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Zworf ,

The whole Anti-LGBT campaign blowing over from the US to Europe. In the Netherlands I see more and more of the same 😭

Zworf ,

Another detail is that if they try to tax them they will flee to tax havens or create them

Taxing does work, but you have to do it across the board globally and don't allow countries to offer evasion.

The Netherlands is already thinking about how to create new tax exemptions to avoid having to obey the 15% minimum corporate tax globally. Our neoliberal government is always scheming like that 🤬 They undermine corporate taxes in other EU countries by giving the multinationals a cheap cop-out.

Right now they are planning to cash the 15% but to give money back the following year (called tax credits). I mean this law was finally there for a reason and now they find new loopholes.

Zworf ,

Which is also what you want really, if you have everything on WiFi. High density setups with really small cells so you can reuse channels. A building with high signal attenuation helps with that.

Having said that I'd never want to work for a company like Google.


Bad radio propagation means Googlers are making do with Ethernet cables, phone hotspots.

"Making do with Ethernet cables"? For me that's still the most reliable and secure way of doing networking on computers. You're at a desk, why not have a cable there. For mobile devices, sure. At my work every docking station has a cabled connection luckily.

Is osmand normally terrible?

I just tried osmand. It took forever to locate me and then the map would freeze for minutes, then the blue arrow would finally jump to my location. It seems useless for real time navigation, is that normal? Google maps works fine on the phone (Android) so it's not the hardware. Is there maybe some setting I haven't found?...

Zworf ,

It's not great. They finally added OpenGL acceleration but now the PoI icons are twice as big as normal so they are cluttering the map a lot.

And without that the app is pretty slow. I do love the way it is so configurable though. I have no issues with location.

Zworf ,

Or OnlyFans 😆 They almost went out of business. It was really disingenious to have a porn site..... ban porn? 🤔 😶

I don't think porn is a huge part of Reddit though. I always loved the way they had these great amateur communities of real exhibitionists, but lately things have been ruined anyway with more commercial people just teasing their onlyfans.

But due to the niche communities there, I think reddit banning porn would be a real opportunity for lemmynsfw. A mainstream community is much harder to move but a niche community can move pretty rapidly.

Zworf , (edited )

The center and the extreme right both seek to protect capital at all costs. One believes “decorum” and “the structures of power” are necessary to maintain capitalism, one believes an extreme restructuring of power is necessary to “save” capitalism.

And the reason they want to keep captalism is because they want to keep their privileged position because they are afraid they will lose something. Which isn't really true, we have less money than the richer people in the US but also a lot less worry because we have labour rights, free or cheap healthcare, much lower crime etc. And cost of living scales with income anyway. I would never want to work in the US where I can be fired "at will", can go bankrupt when I have a medical issue and have a much higher chance of getting murdered than anywhere else in the western world.

Also, if we go full capitalist, the Chinese will beat us at this for sure because their government cares absolutely nothing about their citizens and they can always hollow out their society's rights more to compete. They pretend to be communist but they're actually ultra-capitalist. But they can do the race to the bottom much much better than we can.

What we should go for is an ethical society that balances the interests of capital with society, environment etc, which we are much better at than any other major power. It's our strength. Unfortunately these guys are breaking these efforts down, sowing discord, and undermining our stability for their own personal gain.

The problem is what do we do about it. I've started blocking all the ex-friends who have been infected by extreme-right propaganda but in my country 24% voted for this trash in the last election, it's ridiculous.

I think the whole movement has been enabled by the central right because they have been undermining welfare for decades while framing the left as being lazy and just wanting to take everyone else's money. It makes people's lives much less secure and this insecurity is what breeds the extreme-right anger.

Zworf , (edited )

There was no real left in Europe after WW2 and the Marshall Plan. Only social democrats, which really are right-wing since they defend capitalism.

Well France is pretty left, even still :P We're all pretty jealous of their worker rights. My own country the Netherlands was socialist too but the neoliberals indeed kicked in and screwed everything up. Which then turned the worker demography to anger and now they are massively voting for the fascists. As if that will help... But yes especially Holland is very beholden to the US. England too. But the rest of Europe not as much.

I don't see a big American-led conspiracy here though. I think the worker community just got so rich they became conservative. And started wanting more and more and looking towards the glamour of the US (while completely ignoring the huge problems in their society among those who are not so lucky to 'make it').

