@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca cover
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar



A soup.

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PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

This is the first and only distro I’ve tried that has display link drivers already installed. Was able to plug my laptop into my work dock and immediately have it all work. I used to have to install a community version of the displaying driver for my Ubuntu and Debian based distros. Shit just works the first time.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

Google Home. Bought them for $40 CAD and back then they were great. Responsive, did quick google searches, played my music all over the house.

Over the years they’ve lost functionality. Mine no longer accurately respond to voice queries and no longer complete google searches. I can still play music on them manually from my phone but when I ask it something, it responds back in French or does something completely different than what I had originally asked.

Worst part is that I ask it something, it does something different, and then when I say “hey Google stop” it just keeps going and going. Have to manually pull the plug for it to stop.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve factory reset every Google home of mine multiple times over the years. Never had any effect.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I drive a 2018 Prius. I’m convinced it’s the only Prius in my very rural corner of Canada. I don’t like driving it on highways cause I get subjected to road rage by all the pickup trucks. People pass me on double solid lines even when I’m 20km/h over the speed limit just because of the type of car it is.

Considering this reaction happens almost every time, I conclude my car is very rare.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

Pornhub as a monopoly??? Wow lmao. Someone never got creative with the search bar and it’s very apparent.

What does the world think of India?

I am an Indian and I have noticed that Indians are way too proud of their country for some reason and at the same time lack any civic sense towards it, they are extremely loud and extremely proud. We feel like the world revolves around India and our culture is superior to that of others. Also, a considerable chunk of the...

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

It was the loudest and smelliest country I’ve ever been to.

I’ve never seen a country where the cross-country sleeper train bathrooms had literal holes on the floor to shit and piss out of. You saw the tracks wizz below you from the toilets. No plumbing, just excrete onto the tracks.

Chennai train station had the strongest most overwhelming diarrhea smell I ever experienced in my entire life.

Dudes were creepy as hell. They see you’re white and then you’re swarmed everywhere you go. People trying to scam, trying to appoint themselves as your tour guide and won’t stop following you and trying to guide you to “the mall”. Calling you Harry Potter because you wear glasses. I couldn’t imagine what would happen if I was a woman there. I shudder to think.

Crossing the street means walking into oncoming traffic and hoping and trusting everyone to just drive around you. Absolute fucking chaos. The people are not warm or friendly. They stare and get too close and touch you all the time. I kept having people touch my shoulders and try and touch my face when I was in public or queuing.

I never ever want to return to India ever again. I don’t recommend any of my friends go there. There were very few positives about that trip other than it being an eye opening experience as to how over 1 billion humans on the planet live.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

To someone from my culture and to me when I was there, I hated it. It felt the absolute opposite of friendly. It felt predatory. I didn’t feel safe, I felt uncomfortable, I felt I was a freak and an oddity and it made me embarrassed to go anywhere. And this was with Indian-American guides who were familiar with which places to go to and which to avoid for tourists.

I say this to you with no disrespect to you as a person. I’m just trying to state things without sugarcoating them. I appreciate you explaining the cultural perception.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve got an AMD Framework 13. I love it. I don’t like how most linux distros don’t upscale well to its hidpi screen but as long as you stick with x11 everything is clear and sharp. I don’t like how the usb c modules are so flush that it’s impossible for me to pull them out. Not that I have any need for it but maybe one day…

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

There are going to be so many more Trumps and Elons going forward. These sorts of personalities are heavily rewarded and celebrated by society

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

Cadillac Fairview, who owns all the major malls in Canadian major cities also said they don’t employ facial recognition in their stores and only use cameras for security. It was only later that journalists exposed that they were absolutely using it for years to collect and digitally profile all shoppers and tie them to IDs.


PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

Absolutely not. I’m rude to people (just check my post history) and often passive aggressive. I have little patience for people and am often not in a good mood. I don’t help people much and don’t get any pleasure out of it. To me, there is always a 50/50 chance the next person I see/meet may try and hurt or kill me at any moment so I am always on the lookout.

So far, so good. But no, I would never classify me as a good person by any metric.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

My Facebook is hammered with articles about how it’s overblown and is being used by governments to silence you and bring on a new pandemic where they force you to wear masks and keep you locked inside your house. Something something 15 minute cities, the WEF, and a guy named Klaus.

