intensely_human ,

Yes FOSS is communism, spontaneously arising under capitalism, requiring zero bloody revolutions.

Marx was right about the need for people to be nice and give things to each other, but he was wrong about it being necessary to destroy capitalism before this happened.

squid_slime , avatar

All this "communism is fascism" bullshit is as toxic as "if you vote for 3rd party your voting for trump".

Fucking liberals.

yyyesss ,


squid_slime , avatar

Its in quotations

space_comrade ,

Agile is the anarchism of software development: sounds nice on a high level but basically no theoretical foundation behind it and thus in practice everybody makes it whatever the fuck they want it to be.

Zehzin , avatar

Lemmy's biggest mistake was not calling federations "communes" or "syndicates"

Fargeol ,
cypherpunks Mod , avatar

shoutout to the person who reported this post with "Reason: Bot meme, you can't even read it. whoever replies is a bot too" 😂

PsychedSy ,

What's funny is they could have made an actually funny joke about marxists.

manicdave OP ,


Prox ,

beep beep boop


Valmond ,

Text is unreadable though

dessalines , avatar


Skepticpunk ,

Hmm. Self-organizing projects whose workers work on them entirely based on their need to be done, and the results freely distributed to anyone who wants a copy?

Literal fascism, obviously.

inlandempire , avatar

I'm curious about your agile theory now !

manicdave OP ,

It's half way to self management.

Software exists in a world that kind of exists outside of property. Cynics like to think that Agile got big because as some kind of fad because the kids love it, but the reality is that fully hierarchical models just cannot keep up with self organising teams.

The old model - the model that most of the rest of the world of work still uses - simply cannot compete on a level playing field where the means of production (a cheap computer) are available to all. A landowner can stop you building your own house, but Microsoft can't really stop you building your own software, so they still have to put in work to collect rent.

Imagine what we could accomplish as a species if the goals and distribution of resources were also decided democratically.

087008001234 ,

Thank you for everything you said in the back half! In regards to the first idea -- do you think agile is half way to self-management because of its attributes, or because it is something to get people making software in a structured capacity? I live in a world of bad agiles and agile cynics, and so I wonder if I am missing some nuance you may have intended. I guess I ask because I agree with everything you have said but don't see agile methodology as being important to spreading this message myself.

manicdave OP ,

My point isn't actually about the software.

Agile is a limited form of workplace democracy that succeeded because the usual forms of disciplining workers couldn't be enforced to stop it. It's taken off in software because the outlay for software is so low that people can just quit their jobs and start a rival project with preferable working conditions. It's stuck around because it's significantly more effective than dictat.

I have problems with agile too. A lot of the "ceremonies" seem more like cult rituals and bad practices are often assumed to be self justifying when they should be interrogated. (I once had a bust up in the office because I insisted in creating a future proof test framework instead of writing just what's needed at the time. I was overruled and I'm still mad about it).

So I guess my point isn't even about the specific agile practices either.

The point is that workers are able to self manage when they're allowed to, and agile has accidentally proven this to be the case. Other work places should adopt some of these ideas. And these ideas should be pushed further, into business decisions and HR and management. And physical communities etc. all the way up to actual government.

space_comrade ,

Interesting perspective, never really looked at it like that, I've always just interacted with the corporatized bullshit implementations of Agile.

It seems Agile really did have a kernel of worker self management in it but the original people behind it didn't have the right ideological framework to realize that this is what they're trying to achieve.

087008001234 ,

Interesting - thank you!

scoutFDT ,

Microsoft can't stop you from building software...... yet.

vga ,

268% higher failure rates, perhaps? :)

frezik ,

According to a company trying to sell its Agile replacement.

Prox ,

What a shit measure. A key idea is to fail fast and fail often, as this leads to faster growth through more frequent (re)assessment.

SW companies only care about profit. If failure rate is 268% higher but profit is simultaneously 10% higher, then Agile is the better choice.

Fades ,

Why the space before the punctuation

inlandempire , avatar

French typing rules

Fades ,

Neat! Never knew

inlandempire , avatar

Yeah haha it's really weird and I tend to switch between the "normal" way and the "french" way without noticing. Basically in french the rule is that if your symbol is "tall" ( ! , ? , brackets, semicolon, I think dashes as well...) it needs to be preceded by a space

ID411 ,

This landed.

.world won’t get it

verstra , does not get it. Can you explain?

It is kinda obvious that maxist ideas are aligned with the open source ideas. Are they very much against commies?

manicdave OP ,

There's some weird witch hunt going on against Dessalines on there. I don't agree with him on everything, but them trying to hound him out for being a communist, whilst using software he made because he's a communist is kinda funny.

