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TheAlbatross ,

After what they did to KSP2, I ain't paying for another Take-Two game.

TheAlbatross ,

Crucially, I said paying for, but also, naw prolly not.

TheAlbatross ,

These are rich people crimes.

Generally only the poor go to prison, unless the rich person committing the crimes has committed them against people far richer than them.

In terms of Trump's charges, something like only 10% of people with similar convictions go to jail. So it seems unlikely, but it is possible.

TheAlbatross ,

I similarly remember lots of pizza and chip snacks with soda in my youth, but these days it's often hummus and crudite and beer or wine. Though the DM has asked us to wait until the session feels half over before uncorking the wine...

We functionally switched to stuff that won't muck up sheets or dice. Also, as a group in our 30's and 40's, more people have various dietary concerns, so veggies and bean dips help solve a lot of that.

The DM and I love to cook, so sometimes we'll make themed dinners. Roasted, spiced mushrooms and asparagus and a kale salad for when we stayed with the druids, beer, bread and root veg for a Dwarven section of the campaign, grilled fish (that I caught earlier that day) when we started at a port village, that kinda thing.

TheAlbatross ,

Vodka and sushi! What a combo! Where'd y'all get the idea for that?

I had a lot of family gatherings with vodka and pickles where we'd eat fish later, but never sushi. I'm not saying it's a bad pairing or anything, just an unexpected and unheardof one to me

TheAlbatross , (edited )

That's so much tho. That's so much chicken to fill your void hole with.

Like half that amount of chicken and fries will do you fine, it'll be okay!

TheAlbatross ,

I think if any American administration wanted to show American Jews that the administration cared about their safety, they'd take strong and decisive actions against the domestic Nazi-aligned elements that are threatening our democracy. But what is being done against them?

Lily's thoughts here largely reflect that of most of the other American Jews I know. How vulgar it is to see someone support atrocity and claim its to your benefit!

TheAlbatross ,

Yeah this is a direct quote from "I Am The Walrus". Not really right for this community. Also, what's OP doing in "the local crackden"?

TheAlbatross ,

Like I'm gonna vote for the dude but shits fucked, I live in a deep blue state, and I could vote for Nader and it wouldn't change a thing, lemme kvetch that Biden blows

TheAlbatross ,

Seems like an easy choice. You'll feel the effects of daily drinking with in a week or two, but pot smoking? Doesn't seem to affect the day to day

TheAlbatross ,

Their nose is dirty or the nasal drip from the coke is getting to em

TheAlbatross ,

You have weak teeth. My teeth could crush your teeth and still be hungry for other teeth.

TheAlbatross ,

This looks absolutely lovely, what sort of cake is it? What is the center layer?

TheAlbatross ,

Cruelty is the point, my friend. The sooner you realize that, the more sense it makes

TheAlbatross ,

It used to be $6.99 a pound ten years ago. That was wonderful. While it's still my favorite light roast, it's expense means I drink it maybe once a year when I get a bag as a gift or a treat for myself.

TheAlbatross ,

I'm not so sure I'd call myself a "tankie", but I'd like a $12k new car and if it were an EV, even better. I recently paid more for a used car! Cars, like everything else, have gotten so stupidly expensive. It would have been nice to see one thing actually become more affordable because I know wages ain't gonna increase accordingly for a long time.

TheAlbatross ,

I was too young to play through this game properly, but I had asked to rent it a few times because the art style was so charming and the world seemed interesting.

Maybe I'll go back to it soon.

TheAlbatross ,

The Servbots, yes!! They were featured more prominently in The Misadventures of Tron Bonne, a puzzle/action game set in the same universe, but they are adorable, funny, and absolutely iconic.

What do you think of the term "short king" as a term that's supposed to champion body positivity for men?

Body positivity is such a strange concept to me. There's efforts to reclaim words while simultaneously calling them bad if used as an insult. Ideally, people wouldn't be offended by someone describing their body with common descriptors, but socially there is so much value attributed to certain body types that it's almost...