Lots of people taking pictures holding chickens and other fowl to spite “the new plandemic” so chances are we’re gonna have another real one. Just based on the fact that people are purposefully trying to expose themselves to “get back at science”.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

That’s just downright awful. I’m sorry you were assaulted by a waste of flesh.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I found out that my dad had a secret girlfriend who was my age. A student of his. He also had a secret job, working as a consultant for Putin’s science advisor.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

Without getting into traceable details, government science advisors often work with large universities so that’s where the connection is.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

Dream relationship right here. Who gonna b my new anglerfish mommy

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m 29 in CA and just found out I am unable to have children. I hope my wife doesn’t leave me over this. She really really wants kids of her own.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

The majority of Israel is decent. The prime minister is literally a criminal who has been protested for years before this conflict. He tries to override the constitution and take power away from Israel’s Supreme Court.

He’s cozied up with the religious extremists who keep him in power. The overwhelming majority of young Israelis want Bibi gone.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

Well yes of course. It would be a very strange thing for you to take what I said as “all Israelis have good intentions it’s just Bibi doing everything”.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

No that’s an extremist take. I’ve been there many times, have family and friends there. They’re all horrified by the civillian casualties and are out protesting.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I quite literally made an entire presentation about how cleaning your room speeds up the universes inevitable heat death. I stand by this.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

This. Lots of people at my work have been casually using it. Started around a year ago I’d say. We’re in a highly regulated industry and there’s usually lots of “decorum”. Feels like a societal shift.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

That’s a neat application of LLMs. I echo the other comments here in that I’d want final say on file changes and the ability to only enable it for certain directories.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

Most things in the Canadian government can only be transferred by fax or post mail.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

Wait are you telling me y’all actually don’t smell ants? They’re a weird and kinda smell like blue cheese. Definitely the smellier of insects.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

“Why don’t you just bend over and take it!”

No ma’am I don’t think I will. Interesting suggestion though.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve never seen this variation and I like it a lot.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

Ebikes will be banned in most of North America in 5 years, calling it now :/

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I joked to my wife that chatgpt will team up with Fox News and Breitbart and then it literally happened lmao. Where’s my Nostradamus award???

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve only ever heard of people smoking it and then getting a headache afterwards. Haven’t read a trip report on Erowid that was counter to that.

Where did you hear this?

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m not a scientist but work alongside some stuff that was amplified in politics recently and adjacent to scientists and for my wife and my safety, I never tell anyone where I work or what I do. If anyone asks, I work in IT and most people are okay with that.

We risk vandalism, violence, and harassment otherwise. People are angry and ignorant and desperately want blood.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m really sorry to hear that. Love your neighbour shouldn’t have any sort of political slant to it but I guess we don’t live in that world. We couldn’t put our menorah in the window during chanukkah this year for the same reason. Some people can’t differentiate Jews between Israel’s government and I’m not taking any more chances getting my living room window shot up by BB guns again.

Windows are so expensive.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

The US system doesn’t work that way. You have a choice between two people. A vote for a third party is a vote not counted.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

People like this exist to argue. They have no ideology and no beliefs.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

Your democracy is at stake and you are yelling that we should do democracy harder instead of attempting to keep the democracy destroyer out of office. Carry on though and personally insult me like you did in your last comment.

I’m not American so I don’t have a dog in this fight.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m in the market for a new car in Canada. I don’t want a gas car. Environmental reasons aside, they just cost too much and have too many moving parts that can wear out.

I can afford most any gas car I want. The moment it becomes electric I cannot afford it. A $10k BYD looks nice, but my government decides I actually need to pay $45k starting instead.

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I get there’s protectionism of local industry, but clearly the market doesn’t want what the industry is making. We are held captive to whatever the industry thinks we want. It’s not a real free market. We are prescribed options to bail out the fledgling automotive industry (whatever is left of it after outsourcing everything to Mexico and SEA)

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

I met my wife because I was flirting with this woman and then she left and my wife showed up and in my drunken state I thought she was the same girl I was talking to before so rizz was exceptional and I ended up keeping her after that night.

10 years later we got married last year! Woo! Embarrassment!

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

What did she lie about?

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

My company has a mandate to sell 50% of our buildings. We also have a mandate to return to office. They’re having people sit on the floors with their laptops because there is not enough space.

Why do people hate people? - A question by 'curious kid' Daisy, age 9, Lake Oswego, Oregon ( theconversation.com )

Understanding hate as an emotional response can help you recognize your feelings about something or someone and be curious about where those feelings are coming from. This awareness will give you time to gather more information and imagine the other person’s perspective....

PerogiBoi ,
@PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca avatar

In my unscientific opinion that will undoubtedly get shouted down by someone here, people hate people because they hate themselves or aspects about themselves.

The ego is fragile and cannot often handle direct known criticism, so people mirror their self hatred to others. Over time as this is practiced, the brain justifies reasons as to WHY they hate certain people. This helps the brain make sense of why they feel the way they do.

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