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LufyCZ ,

Your bones are broken then, because that's just straight up not how it works.

Trump was fined because it was a civil trial that he lost. In this instance. His criminal trials are ongoing.

SBF is getting locked up because it was a criminal trial that he lost.

LufyCZ ,

A bunch of text, all of it unrelated to the question.

Trump lost a civil trial, SBF lost a criminal trial.

You can't be sent to jail for breaking civil laws.

LufyCZ ,

Your comment proves you don't understand what's happening. At all.

Trump defamed someone. That's a civil issue. He was put on trial. On a civil trial. Because it's a civil issue. He lost. He got fined. Not sent to jail. Because it's a civil trial.

LufyCZ ,

Oh yeah, we're talking about the New York Trump corp trial :)

In that case, here's a nice explanation why a criminal trial wouldn't make sense and why a civil one is much better for everyone

LufyCZ ,

My bad, of course, not sure why the defamation trial was still in my head.

SBF engaged in things like securities fraud as well, which is harder to spin into a civil thing I guess.

My bet on why they decided to go the civil route is that Trump has the money to make things right (if he will that's another thing), and SBF has nothing.

So they've just decided to go the "better for everybody" route, since, well, it's better for everybody.

LufyCZ ,

Going by that logic, hasn't Trump defrauded big banks rich people have huge amounts of assets in?

How responsive is your Nextcloud?

My Nextcloud has always been sluggish — navigating and interacting isn't snappy/responsive, changing between apps is very slow, loading tasks is horrible, etc. I'm curious what the experience is like for other people. I'd also be curious to know how you have your Nextcloud set up (install method, server hardware, any other...

LufyCZ ,

Not in this context. Bare metal means all packages and services installed and running directly on the host, not through docker/lxc/vms

LufyCZ ,

Have you read my comment? It's about where the packages and services are installed.

In this case, they're installed in the container, not on the host

LufyCZ ,

It's just what it means in this specific context.

They're not running directly on the host, with directly meaning directly.

If you go by definition, I agree with you, but the definition is not always the thing to go off of.

LufyCZ ,

Words evolve, and sometimes, they gain new meanings. "Bare metal" is not a scientific terms, and so it can be bent depending on the context.

You can either accept that or not, it doesn't change the fact that that's what it now can mean.

LufyCZ ,

Thank the lawmakers, the court probably didn't have a choice

LufyCZ ,

Man I hate when politicians try to help people

LufyCZ ,

How do you know that's not part of the plan?

Also, the president can't address the "root cause" or "capitalism", that's the domain of Congress.

LufyCZ ,

Just tell me the root issue is capitalism and that it's the root of all evil so we can move on

LufyCZ ,

I'd say not really, since alkohol is a diuretic, meaning you'll pee the whole thing out before the body enjoys the waturr

LufyCZ ,

Going all out in the beginning can backfire, there's a lot you have to think about. A couple things that come to mind:

  1. You lose leverage, the threat of more sanctions goes away if there's no way to add more sanctions
  2. There's a possible threat to American businesses who at least partly benefit from trade with Russia. Gotta think of how it impacts US citizens as well
  3. You don't want to sanction people who haven't done anything wrong (yet), since it disincentivises being "good". Why bother doing the right thing if you're getting punished regardless?
LufyCZ ,

Are you actually serious?

If you read the whole thing, it's clearly supposed to be a mashup of different aspects of reddit.

LufyCZ ,

I don't see articles complaining about the impact of data centers powering YouTube, Instagram, etc.

Which is, at least currently, orders of magnitude bigger.

Also, can we stop with the "datacenter used X amount of water"? Where do you think the water's going? It sure isn't despawning never to be seen again.

The water is used for cooling, meaning it either ends up evaporating or it ends up being released back a bit warmer.

LufyCZ ,

My point mostly was, it's a issue of datacenters, not of AI itself, and it feels like the only reason they wrote the article is to get clicks on a buzzword.

But yeah, AI will gobble up insane amounts of energy, though I think it'd be interesting to see how much it ends up saving overall.

It's not like the point of AI is to throw the output into a black hole, it's to optimize workflows.

If I spend 30 minutes writing an article or 15s writing a prompt, hasn't AI actually helped me use less energy to power my computer, my brain and body etc?

Nothing is as black and white as it might seem, and AI is no exception

LufyCZ ,

You sound like a pretty shitty person ngl

LufyCZ ,

Oh I can definitely understand being mad at some pet owners. It can suuuuck.

But a blanket statement is just disingenuous

LufyCZ ,

Think the difference there is that the invoices of the guy from the article were actually fake invoices for real things

LufyCZ ,

Well, crime statistics are gonna be low if there's no one to report crimes to

Edit: y'all are insane, I'm not taking any sides around here, it's just straight up a fact lol

LufyCZ ,

Well don't think there's a point prosecuting someone (i.e. spending insane amounts of taxpayer money) if, in the end, you achieve "nothing", in terms of punishment.

