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Syndic ,

How's telling her that she has shitty opinion a witch hunt, but her using her fame and wealth to spread her shitty opinion way beyond what a normal random person could ever do, isn't?

Syndic ,

As long as it's a easily toogled off as the search bar is, I don't mind.

Them getting rid of the ability to have different windows of the same kind with full title bar next to each other IMHO is a much bigger pain.

Syndic ,

Have Windows users ever wanted a single thing they added since XP?

The new terminal for example is a rather neat improvement over the old command prompt, especially with the integration of Linux systems. Winget also is rather nice. Just two examples. So yeah with all the valid criticism Microsoft deserves for quite a bit of policies, I don't think your hyperbole holds up.

Revealed: a California city is training AI to spot homeless encampments ( )

Last July, San Jose issued an open invitation to technology companies to mount cameras on a municipal vehicle that began periodically driving through the city’s district 10 in December, collecting footage of the streets and public spaces. The images are fed into computer vision software and used to train the companies’...

Syndic ,

And considering that veterans are over represented in the homeless population, they actively hurt those who have served the country instead of helping them. Shameful!

Syndic ,

Next time use two line breaks after each line and it will work.

Syndic ,

No worries, it's quite an odd behaviour. It was the same back on Reddit. No idea if there is a good reason for it or if they copied it to be the same as with Reddit.

Syndic ,

Are people really surprised about his attitude about this? From Mr. "You have to kill their families!"?

Syndic ,

Trump loving other countries doing "strong man" types of atrocities? Who would have thought!

Syndic ,

He didn’t block it because Democrats were for it, he blocked it because he doesn’t actually care about protecting his base from any invasion, he cares only about himself.

It's worse than that. Far right extremist politicians want the country to suffer. The worse it is, the better they are doing. So he's not only not caring about people suffering but he wants them to suffer!

Syndic ,

Rome fell for a lot more than two reasons and it took at least 200 centuries during which they suffered civil war after civil war between emperors fighting for power, severely weakening the empire over this long time.

So while the US currently might have a few facets similar to Rome during it's decline, it differs in a lot of other points. So I'd say it's simply not comparable.

Syndic ,

So it's Jewish owned and you automatically assume that this never could have been put up by the owner because he's Jewish and of course has to support Israel? That's quite a bigoted conclusion of you.

I got a surprise for you, there's quite a bit of Jews actively speaking out against Israel current bombings of civilians.

Asylbewerber: Landkreistag will alle Flüchtlinge zur Arbeit verpflichten ( ) German

Ich bin ehrlich gesagt gerade ziemlich empört. Vom Arbeitsverbot also direkt zur Zwangsarbeit - bei einer Vergütung von 0,80€ pro Stunde? Kann dem Deutschen Landkreistag mal jemand die Lacklieferungen streichen?

Syndic ,

Die malen sich schon jetzt aus, wer damit künftig noch schikaniert werden kann.

Wenn die damit durchkommen, kommt diese definitiv bald auch für Sozialhilfeempfänger!

Dont you think it is horrible how people put their political ideologies / viewpoints over human lives

Something that i find prettyd disgusting these days is how certain people put their political ideologies / viewpoints over human lives, for example, celebrating the russian invasion of ukraine because it is "a blow against US / NATO imperialism" completely ignoring all the warcrimes, the deaths, and the suffering generated by...

Syndic ,

Well Putin for sure would be happy if Ukraine would choose this path. He's quite used to brutally squash dissidents. Russia also has absolutely no qualm to disperse a group throughout their country to destroy their cultural identity. They are already doing so with the Ukrainian children they've kidnapped.

So sorry, but your proposal seems to be really naiv and not taking into account how fucking brutal Putin's Russia is to people stepping even slightly out of line.

Syndic ,

And as we've seen with his decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem, his position is even more extreme. Everyone who has paid any attention to his position on such matter should be able to figure out what his response to the current conflict would be. He for sure wouldn't even try to reign Netanyahu in but actively encourage further brutalities. That's exactly the "strong man" bullshit Trump adores.