China is far far ahead when it comes to developing society for the people. The government there is spending trillions investing in infrastructure, health, education, housing.

Society for those who don't step out of line even a little though. There's a big difference in caring about your population and just making sure your worker cattle is fed enough not to stir trouble. They have had a huge scare with the mass protests of their draconic covid measures which had the potential to really get out of hand. They are super afraid of this, after all revolution is how they got to power themselves.

They recently declared housing to be a human right and started decommodifying it.

Meh if they'd care about human rights they'd actually respect them. If you see how they treated people during covid with zero respect for individual rights, how they treat the Uyghurs, what they did during the olympics. Mass surveillance is rampant. You can't say anything that steps on the CCP's toes or you get silenced (look at what happened to Naomi Wu). I agree they do manage some things better but their society is not one I want to live in or even consider visiting.

Decommodifying housing is good though, I agree. In Europe only Vienna really does that with a great public housing programme and it works really well. Holland used to do this too but things are really messed up now after 3 decades of neoliberal regime.

You can check any major city in China nowadays and they all have much better quality of life than any comparable city. That meaning major metropolises in developing countries (so places like São Paulo, Buenos Aires, México City, Johannesburg, Jakarta etc.). Housing is much cheaper in China, salaries are higher, cost of living is lower…

All those places are incredibly unsafe and have huge income inequality. You can't call those socialist :) I have been around the world a lot and lived in different places. These don't offer welfare for the poor.

I mean Johannesburg is where they sell car-mounted flamethrowers to fend off carjackers. São Paulo where the police don't even dare to follow suspects into the favelas. Mexico with its cartels that have actual armies. Socialist paradises they are not.

China is doing better because they are not really a developing country anymore. They have much more money than any of those because we've moved all our factories there.

The one developing country that I do look up to is Cuba. They have the second-highest amount of doctors per capita in the world, after a middle-eastern country, I forget which. Despite their authoritarian regime (and all the boycots from the US for no reason at all) people seem to do pretty well. I hope to visit it some time to see if things are really as good there on the ground.

Zworf ,

I'm still surprised people in the US actually vote only for people so old they can't reasonably do the job properly. I mean what's up with that?

I guess the cynic in me thinks only people that old have a lifetime of being beholden to the powers behind the curtain to have their trust to receive big campaign funding. But that doesn't explain Trump. He was never really 'favoured' by the establishment as far as I gather. Not that I think he was a good president of course, don't get me wrong!

Zworf ,

As a general rule, when trillion-dollar companies don’t like regulation, it simply means they’re admitting the rules are good for their customers.

We're not their customers. That's the root cause of this problem.

Zworf ,

There's many EU commissioners pushing for commercial projects already, like Thierry Breton and his ever present "digital everything" initiatives that nobody asked for except the companies that are implementing it. Like eIDAS and the recent digital ID thing. The EU is very receptive to commercial interests but mostly ones originating from the EU.

It is true that we do have a very different outlook on privacy but that should not be mistaken for a lack of commercial interests.

Zworf ,

They don't want their "kids" to leave the beautiful walled garden where everyone pays a fee to be there :P

Zworf ,

EntraID is pretty much the only time a MS rebranding actually makes sense because Azure Active Directory was confusing as hell.

All the other ones, like Lync -> Skype, Yammer -> Viva, Intune -> MEM were just marketing running wild for the sake of it and putting their customers up with the burden. And CoPilot is a disaster because they're dumping a whole load of different products under the same labeling and nobody knows what the hell is what anymore, even experts.

Zworf ,

Yes that's the exact feeling I have. Fast food.

We've been moving from a lot of best-in-class services to Microsoft ones and this is exactly it. They're always just good enough to be passable but never great at what they do. The only real benefit they have is that a lot of stuff is "free" with other things (how Teams is killing slack despite being piss-poor) and that everything integrates better with Windows. And they're always behind the competition, like Intune was much much worse than the competing MDMs when we had to use it, and they've only kinda caught up by now.

It's a smart move because even if you do have an AAA product sooner or later some smartass manager is going to be looking to make a name for themselves and cut costs with something that's 'free'.

Zworf ,

YES! So true.