Tarquinn2049 ,

Him being communist isn't the problem, throwing his weight around unnecessarily is what is upsetting people. And he just keeps doing it. Like he just gets in a mood and decides to ban a bunch of people for fake violations they didn't actually do. It's all logged and people with high enough status can see the logs. He goes on tirades.

sparkle , avatar

+1 to this, many Lemmy instance admins and/or community mods will just hand out bans for anything that disagrees with their politics and just slap a completely irrelevant "rule 1/2/4/whatever violation" – e.g. say something negative about Uyghur genocide or China in, good chance you'll get banned for being "uncivil" possibly along with a note about western imperialism or capitalists' campaign against China or something. Depending on the day, the mod logs range from somewhat reasonable to batshit insane when it comes to admin actions.

I'm a filthy commie bastard, I say communists should be in control of these communities. Just maybe not Marxist-Leninists...

GregorGizeh ,

Honestly I am dismayed we have this dumb ass reddit culture take hold. Not everything you disagree with must be bannned from the sub defederated immediately, your instance doesnt owe you a feed that's exactly how you like it. Defederation should be the last resort, since it entirely breaks communication and interaction between the instance's users.

Instead, use the client side blocking features to clean up your feed. Personally I have blocked over 80 communities and users because they are centered around topics or beliefs I dont want on my feed, I blocked two instances as well, but I can still read their user's comments and interact with their users outside the instances.

Defederating is just splintering the fediverse. Unless at all avoidable it shouldn't be done, in fact I chose my instance specifically because it defederates nobody but meta and illegal content such as gore and csam.

r00ty , avatar

I always saw open source as more socialist than specifically communist. Similar to volunteering in your community. Except the community is the whole world, and you don't need to leave your house. Bonus!

Cowbee ,

.world is basically Reddit 2, but filled with the most radical liberals that specifically want to not be exposed to leftist instances, even db0 has a tenuous relation with them.

.world is constantly on anticommunist witch hunts, and now that Lemmygrad and Hexbear are not visible to them thanks to defederation, .ml is the last large Marxist-aligned instance they can see, so it's the new boogeyman.

One of them tried to tell me Lemmy is Capitalist because posting is value, lmao

Zehzin , avatar

Posting is labor 🫡

Cowbee ,

Smh Dessalines is taking my labor power

pjwestin , avatar

Not exactly. This started yesterday, when a user accused mods on .ml of, "tankie censorship," (meaning censorship by tankies, not of tankies).
He also came with some pretty good receipts that appear to show .ml mods removing criticism of China that, whether you agree with it or not, didn't seem to violate any rules, and was well within the bounds of what most people would consider civil discourse. He also claims to have received bans from all of the .ml communities he'd ever participated in for pointing this bias out. It's possible he's presenting all of this with his own slant, but what he showed seems legit, and I'm not sure he could have provided more evidence without encouraging brigading.

This is now starting to snowball, with users starting to call for defederating from .ml. One .world user also posted on .cafe about Dessalines previous tankie comments, while another user has posted about finding replacements for the largest .ml communities.

So, saying what's happing on .world is anti-communist isn't accurate, as most the criticism has been anti-tankie. However, .world has a much higher level of liberals than most of Lemmy (they created a little echo chamber for themselves on Political Memes), and most of them are incapable or unwilling to understand the difference between a tankies and communists (or tankies and leftists...or tankies and criticism of Biden...). So, it will probably only be a matter of time before this group tries to blur the line between valid criticism of baised moderation from authoritarian apologists to general criticism of leftists.

So, tl;dr: .world isn't broadly anti-communist, but a large portion of the community is upset about what appears to be biased moderation from tankie .ml mods, and there is a small contingent of .world liberals who I'm sure will take this opportunity to bash anyone to their left.

Cowbee ,

The problem with this is that "Tankie" is a sliding target, including all Marxists. If you claim to only have a problem with Tankies, not all Marxists, but do your best to attack the majority of Marxists, does that mean the majority of Marxists are Tankies, or that .world has become an anticommunist instance?

I'd say this will only end up creating a multipolar Lemmy. Dessalines has already stated that .ml will not be the first to defed, as they believe in an interconnected Lemmy. However, the target boogyman for .worlders has shifted from Grad, to Hexbear, to now .ml. After .world finally defeds from .ml, will they shift towards db0?, perhaps? Who knows.

This isn't the first time this has happened, haha.

orsetto , avatar

Honestly i wouldn't mind. Users on .world that don't want a butt load of defederations will probably (and hopefully) move to another instance, whilst the rest of lemmy will be free from all the liberals uncapable of discriminating between communists and tankies

barsquid ,

And .world would be free of all the communists incapable of discriminating between communists and tankies. Everyone wins.

pjwestin , avatar

I really only started to see the meaning of tankie start sliding once I got to Lemmy, and it goes in two directions; tankies who swear they aren't tankies, they just have a lot of feelings about why the Uyghurs aren't being mistreated, and liberals who literally think tankie is a synonym for leftist. (Seriously, if Lemmy has one unforgivable sin, it's introducing the, "but her emails," crowd to the word tankie.) Personally, I don't care if I get tankies in my feed, but I'm not OK with instances that censor opinions they don't like (I mean, assuming they're not bigoted). Those mod logs are pretty damning, I'd like to hear from the .ml mods why they felt those weren't legitimate discourse.

