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[Question] What to spend money on for server upgrade? ( )

I've been running a headless Ubuntu server for about 10 years or so. At first, it was just a file/print server, so I bought a super low power motherboard/processor to cut down on the energy bill. It's a passively cooled Intel Celeron J3455 "maxed out" with 16BG of RAM....

Trainguyrom ,

Video encoding you've really got 2 clear options: Either a 8th gen or newer consumer Intel chip with integrated graphics for QuickSync support or toss a GPU in there. You can also rely on raw CPU cycles for video transcode but that's wildly energy inefficient in comparison.

I've heard good things about how anything AM4 compares to x99 era Intel on both raw performance and performance per watt, but I have no personal anecdata to share.

Personally I'm currently eyeing up a gaming computer refresh as the opportunity to refresh my primary server with the old components from the gaming computer, but I'm also starting with literal ewaste I scrounged for free, so pretty much anything is big upgrade.

Trainguyrom ,

I'm not entirely certain. QuickSync is an Intel GPU feature and generally just listed as Yes/No on so I'm inclined to suspect it doesn't have significant change from one generation to another. Most GPUs have a limited number of of video streams they can transcode at a time, so if you're exceeding that number then I believe it will have to brute force it on the processor which will be anemic on an older Celeron. Have you verified that Plex is actually using QuickSync to transcode? If its been hitting the processor this whole time that would easily do that.

Trainguyrom ,

I've event heard of people running Proxmox as a workstation just because it's a stable Debian based distro with official ZFS support (remember Proxmox even supports being installed onto an existing Debian install)

Trainguyrom ,

Oooh I'll have to take a look into this. I've been feeling a bit let down by Portainer as I've slowly picked up a slightly better understanding of docker

Trainguyrom ,

I recently heard a department head from my work word it well "in today's workforce you're silly to not embrace remote work. If you require entirely in office work you're limiting your talent pool only to those willing to live in your local area"

My work literally has more employees at the main office than desks thanks to remote work, saving on an expensive building expansion or buying/leasing a new building. Remote work options are great for everyone!

Trainguyrom ,

You really think IVF is a right? Somehow a lifestyle medical procedure is a right in your min

Restricting reproductive access falls into the "eugenics" umbrella. Of almost any eugenics scheme that's ever been proposed or implemented a core feature has been preventing people who want to have kids from having kids

How do you expect anyone to care about this frivoulous nonsense when housing, the internet, food, and affordable healthcare all aren’t rights? All you’re doing is clawing for more privilege.

This is an argument against restricting rights. The GOP appears to be shifting strategy to preventing access to IVF, probably as a new front of the ongoing culture war they use as a smoke screen for everything else they do. Taking away rights that have no good reason to be taken away is absolutely worth fighting for.

Trainguyrom ,

Every individual concern you've brought up in this thread is valid and not uncommon. The important part that @ramble81 is focusing on is that your mindset on how you approach these challenges is incredibly unprofessional.

Having more to do than you realistically have time to do is the reality of working in IT. Everything the business does ultimately comes back to IT at some point in the process, so we naturally have to work with every single branch of the business.

Being underpaid is a reality of work for most people in the modern world. The professional thing to do is to decouple your feelings of how you're being paid from individual tasks or duties that are expected of you. "I'm not paid enough to deal with this" should be limited to tasks outside of your scope of work. If you're ultimately not paid enough to do your job, complaining about individual tasks that are part of your job being bnove your paygrade is just saying you aren't willing to do your job. I can't tell you the best solution to your pay situation. Maybe changing jobs or even changing industries will help, but also changing your mindset can do wonders for your mental health. For example shifting to instead saying to yourself "I'm woefully underpaid but at least I'm working in IT and not at X" can greatly help ease the pain until you reach whatever milestone which does help improve your situation

What you need to do regarding your workload is have a conversation with your manager/superior about prioritization. You say "hey, I have this this this and this that need to get done right now and I can't realistically do them all, what do you want me to prioritize and deprioritize" and if something important hasn't been given priority in a long time (such as patches) you need to then push back and say "we haven't been able to apply security patches in quite a while, I think we should reprioritize this so we can put some time into patching this week" this is how you manage a gigantic workload is by shifting priorities. The longer important maintenance tasks are ignored, the larger the impact and the harder it will be to complete the tasks

Trainguyrom ,

What they're describing is a pretty common financial product. They process a small unsecured loan which is placed straight into a escrow account with autopay so as far as the credit calculation goes they have a loan for which they are making consistent payments on until it's paid off. It's basically a hack to get some positive line items on the credit report to to try drag the score up a little

Trainguyrom ,

The 10,000 part is a reference to this XKCD comic

Trainguyrom ,

The last few times I've applied for credit I've only had to self-report my income and not dig out paystubs. I'm honestly not sure if I should be worried or happy

Trainguyrom ,

Can you expand on the eyeballs part? I swear I remember something about that which I can't remember and I'm getting nothing of use on Google

Trainguyrom ,

Hmm I feel like I remember something about eye shape that was used for discrimination, probably related to frenology

Trainguyrom ,

Brewing a smaller quantity of coffee could also be beneficial.