Many times something doesn't work, you log a ticket and they're like "according to the docs it should work so you're doing something wrong" and you get into an endless loop of providing logfiles and doing random updates because really their 'premium' support (which isn't even microsoft but accenture) has no clue whatsoever. They don't know anything more than anyone who read the docs. It's like you're in a courtroom and you have to prove your innocence before they're going to lift a finger to help you. At least in a real court you're innocent until proven guilty 🤦‍♂️

Then eventually after a month or two you bug your account manager enough that they finally escalate the issue to someone who actually knows something at microsoft and they're like "oh yeah that feature doesn't work properly, try this". I mean for real. 🤬 So much wasted time.

Zworf , (edited )

The territory thing is important because the Ukrainian constitution specifically requires that any change in the nations borders be approved by a public referendum in which all citizens can vote. Given that current polling shows about 2 to 4 percent support for such a referendum, such a deal is unlikely to be approved anytime soon.

That number seems a bit unbelievably low to me.

If such a deal could be reached and Russia would get the Donbass and some other areas they already have now, why would 96-98% Ukrainians really not want that if it finally brings this terrible war to an end? After all those regions like the Donbass were already nothing but war-torn cesspools (think MH17!) where most of their remaining inhabitants actually prefer to be under the Russian regime for whatever reason. I don't think a normal Ukrainian that just wants to live without war will actually care whether they get these regions back. There's nothing left standing there anyway.

Personally if I were a Ukrainian from Kiev I would definitely not want to risk dying over some distant area full of rebel farmers. Just give them to Putin and see how they like being under his regime (I imagine, not very much). I would just want to live my life again and I wouldn't care about my country's borders being a little smaller. It's just some lines on a map. A matter of 'national pride' is not worth dying over. And life in Ukraine is basically at a standstill. People can't plan for the future, build a career, buy a home etc. That can't continue forever.

The question of course is whether Putin would actually stop forever or if it would just offer him a respite to build up his forces again for round 2. I would assume it would be most likely. But of course, so could Ukraine. Besides, Putin is getting old. We never thought that after Beria and Cruchev someone like Gorbachev would come but he did. Someone else could stand up after Putin and peace might well last.

But anyway, if they want this to continue, so be it. I just think it's unlikely Russia will ever be completely beaten back even if NATO did get involved (and it won't because it would lead to terrible escalation) and who wants another 10 years of war? Yes, Russia was wrong for attacking Ukraine and has committed terrible war crimes but at this point I think a compromise should be reached to stop further loss of life. Ukraine has fought very well to push them back but whatever little Russia has now is not important enough to die over IMO. Lately the victories have been very hard-fought with very nasty losses. Even if the war ended with the current status quo, Ukraine should be really proud of what they have achieved. They would have beaten back the lion.

PS: This might sound harsh sure but I really don't see what they have to gain by fighting to the bitter end to get that Donbass back.

Zworf , (edited )

It’s about the level of support most civilian populations tend to show towards an invading force that’s actively bombing them. How many civlians during the German Blitz do you think would have supported trading Dover to the Nazi’s in exchange for a temporary ceasefire? How about for a second time after the first ceasefire was broken by another ground invasion?

That 2-4% would not be support for Russia, but for a negotiated treaty that involves giving up some territory (how much to be determined of course). It can't be stated that those 2-4% would just want Russia to win because if that is the case no referendum is needed because the constitution would no longer apply.

And I was thinking of an actual resolution to the conflict with UN support and backed by an international coalition (after all, if Russia is at the negotiating table a security council resolution becomes a possibility too!). Not just a temporary ceasefire.

A lot of Ukrainians lived in the occupied regions before been being forced from their homes. Plenty more currently live in the areas that Russia has officially declared as part of its territory but which are currently held by Ukraine. Far from some lines on a map, a very large part of the population have at least one family member who didn’t flee faster than the Russians during the initial attack and who either have been living in fear, had their children taken, or were shot in the street. In both of the first two situations, people tend to be very dedicated to the idea of getting their family currently being held by the Russians back.

I know it's terrible, but would you risk your remaining children serving in the army just for some payback? I wouldn't. It will only lead to more death and it won't bring those murdered back. I would just want it to be over and for court proceedings and inquiries to start. And for all the abducted children it's also better for all of this to end sooner rather than later so they can be brought back before they're brainwashed.

