stake) is just not traitorous

Profile pic: photo of a bunch of different animal tracks in mud

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

gwynnion , to random
@gwynnion@mastodon.social avatar

"The squad" have been some of the most dependable votes in Congress for Biden's agenda but that hasn't spared them the unrelenting contempt from their fellow Democrats or from AIPAC funded primary challenges over not supporting genocide.

cjpaloma ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@gwynnion I'd also note that Squad members are much more aligned with the general public on TONS of issues/policies than the media or Dem "leaders" will ever admit to: they are out front working for a living wage, wealth taxes, climate change legislation, universal health care, money out of politics, SCOTUS reform, larger social safety nets, are pro social justice on all fronts, they support reducing militarism and military "solutions" etc etc…all are quite popular w/ the public

parismarx , to random
@parismarx@mastodon.online avatar

Elon Musk got shareholder backing to loot Tesla of more than $50 billion. It’s a scary signal about his power and fan adoration.

More on that, plus labor updates and other news in this week’s Disconnect Roundup.


cjpaloma ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@parismarx that this was done with "shareholder backing" sounds like a bunch of folks with family sized portfolios are still bullish on this amount of greed. and for sure, that IS a problem and needs commenting on

But the reality is also: institutional players like Vanguard, Blackrock, etc collectively own -the majority- of stocks in Tesla, as well as tons of other ventures: including the corporations that own most major media outlets, weapons manufacturing, tech bus, big food companies, etc.

cjpaloma , to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

This morning's rabbit holes includes finding out more about the term ecocide itself, and the quest to make ecocide a crime against humanity.


StillIRise1963 , to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

Each non nazi white person needs to convert 5 white nazis.

cjpaloma ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@philip_cardella @StillIRise1963

honestly, I think there's a huge and under recognized difference between people reactively reeling from and then acting out fear/insecurity (and creating rationalizations from it)

and people having enough emotional sensitivity to accurately identify and use their emotions (capacities for compassion, ability to identify suffering, etc) sensibly.

There are a bunch of reasons why patriarchy sneers at people (especially men) developing emotional sensitivity.

breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

Criticize the world's largest oil company? They'll sue you!!

(And I promise they can easily afford more and better lawyers than you can. Not to mention bribing judges.)

⬛️ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/column-exxon-mobil-suing-shareholders-100046384.html

cjpaloma ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@breadandcircuses I'm surprised no one has mentioned Steven Donziger yet? After winning big time in Ecuador, Chevron hounded him

They spared no expense trying to ruin that guy.

breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

Our modern commercialized celebration of candy, flowers, gift certificates, and lavish meals at restaurants bears little resemblance to the original intent of Mother's Day. This is the proclamation that Julia Ward Howe wrote in 1870, which explains, in her own impassioned words, the goals of the original holiday...

Arise, all women who have hearts, whether your baptism be that of water or of tears! Say firmly: “We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies, our husbands shall not come to us, reeking with carnage, for caresses and applause.

“Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience. We women of one country will be too tender of those of another country to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs.”

From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice goes up with our own. It says, “Disarm, disarm! The sword is not the balance of justice.” Blood does not wipe out dishonor nor violence indicate possession.

As men have often forsaken the plow and the anvil at the summons of war, let women now leave all that may be left of home for a great and earnest day of counsel. Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead. Let them then solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means whereby the great human family can live in peace, each learning after his own time, the sacred impress, not of Caesar, but of God.

In the name of womanhood and of humanity, I earnestly ask that a general congress of women without limit of nationality may be appointed and held at some place deemed most convenient and at the earliest period consistent with its objects, to promote the alliance of the different nationalities, the amicable settlement of international questions, the great and general interests of peace.

LEARN MORE -- https://www.plough.com/en/topics/culture/holidays/mothers-day/the-original-mother-s-day-proclamation

cjpaloma ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@breadandcircuses wow, I had no idea!

…no wonder they had to scramble to hide those ideas… and replace them with other stuff that was more acceptable to those who benefit from rule by force.