Honestly, my real takeaway from this whole mess is that it's really dispelled the myth of federation as a silver bullet for all of social media's ills. Federation was sold to me as a solution to overly-large internet communities, since federation would stop single communities from becoming too powerful, and communities could simply be defederated if they didn't get along. Meanwhile, .world is whining that .ml's communities are too large and important to lose, while .ml is bitching that .world defederating would be egregious and unreasonable. The whole thing feels more like a flame war between some large subreddits than the glorious online utopia that I was told federation would bring us. Actually, it feels a lot like the schism that started when r/antiwork fell apart.

Cowbee ,

I don't think .ml is whining about .world defeding, more like thinking it would be goofy, but expecting it.

DAMunzy ,

Wasn't it .world that defed from db0 already (but later added it back) because of the piracy support? Or maybe that was .ee? When that happened I moved from that instance to here.

MeowZedong , avatar

This isn't an attack on your comment, which gave quality information, but I think it's relevant to the conversations linked in your comment.

Their definition of authoritarian is a contradiction to their actions and used subjectively. "I hate authoritarianism, so we should defederate to keep out the authoritarians." This statement is supportive of a fundamentally authoritarian action.

This is also why people who use the term "tankies" seriously are themselves deeply unserious. Their understanding of the topic is superficial at best and colored only by Western biases rooted in anti-communist propaganda. The concept of authoritarianism was itself a product of propaganda.

Saying "no" is authoritarian. Holding elections is authoritarian. Authority itself doesn't matter, what matters is who is in power and how they use their power to influence the world.

Some people recognize and accept this reality and then openly support the power that best aligns with their own benefit.

Anger at tankies is usually just a lack of class consciousness and ignorance based on a term that changes based on who you support and who you do not.

DAMunzy ,

I love being able to block individual people. I've seen much less "pro-Biden a vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump" political compass meme shit lately because of that.

DriftinGrifter ,

time to block me because not voting for biden increases the ods of trump getting in office

DAMunzy ,

You support a candidate that is supporting a genocidal regime. You support genocide.

Wish granted!

barsquid ,

You better block me as well. I don't know why we should help support Bibi's favorite candidate by doing exactly what Repubs want and voting for someone who barely broke 1% of the popular vote. I guess people really want more far-right theocratic judges who are blatantly unqualified and corrupt?

bloodfart ,

I’ll bite. The democrats aren’t listening to us, we have two options: not support them in the election or (it was surprising to see this one end up in the news recently) an appeal to heaven.

If you think trump is too much of a threat, that the president we already had will destroy democracy and there won’t be a 2028 election, that the most important thing is to keep out a candidate who didn’t accept it the last time he was declared the loser of an election and has had four years to prepare for this one as evidenced by project 2024, stop trying to get people to vote for the democrats and start stockpiling ammunition and training to oppose trump supporters in the streets instead.

barsquid ,

SCOTUS is right now still somehow deliberating on whether a president is allowed to Night of the Long Knives or not. SCOTUS is already taking away rights from my friends and neighbors. You may be privileged enough to pretend it won't affect you, I guess.

You think you aren't being heard now, it isn't going to improve under a fascist regime that ends voting with their Project 2025 shit. Have you not been paying attention to how Repubs have dealt with protesters? Yeah, becoming an armed insurgent would be the only option for change remaining once it gets to that point.

That's cool, though, you do you.

bloodfart ,

Wait, the unelected branches of government are restricting rights of minorities and giving power to the executive branch now but we won’t have fascism to fight against until this one guy wins an election?

What happened last time he wasn’t declared the winner of an election? What makes you think that wouldn’t be a concern this time around? How do you square that with the degree of preparation that went into project 2025?

Let me make my thesis crystal clear: if you believe that trump will usher in American fascism and you recognize that he won’t accept the results of the election, you don’t need to get people to vote for Biden to make sure the results of the election aren’t in favor of trump, you need to prepare to physically confront trump supporters in the streets with guns and training to prevent a for real this time coup.

I’m not saying that to get you to go out and buy an ar-15 and a plate carrier (although you should, theyre not getting any cheaper), but to get you to recognize the absurdity of holding all those beliefs together.

DAMunzy ,

Your Savior, Genocide Joe, had the ability to put more people in the Supreme Court but he didn't. Stop with the bullshit.

You support genocide.

Wish granted.

barsquid ,

Thought you were blocking us? Keep helping Bibi's preferred candidate, great work. When the killing accelerates even faster you can pat yourself on the back.

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