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Self hosted NAS + Lightweight Game Streaming Solution?

I have an aging gaming desktop with a GTX 970 that I've previously used to let friends/family stream games. My area has a lot of fiber so it's surprisingly usable, even got VR working. Problem is, I'd prefer to use it as a NAS most the time as it has plenty of drive bays and I need somewhere better to run jellyfin than my...

ShepherdPie ,

Network attached storage? I don't see the issue with OPs usage of the term.

ShepherdPie ,

The special occasion when someone finally gets to use the guest towels?

ShepherdPie ,

I'd still say they're the cheapest of the big chains. An article came out a week or so ago saying a meal was $18 but that was at a specific McDonalds at some rest area off a major highway in the NE. The prices in the rest of the country are more normal.

ShepherdPie ,

How does that even make sense in this context? It's not like one of them are in their 50s. They're both pushing 80.

ShepherdPie ,

Do you not remember Obama trying to pick a justice at the end of his last term? The Republicans put up a fight and the Democrats backed down which is how we got a 6-3 court

ShepherdPie ,

We don't even know if they're rusting. All these articles are based off a couple pictures posted in a forum from a guy who doesn't even know what the actual issue is. These articles are just filling in the blanks with speculation.

ShepherdPie ,

Them telling drivers to meticulously clean the vehicles doesn't necessarily mean they're afraid its going to rust. They're probably concerned with staining and junk getting embedded into the panels. In the forum post, you can actually see a little bit of staining circling some of the debris on the panels. Furthermore, iron particles can get on the panel and rust themselves even though the actual panel itself isn't rusting. This is why they make iron decontamination spray for auto detailing.

Alexei Navalny was pronounced dead ( )

As reported exclusively by russian sources at the moment, he lost consciousness after a walking hour and prison medics were unsuccessful in reanimating him, as per sources in УФСИН (government body regulating prisons and punishment). He was 47 years old at that time. The last time he was heard of he was moved from...

ShepherdPie ,

Your own source above states that he was the victim of a nerve agent attack. Are you going to claim that was just a coincidence or lying western media now? Do you honestly think anyone takes your comments seriously?

ShepherdPie ,

So the source you just used as evidence to prove your argument is now untrustworthy because it contradicts you? How convenient.

Also a bit hilarious that you're arguing that the FSB are such seasoned assassins that they always get their man while trying to claim that Russia wouldn't try to assassinate someone.

Fox show hosts said Taylor Swift "should be conservative" given her background, because to them it's an identity.

This only makes sense when I realize that to conservatives, it's an identity. They think it's an identity that Taylor Swift should have because she's (presumably) white, popular, rich, good looking, Midwestern, Christian, etc....

ShepherdPie ,

Yeah, but that seems in line with the Democratic party leadership.

ShepherdPie ,

The article photo displayed here pretty much gives you all the info.

ShepherdPie ,

QAnonAnonymous is also the same. I've been listening for 3-4 years now and never once heard an ad. They get their funding from patreon too

ShepherdPie ,

This is like when your grandpa signs up for Facebook and takes his own profile pic.

ShepherdPie ,

Yeah they did the same right before the 2020 election. All we heard about were "migrant caravans." Suddenly after the election, it wasn't brought up again until now.

ShepherdPie ,

That's why they added 0 and 00 (green) so it's not quite 50/50 for odd/even or red/black.

ShepherdPie ,

I use this technique after I drink too much and get the spins in bed.

Lawsuit Accuses Anna's Archive of Hacking WorldCat, Stealing 2.2 TB Data ( )

American nonprofit OCLC is known globally for its leading database of bibliographic records, WorldCat. A few months ago, many of these records were posted publicly by the shadow library search engine, Anna's Archive. OCLC believes that this is the result of a year-long hack and, with a lawsuit filed at an Ohio federal court, it...

ShepherdPie ,

Npt saying you're right or wrong but paid news has been the model for quite a while now and that has resulted in 24 hour talking heads on TV, paid stories, clickbait, and people resorting to word of mouth on places like Facebook for all their news. It's not as if the current trajectory is any better than your hypothetical one.

ShepherdPie ,

I don't have any evidence, but anecdotally I totally believe this. My wife's 'AI guided playlist' is completely full of popular song covers from people I've never in my life heard of. If they aren't fake/AI generated songs, I still think they're pushing the Great Value brand songs over the original name brand in order to save on costs.

ShepherdPie ,

They had a DDOS attack last week that took the site down for a few days. Since coming back up, I haven't been able to connect to it through radarr or sonarr (via prowlarr) even though you can access the site via a web browser. They've probably either restricted access or part of their site is still broken. In either case, there's not much we can do but wait for a solution.

