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LordOfTheChia ,

This may actually make the medications more available for those who are not patients of "Done Global, Inc" which was a telehealth company that specializes in ADHD.

But those who are patients of Done Global Inc are going to have a hell of a time finding a different doctor and getting back on their meds.

Major pharmacies like CVS Health and Walmart have stopped filling prescriptions from Done

I couldn't find the specific regulation they violated, but reading this and from the vague description, my best guess that they may have been playing loose with "establishing a patient relationship" and doing thorough evaluations of patients to ensure they had ADHD (and possibly skipping alternative lower Schedule medications).


Edit: From the DEA announcement

In many cases, Done Global prescribed ADHD medications when they were not medically necessary.


LordOfTheChia ,

Yeah, quite a few people on this 3 year old reddit post talk about that experience:


Done (DoneFirst), also charged an initial $200, then $79 a month though more current reviews mention $90 a month.

The comments on that thread are enlightening.

LordOfTheChia ,

Are we talking about eliminating renting altogether?

Cause that is what it sounds like in this thread. Folks wanting to completely eliminate renting and drive folks to buy a house Everytime they move.

This ignores things like closing costs, realtor fees, really high property taxes, expensive home repairs, and temporary work assignments.

Maybe you really need a job but don't want to straight up buy a house and instead rent something until you can find a job back in your local area or you decide it's time to take the plunge and move for good.

Sure there are many a-hole companies and landlords that try to squeeze their tenants for every dime and treat their tenants like crap (lord knows I've run into those), but on the other hand there are folks who need a place to live but haven't decided where they want to settle down and people who can rent their old property at a decent date based on the low interest they themselves were able to lock down.

Some are folks (like me) who moved but couldn't afford to keep their house empty for an extended period of time to put it on sale while they're paying rent or a mortgage in another state. So renting, even if you're barely breaking even, makes sense.

Better to rent your old house for barely above the costs for the property taxes, homeowners insurance, and mortgage interest, and maintenance costs than to take a 6-12 month hit where you have to pay the above while not living in the house because your new job is in a different state. And that is if you sell in 12 months and don't take a big hit on the sale.

If you're buying/selling a house every 3 years then you're really going to get screwed. I personally went from living in a home I owned (and paying a mortgage on) to renting for 3 years just to understand where I wanted to live in a new state, which areas had the best employers, and wait out on a low APR and decent buyers market.

If I had to buy a house instead of having the option to rent, then I would have ended up buying a house near that employer which would have been over an hour commute from the better job offers I got after I moved here.

LordOfTheChia ,

Do a search for you server OS + STIG

Then, for each service you're hosting on that server, do a search for:

Service/Program name + STIG/Benchmark

There's tons of work already done by the vendors in conjunction with the DoD (and CIS) to create lists of potential vulnerable settings that can be corrected before deploying the server.

Along with this, you can usually find scripts and/or Ansible playbooks that will do most of the hardening for you. Though it's a good Idea to understand what you do and do not need done.

LordOfTheChia , (edited )

There's a thing called organizational death spiral. You don't have to down 100% of aircraft to cripple the Russian Air Force.

The less planes they have, the more they have to use the same aircraft, the more airframe stress that accumulates on those airframes, the fewer aircraft they have to rotate in during repairs and maintenance.




Modern Russian aircraft are designed for a 3,500 and 4,500 flight hour service life, and some for as many as 6,000. But the Soviet-era platforms were designed for 2,000 to 3,500 hours. Some models, such as the MiG-31, have been upgraded to extend service life, but most of the older models are nearing the end of their service lives with only 500 to 1,000 hours remaining.

LordOfTheChia , (edited )

Nice quiet neighborhood with beautiful mature trees!

LordOfTheChia ,

Your quote above is the tl;dr of the article.

Trump only offered 100m on the 450 million due on the NY fraud case, the court rejected the offer (yesterday Feb 28), ergo Trump is broke.

- Article Author

No new information past that.

It will be interesting to see what NY does next.

March 25th is the next date of interest:


The attorney general, Letitia James, is expected to provide Mr. Trump a 30-day grace period, which will expire on March 25, at which point she could move swiftly to seize Mr. Trump’s bank accounts and perhaps take control of his New York properties.

LordOfTheChia ,

Reminds me of the £350 million a week the UK was supposedly sending the EU in the Brexit campaign.

The claim was inflated, but also they never intended to spend that on the NHS as was insinuated in the ad.


The sustained belief also comes despite the government having shown no sign of spending the supposed £350m extra a week on the NHS, as the advertisements controversially suggested.

