
A person with way too many hobbies, but I still continue to learn new things.

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Shdwdrgn ,

Was it his right hand, or did he decide to go strange and choose the left hand? It's not like he thinks anyone else is qualified to be in his presence.

Shdwdrgn ,

So let me get this straight... Microsoft demanded all PC manufactures change their keyboards to add a new key that is only useful in Windows (at a considerable cost to manufacturers), and now that key doesn't do anything? No wait, I shouldn't be surprised.

Shdwdrgn ,

I wish this helped me, but my back always starts hurting when I go for walks... although it's more my middle-back rather than lower. I try to get in a 30-minute walk at least twice a week, plus of course things like going to the grocery store and mowing the lawn add a lot of time. Never seems to be enough to help though.

Shdwdrgn ,

Don't you just hate spell-checkers changing your words?

I'm certainly not the type to get out on a bike and ride 50 miles a day, but on the other hand despite spending a lot of time at the computer I also spend a lot of time working on projects and moving around. Just this week I started cutting up the steel to build a new utility trailer so I certainly move around a lot, but my body still hates me.

Shdwdrgn ,

Wow the new server is just flying along!

Shdwdrgn ,

Does this have anything to do with the front page giving an error message? I get a lemmy server error, however I was able to log out and log back in again, and I can get to the communities page which got me back to this discussion, but even forcing a browser refresh of the front page continues to give an error message for me. FYI, ctrl-shift-R also fails, I'm not sure what else to try.

Shdwdrgn ,

That's the same error I was asking about below, and wondering if I had to do with the current status of collecting all the content. If so, it sounds like it could be another day or two before we can view our front pages again?

Shdwdrgn ,

All of this sounds like the issue is related to the new server still loading up the communities. I'm subbed to a pretty good list so it's probably best just to wait for the server to catch up. Thanks for the info though!

Shdwdrgn ,

Ah! It looks like it JUST fixed it, I had checked about 15 minutes ago and still couldn't get my subscribed list to load, but it does appears to be loading up now. I'll reset my preferences and keep an eye on it through the day -- hoping for the best!

Shdwdrgn ,

There was a brief outage soon after I left that last reply, assume you were doing another round of maintenance at the time, but otherwise it's still looking good from here.

Shdwdrgn ,

Worst thing in the office place was when some idiot left their window open in the middle of Winter, temps fell below 0F with high winds, and froze the 2" sprinkler pipes running over their office. Flooded most of the 2nd floor then started running through and raining out onto the 1st floor (and then into the basement). And it happened during covid lock-downs so it was fortunate anyone was even in the building to report it.

My own personal oopsie was checking network cabling in a small room, bent over to check things low and then wandered out to check elsewhere... Then noticed there was a LOT of commotion on the sales floor. Turns out I hit the power switch on one of the phone cabinets with my ass and shut down half the phone lines.

Shdwdrgn ,

Oh I came clean. We were actually trying to figure out HOW it happened so we could try and prevent the same issue in the future.

Shdwdrgn ,

How many times can the same person post the same damn question in a ten-minute period? Seriously, you had to post that other question four times with very slight changes in wording? Just ask your shit ONCE and be done with it.

Shdwdrgn ,

Wow that's depressingly slow! My previous file server would transfer at around 75MB/s (not minute) and I thought that was pretty bad. Hopefully you can figure out where the bottleneck is at.

Were zx spectrum +2 keyboards disgusting to type on?

Out of curiosity, I've been watching a few restorations of those spectrums, and I've noticed the keyboards having a rather peculiar construction, judging by today's standards. They have 2 springs, the small one, as far as I understand, presses the membrane layers together, and the larger one returns the key into neutral position...

Shdwdrgn ,

The ZX81 wasn't too terrible, and I was also using Apple ][ systems at school at the same time. I think the worst part was the small size, but at least it still had a slight amount of feedback, and you could actually navigate it at a decent speed. Personally I would rate the idea of typing on a phone screen as the absolute worst thing I've ever tried to use.

Shdwdrgn ,

Awww poor little Homelander, nobody loves you.

Shdwdrgn ,

Sounds like the term used by Amazon? I picked up eight 18TB "renewed" drives that have been in constant use for over a year now under a ZFS filesystem. Not a single error yet and the pool is about half full. At the time I bought them, they were about $100 cheaper (each) than brand new drives so that saved me quite a bit of money, but they were also a fairly new line of drives so there couldn't have been much previous use on them anyway.