There might still be indirect punishment in terms of a hit to public image but eh

LufyCZ ,

The governor of said state pardons for state crimes

LufyCZ ,

You write off income, if you give them an extra 30c in income and they donate 30c, they break even.

LufyCZ ,
  1. Have you tried paying a fine in the US with anything else than USD? What are you even talking about

  2. Still a bad look

  3. He'll probably be dead by then anyway

It's probably a much better outcome for the average Joe, since, and people don't seem to think about this, there are people who work for Trump. The higher ups might and probably are shitty people, but on the lower level, there are regular people trying to pay their bills, and dissolving the whole thing would hurt those the most

LufyCZ ,

Russia really doesn't have the tens to hundreds of millions of USD it's gonna cost right now.

There's a whole war thing going on and their USD accounts are frozen last time I checked.

LufyCZ ,

Sure, it's not gonna be suspicious at all when the company's account receives tens of millions from a random international account.

Be realistic, you're free to hate Trump all you want, I don't like the guy either, but selling state secrets isn't the same as buying a kitkat at a grocery store

LufyCZ ,

You're being unrealistic because he received that money over the course of a decade as a payment for actual services, even of the cost of said services might've been inflated to fit the pay offs.

This time, he'd suddenly be receiving stupid amounts of money into the company account, which the fine will be paid from. The same account that's currently (afaik) under the control of US officials.

It's just not that easy.

LufyCZ ,

Have you heard of hotels? Venues?

Don't let hatred blind your judgement, it makes you look dumb.

LufyCZ ,

Have you heard of gangs using restaurants as a front for other less legal businesses?

They do still serve pizza there. If it happens to cost $60 and it comes with a sack of white sniffy stuff is another thing.

But yeah keep pushing unlogical shit, it really works if all you're trying to do is scream into a wall.

Ableism in the Signup Process

Hello comrades! I am new to the world of reddit alternatives and have been interested in exploring welcoming anti-capitalist communities. I want to see a post-capitalist world in my lifetime, which means we are going to need to be open to new comrades of diverse backgrounds and abilities. With that in mind, we need to talk about...

LufyCZ ,

I suggest you either come up with a better solution or host your own instance.

Complaining about it without offering a good alternative won't get you anywhere

LufyCZ ,

There's a reason captchas are so prevalent.

They're easy to implement, cheap to run, and work for the absolute majority of people.

There's always going to be someone it doesn't work for, and in the end, it's just about what's "worth it" for the developers and admins.

Would you rather focus on optimizing Lemmy for it to scale for milions of users or spend the time developing and alternative captcha solution which would open it up for a couple hundred more people?

I'm not trying to dismiss the issue of accessibility, but it's also important to keep reality in mind.

LufyCZ ,

Again, there is a reason why captchas exist and are prevalent.

If there was a simple solution that'd be better for everybody, it'd already exist and be used instead of captchas. IMO

LufyCZ ,

Crazy that we can treat shit like this, well done whoever worked on the thing

LufyCZ ,

Yeah because ever increasing wages and thus money in circulation fixes inflation.

Workers don't win if inflation stays high.

LufyCZ ,

Just fyi - running TrueNAS with zfs as a VM under Proxmox is a recipe for disaster, as me how I know.

Zfs needs direct drive access, with VMs, the hypervisor virtualizes the adapter which is then passed through, which can mess things up.

What you'd need to do is buy a sata/sas card and pass the whole card through, then you can use a vm.

LufyCZ ,

Always has been

LufyCZ ,

I honestly doubt that. The average user doesn't care about this, they probably don't even know what "sideloading" means.

I'm also not gonna go out and buy an iPhone just because sideloading is an option now. Not saying no one will, it just won't be enough to matter.

How is nicotine legal?

I just got up and took about 7 big huffs on a vape while making a coffee. 2% strength and my vision went, everything went black I started blacking out against the kitchen counter. Had to kneel down and wait for it to pass before standing up to finish my coffee. Fucked it up in a cloud of confusion and drank a warm milk....

LufyCZ ,

This and the fact that we're talking about nicotine here, not cigarettes directly.

Inhaling vapor is much less unhealthy (still unhealthy) than inhaling cigarette smoke.

And what about nicotine patches? Should we can those because people don't like inhaling smoke? Doesn't make sense.

LufyCZ , (edited )

So what you're saying is we should legalize heroin?

Edit: it was a joke, but for the ones replying, I do support legalisation (though it has to be extremely careful for the harder drugs)

LufyCZ ,

Try to stop me

LufyCZ ,

Honestly, if you have the option, it's a pretty simple choice - put it into a charity you know will help people or overpay taxes and watch the money be guzzled by the military.

LufyCZ ,

Heard ppl actually use kratom to taper off of other opioids. It acts on the same receptors mostly afaik, but has the nice feature of being limited by an enzyme you've got in your gut somewhere, so it's hard to overdose.

LufyCZ ,

Try it with orange juice, makes it go down much easier

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