LordOfTheChia , (edited )

To supplement your point:


Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings


The tally of investors from Russia may be conservative. The analysis found that at least 703 – or about one-third – of the owners of the 2044 units in the seven Trump buildings are limited liability companies, or LLCs, which have the ability to hide the identity of a property’s true owner. And the nationality of many buyers could not be determined. Russian-Americans who did not use a Russian address or passport in their purchases were not included in the tally.



“So when I got in the cart with Eric,” Dodson says, “as we were setting off, I said, ‘Eric, who’s funding? I know no banks—because of the recession, the Great Recession—have touched a golf course. You know, no one’s funding any kind of golf construction. It’s dead in the water the last four or five years.’ And this is what he said. He said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.



Towards the end of last year, federal prosecutors started examining two loans totaling $8m wired to Trump Media, through the Caribbean, from two obscure entities that both appear to be controlled in part by the relation of an ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin, the sources said.



A Republican strategist was sentenced Friday to 18 months in prison for his role in helping funnel illegal foreign campaign contributions from a Russian national into former President Trump's 2016 campaign, per the Department of Justice.



The New York Times reported that anti-money-laundering specialists at Deutsche Bank internally flagged multiple transactions by Trump companies as suspicious. (A spokesperson for the Trump Organization called the article “absolute nonsense.”)

The remarkably troubled recent history of Deutsche Bank, its past money-laundering woes — and the bank’s striking relationship with Trump — are the subjects of this week’s episode. The German bank loaned a cumulative total of around $2.5 billion to Trump projects over the past two decades, and the bank continued writing him nine-figure checks even after he defaulted on a $640 million obligation and sued the bank, blaming it for his failure to pay back the debt.

All from just 5 minutes on Google!

Also this:


LordOfTheChia ,

Johnson! Why the hell is your report the most unintelligible thing I've read since nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.

LordOfTheChia , (edited )

what is it an argument against?

"All slaves matter"

( Just like the "all lives matter" response to "black lives matter", it's a way to dismiss the concern behind the original sentiment or facts )

LordOfTheChia ,

linking your chicken purchase back to a wider consumer profile of you from other ad activity on the internet.

Based on the time spent on KFC.com, the lingering cursor sweeps over the images of chicken, and the occasional clicks to purchase but failure to put payment information, we have determined that user mozz is a fox.

LordOfTheChia , (edited )

Implement a 1 in 1 out policy

LordOfTheChia ,

What if... Captain America sharpened his shield and gave it a good spin before throwing it.

Man Displays Father’s Severed Head in Horrific Video Railing Against Biden, Immigration, ‘Far-Left Woke Mobs’ ( www.mediaite.com )

Justin Mohn, a 32-year-old Pennsylvania man, is in police custody after allegedly murdering and decapitating his father, claiming the latter was a "federal employee" and a "traitor." Before his arrest, Mohn posted a 14-minute video to YouTube in which he displayed his father's severed head, proclaiming: "This is the head of Mike...

LordOfTheChia ,

What are you saying? This has nothing to do with the current republican party or their talking points!

Mohn also calls for the end of “all woke and gender ideology propaganda in schools and other public places

I'm sure it's a coincidence...

Mohn spouts several far-right talking points, including:

"America is rotting from the inside out as far-left woke mobs rampage our once prosperous cities, turning them into lawless zones."

" A fifth column army of illegal immigrants infiltrates our border"


LordOfTheChia , (edited )

While I've seen many binary choice questions that are loaded questions, I think the above is a good example. A follow up (or two) if the person balks at the question itself is the following:

Do you know what fascism is and how to spot it?

Do you think antifa is a single entity and not a general ideology?

If it's an entity, can you name or even lookup it's leadership?

Do you believe everyone who espouses an anti fascist value system is a member of that org?

Good binary questions can help guide a discussion and expose biases and misunderstandings held by each side in the discussion. Seemingly paradoxically, nailing down specific stances using those types of questions, you can explore the nuance of certain positions.

Ex: on abortion

  1. Are you for or against the government mandated birth? (Seems loaded, right?)
  2. Are you for or against the government spending resources and citizen time investigating all miscarriages?
    2a. Do you know how common miscarriages are?
    2b. Do you know what the medical term is for a miscarriage?
  3. Are you in favor of the law punishing equally anybody who causes a spontaneous abortion or increases the likelihood of one? Even coal power plants?
  4. Are you for or against all abortions including those that are medically necessary to prevent undue suffering and/or injury to the mother?
    4a. Do you believe an ectopic pregnancy is a condition that warrants an abortion?
  5. Are you for or against politicians making medical decisions on your behalf in the name of their ideology and/or gaining political points OR should the decision be left between the patient, their doctor, and the medical field's understanding of the best standard of care?
  6. Are you in favor of all abortions at any time?
    6a.. Will a hospital in the states with the most liberal abortion laws perform an abortion on a woman with a healthy pregnancy at 8-9 months?
    6b. If a fetus lacks a brain and no chance of survival, should the woman be denied the appropriate care?