So even if you really dislike Biden's handling of this whole shit show, you better believe that Trump would be even worse. And that's just the foreign politics part of the Middle East, we all know what harm Trump wants to cause to the US itself.

Syndic ,

Both candidates are supportive of Israel, but one is going to be catastrophic for the US and plenty of other countries, while one is going to be…fine?

And even if we just look at the Israel/Palestine policy, it's clear that Trump is worse than Biden. Not because Biden is doing a good job but because Donald "Kill the familes!" Trump is batshit insane on this topic and would advocate for every brutality he could think of. Biden at least tries to reign in the worst Netanyahu tries to do. For example by making him stop the hunger siege. Trump never would do that.

Syndic ,

Trump absolutely would support Israel AT LEAST as much as Biden does right now. I mean come on, Israel is killing lots of Muslims, that's something Trump can always get behind.

I used the example of the embassy since it's something previous administrations wouldn't have done as they knew it would only unnecessary put oil into the fire. And Biden damn sure knows this as well. Trump, either didn't care or didn't listen.

Syndic ,

again. we know with 100% certainty biden supports the genocide. even if trump is 95%, that’s still better odds

Then you simply didn't pay attention to Trumps attitude to Muslims in general and advocating war crimes without any impunity. Trump absolutely would be worse than Biden in this situation. He for example for sure wouldn't have made Netanyahu drop the complete blockade of food and water. He would have cheered this cruelty on.

Syndic ,

i don’t know what trump would have done. neither do you. the guy’s a bit of a wild card. for example look at russia he’s totally down to just drop the ukraine war. meanwhile biden supports prolonging it however long is necessary

What are you talking about? Trump obviously wouldn't support Ukraine. It's really no secret that he's in Russia's pocket. His attitude towards Muslims also is something he's very open about. Not to mention his love for strong-men wanna be dictators like Netanyahu is well known. To think that he would be better for Palestinians is ridiculous. So no, I'm absolutely certain that Trump would have handled this situation much worse and will handle it worse if he gets into office while it's still raging.

they can’t just expect people to keep voting for them because of the eternal right-wing boogeyman. because it’s getting so bad people are actually starting to wonder if maybe the far-right proto fascist is better and that’s a piss poor state of affairs for a democracy to be in

Then these people are fucking stupid and don't realise how much they have to loose living under fascism. Especially if their Muslims living in the US! The Israel Palestinian conflict is one thing, to loose democracy at home is something much worse.

Syndic ,

that’s what i’m saying. he would drop us’s support of the war, likely ending the war sooner. so he’s not necessarily a war monger.

Well yes, in a conflict where he gets orders from Putin to not help, he of course doesn't go to war. But his general attitude to war really isn't a secret. That dude nearly started a war with Iran in his first term for example.

we have already lost democracy if we have no choice but to vote for someone. either way you don’t really have a choice. see what i mean? trump and biden are different pathways to the same end game. death of democracy

No! One candidate has already tried to overthrow an election he lost, the other didn't and has been very outspoken for his support of democracy. If that's really your take away from that then I really have no idea what you did in the last decade. You certainly didn't payed attention to what's going on.

Syndic ,

Not sure if you're just so damn cynical or are knowingly are pushing Russian propaganda.

But damn dude, Trump and quite a few top Republicans is balls deep into Russia's pockets. That's the reason that they suddenly are actively taking Russia's point of view. Something that 20 years ago never would have been possible.

And sorry, but if you think that the US becoming a full fledged theocratic oligarchic dictatorship than what it is right now then you really didn't think through what that would mean to you and those you love. Their plans regarding abortion and pregnancy prevention alone should be more than enough to point you in the right direction.

Syndic ,

Well I don't have your view on GOP/Putin and their relationship to Russia. I think it's very obvious why after hacking both the Democrat and GOP mail servers only the Democrat one were leaked. There has to be quite some juicy stuff the Russian now hold over several major GOP players.

But tell me honestly man - do you believe if Biden were to be elected (which at this point is becoming increasingly unlikely if you are watching the polls) - do you think he will manage to bring abortion back?