Don't forget WWII was one of very few that ended in a very decisive victory. Many other wars end up in a stalemate. Like the Korean war. Even the mighty US could not hold on to Afghanistan and things are now as bad as they were before the war. Despite being a massively overpowered force (it was clearly an asymmetric war).

I see this kinda going the same way into a gruelling meatgrinder. I don't see many human conflicts resolved with one side being the 100% winner. And there is no guarantee that Ukraine will win if it continues. Especially when it comes to meatgrinding wars, Russia has the population and strict regime to keep throwing people into it. It's basically their MO, it's how they beat the Germans as well. Ukraine loses less but there are much fewer people to replace them with and also less motivated than at the start (the people really willing to fight already are).

And don't forget, Russia still has nukes and Ukraine doesn't. That will always hang over this conflict like a dark cloud. I wouldn't put it past Putin to use them even if he lost just out of spite. Not saying we should give in to Putin just because of that but we shouldn't put him in a situation where he has nothing left to lose.

I'm sure many people are more patriottic than me (especially in the US people seem to be very patriottic). Just 2-4% sounds low, that's all. But anyway, if that is their wish, ok, fair enough. I do hope they will be victorious. I just don't think the human price will be worth it, and talks should at least start.

None of this is likely to convince people to give the people who did it land it has never held on the promise that in a few years the exact same thing will happen again.

By the way this is of course all part of the negotiation. Right now there is no talk whatsoever, and Ukraine is in a very good position, I could imagine this ending up with Russia walking away with only to the land they control (which is all pretty devastated). Ukraine is starting to withdraw from places now and they might not have such a good negotiating position later. Especially if Trump wins, don't forget! Nothing can be taken for granted then. NATO could even fall apart as he has suggested.

Zworf ,

YESSS. I so wish this would be considered more.

There's several FOSS projects that I engage with that use discord pretty much exclusively and as such I'm locked out of the community. Like Home Assistant.

I really don't understand why they use it for FOSS projects that are all focused on privacy (home assistant for example focuses on using home automation without cloud so your data doesn't end up everywhere). And then lock you in to such a privacy-hostile service to communicate with them, when actually great alternatives are available like Matrix/Element.

Zworf , (edited )

You choose to exclude yourself by placing such a high value on privacy. Privacy for what here?

It's not the privacy of the content we're discussing, it's the horrible Discord client that keeps datamining your PC. It even inspects all the processes.

And they don't allow third party clients. They say it can't be turned off because of their push to talk features but I never use those anyway (and they are not needed for FOSS projects, they're more gaming features).

Anyway I don't trust them and don't want to do "business" with them (and definitely not with Tencent). My point is that this mindset of "placing a high value on privacy" while admittedly quite niche, is definitely something many FOSS projects subscribe to. In particular Home Assistant which I mentioned, because a big reason for people using it is because they don't want all their home data in a big data cloud (e.g. homekit, alexa, google home etc). The whole point of home assistant is so you can use your smart home equiment without having to subcribe to commercial companies. And then they do something like this.

What they could do is provide a secondary channel or a bridge to discord which they don't bother with.

Zworf ,

I don't really want to sign up to their T&C's, but I did in the past. But their web client is really annoying, it's constantly blocking me and kicking me out and giving captcha's. Probably I have too many ad/tracking blockers :P

But again, with a real FOSS ecosystem you wouldn't have to worry about such skullduggery because there is no tracking to block.

Zworf ,

And it's one of the richest countries on earth. Yet can't even afford a lunch break or overtime? Give me a break...

Not to mention that not providing breaks or even weekends is not even helping productivity. Workers will be tired working less hard and making more mistakes.

Zworf ,

Many regions won't need that of course :)

Zworf ,

Yeah this is why I pay only for services with fixed fees (or that allow me to set a hard limit). Wow, 100k would bankrupt me completely.

Zworf ,

Good to hear but it sounds like if the person hadn't gathered so much traction on HN they might still have been screwed.

Zworf , (edited )

Hm yes and no. The user might have angered someone with their website and it might well have been targeted to them instead of Netlify as a whole? I can imagine them using that point in a court if that was the case.

If I were to host on such a service I'd probably put cloudflare in front. Especially as it seems to be static content. But I wouldn't host on a service with unlimited pricing anyway. I'd much rather see my hobby site go down than to have world-class uptime and pay 100k :P

Zworf ,

Is there a customer involved here?

