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OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

I think we're still missing the mark because it's tax payer money.

Rip immunity from that fucker and let it come out of his pension (if he's got one) or garnish his wages like everybody else.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Spending. I think his outreach was unable to beat the advertisements paid for by his opposition, in part due to the absolutely bonkers investment from the AIPAC. So, that's my answer

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

That's not how that works, different communities consume different forms of media and at different rates.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

I'm saying people in the suburbs seem more adept at picking up garbage takes

But more pointedly, suburban households are more likely to purchase cable television packages or engage in live TV coverage, where a majority of that spending took the form of advertisements.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Hidayati, N., Kartikowati, S., & Gimin, G. (2021). The influence of income level, financial literature, and social media use on teachers consumption behavior. Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(3), 479-490.

In case you needed a source

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Look up public television viewership numbers based on income, ask me whether or not the Bronx WATCHED Latimer's commercials, or even saw them.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

No I agree, but he seemed keen to try and bring up facts, wanted to be sure we had receipts just in case.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Someone gets outspent by a factor of 7, and you think the most likely reason is the candidate? I don't know man, I think you're not applying Occam's* Razor appropriately.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Again, if the whole district could be marketed to the same exact way, you'd be right.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

No, and I do not agree with the above poster, but we're aided in that most of our forms are in both English and Spanish, the two most common native tongues of people who live here.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Yeah we just found out (we as a city knew, just without confirmation) who the 'mystery' business is that's building a server farm on the outskirts of city limits. And they've got a 10 year tax break from the city on the land.

I'll turn my AC down when google turns their Power Plans to Eco for those servers

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

For the most part, all anti virus software I've found that is pretty "mainstream" are bad or have backdoors built for bad people.

Macafee -absolute Spyware, delete it
Kaspersky - Russian ties apparently - but I don't believe reports from Just the US, and they've been pretty integral to the security space for businesses for years. I'm not sold on them being 'bad' yet.
Norton - not malware, but not good and going the Macafee route

I hear good things about BitDefender, and Windows Defender is mostly good enough for the average person + an adblocker and you're good to go.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

I mean, we can summarize it in "republican representative pours water on the property of her Democrat colleague from the same district, lies about origin and reason"

Hamas Wants Guarantees Ceasefire Will Actually Happen, While US Says Hamas Is Rejecting the Proposal ( )

Following the UN Security Council vote to approve a three-phase ceasefire in Gaza, U.S. officials and other international allies of Israel are cynically placing blame on Hamas for a stall in current ceasefire negotiations — even as Israel has insisted on indefinitely continuing its massacre in Gaza and Hamas has said its main...

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Man says "hamas aren't good guys, but they are the only ones bargaining on behalf of Gazans"

And you say "he said hamas are good guys"

If you learned "everything after the But in a sentence is a lie" and still believe it that vehemently without nuance into your adult life, you should reevaluate who you're taking your life advice from. Things can have nuance, and this war is fucking filled with it. Gazans who haven't known a life outside of death and destruction of their home voting for people who claim they'll fight for them (Hamas), radicalized by the violence enacted upon them by Israel. Israel insisting the death tolls are anyway near similar, riling up their citizens and voter bases about Hamas, an organization that, with it's absolute best opportinity for a 'surprise' attack on October 7th, barely scratched the surface of the innocent deaths since this has begun. It was a travesty, a loss of innocent life, and it was met with another travesty, another loss of life, but in greater force than they could have ever attempted.

If you can't sympathize with a people who have been starved, bombed, displaced, and then blamed for their existence, then history has failed you.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Generally okay with, but are they generally OK with legislation protecting those individuals/recognizing them as protected under the same laws that protect for factors of sex and race?

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Both are true. The land sale did great short term benefit, terrible 5 year turnout as the fun dries up and they can't afford rent at a lot of locations as easily. Then the seafood producer put the squeeze on em.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Won the vote to organize a union, something that has to be done in the U.S.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

For me, this is one of the episodes they talk about when they say they worry they go too far parody that they lose the 'tone'. I still like the episode, but it's because Dennis and Frank bits fucking kill me. The way he holds this cat, man!

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Thats the thing, comedy hasn't stopped. Regular people aren't offended if you make a funny joke about a sensitive topic.

Rob McElhenney from It's always sunny was just talking about this the other day. They make racist jokes, gay jokes, jokes about abortion, mocking the homeless. There's a WHOLE episode done a la The Whiz where the gang wakes up in black people's bodies. You just have to be sure that the joke is told in a way that doesn't lift it's message above being just a joke, and that means the person telling it has to be relatively clear on the side of the joke's subject. You can't punch down, that's never been funny.

South Park and it's always sunny and family guy and those kinds of shows haven't neutered their jokes, so why do people keep saying that you can't make fun of anything anymore? The only people I see that say that are parroting comedians like Seinfeld and Chapelle and THEY'RE STILL SELLING TICKETS, so they're not 'canceled' and their livelihoods aren't affected, so why are they saying they can't make the jokes they continue to sell tickets for?

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Yeah I agree with you, that wasn't a legitimate question on my part. It's either they want to say some heinous shit, or, catering to "anti cancel culture" gets them a secured and easily riled up audience.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

I do think there's a nuance to "I voted for this guy, I don't really want him but it's the best option on the list" And "I like this guy, I liked what he did, I'd like to see him do it again"

I hear (in real life), absolutely 0 Biden supporters like example #2. I hear (in real life) about 10 trump supporters like #2. Of the people I ask who are Republicans that don't fall into #2, they instead say something along the lines of "I don't like abortion and I don't think democrats are protecting my rights". Of the Republicans I've met that I talk to on a semi regular basis, those people make up maybe 20% of all interactions I have. The rest..well, MAGA

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

lit is shown that Frieza demands this, enslaved the saiyans and have pushed them to do his bidding. From what I remember, we pretty much get 0 saipan history pre-frieza minus GT and that's not canon.

