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Telorand ,

Just block em and move on. It's not a credible premise, so no need to engage honestly, since they won't offer you the same courtesy.

Telorand ,

The reason he has to cough up the money is: he has to post bond before he's allowed to appeal. So either he pays what he owes, or he puts up the money to ensure he pays after the appeal is overturned.

Ms. Carroll, unfortunately, won't see that money for probably another year, but at least she can rest assured that Trump is going to lose that appeal. Even if he becomes Supreme Dictator in November, that money is gone.

Telorand ,

And take breaks from the political circus. I'm guessing most of us know how we're planning to vote already, and we all know that Republicans have no shred of decency or shame anymore, so hearing about every latest act of cruelty is just punishing yourself; don't do their dirty work for them.

Telorand ,

The reason is because states are awarded a number of reps based on population according to the census (plus some extra on top). Can you imagine the fuckery if all you needed to do to get another rep is set up a new county?

"This year, Texas split their counties into 1000 pieces, giving them total control of the House."

Telorand ,

So what? Court stenographers are required to type everything people say. It's supposed to work that way on purpose, so lawyers, historians, anthropologists, etc. can refer to the records later.

It doesn't make anything they say authoritative, only that they said it. It might be a shame that it is happening at all, but these people exist whether we like it or not. Personally, I celebrate the fact that their stupidity is now permanently put on record for anyone to see.

Telorand ,

He can't say he's not fine with it, because otherwise Republicans and the propaganda machine would cry impropriety and political persecution. We'd never hear the end of how "Biden tried to get his political opponent removed," and how "Democrats are cheaters rigging the system."

It was wise of him not to give them any sound bites and to defer to the courts, because they're the ones who should be deciding this (for better or worse).

Telorand ,

True, but that's all based on tired and debunked info. Him saying Trump should be removed would be fresh fuel for that idiotic fire. They shouldn't get any help wearing people down during an election year that's already going to be rife with disinformation.

Telorand ,

Doubly so, considering Trump doesn't pay his bills.

Telorand ,

I don't like Haley, and I will absolutely not be voting for her, but I don't subscribe to domestic terrorism as a tactic.

Unless it's directed at Donald Trump, because he would do no less to anyone, and I would bet good money the hoax callers are his sycophants.

Telorand ,

And this will go nowhere, wasting everybody's time, garnering tens of votes in November, and result in no change in leadership.

“Do I Have to Come Here Injured or Dead?” ( )

Because Keldy had been one of the first mothers to be separated under the Trump Administration, she wasn’t just a victim of the policy but also a witness to its accumulating horrors. On May 20th, in one of the facility’s white cinder-block visiting rooms, Keldy gave her list to Mary Kay Mahowald, a staffer at a small...

The RNC will meet privately after Trump allies pull resolution to call him the 'presumptive nominee' ( )

The Republican National Committee is meeting behind closed doors this week as some allies of Donald Trump had hoped to put the group’s stamp on the former president early in the 2024 GOP presidential nominating campaign....

Telorand ,

If we are doomed to slide into Fascism in 2024, I hope it's her, because that means Trump will have to eat shit. That would be my silver lining.

Telorand ,

Why pay people the wages they've earned, when you could not? /s

ETA: that's a royal "you," not directed at OP

Telorand ,

Are...are they trying to start something with the Swifties? Because I'm pretty sure Y'all-Quaeda is no match for them, and I'm here for it!

Telorand ,

If it just happened, wait for real journalists to write about it. Part of Daily Wire's schtick is getting ahead of the story so they can create their own narrative. And it doesn't matter how factual it is, because once the story is out there, they have done their job of sewing disinformation. Social Media does the rest.

Don't give them implicit credibility through sharing their garbage in credible places simply by virtue of them being first.

Telorand ,

This is Daily Wire. They're not in the business of facts.

Telorand ,

How do you know it's the same?

Telorand ,

They're not slaves. They get paid 25¢ per hour! /s

Taking away Trump’s business empire would stand alone under New York fraud law ( )

"Within days, Donald Trump could potentially have his sprawling real estate business empire ordered ‘dissolved’ for repeated misrepresentations on financial statements to lenders, adding him to a short list of scam marketers, con artists and others who have been hit with the ultimate punishment for violating New York’s...

Telorand ,

Ultimately, the victims are kind of ancillary where fraud of this nature is concerned. Everyone involved could profit from the sale of cocaine, but that doesn't make the sale any less illegal. Likewise, you don't get to lie on your appraisal forms to game the system and generate free money, because that has long-term economic impacts far beyond the scope of direct victims.

Telorand ,

Yeah, and that's why I said "kind of." The faceless public is certainly the victim (as is always the case with anything related to Trump), but it's really hard to personify a nebulous group that will be indirectly affected in the coming years (or were affected in ways unseen over the years).

Fraud was committed, and fraud laws exist to protect the public and the markets from that kind of manipulation at their expense.

Telorand ,

That Link's Awakening HD fan game lasted for, like, a week, and that was barely anything beyond a direct copy. Could be there's nothing for the lawyers to litigate, or it could be they're building a broader case based on a cohesive body of evidence.

All that to say, don't mistake inaction for inability to act.

Telorand ,

They're afraid and ignorant. They feel like society is circling the drain, and they think an authoritarian is the solution.

Telorand ,

Probably just clickbait phrasing. There's an alarming number of people who don't know what Project 2025 entails or that he has been paraphrasing Hitler, but putting those things on a headline likely doesn't get people to engage as much as, "Hey, wanna know a secret about Trump?"

And towards the ends of educating the public about the real threat Trump poses, I'll allow a little clickbait to get them to pay attention.

Telorand ,

Agreed, but don't discount the role of religion in that equation, either.