After all if it's for a customer it might be better to just give them the choice since the bill is on them.

Zworf ,

I'm sure there not being one is the feature. Trapping people into the free tier and getting them on overages.

Of course for a hobby site that will never manage to pay this is not a good business model but I can see how this works for more moderate corporate use.

Zworf ,

Did you sign a contract? Then no, probably not.

Zworf ,

Wow I'm surprised so many people still use facebook. In my circles I hardly ever hear from it. People my age (40s) are worried about privacy, the younger generations all prefer insta (30s), tiktok (20s) and other stuff.

I really used to like facebook when it showed me updates of what my friends were doing on the timeline.

But then they moved to this algorithmic "feed" crap which hid some of my friends' updates and inserted random other crap. Then I hated it and the privacy invasion wasn't worth it anymore. If they'd only allowed me to keep the old timeline I probably would still be using it. It just felt like such a drag going through all the bullshit every day trying to find news from my friends.

Zworf ,

Yes indeed. I stuck with instagram a lot longer because it didn't do this, but now in an attempt to copycat TikTok they've done the same with the home screen that keeps switching back to "For you" instead of "Following". 🤦‍♂️

Zworf ,

Of course we hate it. It will trigger a whole new phase of enshittification.

I still use reddit because for some things it's still a valuable resource that Lemmy isn't yet for lack of users. Hopefully more redditors will find lemmy as this proceeds.

Zworf , (edited )

Good that this comes to light, though I'm sure the conspiracy theorists will never be convinced. But it's good to take away lies from the equation.

I do think Biden is the wrong candidate to run for president though. He seems more and more erratic, confusing Mitterand with Macron and Kohl with Merkel (uhm... Not even the same gender!). And his unwavering support for Netanyahu...

I'm really worried about this because obviously Trump is worse. I'm not American so obviously I have no say in this but I worry about this for the effects on the whole world in terms of geopolitical stability, climate etc. But having "Not Trump" as your only selling point is not a good bet IMO. Is America really not ready for a candidate that's a bit younger and actually able to step up to the plate?

Zworf ,

Of course Gaza is not Biden's fault, absolutely not. I'm not saying that. And I'm very much a 'leftie' (much more left than the democrats are in the US in fact, I would be more like Bernie).

However he could certainly be a bit less unwavering in his support for Netanyahu who is really committing atrocities. If I could vote in the US I would still vote for him, but with a heavy heart. I'm sure he's not happy with what is happening in Gaza but I would prefer a president who would not be afraid to speak up. And I'm really starting to worry about his mental state as I mentioned.

I have no ideas either, sadly... But it would be so nice if someone fresh would actually get a chance.

What you could do of course is vote for someone else in the primaries. After all, it will still be a democrat, it won't affect the outcome of the presidential election and at least your voice of dissent is counted somewhere. If a lot of people do this, maybe some bells will ring at the DNC.

Zworf ,

They forgot to include the Nigerian prince in the story! Now nobody will believe it.

Zworf ,

Seeing the same things happening in the states but worse pains me greatly.

What's even worse IMO is that it seems to be worsening. A lot of countries were pretty backwards in the past but we've come a long way through emancipation. But now things seem to be reversing.

It feels like LGBTQ+ rights are worse off now than they were 20 years ago. Not just in the US. One of my friends in the Netherlands was foaming at the mouth about his children being 'indoctrinated'. Asking more about this, it turned out they had received a standard and pretty mild educational programme aimed at understanding of non-CIS relationships. Nothing actually 'indoctrinating' and the other BS he was spewing (like that 8-year-olds are physically transitioning which is just complete nonsense, it's a strict 18-yo minimum with an exception of puberty blockers only) was just made up too. He seems to be totally mindfucked by extreme-right propaganda (who won 24% in the last elections here, sadly). I tried to show him the facts but he's been so screwed up by extreme-right tiktok propaganda that there was no point. Soon after this he began foaming about 'woke'. I had to block him and he was a friend for 20 years.

We can't change the past, sad as it is, but the outlook for the future doesn't look good. I dont really know what to do about this, I've tried confronting him with facts but there was just no effect. And continuing to engage with him hurts me so I'm kinda done with that.

And don't forget the Netherlands was traditionally quite LGBTQ+ friendly (at least since the 70s, before that it was just as bad as the rest!)