Abortion still is around for a lot of states. So at the very least I'm certain that Biden and hopefully a Democrat majority in the Senat will prevent it being banned in the whole country. I mean the Republicans really aren't silent about their plans and that should be important to any sane person. If they get another Trump turn, it will get a lot worse for the US than it ever could under Biden.

Syndic ,

Loads of people are bad for stuff that's very popular. But they also allow niche communities to build up. The later is what I miss about the Fediverse.

Syndic ,

I don't see how. Stuff which interests a very small percentage of people obviously results in a lot less people interested in it on a much smaller platform. You would need to specifically target and convince people of such niche interests to come on over. That doesn't seem likely.

Syndic ,

Why do you think I want you to not say this? That's of course absolutely fine if you prefer a smaller community with all it's pros and cons.

I just don't know any way how your last sentence could come true with what we know about social media.

Syndic ,

Naja, dass eine Altersvorsorge welche auf eine stetig wachsende Bevölkerung baut, mittel- bis langfristig nicht funktioniert, ist schon länger ersichtlich. Alleine schon aus der nachhaltigen Sicht gegenüber dem Planeten. Da eine funktionierende Altersvorsorge aber natürlich notwendig ist, muss die Finanzierung davon halt dementsprechend umgestellt werden. Da gäbe es schon noch nicht wenig Kuchen welche ein paar Wenige horten von denen man gehörig abschneiden kann.

Syndic ,

They can't detect hypocrisy and much less spell it.

Wie aufgebläht ist der deutsche Sozialstaat wirklich? ( ) German

Ausgesprochen interessanter Spiegel-Online-Artikel (im Original hier hinter der Paywall). Der Artikel stützt sich auf eine Analyse des gewerkschaftsnahen Instituts für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung (IMK) und geht der von Merz und anderen Rechten gerne vorgebrachten Behauptung nach, der deutsche Sozialstaat sei in den...

Syndic ,

Ist schön so Fakten zu haben. Nur zu schade, dass es die welche die ganze Zeit das Gegenteil behaupten keine Scheiss auf Fakten geben. Es geht da nur um Gefühle.

Syndic ,

Wenn viel zu viele der aktiven Politiker Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft aktiv missachten und sogar leugnen, muss halt sowas gemacht werden. Wäre super wenn dies nicht notwendig wäre und der Grossteil der Politiker aufgeklärt und unvoreingenommen agieren würde, das ist aber ganz offensichtlich nicht der Fall.

Syndic ,

The politicians in charge want it. So pretty much every republican and a sizeable amount of democrats. Without actual representative voting, both parties would loose a lot of members to new founded parties who now suddenly do have a realistic chance of actual political power. None of the established people in the parties want that. After all it's working out just fine for them.

Syndic ,

[...] 3rd party voting is impossible and infeasible

Well with the current voting system of the US, a viable third party on the national level is impossible. It shouldn't be and the voting system needs a serious rework to better reflect better working democracies, but currently voting for a third party instead of the democrats is helping the republicans. And with what the republicans currently are openly planning, this really isn't the right time to let them anywhere near power.

Syndic ,

Junge, Junge. Nur "etwas" unterschiedlich? Die USA ist jetzt bei weitem nicht perfekt und verliert in verschiedensten Punkten, teils massiv, gegen andere westliche Länder. Es gibt sehr viel an der jüngeren Geschichte der USA berechtigt zu kritisieren.

Aber im Vergleich zu Russland gewinnen sie um Längen. Alleine schon nur weil in der USA keine Journalisten vom Staat ermordet werden und auch weil selbst die schlimmsten Präsidenten, wie zum Beispiel der Wichser Nixon, keine Bombenattentate auf die eigene Bevölkerung durchführt um an die Macht zu kommen oder diese zu erhalten.

"etwas unterschiedlich" ...

Syndic ,

Der Unterschied zwischen Kennedy und Putin ist aber, dass Kennedy diesen Plan verwarf. Eben wie gesagt, die USA hat verdammt viel Dreck am Stecken und vor allem im Kalten Krieg gibt es sehr viel das zu kritisieren ist. Putin auf der anderen Seite macht so Scheiss auch heute noch. Wenn MAGA an die Macht kommt, könnte ich mir so Sachen auch in der USA vorstellen, aber zumindest momentan ist dies nicht der Fall.