It's both inspiring and depressing how long (women and other sane people) have been fighting against "might makes right"

davidho , to random
@davidho@mastodon.world avatar

Wait until these people find out how climate change will increase immigration.


cjpaloma ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@davidho even with the state of search engines right now, it took me less than a minute to find out the think tank that produced this study "advocates for free markets" which is code for "capitalism is always a good thing"

rbreich , to random
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Judge Cannon has postponed Trump's classified documents trial and didn't set a new start date.

The Supreme Court is slow walking Trump's classified documents case, which has delayed his Jan 6 trial.

The federal judiciary is effectively acting like a MAGA campaign arm.

cjpaloma ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar


Hate to point this out, but when you post things like this you make so much extra work for the punditutes STILL swearing justice is right around the corner...

breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

Sarah Miller (@sarahmiller_22747) asks: Why is humanity running heedlessly toward a cliff that everyone knows is very close and that has no identified bottom? Why is Business As Usual allowed to carry on, week after week, year after year?

Anxiety lurks below the surface calm. But why isn’t there open panic at the evident fact that the climate is going berserk while the energy transition slows in the carbon-heavy West? How to explain such willful inaction on a global disaster visibly lapping at our ankles?

Are we caught in the headlights like the proverbial deer? Climate stability unraveled so quickly. What we were told would take decades happened in a few brief years. We might still come to our senses and act to prevent climate change from turning into Climate Catastrophe.

Perhaps people aren’t responding because corporate, financial, and media interests are dedicated to keeping the old system going — and remain so effective at imposing a false narrative of the potential for a return to normalcy on an anxiety-ridden public.

In fact, many of us are quite capable of imagining alternatives to globalized capitalism. Some of the alternatives, stretching back to Soviet-style Communism, adopted a model from capitalism that is equally contingent on economic growth, resource exploitation, and ignorance of planetary limits. But not all the imagined alternatives retain capitalism’s devotion to growth and exploitation.

People have developed stories of happier worlds where humans work less, consume less, and listen more to nature and to each other. I have done so myself. They aren’t dystopian. The dystopian images picture what it’s like to fall off that cliff, not what it’s like to avoid it. Degrowth is slowly gaining a following, but to most people it remains merely a word without a compelling belief structure behind it. And the expansive exploitation goes on.

Mainstream political parties, from Democrats in the US to center-right and center-left in Europe, have opted to avoid foundational change at all costs, up to and including Climate Catastrophe. And they feed fear of change with talk of an impending “end to democracy” and other terrors to be perpetrated by populists. They feed the propensity to stick with “the devil you know” rather than try the unknown, regardless of how bad the “known” may be.

You don’t like Joe Biden or whatever candidate the tired and frightened political system may turn up in your country? Think about Donald Trump, or the boogeyman in your particular place, who would certainly be worse, they say. They are probably correct at one level. Right-wing populists generally are worse in the moment than the same ole, same ole centrists. But in the meantime, people’s willingness to opt for a low-carbon, degrowth future is undermined.

READ THE FULL ESSAY -- https://medium.com/@sarahmiller_22747/interregnum-part-2-inaction-cf892658b896

cjpaloma ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@breadandcircuses @sarahmiller_22747 Pieces like these echo and clarify-so many- people's thoughts about the current level of insanity, so thank you!

But after noting -the deeply funded and numerous ways the left is sabotaged- MOST pieces seem to revert back to ideas that "the left is slumbering."

It's much more like: the left has been been violently kidnapped, muzzled, continually drugged and is struggling to figure out how to escape from imprisonment, and call for help.

Big differences.

cjpaloma ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@matthewtoad43 @breadandcircuses @sarahmiller_22747

"... turning degrowth into a positive, widespread vision. That's mostly a matter of actually communicating it"

But THAT is not a simple task at all….. Degrowth is about the most threatening thing imaginable to capitalists. They already know it, and have already launched propaganda wars to -purposefully- downplay its aims, effectiveness and to completely mischaracterize it.

