@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar



Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

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SnotFlickerman , (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Strapping Young Lad / anything Devin Townsend

Zimmer's Hole


Mindless Self Indulgence

Punky Bruster's Cooked On Phonics

Das Racist


Handsome Boy Modeling School

The Lonely Island

MC Paul Barman

Big Dumb Face

Mr. Bungle


Man... Or Astro Man?

Electric Six


Dead Kennedys / anything Jello Biafra

Mean Jeans

Flight of the Conchords

Presidents of the United States of America

Reverend Horton Heat

The Unicorns

EDIT: The Chats

EDIT 2: Atom and His Package

EDIT 4: Voodoo Glow Skulls

Richard Cheese & Lounge Against the Machine


Only Some Funny Songs:

Mountain Goats

Tom Waits

EDIT 3: Beck

EDIT 5: Flaming Lips

A League of Their Own:


Most Importantly:

Weird Al Yankovic, because he fucking rocks god damn it.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I don't care for MC Fronalot except that he wrote the Achewood theme song.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Way more so, and it's not even an argument.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Because some bigots want to filter it out.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I'll go a step further:

You have to separate the art from the artist because there is not a single artist I've ever encountered who wasn't some kind of fucking trashhole of a person.

Artists spent their lives on being artists, not developing good interpersonal skills or understanding politics or philosophy.

Beleiving an artist is a "good person" is just setting yourself up for disappointment. Start out assuming they suck dogshit and you usually end up being right.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Trash lyrics fucking up an otherwise good song. It happens far too often.

That's why I'm just a bit of a fan of Thom Yorke's whole "using my voice as an instrument, the words don't mean anything" vibe because at least he purposefully isn't trying to make meaningful lyrics and instead is just trying to add another instrument to the music.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It's why I got so into Busdriver for a while. Not a lot of rappers out there trying to rap to a melody instead of just a beat.

Further, even if they are out there, they aren't as popular.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I agree, but I like to start from a position of "this person probably sucks" because then I'm never disappointed.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That Portlandia sketch with Jello Biafra waking up from a coma to the Yuppies having won was probably the only really good and well thought out sketch on that show.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The sketch supports the assertion that punk died in the early 80's. That's all.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

*throws trashcan through window

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

This is exactly what everyone thought it was: A stealth layoff to get the most costly employees to bail without having to fire them/give them severance.

Now they can be replaced with cheap H-1B workers, especially when the DOJ changes that rule to make it so that companies no longer have to prove they cannot find a US worker for the same job before they hire a foreign H-1B worker.

This was all to cut costs and fuck over the most senior (read: costly) workers.

Fuck all that institutional knowledge, I guess.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I forgot that Binkley started with dark hair.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Free Open Source Software

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Podcast links? Please and thank you. Sounds interesting.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

You figured out the Fediverse, you're not that much of a luddite.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Considering my parents made everything out of a box, Calvin honestly doesn't know how good his parents are being with real home-cooked meals instead of just mac'n'cheese with chopped up hot dogs.

He will grow up a healthier kid, with better eating habits, and more self control.

I mean, they're dropping the ball on Calvin's breakfasts, but getting a kid to not eat cereal in the morning in the 80's/90's was basically impossible. So, I'll let them have a pass on that.

Anyway, they really were written as quite good parents despite all their silly foibles themselves. They were quite realistic, but also probably better than your average 1980's parent.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Your founding fathers would be sick.

No, actually I'm pretty sure the guys who only wanted white, land-owning men to vote would probably be okay with this.

I mean, they purposefully designed this system to be broken and easily corruptible to begin with. Many of them owned slaves and had zero issues with slave ownership. Pretty sure Jefferson fucked a bunch of his slaves and had kids with them that grew up as slaves, too.

Let's stop pretending they didn't know what they were doing. They knew exactly what they were doing. This system was set up like this on purpose.

This land was populated by people who "escaped" Europe because of "religious persecution" which actually meant Europe was getting all progressive and deeply philosophical so you couldn't just shove your bullshit religion down other people's throats anymore with impunity.

Are we really shocked this is the very kind of people who populate the USA today? Let's stop pretending the founding fathers were any better, or that they didn't make the constitution easily corruptible on purpose so they could hold on to their positions in society.

The reverence we give for these mere mortal men, who were as corruptible as any, is fucking absurd. Stop placing these dickweeds on a pedestal.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

the Founding Fathers wanting to break from kings and royal lines

They wanted to keep aristocracy, they just wanted it to be rich men, but not to strictly have a "king."

They wanted their cake and to eat it, too.

They're not good people for wanting to take power from the king so they could have it for themselves and keep it from everyone else.

Women's suffrage and civil rights for minorities were hard fought for in a system that didn't and still doesn't want them to have those rights. These things were literally fought for not at the ballot box, but in the fucking streets (black liberation literally took a fucking civil war). Tell me how that jives with "no kings."