Shdwdrgn ,

I never thought about this, but yeah it's really strange that nobody ever talks about the survivors even though we know that rescue efforts were mounted at the time.

Shdwdrgn ,

And to think of how mad everyone got when everything was packaged in those 'heavy' glass bottles and jars, and manufacturers started putting everything into plastic because the glass was creating too much litter on the roads. Now here we are 30 years later and everyone is being killed by plastic.

Shdwdrgn ,

It's also lighter weight and thus cheaper to ship... But they promised that you totally couldn't tell the difference in taste to food products! (Everybody could tell the difference)

Shdwdrgn ,

It's nice to see, but $40k is still a rich-man's market. I've never paid more that $12k for a vehicle, and that was a fully-loaded SUV. No I do not buy anything new, and until there are enough used EVs to reach the $6000 market you still won't see a significant number of them replacing older vehicles. I also tend to have high standards -- my first car (a 1974 Pontiac) was driven for 24 years and over 300k miles. That was replaced by the mentioned SUV which I've now driven for 15 years and have no real problems with (I do need to replace the upholstery on the front seats soon). How do EV's rate for reliability so far?

Shdwdrgn ,

There are no limits to anything you've mentioned, it seems more like you're just ready to give up on life?

Career changes can come at any time, the older you get, the more knowledge you have, and the easier it is to do something else unless you wasted your whole life playing video games. Look at the things you've learned through hobbies, surely something would apply to a job?

Why do you think a healthy love life would ever end? I've known many people who are great-grandparents, lost their partner, and met up with others who are in the same position. Now they have two huge families instead of one. If you can't get past thinking about sex, they make lubricants specifically for older people.

What do you mean by an active friend circle? Everyone changes their activities as the have a family and grow older. You adjust what you do as the body can't keep up. That doesn't mean you don't enjoy what you're doing, it just means you find new things that you enjoy. Hell some lady set a record for parachuting at the age of 104 last year, and the guy she took the record from got back out a couple weeks ago and set a new record (he's now 106). If you think you're ready to roll over and die in your 50's then you're not even trying.

Quite frankly I'm in my mid-50's. In the past year I actually decided to look at where I'm at for retirement because I intend to enjoy the hell out of it. Doing a little shuffling of my finances to try to boost some of my funds over the next 10-15 years, but otherwise I feel like I'm in good shape to kick back, do some traveling, and work on a bunch of projects. Retirement just means you get to start playing without work getting in the way. Even before then, I'm planning on building a trailer this Summer and cleaning up the motorcycle so I can get out and start riding again soon. There's no such thing as life being "over".

Shdwdrgn ,

I thought the torus shape was the accepted theory? Guess I haven't been keeping up on this.

Near the bottom of the article they mention that if the universe wasn't flat, we would see multiple copies of the universe in the sky. I'm not sure that is exactly true? Given the speed at which the universe is expanding, especially during the early period after the big bang, it seems reasonable that the light from most stars wouldn't have had a chance to loop back around yet. Even the light from the earliest stars is just reaching us, so I don't know why they think it would have had time to loop back around multiple times, unless there's something I'm missing?

And nothing in the article really touched on the "holes" mentioned in the title. Are they referring to the center of a torus, which isn't really a hole that we could observe? I don't get it.

Shdwdrgn ,

You know, I've been wondering why everyone is talking about all these new Doctor Who episodes and yet I couldn't find it in any of my lists. Today I did a search for just "Doctor Who" without the year (2005) or season number (14)... and WTF is "Doctor Who 2023"??? This is still the 2005 series, and still season 14, so why is it now being listed under 2023 season 01 which isn't even when the current season began? None of this makes any sense.

Shdwdrgn ,

One of the articles I read yesterday stated that in the state of New York, this type of conviction has about a 1 in 10 chance of including a prison sentence (up to four years). The judge determines the sentence, and may also weigh in with whether a monetary sentence would be meaningful to the defendant, but also things like remorse (which Trump has shown none) and the number of convictions (which are a lot).

Even if we get lucky enough to see Trump sent to jail, he can still get out on bond while appealing the case, so it could be a year or more before Trump would ever have to spend a night behind bars.

Shdwdrgn ,

Didn't he reject the Secret Service detail after losing the last election? Or were you referring to if he gets elected again?