Syndic ,

Oh but it's not buying! The big "Buy" or "Purchase" button might have said so, but if you'd have careful read through 35 pages of user agreements, you'd see that you only rent the license to stream it.

Which obviously is total bullshit and the whole fucking system should be burned to the ground.

Syndic ,

Jetzt kannst du mal raten, warum ewig gestrigen Politiker von Bayern sowas anstossen. Genau, damit sie einen "Grund" haben nicht in erneuerbare Energien zu investieren. Darum erwarte ich von denen auch nicht wirklich viel Einsatz im Thema Kernfusion sondern wohl eher so wenig wie möglich.

Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’ ( )

Justin Mohn, a 32-year-old Pennsylvania man, is in police custody after allegedly murdering and decapitating his father, claiming the latter was a "federal employee" and a "traitor." Before his arrest, Mohn posted a 14-minute video to YouTube in which he displayed his father's severed head, proclaiming: "This is the head of Mike...

Syndic ,

Starting? This is by no means the first nutjob who kills for MAGA/Trump. They've had a whole insurrection with several deaths caused.

Syndic ,

Well I'd say the constant extremist propaganda pushed by FOX, OAN and the likes at the very least carelessly accept that their message will incite such mentally receptive people to commit violence. So while not "planned" it's certainly viewed as acceptable "collateral damage".

And for some of the more extreme ones of them they definitely DO want such acts of violence to occur and they knowingly using stochastic terrorism to ferment it.

Syndic ,

It’s not about republicans, it’s about mental health.

Republicans are actively making it as hard as possible to receive help for or pro actively address mental health issues. They also actively shame people for such problems and want them to just shut up about it. So no, Republicans definitely bear quite a lot of guilt for such "tragedies"!

Syndic ,

What you say is orthogonal to that.

How so? The primary audience for violent propaganda are republicans. The worst you can find on the democrat/left side are people saying you should beat up Nazis. And even that is hardly done by "official" news channels.

So yeah, currently fanatic republicans are a lot more likely to commit murder than anyone on the other side. Their fetishisation of guns to "defend them self" against the government alone makes sure of that.

Syndic ,

I think we should measure this both in periods when relative dominance is held by Democrats and when it is held by Republicans.

OK, the same was still true under Trump. Both sides aren't the same.

Syndic ,

From democrats? When?

Syndic ,

Na my dude, as long it's not considered at least as unprofessional for companies to let people on the spot they can go an fuck them self.

Want a mandated notice period? Put it in contract for both parties. That's how it works in countries with sane worker laws.

Syndic ,

Well she did dare to encourage her fans to vote! And that's obviously anti-democratic or something.

Alex Jones is profiting from his new game on Steam — while refusing to pay the Sandy Hook families he defamed ( )

Following his trial for defamation of the families of the children and school staff killed in the Sandy Hook massacre, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is using Valve Corp.’s Steam, the world’s largest digital distribution platform for PC games, to sell an Infowars-themed video game. Jones claims to have earned hundreds of...

Syndic ,

As in the US justice system? Actually follow his money trail and stop it where ever he hides it until he has payed back every cent of the bill he owns.

Syndic ,

Thanks for that comment. Way to many people hearing this would want Norway to change their justice system to the worse to make the life of one horrible person worse. Luckily Norwegians do understand how good their system is and don't want to destroy it for such petty reasons like vengeance.

Syndic ,

Luckily Norwegians do understand and respect their justice system better than people like you and don't want to introduce such a shitty tool of vengeance just for one guy. Especially since that very fucker wanted Norway to get a much harsher justice system in the first place. Them granting him the same rights every other prisoner in Norway has is winning against his ideology of hatred.

And the success of their justice system, especially when compared to countries who use death penalty and other punitive measures such as state sanctioned rape, speaks for itself. Many countries could learn a lot from Norway.

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