I'm sick as living fuck of these power hungry dickweeds being presented as "good" because "they wanted no kings," no they just wanted an equally convoluted system that amounts to the same fucking thing, but just for the chosen in-group, because the chosen in-group wrote the fucking founding documents. One king or two hundred kings makes no difference, if the system treats power differently, (and it always has) the system is broken to begin with and treats those with power as though power alone deserves deference. Sounds like the same shit to me, just distributed over a slightly larger group of people.

In other words "That's just having a King with extra steps."

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah I don't think being unable to fight against a system designed to be anti-democratic (like the Senate and the Electoral College, both anti-democratic institutions) is on us, buddy. But you do you and keep making excuses for violent, misogynistic, aristocracy-preserving, rapist dead men.

There is a direct line from them to Trump, if you can't see it you're naive or don't want to see it.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

The amount of mental gymnastics people will do to suck off the image of dead dudes from 200 years ago who designed a dogshit system is too god damned high.

Like, what do you get out of sucking off dead dudes?

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I've voted Democrat straight ticket for 25 fucking years. What has it gotten me, chucklefuck?

Those anti-democratic institutions still exist and we literally have conservative states just choosing to ignore Federal law now. But what do I know, I guess I'm not voting hard enough.

Study reveals "widespread, bipartisan aversion" to neighbors owning AR-15 rifles ( www.psypost.org )

A recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that across all political and social groups in the United States, there is a strong preference against living near AR-15 rifle owners and neighbors who store guns outside of locked safes. This surprising consensus suggests that when it...

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Thanks for backing up my position with the actual statistics. I'm aware of them too but I was too lazy to dig them up. Thanks.

People should be way more concerned about handguns but mass shootings with rifles get all the attention.

How are companies or developers supposed to make a full time living with OSI opensourced projects? ( opensource.org )

There has been a lot of talk about companies and individuals adopting licenses that aren't OSI opensource to protect themselves from mega-corp leechers. Developers have also been condemned who put donation notices in the command-line or during package installation. Projects with opensource cores and paid extensions have also...

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

My partner is on SSDI for disability. If she works, she will lose her SSDI income, but she's allowed to generate income that isn't work/labor.

She is exploring FOSS as a career path because she could accept donations and that wouldn't impact her SSDI. She understands donations would be minimal, but she's hoping it's a way for her to break into the FOSS scene.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Mom, give Calvin a break, he's at least more concerned with safety than your average boy with gunpowder.

Source: My uncle who basically blew off his balls as a kid playing with gunpowder. His kids are all IVF.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Meantime, a slew of activist groups are challenging security plans in court, saying the location where they are now allowed to march — more than 3 miles away from the convention facility — violates their First Amendment rights, and they should be within “sight and sound” of the United Center.

I see Bush Jr's "Free Speech Zones" are still intact.


Interesting that shit like this is never on the agenda to "fix."

Because we know that a protest that inconveniences nobody that you're protesting really works. Right guys??

War is Peace.

Freedom is Slavery.

Ignorance is Strength.

Yadda yadda yadda.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

This Just In: Most photos uploaded to the internet are not stripped of their metadata, and one of the common things kept in metadata is... (drumroll please)... your GPS coordinates.

This is a lot less interesting than it seems to be at first glance, imho.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

It's aimed strictly at audiophiles. The extra jack is a 4.4mm jack that's more common in things like DACs.

An example:


Pair a phone like this with a pair of Sennheiser's and a bunch of FLAC files and you might have a really good time.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Two to three times a month, I need to fight with Amazon over negative reviews that get spammed on multiple books because an author got upset about a story being rejected. Or I get some snark response back about how my reviewers need better training, or that I am not a "real" editor, or something outright vulgar. Or I get a prank call to my phone. These sort of people have always lurked around the industry, so I am not unaccustomed to dealing with them. But it seems like they have grown more emboldened, and there seems to be this weird social currency tied to the bad behavior now.

Dawson really nails down something that has been bothering me a long time. I think she's absolutely right that people with bad behavior are emboldened and that there is this weird social currency among the people exhibiting this behavior. It's been the downside of the internet, it seems like the biggest bullies and people with the worst behavioral problems have all found each other and decided to pump each other up about being total pieces of shit. It's maddening.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I keep getting shit on for wanting an EV with manual roll-up windows where you have to use your hands, a super basic FM stereo kit, and a dash clock being the most advanced shit inside. I don't need rear-view cameras and sensors and other shit that complicates and increases repair and insurance costs. I don't get it. Give me dead simple, please and thank you.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Arrrr, I'm here t' make replicas o' all yer punctuation!

Avast, wher' be th' interrobang!?

Seriously though, while this post is cute, let's remember not everyone speaks English as a first language, and while many languages do use the English Alphabet, many do not and so there are still quite a few people unfamiliar with the proper English punctuation.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Originally read this as "unleash" capitalism... maybe not the best font choice.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Could student protesters turn the 2024 election?

All it will do is make the youth stay home. They will see both parties as the corporate-owned jack-booted thugs that they are, and they'll decline to vote for either party.