TheAlbatross ,

I'm a man, I'm 5'5" and I'm far beyond caring about my height. It bothered me in high school but I found out shortly after it really doesn't matter that much if you carry yourself confidently.

That said, I've seen a number of other cis men find confidence in themselves by using short king self referentially and hearing people they want to date celebrate "short kings", so it seems to be a useful term. I've also seen a number of trans men find it to be a confidence boosting term, combating the dysmorphia of their perceived height deficiency.

I'll revel in such things with my friends for laughs, but, ultimately, it doesn't do much for me, but I like seeing what it's done for others.

TheAlbatross ,

You have a great deal of value outside of how much money you make there are people out there interested in those qualities. I'm sorry you haven't noticed them yet, but they are out there. Try to keep an open mind and an open heart and you may find them and they find you sooner than you think.

TheAlbatross ,

You know damn well that's not what I meant and also that's far too low these days, you should ask for more.

TheAlbatross ,

Superman. He just does everything and wins. Unless you show him a green rock.

It's stupid. I don't understand how it ever interested anyone.

TheAlbatross ,

All the food is crap besides the cheese biscuits which are far better made at home these days anyway. If you wanted a good experience at a Red Lobster, you're about 30 years late.

TheAlbatross ,

From how I understand it, you dream every night as your body enters REM sleep, but you often don't remember dreams. You can try and train yourself to better recall your dreams and in doing so you may find that you "dream more often".

I'd say I have weeks where I remember my dreams, sometimes multiple, every night, and other times where I'll go a week or more without recalling any. It varies on a lot of things. In particular, I'll find if I stop smoking weed for about 4 or more days, I'll start remembering dreams vividly and frequently, but that'll lessen over 2 weeks.

TheAlbatross ,

If sounds like you and he had very different goals in dating, so it's probably for the best this didn't work out. You're young. You have plenty of time for dating ahead of you. I wouldn't put a lot of weight on this.

TheAlbatross ,

That's a bit reductive, isn't it? One can easily be looking for a more casual relationship than the one this guy wanted and OP's last line feels more like a frustrated lament than a staunchly held belief.

TheAlbatross , (edited )

I can relate with that. Most of my life I've thought I don't want kids, but there are moments where I feel otherwise and I ultimately come to a similar conclusion.

That said, I think it's reasonable to want experience more of life while you're young and wait to have children. Settling down with one person is a big step and I think having a variety of dating experiences better prepares you for making that decision.

Edit: tho I think you're right in your last paragraph when you say you should have added an lol or something else to indicate you weren't being serious. It can be tricky to correctly interpret intonation over text, but, hey, every days a school day and maybe you two can reconnect in the future if you're still interested.

TheAlbatross ,

Pretty good! I was kicked out of home at 17 and finished high school by floating between friends houses. Doing that, I met someone who helped me get into a college, tho I couldn't afford to pay for more than a year. I was briefly homeless, but I had a car (ideal), but now I live in a lovely single family home with my boyfriend and another couple. I worked my way up from a sales job into a management role at a company and I don't have to do all that much daily. I've made a network of friends who have become my found family and I love them very much.

Holidays are a bit strange. I disliked them for a while, but I later learned it was less that I disliked the holiday and traditions, but I disliked being alone. People go back to their bio families for holidays and I just can't do that. Being Jewish made this a little trickier, as even when non-Jewish friends wanted to participate (which was so wonderful and sweet and made me cry multiple times) you have to teach them the traditions and how to say things in Hebrew or Yiddish. Imagine celebrating every holiday with your young nieces and nephews who need to be taught what to do. Finding and befriending more Jews really helped with that as I can usually tag along with their families.

There's times when it's clear my experiences are different from most others. When people talk about family, I often misjudge the importance or weight of those conversations and the behaviors around families. I'll hear someone complain about the horrendous things their sister or brother are doing and how they help them anyway and I'm baffled. I don't entirely know what to say and how to be empathetic in the right way when someone's aunt or parent dies. I don't understand the anxiety someone has when their mother visits.