Music Piracy Is Back, Baby ( )

"Muso, a research firm that studies piracy, concluded that the high prices of streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music are pushing people back towards illegal downloads. Spotify raised its prices by one dollar last year to $10.99 a month, the same price as Apple Music. Instead of coughing up $132 a year, more consumers...

ShepherdPie ,

Agreed. I'm a frequent sailor of the high seas with TV and movies but I actually pay for a Spotify family plan because it's so convenient and I love the features they have like being able to use my phone app to cast music to any available nearby source or having a party and allowing multiple people to input songs to a shared playlist. I do encounter frequent bugs with all their updates but that hasn't risen above the level of mild annoyance yet.

Pirating music is such a pain in the ass these days since there is no standard naming conventions like with TV and movies and there can be multiple sources for the same song (single, album, compilation album, web rip, etc) so even tools like Lidarr don't make it easy and most public/private torrent trackers are pretty sparse when it comes to music outside of the most mainstream of mainstream albums.

How Do I Avoid Giving Home Address to Bank?

I've heard of things like iPostal and Traveling Mailbox. Do these services allow you to register with bank, DMV, IRS, Voting, etc? How do they work? Would a normal P.O box using its physical address from USPS work? I've tried researching it and haven't gotten clear answers....

ShepherdPie ,

You can't buy a home either or else there will be a public record of your name and address.

Bathroom vent out the side of the house?

So I'm planning out a bathroom remodel and part of that is replacing the vent fan because currently mine is just venting into my attic (no bueno). I know normally bathrooms are vented out through the roof but my bathroom is on an exterior wall so I was wondering if I could just vent it out the side of the house. I'm going to be...

ShepherdPie ,

It's not about the smell, its venting moist air into the attic which causes it to get trapped and promote mold growth like with a sweaty gym sock. The people who built my house just used string to point the vent pipes toward the standard screened roof vents and even that has been an issue. They should ideally be exhausted through the roof with purpose built vents. Even exhausting through the wall or soffit can be an issue as air gets sucked in through the soffit which can pull that hot air with it.

ShepherdPie ,

My thoughts as well. It's built up gas from the thawing permafrost is what I understood it to be.

ShepherdPie ,

You can use any old addressable LED strip (WS2811, 2812B, 2813, 2815, SK6812) for this. The harder part will be routing the data lines correctly with so many different branches. You could always run branches in parallel if effects being duplicated is acceptable. I'd use your photo to route a linear path from start to finish. You can do multiple paths as an ESP32 or controller like the DigOcta can do up to 8 separate outputs. Then you can control it all via WLED (which includes a sunrise effect).

I dunno if lemmy has a WLED community but reddit has a pretty active one or you can use WLEDs native forums to ask more questions and get opinions from a group more focused toward the project you're working on.

Also you might consider removing those two short branches in the lower left corner of the window by moving that peak a little more up and to the left to help simplify things.

ShepherdPie ,

Keep in mind these are only for 2-wire LED strips so they'd just be pure white of a specific color temperature (cool/natural/warm white) and dimmable. If you can solder stuff together, these aren't even needed.

ShepherdPie ,

No problem. After reading some of the other responses I should point out that the LED strips I listed are all addressable RGB or RGBW. If you don't want any color, then everything can be simplified (and cheaper) by using the 2-wire white LED strips, though I think using RGB/RGBW is way more fun and dynamic.

ShepherdPie ,

Even DD-WRT is still doing that as an ex-user who didn't know any better. I moved back to stock firmware after a while since I don't know enough about networking but from what I've read, OpenWRT seems to be the main choice these days.

A Colorado town's newspapers were stolen after a story about rape charges at the police chief's house ( )

Nearly all the copies of a small-town Colorado newspaper were stolen from newspaper racks on the same day the Ouray County Plaindealer published a story about charges being filed over rapes alleged to have occurred at an underage drinking party at the police chief’s house while the chief was asleep, the owner and publisher...

ShepherdPie ,

They also raided her home and she wound up dying the following day.

ShepherdPie ,

How are you going to self-host streaming hardware? A HTPC for every TV in the house along with a mouse and keyboard?

ShepherdPie ,

Well if it's from a hexbear user you know it's gotta be true.

ShepherdPie ,

Pretty much but they claim to be 'communists' (though realistically they solely support the Chinese and Russian governments and never actually discuss communism as an economic policy) and isolated themselves from the rest of the fediverse for years. Last year they finally federated with everyone and were quickly defederated by most large instances because they're absolutely insufferable trolls who do nothing but fling feces and brigade in every post.

ShepherdPie ,

They'll use the teeniest justification to play soldier. Many of these raids are simply to catch someone on stuff like probation violations or unpaid fines, yet they act like they're trying to capture an international hitman.