Democrats, as always, will blame the voters for their own shortcomings with their own voting base. If they lose they will also spend a lot of time asserting, without evidence, that actually the youth turned out in droves for Trump, and it's all their fault. All while they hop on jets to get out of the fucking country before The Trump Purge starts, because they don't actually care how the outcome affects us, the citizens.

They already showed us once they won't actually stand in the way of a coup. The Democrats may as well be the Uvalde cops, sitting outside the school while Trump shoots up everybody inside.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Dog catcher.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I'm trying to find sources, but I'm pretty sure they cracked own on these protests faster than they did Occupy Wall Street, which took 59 days.

They want this one put down now.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If you think this SCotUS won’t allow it, you’re a fucking moron.

If Trump wins, I don't think it even matters what SCRotUS thinks, he's going to go full-dictator mode and make institutions like that redundant.

He'll try to pretend he will defer to them, but he's a fucking psychopath, so the second one of them even looks at him the wrong way, the entire thing will be burned down for Trump's benefit. Leopards eating faces and all that, you know.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

A lot of words to be a walking example of "media literacy is dead."

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I can assure you, that's not the case, even though you'd like to think so. Also, "Always Accuse Your Enemies of Your Own Sins" has been working out gangbusters for Trump and the Republican party in general, and frankly, that's fucking scary, so I don't feel like I'm out of line for thinking Democrats are pussies in the face of this authoritarian threat.

Like why did the Democrats feel the need to hand Merrick Garland the AG position as a "consolation prize?" Garland literally waited to investigate Trump only after it became clear he was not going to return top secret national security files. Garland literally waited until Trump became so criminally belligerent he could no longer justify ignoring it.

How the fuck is that a show of strength? That's some pussy shit in the face of real fucking villainy. Like I said, equivalent of Uvalde cops, afraid to stand up for us.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

This is called "kicking you off the ladder so they can finish pulling it up behind them."

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Even when senior management or executive roles are available, the terror of nepotism usually rears its ugly head.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

If you'd read the article, you'd have realized it's specifically because of a bad implementation by Apple of their URI scheme for handling links.

They're literally suggesting users use Brave over Safari because it isn't susceptible to cross-site scripting in the same way.

They urge iOS users in Europe to use Brave rather than Safari because Brave's implementation checks the origin of the website against the URL to prevent cross-site tracking.

This is anything but Apple propaganda. It's literally calling Apple out on a huge failure of their own design.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Then I retract my statement and hope you have a good day.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Actually getting on the program is a shitshow.

I literally gave up.

I've been eligible the entire time the plan has been available and I've tried applying four fucking times and each time they can't "verify my identity" and that's the end of it.

I would care more about this program ending if it wasn't such a fucking clusterfuck to begin with.

SnotFlickerman , (edited )
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Good, sick as fuck of these chucklefucks committing piracy on an absolutely massive scale, making a fucking mint off of it and then hiding behind "fair use." (Last I checked fair use was for fucking people, not giant fucking corporations to copy the entire fucking internet and profit from it.)

You know what they did to the Pirate Bay when they committed mass piracy but didn't actually make much money? The music industry literally pushed for laws to change in Sweden so they could send them to jail. It feels like they did this because The Pirate Bay simply didn't make enough money.

It's like in the US, as long as you commit the biggest crime, and make the biggest profit, they'll make up any worthless fucking excuse to justify you raping the public for a quick buck. Because in my eyes, these guys are doing something no different than The Pirate Bay, but because Microsoft/OpenAI is Big Business, a blind eye is conveniently turned.

SnotFlickerman ,
@SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That tends to be how everything is. The critics are always the loudest voices, while people who enjoy things tend to be pretty quiet about their enjoyment.

I wouldn't think too much of it. It's enjoyed by a large number of people, and the creator and the community should be happy enough with that. My critique isn't going to impact its popularity.

It also depends on who you're dealing with. I have a background in literature, so I'm a lot more picky about my stories. I also love animation, so I was drawn to the series for its style and quality animation but was driven away by the writing.

The thing is, imperfect writing is happily enjoyed by many. My curmudgeonly attitude toward it shouldn't impact their enjoyment, or I certainly hope it doesn't.

Further, maybe the creator is reading these kind of critiques and learning from them. I've seen many things with rough starts grow into something more special. Time will tell if Hazbin Hotel is able to achieve the same. I wouldn't count it out of the running, the creator seems thoughtful enough, and if they take valid writing critique to heart, they may become a much better writer well into the series. I could come back in Season 3 and be blown away about how much better it is than the first season, you know? Some folks aren't willing to let people cook.

I have my opinion about it now, but I'm also happy to have that opinion be changed over time. No reason to write off a new artist for a weak start in some areas. Almost no one is a Leonardo DaVinci who can do great art of various styles right out of the gate. No, we have an excellent animator and songsmith who has weak (but not terrible) writing chops. Those writing chops will now have a chance to grow and hopefully become better.

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