But I think I've successfully built my own little family community. A group of beloved friends for whom I'd do anything and vice versa. It took about a decade, but it's come together well and I don't feel some deep longing for a blood related family connection because I have them and they have me.

Navigating the Path to Mental Wellness: A Comprehensive Guide to Psychotherapy at Alpha Psychotherapy Center, couples counselling queens NY ( )

In a fast-paced world where stress and anxiety are prevalent, seeking professional help to maintain mental well-being has become increasingly important. At Alpha Psychotherapy Center, we understand the significance of mental health, and our team of dedicated professionals is committed to guiding you on the path to emotional...

TheAlbatross ,

You don't need all this, just need some wine, good friends, and lots of gay sex.

Oh and some grass don't hurt.

TheAlbatross ,

Something tells me that Congress isn't too concerned with protecting the self-determination of Bundists and would be quite irked at any attempt to resurrect the Bund in the US. Though, with the resurgent popularity of labor groups, maybe there's an opportunity there...

That said, your post got me thinking...

I know there are many varying opinions being shared at the many protests in support of the Palestinians, but I wonder if there's some appreciable nuance in the IRHA definition where one could claim they aren't saying any State of Israel is a racist endeavor, but this particular one is.

Do you clean the opening on your glass bottles?

Spouse and I have a discussion on what to do after you pour a sauce out of a glass bottle. I do nothing but my wife takes her finger and wipes the excess from the bottle before she puts the lid back on. I think touching the food is disgusting and she thinks leaving it there to gum up the lid is disgusting. What do people do?

TheAlbatross ,

I clean it off. I feel this helps prevent spoilage as the lid will have a better seal on a clean rim than a dirty one.

TheAlbatross ,

Condoms, a magic wand, lube, cock ring, extra cables for charging various devices, and a knife the seller named "Praxis" like the moon from Undiscovered Country.

On top, I keep ear buds, glasses, and my phone, usually.

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  • TheAlbatross ,

    The Culture as imagined by Iain M. Banks.

    Taking jobs as passion projects and partying on the side with my bespoke suite of substances produced by thought activated glands in my brain? Sign me tf up. Imma design avant-garde planetary landscapes for like 4 years, then spend 2 just raving constantly then swap genders for a spell? Crazy good utopian concept.

    TheAlbatross ,

    Get this advertisement outta here

    TheAlbatross ,

    Drink my piss

    This isn't a meme, it's an attempt to tell people about a product.

    Huff my entire asshole and delete your post

    TheAlbatross ,

    Still successful, though. Humans have spread the seeds of capsicum farther than any bird ever did.

    We're just fuckin weirdos about it

    TheAlbatross ,

    It kinda reminds me of the scene in Star Trek the Next Generation when Data, the humanoid Android, tries alcohol to better understand humanity. He takes one sip, winces and remarks "That's awful! ... another!"

    "If you don't vote <insert democrat> democracy will end" ( )

    This article does a great job of explaining people's frustration with having to vote for Biden again. It's long, so here are some quotes. They're totally cherry-picked, I'd recommend reading the whole thing (especially if you think the problem started with Biden, and that Clinton and Obama were ever good choices)....

    TheAlbatross , (edited )

    It's honestly tiresome. I was caught up in the fervor of the Trump era, when it felt like the Democrats would finally, once it was their turn, start enacting fundamental changes to fix this mess of a country, but now that the combination of the pandemic stresses and the opportunity that results from chaos has died off, I more clearly remember the Obama administration and can watch the Biden administration affirm, they have no desire to make any changes necessary to truly help people or right the incredible wrongs of this nation.

    I'm tired of liberal scolds who like to pretend Biden didn't write the Clinton Crime Bill, hasn't routinely granted more funding to police when possible, hasn't increased the military budget and so on.

