@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar



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MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I'm not someone who refused to learn to drive, but I have made pointed efforts to avoid driving but for rare exceptions that usually involve driving other people to appointments. For reference, it's cold as shit, rainy, and more often snowy where I live 7-8 months out of the year. Our biking infrastructure isn't great, but it's better than most of the US.

I hate traffic and everything surrounding car-centric culture and I'm lucky enough to live close enough to work that I can easily walk or ride my bike if I don't want to take a bus. The grocery store is a bit harder to manage, but usually something I can do on the bike. I repair everything on my own and ride a bike that's 40+ years old and the joy I get from riding it is a stark contrast to the experience of driving the same route.

Sure, the narcissistic behavior of drivers, the exhaust and other fumes, and the stress of are all factors that make me hate driving, but the single thing that bugs me most about cars whether I'm driving, walking, biking, or just sitting on my couch with all of the windows closed is the NOISE of cars. Engine noise is annoying, honking is annoying, but the tire noise above ~20 mph is a constant assault on my senses.

That's why the bike trails are nice, not because I don't have to breathe exhaust or worry about getting hit by a car, but because they are the only quiet and peaceful places in our city. They are the only place cars can't go.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Depends on the drug, but for some, it's required every time it's filled. Also, if they don't know you, they should probably ask for ID anyway.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

But if you talk to them informally, they will excitedly show you pictures of cool rocks, which is neat.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

This isn't an attack on your comment, which gave quality information, but I think it's relevant to the conversations linked in your comment.

Their definition of authoritarian is a contradiction to their actions and used subjectively. "I hate authoritarianism, so we should defederate to keep out the authoritarians." This statement is supportive of a fundamentally authoritarian action.

This is also why people who use the term "tankies" seriously are themselves deeply unserious. Their understanding of the topic is superficial at best and colored only by Western biases rooted in anti-communist propaganda. The concept of authoritarianism was itself a product of propaganda.

Saying "no" is authoritarian. Holding elections is authoritarian. Authority itself doesn't matter, what matters is who is in power and how they use their power to influence the world.

Some people recognize and accept this reality and then openly support the power that best aligns with their own benefit.

Anger at tankies is usually just a lack of class consciousness and ignorance based on a term that changes based on who you support and who you do not.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Honestly, Elsevier is the worst. They tease you with those section snippets, so I scroll from the abstract and can start reading the introduction...scroll a bit more and it's unceremoniously cut off mid-sentence. Then I rage because the article is newer than 2022 (no Sci-Hub) and my institution gets cheaper every year.

I can't view papers I've published in some journals anymore. When I see this, I think: "Why don't we subscribe to papers we are actively publishing in?? Why aren't all of the papers I want to read published in open access journals?? Why did I contribute to a journal that wasn't open access??"

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I will try this, thank you for the advice. Normally I end up contacting the authors when I don't have access. Some are great and respond within the hour, some never respond.

Also, thanks for carrying this community. I enjoy your posts.

MeowZedong , (edited )
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

How dare you not share the reference in a link too!

The CaCO3 concentration where boiling was most effective (>80% of the measured polymers removed) was >120 mg/L. This is hard water, so if your local area doesn't have particularly hard water, this method won't be effective.

A very general guide for the US on hard water levels by state.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Yes, we just need to install water hardener systems rather than softeners to boil out the plastics!

I'm curious how effective typical household water filtration systems are in comparison. I'd expect RO systems would be effective at least.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Vote harder and maybe Genocide Joe will get to keep building his legacy for another 4 years.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Lol, you got down-voted for mentioning a real US law that's been in existence for over 20 years. Someone doesn't like reality.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Hmm I'm using a mobile app and it showed a combined score <1 when I commented, which only happens from down-votes. Now I'm seeing +2 on the app and in a browser, so maybe what I was seeing before wasn't accurate?

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

All those internet points...lost...never to be earned again...

On Lemmy, our social credit score isn't even tracked!

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

It's indefensible for any country to produce or stockpile WP munitions these days.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Nah, it's almost as if proving a treatment is "safe and effective" is the entire purpose of a phase ii clinical trial.