All this to say "he was just following orders" holds up until maybe the cell saga. On namek I can give the man a lot of trauma and brainwashing and child soldier mulligans. Saving cell and letting millions suffer AFTER he's 'rehabilitated' and then does it again for Babidi, THAT makes him a space Hitler Jr

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Don't know what municipality/region/state/country you're from, but that's not the case here

Billion dollar developer lawsuit to proceed, despite Apple objection ( )

The £785M ($979M) antitrust lawsuit was filed on behalf of more than 1,500 British developers, and alleges that Apple’s monopolistic control of the market for iPhone apps allowed the company to charge ‘abusive’ levels of commission on app sales …

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

That doesn't mean the terms and business practices fall under 'legal' in regards to protections.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

I think a similar case had it's feet drag for a few years and they ruled the maps were unconstitutional and then the defense kept it alive long enough that we have to default to last year's maps, the rejected ones, until the next election.

Don't stop them, they get what they want. Try to stop them, they delay and get what they want.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Why does any of the value they've brought to you and others preclude a shitty and predatory business decision? I've had their pro membership for years, but the fake youtube video is some premium, grade A dogshit.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

When graph goes down, it looks kind of like a grizzly bear from the side profile, when graoh goes up, it looks like big bulls horns

Bear market is when the market has traditionally been (for the duration of the observers data) in a downtrend and a bull market is the opposite.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

This is the best I can do for a picture, but yeah, things are named fun things all the time. Have you ever heard of Francium?

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

I think he's more so saying that last week tonight feels frustrating because it points out clear issues that the average American should be frustrated about but then juxtaposes it with average Americans actively siding with the system or being complacent in it.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

No problem at all. Have a great rest of your day/week/life!

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Hell yeah, I'd hate to move to a lame ass planet when we fuck up this one. Hopefully they've got like, Dino sharks or something

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Yeah it's not exactly a major loss to me if countries that are only held back from atrocities by economic sanctions decide not to trade with us

Turning Down Food Aid for Millions of Children Reflects Shocking Political Callousness ( )

Fifteen states — all but one run by Republican governors — skipped the deadline to apply for a new federally-funded program that will provide $120 per child for groceries during the summer months to families of children who already qualify for free or reduced-price lunch at school.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

That really stinks, I remember the feeling of not wanting the thrifted Hollister or other big name branded clothes my mom would try to get because I knew the other kids would think I had money and treat me differently (poor rural town). It was kind of surreal to be poor, but my parents were fighting the image of poor, only making it harder for us to blend in with the poor community around us. She insisted that they were nice clothes and her children would go to school in nice clothes. To be fair, those clothes were uncomfortable and had print/designs that made it too warm for sweaty pig me. I also had a stutter and an accent from another part of the country, so it wasn't doing me any favors.

I'm glad your parents were able to take advantage of a program that helped them, but man does poverty leave such weird marks on every age involved.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Every full moon, she transforms into a were-american, guns sprout from her hands, a dual 64-oz drinking hat bursts from her skull, complete with Big Glug Gator-aid (freedom flavored), and she howls the US constitution into the night while driving over protesters in her lifted somehow-dualie black escalade.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Or, you know, regulate it for safety like any other industry.

If you're paying for ANY clothing you didn't make yourself, you're paying and driving demand for underage laborers in impoverished countries to make your stuff.

If you're using the internet, that costs electricity and that's (on average) produced by fossil fuels at power generators, spurring on demand for further pollution and destruction of our planet.

The above are examples of silly arguments, but do you see how you might have propped up an unrelated point about veganism/vegetarianism during a story about a dead teenager?

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

You just going to sidestep the other points above that talk about exploitation of children and the planet or do you just want to talk about cattle? Because if cattle is more important than those things, please let me know so I can write this off as a conversation not worth having.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

The problem is that I don't believe there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, that statement encompasses the argument of "there's no ethical consumption of meat" which seems to be the one you began with. I'm willing to agree there's an over consumption of meat in US diets, I myself struggle to shove more veggies into my life and cut back on the steaks and burgers, but to frame all meat consumption as "needless slaughter" underneath an article about a teen dying in a processing is drastically tone deaf.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Yeah I like to bring up when talking about WFH, there should be a pay bump for required on-site workers. If that means physical laboring jobs get a yearly % increase or whatever that I don't get, no skin off my back, and then it's harder to pit worker against worker

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Yeah they all seem green screened and a couple of the participants look like they're reading off a cue card they themselves had no hand in writing and may have been given 2 minutes before being filmed.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

He's talking about the global definition of that term. Conservatives, globally, are on the side of preserving the existing structure (which, yes, should that structure be harmful to other individuals, cultures, social ideals, would still be considered conservatism).

Texas blocks federal border agents from processing migrants in Eagle Pass public park ( )

Texas state officials this week abruptly blocked federal U.S. Border Patrol agents from entering and patrolling a public area in the border town of Eagle Pass where they typically first encounter migrants who cross the Rio Grande illegally, two U.S. officials told CBS News on Thursday....

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

I think it's more about the fact that Texas national guard, under the orders of the state governor, are blocking border patrols from being in the area to assist or respond to emergencies or do their duty. Not to say they weren't potentially going to abuse the migrants too, but letting Texas have free reign to bus who they want where they want with impunity would be a misstep in federal/state rights.

OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe ,

Westerners don't get it. They didn't see citizens in Crimea and Donbas walking around in their "fuck me, Putin" shorts and their "imperialism now" borscht stained t-shirts.

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