Telorand ,

Might be early preparation for a 2028 run. She'll be a familiar face who was "strong enough to go toe to toe with Trump" or something. I dunno much about political calculus.

Plus yeah, this might also be payback to get him tilted.

Telorand ,

Very true. Let's do our best to ensure that doesn't happen.

Telorand ,

Bruh, just stop. Nobody is fooled.

Telorand ,

The sick irony is she's a managing partner for Habba, Madaio & Associates LLP. Like, somehow she passed the bar, yet doesn't understand the basics of how to conduct a trial or how to behave with the decorum befitting a lawyer.

Makes one wonder how she passed, vis a vis your prostitute statement...

Telorand ,

Agreed. Engaging trolls lends implicit credibility to their platform, and they have no requirement to reciprocate that credibility.

Telorand ,

Not exactly. It's far more insidious (and stupid). Her tact was to show that Carroll already received her financial reward by all the books and news appearances (i.e. the "comments and attention"). Basically, "Sure, she was raped, but look how well she profited from it!"

Too bad that kind of argument is only really relevant to the first trial. This one was punitive damages for failing to shut up after losing the first one, the purpose of which is to punish Trump so he thinks twice about doing it again, not award reparations to Ms. Carroll.

Alina Habba is truly the lawyer Trump deserves.

Telorand ,

I doubt that will happen. This is round two of defaming her; it's already been established that he raped and defamed her, and it is glaringly obvious that he did it again (even before this verdict). His team will have to first appeal to the New York Court of Appeals, and it's very unlikely that they'll even hear it.

SCOTUS isn't likely to do him a favor but virtue of the highest court in NY not hearing it and this being a very obvious case of repeat offense. They suck right now, and they've made some really awful arguments and rulings, but they haven't exactly been a rubber stamp for Trump or Conservatives, either.

Telorand ,

I think it’s just going to pop out in one of his word salad campaign rambles.

And I can't wait for that to happen, because I'm sure a third jury will be so pleased (/s) he did it a third time.

Telorand ,

Probably the most salient summary of the state of affairs. Let's vote and hope that doesn't happen.

Telorand ,

This. I doubt the civilians caught in the crossfire care if Netanyahu stops "for the right reasons."

Telorand ,

Do you think Netanyahu will stop if Biden and Congress (don't forget that they've been mostly unanimous in their support) stopped giving them money and guns tomorrow?

Do you think Trump will rescind or give less support if he gets elected instead?

Telorand ,

Okay. So you're upset because he's trying? It may not be enough in your eyes, but I'm not going to vilify him for taking steps towards the right course of action.

It's more than Netanyahu has done, which is explicitly promise not to stop, no matter what.

Telorand ,

That's a fallacy of understated evidence. That's like saying people with knives are dangerous, while ignoring the fact that some knives are butter knives.

The scale of danger is vastly different, and to pretend that Trump and Biden are equally bad is dishonest. Which one of those two do you suppose is more likely to listen to reason? To make choices based on the advice of experts? What about make executive orders based on Xitter memes or conspiracy theories? Threaten individual citizens in a 2am rant?

What you said is technically true, but it is so reductive as to be a useless point, verging on disinformation.

Plus, Biden can't stop Netanyahu, who has explicitly said he won't stop no matter what. He's a right-wing zealot fighting a holy war, and I believe he'd use suicide bombers before he capitulated to US pressure. At best, we can (and should) stop giving them weapons.

Telorand ,

Tell me you have immense privilege without telling me.

The fact that you're wishing for a revolution while hoping the guy who is paraphrasing Hitler wins should give you pause. But unlike some, I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty by voting strategically.

Telorand ,

Right now the problems are far away and you support them, let’s see if you continue to do so once it’s happening here at home to you.

And there it is. Mask off. You don't actually care about the genocide, because by your own admission, it's an acceptable price if you feel like it vindicates your position. Genocide is okay, as long as it teaches the rest of us a lesson.

But please, do go on about how you've got the high moral ground while simultaneously wishing for a Trump presidency, which would almost certainly result in both Palestinian and US domestic genocide. I'm sure future generations will thank you for clutching your pearls.

Telorand ,

Okay, but if that's true, then revolution is pointless. You're arguing for people to die in the name of a cause that would be ultimately meaningless.

Give up if you want, but I'm not inclined to give up, nor do I support a violent and bloody revolution.

Telorand ,

How not to win over a jury: A true story, featuring Donald Trump

Telorand ,

The state’s notoriously incompetent executioners, who tried and failed to kill Smith via lethal injection in 2022, strapped the condemned man to a gurney and administered the nitrogen gas through a full-face mask. Smith was pronounced dead shortly before 8:30 pm after around four minutes of convulsions.

Wow. Sounds very humane. /s

“Tonight, Alabama caused humanity to take a step backwards,” Smith said in his final statement. “I’m leaving with love, peace, and light. Thank you for supporting me, love all of you.”

RIP, dude. Sorry we as a society couldn't help you. May the people who glibly signed your death warrant get what they deserve.

Telorand ,

They don't want America for all. They want 'Murica for a few.

Telorand ,

But he's a useful bludgeon.

Telorand ,

I've heard that before. I wonder how much of our current state of affairs is organic vs some fascist history-bros who think we're on a schedule.

Newsmax Airs Alarming Discussion of Civil War With Federal Government ( )

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt and Newsmax host Carl Higbie mused Thursday about a potential “force-on-force” conflict between Texas and the Biden Administration after the Supreme Court ruled against the state’s Republican governor by declaring that federal agents can remove razor wire laid along the border with Mexico....

Telorand ,

That's the whole point, as he's a civilian.

You know, the Framers got some things wrong, but there's something beautifully symbolic about that decision.

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