These are folks with millions to use to protect their interests.

cjpaloma ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@matthewtoad43 @breadandcircuses @sarahmiller_22747

unlike on the left, SWOT analyses are completely routine and ongoing acts for these folks.

Larger corps have entire departments dedicated to threat analysis and mitigation strategies. I can't emphasize that enough.

Meanwhile, most of the rest of us just want to have a livable planet. WE aren't driven to do anything like SWOT analyses on a regular basis

cjpaloma ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@matthewtoad43 @breadandcircuses @sarahmiller_22747 for an example of how degrowth is seen by some already, this see thread- please note I am not saying the person I responded to was engaged in intentional misinformation at all. I don't really know.

cjpaloma , to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

Karl fuckhead Rove was a HUGE homophobe y'all. He was one of the biggest "masterminds" behind same sex marriage BANS being passed in over 30 fucking states in in the early 2000s..

This…pig... knew EXACTLY what the fuck he was doing 20 years ago. He used hate and lies his whole career - he designed -this- fucking dystopia.

And now I see some attempts to try to rehab this pig?

IDGAF if he's "Anti MAGA" -now. So are literally hundreds of million other people. Amplify them.

cjpaloma , to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

trillions of dollars spent on "defense" and the world is….um, obviously not safe. I'm so tired of a tiny minority of completely unhinged war mongering men riling up mediocre chuds to use violence to "prove" their "superiority". As if.

These chuds are so attached to notions of "power over" that they really don't grasp how sick and stunted it is. Authoritarian notions of power OVER others regularly allows completely unfit amoral assholes to ascend to power. That's the root problem.

cjpaloma , to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

person gives response to user about concerns of a huge and demonstrably amoral corp monetizing off mastodon and possibly contributing bots trolls…(at the least) and killing it off (at the hypothetical worst)

That person's response is: I think Mastodon should be able to withstand this.

Now imagine you live in a nice quiet neighborhood and a developer wants to come in and put a commercial district right next door.

So the folks already living there should just "be able to withstand this"?

cjpaloma OP ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

what is it with people so conditioned to see growth as always 1) inevitable, 2) not disruptive 3) always good?

I mean look around: growth is obviously problematic in many many many situations.

But that's not how we've been conditioned to think about growth.

flexghost , to random
@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

Let me get this straight

A global conspiracy, involving every country on earth for 40+ years in order to spread mind-control chemicals from planes is real

Yet climate change is false

Hey Republicans from The South: ever wonder why no one takes y’all seriously?


cjpaloma ,
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@flexghost This is a great example of what Klein is trying to get us to understand in Doppelgänger:

The right takes honest concerns, for ex: planes DO emit noxious emissions (it's okay, stay with me), then they take these ideas, put them into a "bonkers blender" and then dish out the resulting puree as fact.

This totally confuses the issue, and hopefully dissuades the entire group from taking UNIFIED actions, dividing some into a bonkers camp, while others fret over REAL climate change

breadandcircuses , to random
@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • cjpaloma ,
    @cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

    @breadandcircuses I only skimmed the book, because honestly, it made me angry.

    Why? Primarily because it just seemed to be a riff on ideas I'd learned in the 80s from Eisler and anti colonialism studies. And these ideas were being presented as "new"

    Maybe they were new ideas to... certain demographics?


    rbreich , to random
    @rbreich@masto.ai avatar

    The new SCOTUS Code of Conduct urges recusal from a case to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

    If Clarence Thomas followed the new code, he would recuse from Trump's presidential immunity case.

    How could he appear to be impartial given his wife Ginni’s role in Jan. 6?

    cjpaloma ,
    @cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

    @rbreich If Clarence Thomas had an ounce of dignity (or self love) he would have recused himself from the overall pursuit of power -decades- ago. But here we are.

    cjpaloma , to random
    @cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

    If I were an arms dealer, I would be pretty satisfied with the current situation.