But really we're talking about such small amounts of energy and coffee in the grander scheme of things it's pretty inconsequential

Trainguyrom ,

I've not heard of this before but I also never boil my water in the microwave since it takes too long. Usually just warning it up (so 1 or 2 minutes depending on what I'm doing)

Trainguyrom ,

I don't drink coffee anymore but how can I sign up to get paid to advertise the Clever Dripper™ on social media?

Trainguyrom ,

To be fair I'm sure everyone was pretty cringeworthy at that age with or without reddit. Myself included

Trainguyrom ,

To be fair, some devices sit there drawing a lot of power. I saw close to 50w while my (mostly sourced from Goodwill) AV setup was plugged in and "off" and quickly started turning off the power strip they were all plugged into after seeing that

Trainguyrom ,

Climate change can only be solved by regulating fossil fuel production at its source

I like this. Balance the cost equation of recycled plastic vs new plastic vs glass/metal (since glass and metal are basically infinitely reusable and recyclable) for single use and minimal use items so they're more expensive and it tips the scales making many things far more financially-responsible to both produce and consume in a climate conscious manner

I tried, I really did

I've been an IT professional for 20 years now, but I've mainly dealt with Windows. I've worked with Linux servers through out the years, but never had Linux as a daily driver. And I decided it was time to change. I only had 2 requirements. One, I need to be able to use my Nvidia 3080 ti for local LLM and I need to be able to RDP...

Trainguyrom ,

You don't by chance have a formerly-mellonox card as your network card, do you? I wonder if something is checking for the Nvidia vendor string to only start one GPU and the devs forgot that Nvidia doesn't only make GPUs

Trainguyrom ,

basically corporations are dumb and people posting disallowed content can be creative as hell.

I generally get the feeling with this kind of thing that it's not incompetence but either an unwillingness to act quickly or an inability to

Trainguyrom ,

got caught in a horrible recommendations loop because I’d like family photos of running and gymnastics for my nieces and cousins.

I never reach that point on Facebook. I scroll for about 5 posts to see what my family and friends might be up to and get too frustrated with unmoderated spam and report it as spam and close the tab and move on

Trainguyrom ,

For a phone, you're probably going to keep it for less than 5 years, so babying the battery really isn't worthwhile since the battery will probably outlast how long you keep your phone for if you just charge overnight every night or fully charge it daily

It begins: Ethiopia set to become first country to ban internal combustion cars | automobiles cannot enter Ethiopia, unless they are electric [Edit: Strong indications this is unreliable] ( )

Edit: It's looking like this wasn't reliably reported

Trainguyrom ,

ICE cars haven’t significantly improved in close to a century

Let's see, power steering and seatbelts became standard around half a century ago, the OBD2 port became standard in the 80s, radios got significantly better, starting as a simple AM Radio to then also putting in an 8 track player, and in the 90s and 2000syou could get multiple disc changer radios (I had a 2005 Ford Escape I got for next to nothing a few years agp which had a 5 cd changer stock) then in the last 20 years fuel efficiency has improved dramatically. And this is all just what I can think of as someone who sometimes walks through car shows to look at the pretty cars but has no clue what he's looking at.

I get what you're saying about EVs being a brilliant step forward from ICE vehicles. Technically I think an all-electric drivetrain should be the way forwards on all vehicles, including hybrids (seriously if it's good enough for basically every diesel locomotive out there, it's good enough for a car) but you have to be honest in your arguments

Trainguyrom ,

In hindsight it makes sense that smaller countries that might struggle to import oil would be the first ones to convert. They already have to supply electricity, why supply a second form of energy too?

Trainguyrom ,

I'm hoping the current lack of sedan/small car options and growing bad press surrounding large vehicles will lead to a resurgence of small cars in 7-15 years, but I doubt it will in reality

Trainguyrom ,

Cars are shit for the climate regardless of the drivetrain. Electric cars are here to save car manufacturers, not the world.

My comment has little to do with climate friendliness and everything to do with improvements in just the last half century with vehicles when the poster I was replying to tried to say that there's been zero improvements in vehicles for a century

Trainguyrom ,

I mean it looks like an office in their home, which is where such an error is completely understandable and forgiveable

Also, in the right context and to the right person a slightly-comically proportioned phalace can be a very funny and heartfelt gift especially when paired with a good punchline. I have a relative who works for the government, and received a penis-shaped bottle opener as a gift from a colleague in another agency after working a long-term project together with the attached commentary that his team wasn't the easiest to work with. Knowing the recipient plus how he loves to pull it out and tell the story every chance he gets, it's probably the best gift that he could've gotten.

