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acastcandream ,

I’m sure they’ll be fine with it because businesses can do whatever they want, right?

acastcandream ,

I don’t agree with everything in this post but he’s pretty much right. Great read, everybody should really read this piece and mull it over for a day or two.

acastcandream ,

He is saying our understanding of privacy and assumption we have any privacy is. He is clearly saying we need to protect it and assert our rights.

acastcandream ,

Just sounds to me like excuses made by a marketing department that doesn’t know how to do its job. People just don’t know they want more privacy, largely because they don’t realize the extent to which they currently have none and how easy it would be to claw some of it back.

Apple is flexing about privacy (rightly or wrongly) and has rolled out a lot of privacy/transparency features. Clearly they see value there. Firefox has seen growing adoption with the EU breaking apple’s walled garden. Clearly people care to some extent and with marketing/education more can care.

acastcandream ,

Brave is the easiest thing for people to adopt because it operates basically exactly the same as chrome. I don’t personally like it but I do have it in case I absolutely need to test something on chromium/because my work is all-in on google and it allows me to do my job without directly going to chrome. Brave’s issues aside, not being on chrome directly is a huge step in the right direction for most people. Then I usually tell them to go to Firefox lol

acastcandream ,

I am not sympathetic at all to epic, let alone Tim Sweeney, but I do think people are very unwilling to talk about valve’s absolute dominance and how much the current ecosystem is heavily dependent on how magnanimous they are feeling.

We worry about companies that aren’t anywhere near as dominant as valve. Just because their interests align with ours today doesn’t mean they will tomorrow.

acastcandream , (edited )

Hey, way I see it this is just going to make a more computer literate generation who is comfortable with VPNs and generally bettering their odds that they will not be indoctrinated by, and eventually leave, the shit hole that is the American South.

acastcandream ,

They love the nanny state if they can tie it to Jesus

acastcandream ,

Texas hasn’t gone blue since I believe Kennedy

acastcandream ,

I have lived on the gulf coast my entire life I can call it a shithole lol

acastcandream ,

Very true. I was talking to someone today about how the “emerald coast” could absolutely hang with some of the greatest tourist destinations in the world. Nothing like those white sand beaches.

acastcandream ,

You can’t just make those kind of statements with authority/any degree of certainty if you don’t actually test it. It’s generously described as a theory otherwise. You still need studies to prove things you think you know.

acastcandream ,


acastcandream ,

Is this a real report from a reputable source? I hear a lot of accusations about his alleged drug abuse but I've never seen proof.

Trust me I have a long list of critiques of that garbage human being. But I don't want to be parroting unproven things.

Edit: found some interesting stuff but to be clear this seems to be a WH problem that got worse under Trump but existed under Obama. Of course a now-GOP Congressman likely started it because...well, that's the republicans for you. Anyway that's not evidence trump was popping pills all the time, but it's still bad overall that this was happening.

acastcandream ,

I did read it and I actually went and found stuff, there's no need to be an ass about it - it's clearly true about "Dr. Candy." The issue is there's nothing here saying "Trump was popping uppers/downers." Surely we can agree those are 2 different claims? Obviously it would probably take the first one to be true for the second one to be true, but the first being true doesn't mean that's proof of the second.

acastcandream ,

Yeah that's always sort of been my take. And with how insanely leaky his admin was, there's no way he could've kept that hidden for 4 years.

acastcandream ,

"Suspicious at best" is about as generous as that can be.

acastcandream ,


Apple will require notarization for apps from third party app stores, and will disable updates for apps installed via third party app stores if staying outside EU ( )

As far as I can tell this basically means that all apps must be approved by Apple to follow their "platform policies for security and privacy" even if publishing on a third party app store. They will also disable updating apps from third party app stores if you stay outside the EU for too long (even if you are a citizen of an EU...

acastcandream ,

It's these kinds of sweeping generalizations about apple users that lack any nuance at all that spike any meaningful conversation. It just becomes apple-bashing to make everyone not using apple (or who uses it "but it's different I have good reasons" and separated themselves from "the fanboys") feel holier than thou. To make them feel better than "those dumb apple fanboys."

I don't love Apple. I am not a fanboy. I use it because in my field it is pretty damn standard. I also run Linux on a separate computer.

Nobody talks about Windows users like this because they all used to be or currently are one. They assume there is a good reason someone is still on Windows despite the absurd shitshow that is the W11 transition. But for some reason no one is as charitable to apple users on that front. They just recall images from 2007 of people lined up outside the apple store for a new iphone, make a crack about overpriced hardware, and decide "every one of them is a dumb sheep who will die for Tim Apple." It gets really old.

acastcandream ,

I'm not saying the price isn't wild but people constantly complain about the cables. It's one of the top listed complaints. There's a reason the Quest line is so popular (relatively speaking. VR is still not doing great). It's not just cost, it's also the lack of a cable.

acastcandream ,

I think comparing it to the Berlin Wall which you were murdered by armed guards if you tried to cross is maybe a tad dramatic.

acastcandream ,

Ooo that 2nd one is fun. Feels little too open to be a "walled garden" (having the outer wall re-enter frame towards the bottom would be more evocative) but it's very visually interesting.

acastcandream ,

I thought it didn't need one other than to charge/use while wall powered? It doesn't work fully unplugged?