    I mean it's the 21st century, and not only is it still perfectly legal to create weapons of destruction, the entire industry still has incredible levels of power, despite literally billions of peace loving plebes catching on to the industry's utter ghoulishness

    The investment in US politicians in both parties keep delivering, they keep rubber stamping huge amounts of $$ every year. 1/2

    GottaLaff , to random
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    👏🏻 Via Democracy Docket:

    BREAKING: Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) signs a bill banning the open carry of near polling places.

    It is now illegal in New Mexico to openly possess a firearm within 100 feet of a polling place and 50 feet of a drop box.

    cjpaloma ,
    @cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

    @binaryequation @GottaLaff if you see any behavior that has no place at precincts, find the precinct judge for the site (or whatever they're called in your area), and complain loudly. If the precinct judge shrugs, get their name, get some evidence, and complain to the county elections and/or to voter rights orgs in your state.

    Many will do the right thing if they know what's going on, or if they are pushed. And if they won't, they should not be precinct judges.

    These are local people.

    cjpaloma , to random
    @cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

    omg, I am -finally- getting around to listening to Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States". And it seems NOW might be a particularly good time to read or listen to it if you haven't done so.

    cjpaloma , to random
    @cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

    Patriarchy controls men by telling them to not develop emotional understanding/sensitivity.

    It controls everyone by telling them that emotions are frivolous and unimportant in decision making, while so called "rationality" and force (if necessary) are "The Way".

    We already have plenty of evidence that leads to nonsense. (Boiling planet, dead kids, etc)

    But evidence of human suffering isn't persuasive on emotionally stunted people.

    B/c rationalization -is- what blames victims.

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    There is this trope in fiction: A boy gets bullied on his way to school; his dad teaches him to fight. It always seemed so bizarre to me.

    Somewhere in there is a less perplexing story about a young person learning to deal with conflict--

    But, I spent a lot of my childhood waiting to be "jumped" on the way to school. Because, I was being bullied, just not physically.

    I was looking forward to learning kungfu and taking them all out. LOL. 1/

    cjpaloma ,
    @cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

    @futurebird @eyrea @llewelly

    thank you for saying that: many social worker types -do- work long and hard to try to get overall environments to be less toxic. And ...some don't.

    Regardless, it's almost always an incremental fight, -ego bound turf wars are still common, and social worker types don't always get friendly welcomes at schools.

    so, yeah, I did spend time trying to teach kids with "the social skills of a cinderblock" how to navigate toxic environments...as harm reduction.

    cjpaloma , to random
    @cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

    wish I could get a good photo, but I just saw a pair of Flickers and a solo Ladderback woodpecker (I think) in a neighbor's tree. They are definitely all foraging together - This is the second time I've seen this same inter species configuration (last time it was a pair of each). They all hop about in the same tree for a few minutes then move on.

    I know dif. species of birds hang out together, but it's kinda cool to see interspecies woodpeckers hanging out

    GottaLaff , to random
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    That's some platform, GOP Fascist Party: "NO SEX FOR PLEASURE!" Should garner a whole lotta votes.


    Via Adam Jentleson:

    Highly influential heritage foundation, which would help staff & direct a future Trump admin, literally said that a key conserv policy goal is “ending recreational sex.” they said it, not me. IMO we should take them both seriously & literally

    (Heritage quote in next toot)

    cjpaloma ,
    @cjpaloma@mas.to avatar



    The amount of -unawareness- these folks are filled with is stunning.

    This goes beyond power, this is ALSO a deep fear of sexuality itself…stemming from…insane levels of self disgust and self loathing. Projected outwards.

    These reactionaries desperately try to control others, never realizing….the problem isn't with other people, it's that they are afflicted with huge levels of self loathing and disgust…. that they continue to project outwards.

    breadandcircuses , (edited ) to random
    @breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social avatar

    If you still need more evidence that capitalist commerce and industry has thrown Earth's ecosystem WAY out of balance, take a look at this graph.

    Ice coverage on the North American Great Lakes should be around 40% at this time of year.

    But right now it's less than 3%.

    cjpaloma ,
    @cjpaloma@mas.to avatar
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