Trainguyrom ,

One of my favorite memes on the subject came from Sputnik_not "update: the fire is out" [picture of the ship underwater]

Trainguyrom ,

As a first guess like you might have a permission issue at play. Can you cat the private key on the machine that you're not seeing it in gpg --list-secret-keys prints

Trainguyrom ,

The insurance should encourage responsible gun ownership. Insurance companies can easily adjust premiums based on training/licensing and premiums would be higher or lower depending on their risk calculation for the given type of weapon. Insurance can place extra requirements on storage and transport that might go well beyond the scope of what's allowed by law.

A cheap insurance plan would likely have more restrictions than an expensive one, plus your premiums would skyrocket after an incident, further encouraging responsible behavior

Trainguyrom ,

Insurance can have additional requirements beyond the law. For example my homeowner's insurance does not allow trampolines on the property. There's no law against trampolines but my homeowner's insurance made the determination that a trampoline is too big of a risk for them.

This is why I said:

Insurance can place extra requirements...that might go well beyond the scope of what’s required by law.

Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’ ( )

Justin Mohn, a 32-year-old Pennsylvania man, is in police custody after allegedly murdering and decapitating his father, claiming the latter was a "federal employee" and a "traitor." Before his arrest, Mohn posted a 14-minute video to YouTube in which he displayed his father's severed head, proclaiming: "This is the head of Mike...

Trainguyrom ,

The day my instance updated to support instance blocking in the user config my Lemmy experience improved significantly

Trainguyrom ,

Have you had a poke through the user settings? This was like 2 major versions ago so that's extremely weird if you still can't instance block (I have to go to the blocks tab in settings, and below blocked users is blocked instances)

It also seems like a lot of it is surprisingly few people so just blocking a few key posters from Hexbear greatly reduced the hexbear nonsense in my feed and comments sections.

Trainguyrom ,

The key is to dip after changing the password on the vital database they decided one person was enough to manage ;)

Pretty sure this kind of sabotage can expose one to legal consequences

Trainguyrom ,

By memory it had a Firefox extension it installed and relied on to make a few things slightly smoother like h264 video, but that was a good decade ago and Mint today doesn't like you said

Trainguyrom ,

probably one of the last working ones in existence

I just decommissioned mine. I got it for free from my parents who got it for free from my aunt who got it with their house when they first moved to the area about 15 years ago. Only reason I decommissioned it is it no longer plays any audio from HDMI sources, and we wanted something a bit more power efficient. I plan on opening it up and seeing if I can repair it, then it'll probably be put into another room to continue being used as a TV

Trainguyrom ,

That sounds like pychart to me!

Trainguyrom ,

Outlook really has a lot of obscure features that not many people used. I think it's good for them to cull these less used features and later re-add them rewritten in a more supportable manner.

I also really appreciate the emoji-reactions because I don't have to type out a response expressing that I have read and acknowledge an email, I can just give it a thumbs up and move on, and they don't receive a whole email to read, they just see that it got a thumbs up and can move on too

Trainguyrom ,

It's usually just one manager making a clear case for the business need through the proper channel from being installed in most businesses

Trainguyrom ,

I have certain things I don't buy the generic for, such as Mac & Cheese and crescent rolls (one because the sauce is unmatched by off-brand and the other because the cans are impossible to open) but this is generally good advice

Trainguyrom ,

Yeah the small town (less than 15k population) I live in is getting close to $1k/mo for a 2br apartment and just 5 years ago it was about $500/mo for a 2br apartment

Trainguyrom ,

We need so many more reasonable houses with strong public transit and micro mobility access

Trainguyrom ,

I think it's more the assumption that things won't change. Plenty of large, previously-succsssful businesses have collapsed because they did not keep a finger up to feel if the winds of change are shifting and instead doubled and quadrupled down on a no longer viable business model.

Trainguyrom ,

I literally have a higher resolution computer monitor than I do TV. My computer monitor costs more than my TV did too!

Trainguyrom ,

Iowa and Illinois also do that. I live in rural Wisconsin but I know people who will collect their bottles and cans until they have gigantic bins full and drive them to a neighboring state to redeem them (usually as part of trip to a larger city for shopping)

Trainguyrom ,

I just shuffled some hardware around and got an old Roku that I thought was dead going again. One of the ads that appeared on the homescreen was "Cancel THIS! the Rosanne Barr Special" so if that's the kind of movie ads you're looking for you'll love Roku!

Trainguyrom ,

I'm guessing it's the opposite way around, they use the jellyfin app on their Roku to steam from their jellyfin server

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