If you want pharmaceutical conspiracies to chase, follow the money. The point at which they are trying to "program" you is when the drug hits the market and commercials come out. It's not that these products are ineffective at this point, just that they will do just about anything to capitalize on them.

Pharmaceutical companies are by no means clean and trustworthy, but your conspiracy is literally just a description of marketing and advertising, which I agree is a plague upon our society.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Truly a filthy rag since at least the leadup to WWII.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Even if you take this at face value, the article is talking about western auto makers being supplied by what are presumably the same supply chains as Chinese auto makers. So they are both presumably profiting off of slave labor. It's already well documented in many industries that western companies profit from slave labor both abroad and in the US with no lasting repercussions. So it really doesn't seem like slave labor would set China apart.

The next complaint is that they are undercutting other companies. What's the problem here? You get cheaper cars across the board because western auto makers have to lower their prices. Given their massive profits, I see no problem in cutting into those so the people get a better deal.

Another complaint I've seen here is the source of the operating system. Do you want a Chinese company spying on you or a US company spying on you? Does it make a difference and if it does, who is more likely to be able to take action on you because of the data they've collected? I think your domestic companies and government pose a bigger threat for spying (this includes China for those living in China).

Considering all the recent news and reviews of the EVs coming out of China, what's the real downside?

Most of what I see boils does to yellow peril bullshit while western governments protect the massive profits and enshitification of western brands at our expense.

The US economy is in a 'selective recession' as lower-income consumers can't cover the cost of living ( www.businessinsider.com )

The US economy is experiencing a "selective recession" where lower-income Americans are struggling due to rising costs and dwindling savings, while upper-income consumers remain unaffected. Inflation, although cooling down, has significantly impacted the purchasing power of lower and middle-income individuals. With the pandemic...

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Unfortunate for them that you can't solve the contradictions of capitalism by trying to passively ride them out.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

A surprise coming from business insider.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Lol, you really think they come up with the ideas in biotech and nanotech?? Public grants fund the ideas of underpaid workers in public universities, the workers develop the technology, and then the principle investigator (PI, the boss who often had little actual contribution to the idea and work, but helped write the grant that originally funded the idea, takes that idea and with the university parents it.

Then the PI makes a spin-off, private company using that idea that they didn't come up with and didn't develop and that was funded by the public and they hire business and legal types to make bank on this idea. The actual people who did all the innovative work are lucky just to be recognized for the work they put into the technology after it hits the market.

And it's not just happening in biotech, it happens in other fields too! All of the technologies you mentioned were made by the public sector, not the private sector. The private steals those ideas (via legal loopholes) and patents, then profits off of them.

So sure, they're 700,000 times smarter if smarter equals exploitative fuck-heads.

As to socialist countries not innovating, have you even looked at China lately? That's ignoring even the basic innovation of developing societies that go beyond capitalism. What this amounts to is an old racist trope and a general lack of education about how technology transfers with China operate. Companies having China produce their products sign-off rights for China to make and use their technology as part of the compensation for production, they don't steal technology, they are given/buy this technology via their labor.

Have you even looked at these processes or do you just repeat the drivel you are told by these cheats? For over ten years I've experienced this shit first-hand in biotech. You are wrong.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I think we have more pressing issues in certain airplanes at the moment, but that's a good point.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

The article is listed on ResearchGate.

For anyone looking for an alternative to Sci-Hub (the GOAT), you can make a free account on RG and send a request to the authors for a copy of their paper (about two clicks to perform).

Most researchers will send you a copy within a day, maybe two. If you copy the title or the DOI link into a search with "ResearchGate" it usually shows up in most search engines.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Many of them think they make more money via tips than they would ever make from their employers. Regardless of whether they are right, I don't see this happening in the places where workers make more tips until this bias can be overcome.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

If you don't remove tips from the wages, the business owners will always use this income against the workers. I don't have a problem with people continuing to receive tips, but will that be a factor that holds back progress when its used ad leverage?