    Tired of them acting like Biden will ever even attempt to fix the fundamental problems with this nation, like FPTP voting, lack of single payer healthcare, overly mitarized police and wanton expansion of civilian surveillance.

    I know he's one of the best President's to date on climate and that people in the bottom quartile of income in the US have seen pay rises. It's good, but it's not enough. The Democrat's method of incremental change feels like platitudes in the face of wanton use of power by the Republicans. As if they feel they need to be cautious and careful in their use of power to seem more legitimate in the public instead of wielding the office in a way that makes sweeping benefits to Americans.

    I don't think Biden is all that great, I have zero faith he'll ever do anything to truly prevent this country from sliding to fascism in the future, he'll just maintain the status quo and kick the ball to the next guy, just how every other Democrat does it and his successor surely will too.

    So vote blue, whoopty doo, what else is there to do?

    TheAlbatross , (edited )

    Don't send me shit.

    What part of my last sentence didn't get through? Fuck, the whole point of this article is that voters feel like they must vote for the DNC candidate despite not liking them, but they still vote for them.

    Fuck, it doesn't even matter how I vote because of where I live and how our broken ass voting system works. It goes Blue regardless. Y'all keep acting like the popular vote matters. If you aren't convincing majorities of people in particular counties of swing states to vote, it doesn't matter.

    I'm sick and tired of people acting like it's the people's job to vote for whoever the Party puts forth instead of the Party being responsible for putting forth a likable candidate. That the onus lies on the voting block, whose job it is to simply cast their ballots for the DNC, instead of the DNC being any fucking bit responsible for selecting a candidate people want to vote for.

    TheAlbatross ,

    For what it's worth, the swearing ain't at you in particular, some people just curse like sailors. And I ain't doubting the death threats, "shit" in that instance refers to "anything". And I don't wanna see it because I've seen it before. I clearly understand the existential threat that Trump and the RNC as a whole poses.

    I don't think Biden is doing enough to combat that. And I think the general attitude of trying to convince the utterly insignificant number of internet leftists that Biden is good is putting a lot of effort into things that bear little fruit. I don't think there's some majority of leftist voters in any single county that could make a difference in a federal election. Many of them live in liberal strongholds and their vote for a 3rd party or a write in for Mickey Mouse won't move the needle.

    When / why / how did "I hope you are well" become a standard email intro?

    Practically every email I've received in maybe the past year has started with "I hope you are well". I even had an LLM draft a placeholder email for me and it started with the same thing. This has not always been the case and it's strange to me that everyone I interact with begins their emails with this line. Frankly, it's...

    TheAlbatross ,

    I started it in 1995 because I thought it would be nice to kind.

    TheAlbatross ,

    There's two forces at work here.

    The weekly meetings could often be an email, "Hope all is well, we've made steady progress on project X and no additional discussions is needed."

    But also so much can be solved so quickly, at work and otherwise, with one fucking quick phone call. People are getting so phone call adverse these days it's wild.

    TheAlbatross , (edited )

    Hey I had to do this same kinda thing after realizing men are hot in my late 20's. Do you have LGBT friends? Hang out with them. Ask them to invite you to other queer hang outs, events, etc. Ask them to take you dancing. There's something so completely euphoric about dancing in a gay friendly club where you can feel comfortable being you. Go to the gay bars! They're fun. Get on the dating apps and aim for making queer friends first and foremost. They work far better for meeting new friends than dating. I didn't care for Grindr, personally, but if you're just horny, it'll do its job.

    The dating aspects will all come together after you make a bunch of gay pals and just start existing in queer spaces. And remember, every confident person you meet there was once in your shoes! Don't be embarrassed to ask questions on how to do things, just like this, we alllll been there!

    And congratulations!! It may seem scary now, but you're about to have a lot of fun.

    TheAlbatross ,

    Not once did I say anything about who people should vote for. The only sentence I used that talked about voting was saying people will vote for Biden.

    You're making up opinions so you can argue against them. Isn't there a phrase for that?

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