Beijing criticizes proposed US sanctions — RT World News ( )

”China has the right to conduct normal cooperation with countries around the world. We have always opposed unilateral sanctions and ‘long-arm jurisdiction’ that have no basis in international law and are not authorized by the UN Security Council,” Chinese FM spokeswoman Mao Ning said in response to Washington’s...

Zworf ,

No, literally no. They went from empires to warlords to the CCP.

This is why they think it's the only way. The CCP is really afraid of the people organising themselves (which makes some sense because it's also how they themselves came to power)

But the CCP truly believes that they are doing it for the best.

Zworf ,

I know but that doesn't have much to do with suppressing their own people, IMO.

What they do with dissidents and Uyghurs is pretty bad.

Zworf ,

Yeah i think recycling plastic is possible, we just have to pay for it. If the market won't bear it, simply make it a public service.

We can't really tackle the climate and keep capitalism at the same time, they are completely contrary.

Zworf ,

Experts told the Vancouver Sun that Air Canada may have succeeded in avoiding liability in Moffatt's case if its chatbot had warned customers that the information that the chatbot provided may not be accurate.

Just no.

If you can't guarantee it's accurate then don't offer it.

I as a customer don't want to have to deal with lying chatbots and then having to figure out whether it's true or not.

Zworf , (edited )

Yet these companies do allow Google et al to index their stuff, otherwise the paywall bypass addons, etc wouldn't work. They want their cake and eat it. It's super annoying to find something on Google and then be hit with a paywall. Totally bait and switch.

If there weren't such great paywall-bypassing plugins I'd want a plugin that removes paywall sites from Google results, Lemmy submissions etc.

Also you really can't expect a user to subscribe to a full subscription to read a handful articles a month.

At least offer a once off small payment but almost nobody does that.

And I'll bet you use adblock too (I sure do) making it even more impossible.

Yes though the tracking is the most important reason there. If they just used untargeted ads it wouldn't be such a problem.

Zworf , (edited )

Unfortunately there's another problem with / / . Their owner has some beef with Cloudflare DNS and returns bogus results to them so anyone using as DNS can't visit them.

The Cloudflare side of the story:
The archive side:

Note that that discussion was from 2019 but the situation was never resolved and the issue persists to this day.

Zworf ,

It's a typical status symbol, nothing else.

Usually defended with excuses like "I have kids so I must protect them with a 2 tonne tank"

Zworf ,

Crude oil isn't really something you'd find outside the shipping or refining industry though.

I think they're just covering their assess with the oil thing.

Zworf ,

there's a reason modern vehicles have rounded edges

Rounded edges and soft panels that crumple easily yes.

I'm glad these things aren't permitted here in Europe.

Zworf ,

And they were built in Ireland where rain is not exactly rare. During a time when acid rain was a thing (unlike some people claim these days, acid rain was not a hoax, it was just pretty easy to solve with things like cat converters and regulations on industry and it was solved pretty quickly)

Zworf ,

Only small services with fewer than 50 employees and annual turnover of under €10 million (around $10.8 million) are exempt.

Wow. Great that this exception is there otherwise it would have killed all hobby forums and things like Mastodon and Lemmy.

Zworf ,
Zworf , (edited )

It's mostly actual people. I know some of them at different platforms (for some reason this city has become a bit of a moderation hub). Most of these companies take moderation very seriously and if AI is involved it's so far just in an advisory capacity. Twitter being the exception because.. well, Elon.

But their work is strictly internally regulated based on a myriad of policies (most of which are not made public especially to prevent bad actors from working around them). There usually isn't much to discuss with a user nor could it really go anywhere. Before a ban gets issued the case has already been reviewed by at least 2 people and their 'accuracy' is constantly monitored by QA people.

Most are also very strict to their employees. No remote work, no phones on the workfloor, strong oversight etc.. To make sure cases are handled personally and employees don't share screenshots of private data.

And most of them have a psychologist on site 24/7. It's not much fun watching the stuff these people get to deal with on a daily basis. I don't envy them.

Zworf ,

Of course Elon is free to close twitter like this, as sad as it is. It's his company (which already halved in value since he bought it...)

BUT, governments and officials really must stop using twitter for official communication at this point. It's not OK to require people to make an account just to view their communication.

Our Dutch government actually set up their own Mastodon instance, but many politicians still continue to use twitter.

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