As for the tip stats, I'm very hesitant to generalize tipped income. I've worked a variety of tipped jobs and what you said has held true to an extent in some of those jobs, while many others were more dependent on the volume of orders or your ability to connect with the customer long-term. In the later of those jobs, it was the older women who tended to make the most and the men typically did as well as the young women.

I think it's industry and situation specific outside of the dine-in restaurants. Being conventionally attractive certainly doesn't hurt in any of those situations though.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Here's an experiment that you could try at home:

Takes 2 cups of water of equal volume, one hot and one cold. Put a single drop of food coloring into each cup and time how long it takes for the color to fully disperse throughout the water.

Record your units in SI units like cm or mm, because inches are stupid and scientists have agreed to not like them. You are a scientist now, so you must join the club.

Submit your findings to the journal of Lemmy for peer review. Extrapolate into other forms of measurement if you want.

If you want it to be even better, measure 3 temperatures (in °C, mind you): room temp, hot, and cold. Then you can plot them on a curve of distance vs time.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Well now I'm going to have to spread the rumor that Hexbear is about weird Christian nonsense instead of Marxism.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Fuckin gottem! Good point with that Putin's dick line. I bet he'll totally rethink everything he said now.

You fucking debate pervert loser. Go read a book.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Ad hominem against themselves...

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Thank you!

Outside of high-performance applications, most people are probably just as well using the $3 automotive thermal pastes. If I was feeling cheeky, toothpaste, but I suspect that would dry out quickly too.

Consistent, reliable performance is what matters. Who wants to apply new paste regularly?

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Reviewer 1: looks, good, great paper!

Reviewer 2: Not enough statistical significance. Use more mice. MORE SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

...I'll almost never object to a "fuck Nazis" policy.

What, as in you're always in bed with Nazis? Cause basing yourself out of sh.itjust.works at this point is a pretty good indication that you are ok with fascism.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I joked to a coworker yesterday that they should name new materials they make after stupid pop culture references because the regulations for naming new things in our field are obtuse.

I may have implied that if it worked for biochemists, Sonic the Hedgehog would work for us too. Next time, I'll suggest we name it something even dumber in Vietnamese or Arabic.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

It doesn't.

Unionize. Individually your power to change things is weak, together your power is strong. The only thing power listens to is a greater power and the reality is that your bosses likely rely on you more than you rely on them.

I guarantee you do have useful skills and that they are better than what an LLM can produce. Don't listen to the hype that will be used to justify taking your ability to live from you in exchange for higher profits.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Are you every one of my coworkers who unknowingly send me black text on a clear background because they always use light mode?


MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

This generally works for most house plants, particularly the ivy-like ones.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Was?? OMG, did he finally kick the can?

Edit: my bad, I was thinking of Watson.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Yes, cool find, but there is also a lot of speculation going on here with no substantiating evidence.

Science communication should be done better. Explain why the finding is cool without contributing to pop-sci stereotypes that misinform the public. Explain the scientific thought process in a way that is digestible and relatable, don't exaggerate or speculate to make it fit Hollywood tropes.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Alternatively, as happiness goes to zero, the weight will remain constant until cooking, so after the surprise, the line should go to infinity until cooking.

Edit: aww, fuck. Someone else already said it. I'm 5 days late.

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Umm, I have it on pretty good authority that electric cars will solve the climate crisis and are immune to effects on the globe. Just do your part and buy an $TSLA Tesla EV.

Thoughts on this community post by Hakim? ( lemmygrad.ml )

The idea that the Palestinian people have only been able to persist because of their religion is ridiculous to me. They are resisting because colonialism, apartheid and genocide are very bad things to which nobody would want to be subjected, not because of Islam. If Palestinians were atheists, is he suggesting that they wouldn't...

MeowZedong ,
@MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Existing forms of community, such as religious groups, also lend themselves well to socialism. Religious dogma is idealistic, but it feels reductive to ignore the motivation of belonging to and supporting a community when analyzing whether Marxism and religious beliefs are compatible.

There's evidence to support their compatibility as well as the damage religious groups can have on socialist causes. At the end of the day, I say more comrades is better.

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