Shdwdrgn ,

Interesting, I wonder where I got that from? Ah well, thanks for the update.

Shdwdrgn ,

Seriously... If this were actual "bombshell" news it wouldn't be on a youtube channel.

Questions about migrating a ZFS RAID

I've recently been looking at options to upgrade (completely replace) my current NAS, as it's currently more than a little bit jank and frankly kinda garbage. I have a few questions about that and about migrating my current TrueNAS scale installation or at least it's settings over....

Shdwdrgn ,

I've never used TrueNAS, but my experience with ZFS is that it could care less what order the drives are detected by the operating system. You could always shut down the machine, swap two drives around, boot back up, and see if the pool comes back online. If it fails, shut it back down and put the drives in their original locations.

If you are moving your data to new (larger) drives, before anything else you should take the opportunity to play with the new drives and find the ZFS settings that work well. I think recordsize is autodetected these days, but maybe for your use things like dedup, atime, and relatime can be turned off, and do you need xattr? If you're using 4096 block sizes did you partition the drives starting at sector 2048? Did you turn off compression if you don't need it? Also consider your hardware, like if you have multiple connection ports, can you get a speed increase by spreading out the drives so you don't saturate any particular channel?

Newer hardware by itself can make a huge difference too. My last upgrade took me from PCIe x4 to x16 slots, allowing me to upgrade to SAS3 cards, and overall went from around 70MB/s to 460MB/s transfer speeds with enough hardware to manage up to 40 drives. Turns out the new configuration also uses much less power, so a big win all around.

Shdwdrgn ,

Nothing wrong with used servers, that's the only thing I've ever run. Ebay has provided a ton of equipment to me.

Shdwdrgn ,

as the president struggles for support from young voters

Just a quick google search shows poll results swinging from Trump leading young voters by 18 points, back around to Biden leading by 20 points. Hell these polls are also showing Biden way ahead in the 65+ age category, which is also a significant deviation from history. There have been a number of articles already during this cycle discussing how far off recent polls have been, and questioning the methods by which these polls are being conducted.

The bottom line is that you can't make any judgements from any of these polls, you might as well flip a coin because you'll get the same 50/50 results.

Shdwdrgn ,

So who do they think they're going to vote for? Trump has also continually vowed his support of Israel and wouldn't have done anything different (except maybe sending even more weapons to them), while at the same time not supporting Ukraine at all.

Shdwdrgn ,

True enough, but until we get some sort of ranked-choice voting, there's no chance of a 3rd party candidate being more than a minor blip in the voting numbers.

Shdwdrgn ,

I've been seeing some complaints about the methodology of this poll, there is one good write-up presented here. Basically what it comes down to is that the New York Times not only cherry-picked from their own data, but they also polled heavily from Conservative voters rather than getting averages based on the demographics of each state.

It makes better headlines than the reality (both candidates are pretty evenly matched in each of the swing states with no clear winner), but this information is pretty much worthless other than hopefully getting more people to vote this year.

Shdwdrgn ,

No, my suggestion is to not "waste" your vote on an election where one candidate has already attempted to overthrow democracy but somehow still has a large number of supporters. My county votes somewhere around 85% Dem and the whole state always leans blue so there's no chance of Trump getting the nomination here, and in 2016 I was willing to vote on a 3rd party candidate to show my displeasure over Trump/Clinton... but in 2020 there was no way I was going to give up even one vote against Trump.

When both parties are equally bad, or when there's no doubt who will win anyway, then yeah definitely vote 3rd party and make a statement that we're tired of the same shit. But when the race is this close and one candidate has already stated his plan to do far more damage, then every vote counts and we really need to stick with the candidate who can actually win.

Shdwdrgn ,

It's funny how you're complaining about all the things "wrong" with this country, and yet you seem to be advocating for the candidate who wants to take away the rights of everyone who isn't white and obnoxiously rich. Yeah Biden is a fairly typical politician, but what has he done wrong other than Israel? What could he have done better that wasn't immediately blocked by the republicans? Or are you just mad that he's trying to move forward instead of sucking the dick of the oil companies?