Edit: Ahhh it's an external battery. A lot better than a static point but yes not fully untethered.

acastcandream ,

That doesn't read like paraphrasing Reagan, it read like "compare it to the Berlin Wall." If that was your goal it was far too opaque, so my not catching it is pretty understandable.

Hyperbole is valid but it's also valid to point out when hyperbole is unproductive/so ridiculous it kind of works against the entire point of making the statement. There's hyperbole that achieves emphasis, and then there's hyperbole that achieves "this is so patently absurd it makes me disagree with you."

acastcandream ,

You literally didn’t use any of the words he used other than “wall” or reference him at all. Showing the Berlin wall with an Apple logo does nothing to indicate Reagan.

This is such a ridiculous argument. Feel free to have the last word, I’m done dude.

acastcandream ,

Everyone’s a critic!

acastcandream ,

Why does anyone watch cable news anymore? The only time I see CNN is when I'm at an airport.

acastcandream ,

I didn’t ask if people do I said “why?” I am well aware cable news has an audience.

acastcandream ,

All good, I could’ve been less curt there too.

acastcandream , (edited )

While I agree we need to be vigilant i also caution people against letting articles like this whip them into a frenzy.

Want to know how to stop this? Hold your nose and vote Biden. I hate it. I fucking hate it. But the simple fact is if Trump loses this election he is done. We will deal with the next crisis when it comes but we all know it’s Biden vs. Trump come November and I’m sure as shit voting Biden as much as I will hate it.

acastcandream ,

I think he’s done a fair bit tbh. But I still wish we had someone younger for a second term. Regardless it’s between 2 geriatrics and 1 wants to conquer our country while the other doesn’t, so I know who I’m voting for

acastcandream ,

My hope is it’s how most feel and they’ll just get over it and get trump out of here lol

acastcandream ,

If it’s legal an elected rep/president/etc. can’t stop it unless they also have legal means of thwarting it. It’s as simple as that. It’s why Trump couldn’t do a lot of the terrible things he wanted while he was in office. Laws can be frustrating but they’re also our guardrails.

acastcandream ,

“Making matters worse, if Trump is elected this year he could veto any congressional attempt to reverse such a disastrous ruling of the Court by passing a law guaranteeing same sex marriage rights.”

Call me crazy and naive but there is a small part of me that thinks the democrats can peel off enough republicans to make that happen. There are a lot of pink districts/states with GOP in their seats that would instantly lose their next election if they did that.

acastcandream ,

It’s why gatekeeping is so fucking stupid. What? You don’t want more people listening to your favorite music or watching your favorite show? You don’t want more people to relate to? Congratulations, mission accomplished!

I loved listening to punk/metal when I was younger but that was definitely a nasty habit I picked up. I don’t know how it is these days, but in the 90s and 2000s there was very much a tendency to call anybody who didn’t pass your arbitrary litmus test a “poser.” Pretty baked into the culture at the time. You had to tear down other people to assert how authentic you were.

acastcandream ,

Yeah it was very frustrating to experience and I regret perpetuating the problem. Though in my defense it was mainly when I was a petulant teenager lol by my 20's I cut that shit out

how's your week going, Beehaw

pretty quiet week this week if you ignore whatever the hell is going on with our bathroom toilet, which has a diagnostic issue we can't troubleshoot and which has flooded once this week. calling maintenance once again to see if we can figure this out so i don't have to plunge every third time we flush (ironically it'd be way...

acastcandream ,

You're not allowed to have fun as a kid. Everyone knows that. BE PRODUCTIVE.

[Movie] 2047: Virtual Revolution is a good low-budget cyberpunk movie ( )

2047: Virtual Revolution is about a cyberpunk world where 75% of humanity spends all their time in virtual reality. A group of terrorists are killing people who are logged in, so a giant corporation hires a trench-coat wearing private investigator to put a stop to it....

acastcandream ,

Yeah, I mean sure this isn’t marvel at their peak with CG, but it’s still damn good. Gives me a little District 9 nostalgia

acastcandream ,

I would say in some of their movies the CG is fantastic (hence “peak”), but anyway, my point is they are obviously not backed by massive resources but have clearly done a great job anyway.

acastcandream ,


Why are you putting a CC license on your comments?

acastcandream ,

I find most landlords if you start pushing for addendums do one of two things: they immediately shut down, which is usually an indicator they're going to be difficult anyway. Or they don't care enough and they'll wave it away just to get you in the door, especially when the clause you are disputing is insignificant and looking for someone else could cost them 5x or more what that little clause was worth anyway because of a missed month.

This is obviously contingent on a lot of things. Do you need to move now? Is it incredibly difficult to find anything and this checks off every other box? Etc. But just something to consider if you have room to abandon ship on a rental you find.

acastcandream ,

Interesting. Feels like that thing people used to add to FB comments back in the day that did nothing but in the case of AI I could see it maybe doing something. I’ll be looking into it - thanks!

acastcandream ,

Seems like you have a very reasonable head on your shoulders. Congrats and hope things keep going well!

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