Question 1 may just be a way to reframe the stances from "pro-life" / "anti-life"

Q2 helps bring the reality of what enforcement of that person's stance may entail.

Q3 shows that big companies go unpunished for the same (or worse) violations of restrictive abortion laws and other laws that are used to punish women who miscarry.

Q4 helps bring focus on the fact that anti-abortion laws that are currently being passed and enforced are written so poorly that they are forcing doctors (through threat of imprisonment) to deny what would be routine procedures which would otherwise prevent suffering and permanent injury to women.

“Do I Have to Come Here Injured or Dead?” ( www.newyorker.com )

Because Keldy had been one of the first mothers to be separated under the Trump Administration, she wasn’t just a victim of the policy but also a witness to its accumulating horrors. On May 20th, in one of the facility’s white cinder-block visiting rooms, Keldy gave her list to Mary Kay Mahowald, a staffer at a small...

LordOfTheChia , (edited )


In one case, a Haitian professor of ethics had won asylum in an immigration court, yet was kept in ice detention for two years while the government appealed the case.


Both guards found endless excuses to sanction Keldy. They confiscated her Bible, barked at her in front of the others, and cut her prayer services short.

"The Christian persecution is coming from inside the house! "

Lastly ::: spoiler
The article ends with her deportortation without her kids. That's beyond fucked.

Edit: The whole article is an excerpt of the book: "Everyone Who Is Gone Is Here: The United States, Central America, and the Making of a Crisis"

LordOfTheChia , (edited )

For those reading submitters description above, that is only a small part of the article. The whole thing is worth a read.

LordOfTheChia ,

The big thing is that movements start from local political offices and can grow from there.

It can start with representatives, the rare senator, or even taking over of a party at the state level:


Participate in local elections, back primary candidates. Once the numbers are there at the nationwide level, we can push for a more representative electoral system.

We can push system that uses ranked choice voting like Alaska did. We can also increase the size of the house of representatives to better match the idea of representation the founding fathers had for us. It's nearly a 100 years that the house was capped at 435: https://history.house.gov/Historical-Highlights/1901-1950/The-Permanent-Apportionment-Act-of-1929/

The founding fathers had envisioned a house that grew with the size of the country:


This laid the intent that we have 1 rep per 30,000 people and increase the ratio each time the house reached another 100 seats.

So at 400+ seats we should have 1 rep per 70,000. Really, with the wording of the amendment and understanding that the examples lay out a mathematical formula for expanding the house indefinitely (but with more people per rep as it goes up) we would have over a 1,000 reps!

There's a current "Uncap the House" movement but I'm unsure of how much momentum they've been gaining.

To see how the number of constituents has grown per member over the years:


LordOfTheChia ,

I mean the article explains exactly what he meant:

"A bipartisan bill would be good for America and help fix our broken immigration system and allow speedy access for those who deserve to be here, and Congress needs to get it done,” Biden said. “It’ll also give me as president, the emergency authority to shut down the border until it could get back under control. If that bill were the law today, I’d shut down the border right now and fix it quickly.”

The deal being negotiated in Congress would require the U.S. to shutter the border if roughly 5,000 migrants cross illegally on any given day.

LordOfTheChia ,

Hamas and the Islamic brotherhood have only fired 12,000 rockets at Israel since 10/7. I'm sure they don't want to kill indiscriminately, just give the Israelis a fireworks show! /s

LordOfTheChia ,

Not necessarily:


Alaska implemented ranked choice voting after voters approved the measure in 2020

LordOfTheChia ,

He should be forced to carry his unviable campaign to term.

LordOfTheChia ,

From the same article:

Israel blames Hamas for all subsequent harm to Palestinian civilians for operating among them, which the fighters deny.

LordOfTheChia ,

"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"

LordOfTheChia , (edited )

Didn't expect a "The title is the article" from AP!

Lots of words to say "we don't know who this person of interest is":

Detroit police did not say Sunday evening if the suspect currently being held is the same person previously arrested in the case.

An attorney for the person arrested in November told The Associated Press on Monday that her client is not the person of interest currently being held by police.

No other details were released by police.

LordOfTheChia ,

Better analogy would be the killer in uvalde using a kid as a human shield while also shooting into the other classrooms trying to kill other kids.

Do you shoot back or do you sit around like the cops did and wait till the killer gets bored, runs out of ammo, or runs out of victims.

Just look up how many thousands of rockets and mortars Hamas has launched at seemingly random targets in Israel since October 7th.

LordOfTheChia ,

Not touching the trolley lever is still a choice.

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