Seriously, if you think the "left" is the problem here, then you haven't been paying attention to what's been happening in the House and Senate over the last couple decades. Check out ever bill that would have improved your life, and who voted against it. Check out who was creating those bills that would improve your life, and who was creating bills that benefited big corporations at your expense. Which party is constantly being caught suppressing voters and sponsoring bills to take away your rights? Which party is saying they want less government influence while trying to pass bills to dictate what every can and can't do? If you think the Republican party is doing anything at all with your interests in mind then I can only assume you're a boomer who remembers the party from 70 years ago and hasn't looked at anything they've done since then. Yeah politicians in general suck, but there's only one party actively working to make your life even worse.

Shdwdrgn ,

If you believe that then I have a bridge to sell you. Sometimes we have a chance to vote on something that will improve things, but mostly we're lucky if the best we can do is vote to keep things from getting any worse.

Shdwdrgn ,

I honestly don't believe that for a minute. You've got people who support Israel because that's what they've been taught to do their whole life, and then you have people actually paying attention to what's been going on and getting called antisemitic for calling out the genocide. Unfortunately the people who are unwilling to change their ways far outnumber the people who care.

Shdwdrgn ,

Heh maybe so, but is it really worth the risk of the damage Trump would do if he were in office again? Judging by your nick, I'm sure you're aware of all the harm he's done to the LGBT+ community?

Shdwdrgn ,

Trump wouldn't do the "exact" same things... you know for a fact he would immediately stop all aid packages for Ukraine and thus be promoting genocide in twice as many countries.

Shdwdrgn ,

Biden is the one who fought for congressional aid to Ukraine in the first place, and has continued to insist that further aid be included in must-pass bills. Why do you think he's going to turn around on the subject now?

As for Israel, having any other position is political suicide because too many Americans are brainwashed into believing that Israel can do no wrong, and being critical of their genocide is somehow the same thing as being antisemitic. Yeah it's a shit-show that we're sending any support to them, but Biden isn't completely responsible for this. Why isn't anyone also blaming the universal support of the Republicans who are voting for these bills? This kind of thinking just reminds me of the border security bill that Trump helped create, got bi-partisan support, and then when it came time to vote on it Trump told the R's to vote against it (which they did) so that he could harp about how the "Democrats" weren't doing anything about border security during the next election. My point is, don't say this is all Biden's fault when he's not the one passing the bills. (And no, I'm NOT saying he is innocent of any wrong-doing either, he certainly does hold some responsibility)

Shdwdrgn ,

I want to see a federal bill that states anyone who has sought to remove the rights of others (whether through lawful or political means) shall have their own rights taken away. Enough of these BS claims from politicians that they are merely pursuing the wishes of their constituents, there needs to be severe consequences for trying to trample on other people.

Shdwdrgn ,

Since it hasn't been mentioned yet... Yes a failing drive will significantly slow down a computer. Drives are built to be fault-tolerant, so if it reads a block of data and that doesn't match the block's checksum, the drive will attempt to re-read the same data until it gets what it believes is correct data, or until it gives up and sends a failure to the computer.

So now imagine your drive is in a state where nearly every block is having trouble being read, so it re-reads each block several times, adding a significant amount of time to every operation. A scan of the drive may indicate everything is working correctly if the drive does eventually return valid information, but the drive itself is having to work very hard to get this data.

One thing you might try to check for internal errors is running a read/write test of the drive, and recording the speed these operations were performed at. If that number is close to the parameters of the drive (you can check with the manufacturer or online reviews to find real-world drive speeds) then the drive is probably ok. However if the test is running a lot slower than the expected speeds, it's a good bet that your drive is failing and you will want to back up the data as soon as possible.

Shdwdrgn ,

Sectors that cannot be read reliably will get marked out, but I've seen plenty of HDDs that tested fine but still had obvious issues when reading data from certain areas. If your OS happens to be within that area then it becomes a problem very quickly, and you'll probably lose data before the drive marks those sectors as bad.

Shdwdrgn ,

SIX nipples? Damn it's gonna be expensive when I head back to the piercing shop.

Shdwdrgn ,

I played around with it in the early 2000's to learn more about Linux. Eventually used it to build a micro-release of a firewall running samba, cups, apache, and postfix, all crammed onto a bootable zip-100 disk. You can do quite a lot when you understand the bare minimum requirements to get a system running.

Shdwdrgn ,

I bet Johnson hats it when Biden supports anything he says. Watching him behind Biden during the last SotU address, Johnson looked displeased with everything that was said, even the things that both sides should have been cheering for.

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