ShepherdPie ,

Even the recommended 5V3A supply for the Pi4 is non-standard and requires you to either buy the official power brick or wade through a sea of sketchy Chinese knockoffs that may or may not deliver their rated power. I don't understand why they haven't explored alternative connectors or slapped a voltage regulator on the board in order to use a 12V supply. 5V5A USB is just ridiculous. USB only makes sense when you're using universal requirements, but this might as well be a barrel connector as you can't use any normal USB charger with it.

ShepherdPie ,

All seasons with a tiny sidewall = bad news pretty much anywhere but pavement.

Although I do think Tesla needs to work on their traction control system to better mimic having locked differentials after seeing the hill climb video from a few weeks ago. This should be able to be performed via an OTA update though.

ShepherdPie ,

I imagine deep snow is very similar to sand where you want the largest contact patch possible in order to float on the surface. Here we have some dunes that you can offroad in and tour companies take busses full of people out there but they use gigantic tires that look like donut shaped balloons and perform decently even though they're low powered and incredibly heavy.

ShepherdPie ,

Good tires prevent you from sinking down into the snow in the first place. You can have 5 feet of ground clearance but that doesn't help you in 6 feet of snow.

ShepherdPie ,

They are heavy but the weight distribution isn't even and most trucks are 4x4/RWD which is what leads to the issues you're alluding to. The rear tires can't propel the vehicle because there's not enough weight over them in the rear compared to the weight of the front.

ShepherdPie ,

Nothing in that statement indicates EVs are crashing more frequently. What they're saying is that all their rental vehicles are susceptible to crashing but these ones cost a lot more to fix compared to the rest.

ShepherdPie ,

Even the Ioniq 5 is susceptible to this issue. A few people have hit road debris which dented the case around the cells and they were quoted $60,000 (CAD) to replace the entire battery so insurance totalled both cars out.

I've been eyeing this thing to buy since it was released but now I'm second guessing that after hearing this. I assume it's due to Hyundai not having a large enough supply of battery packs in order to have a robust supply of replacement parts, so hopefully they can reduce that price by an order of magnitude once they do.

ShepherdPie ,

They're not repairing whatever a Berlingo is. They're repairing Teslas and Polestars. This is like saying my Camry is cheap to fix, so an SL500 Mercedes should also be cheap to fix.

Also that report about Tesla drivers having the most accidents was complete garbage based on junk data (car insurance applications using the driver's complete record but only the current vehicle they wanted to insure). Even the company he worked for included a large heading at the top of the page indicating that the statements were simply the opinion of the author.

ShepherdPie ,

Companies this size might self insure and do their own repairs. If parts cost 5x as much, the repair is going to cost more. Same as with a Toyota versus an Audi.

Hamas terrorists disguised as civilians hide RPGs in blankets before blasting tanks as sick guerrilla method is revealed ( )

The IDF claimed the uncovered footage provides further evidence of Hamas using the civilian population as human shields. Dressed in jeans and a casual grey shirt to look like a civilian, the man is seen later walking through the bomb-blitzed streets of Gaza with the missile hidden underneath a blanket....

ShepherdPie , (edited )

Israel has already wiped out 10% 1% of the Palestinian population after invading their land. If their aim is to simply take down Hamas, why are they telling refugees to evacuate to 'X' and then bombing 'X'? Why are they bombing refuge camps? Why are they murdering these 'human shields' as if they have no other option? Quit with your propagandist bullshit.

ShepherdPie ,

What does this article prove? It shows a guy holding something obscured by a red outline and someone else in different clothing holding a rug then standing next to a tree. This is supposed to be proof of something? If this came from a video then let's see the video.

ShepherdPie ,

Only if you consider "getting poor" going from a $200B net worth to $175B net worth.

ShepherdPie ,

If the best decision available was to sit out on the ruling, then why'd they agree to hear the case in the first place? Now it's been ruled on and can't be revisited.

ShepherdPie ,

Not deny Obama his appointment at the end of the term while allowing Trump to do that exact thing at the end of his term which is how they got a SCOTUS majority in the first place.

ShepherdPie ,

Sure they did. They didn't want to pick a fight with Republicans in 2016 when Obama nominated Garland because they figured Clinton would just do it after winning in 2016. In 2020 they once again sat idly by and allowed Trump to nominate ACB just 3 weeks before the election because they didn't want to make waves.

I don't get how people keep trying to claim Dems don't have the power to do anything due to Republican opposition, while ignoring the fact that Republicans manage to pass their draconian bullshit in spite of Democratic opposition nearly every time. How come it only seems to work in one direction?

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