@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar



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LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar


I’ve had literally insane run-ins with the US healthcare system, and have a bad enough health issue that I’ve been absolutely ruined by it: physically, mentally, financially, and socially. I do mean utterly – that was not hyperbole.

I have nothing else to add right now, because I have medically-induced PTSD and can’t even think about anything medical without having a panic attack now.

Just wanted to chime in with how bad it can get, and I know my situation isn’t as bad as it can be. It ruined everything for me and destroyed my family, but I never had to care for a dying child. There are no forbidden depths.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah, but some new tech won’t work at all if you don’t.

Plenty of people aren’t aware of that, and when you’re buying shit, it often obfuscates that fact.

Most people will buy shit having no idea the thing will require you to connect it to your wifi.

e: television is only one of the things. It’s getting harder to name things that don’t require this.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s been absolutely fascinating watching people catch on to what has happened literally every fucking time we invent paradigm-shifting advances.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Fascism's major hallmark is fervent hypocrisy. That's how people could live within half a mile of death camps and just casually brush the ash of burnt people from their hair, then smile like they're going on a picnic as they're led into the death camps at the end of their street, then ten minutes later, after seeing actual corpses stacked like cordwood, they're vomiting and swearing they had no idea.

We can't let the uneducated masses lead us into that kind of horror again, We need to educate them of what they're advocating for and why that's so horrifically dangerous. We need to stop hedging and beating round the bush, and lay out in detail what they're actually enabling. People die when this kind of nationalistic ignorance is allowed to proliferate. We need to stop this ignorance before it kills people.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

The chicken vs egg question has never been about chronology or science.

It’s been about religion vs science.

Science says the egg came first: something nearly imperceptibly not quite a chicken laid an egg that hatched a chicken. That’s how evolution works, with the egg coming first.

Religion says a god poofed a chicken into existence. The chicken came first, and only ever laid pure chicken eggs. The eggs will forever hatch a chicken and nothing but a chicken.

That’s the chicken vs egg thing. It’s not a puzzle at all, it’s just science vs religion.

e: simplified. I’m too wordy by default.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Not-quite-a-chicken laid an egg containing a definitely-chicken. Actual chicken egg was first.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah, the fossil record and dna analysis is such a gradient, any lines we draw are arbitrary. To be fair, those lines were always for our own convenience, in much the same way it’s useful for print designers to specify Pantone 032, but if most people look at the full colour chart they couldn’t even tell you where ‘red’ becomes ‘orange’.

It’s definitely rabbits (or turtles) all the way down.

We’re prokaryotes, and vertebrates, and mammals, and from there some people get bent. Are we apes? Genus homo? Where must we draw the line to ensure we’re not actually animals like other living things and were divinely inspired special creations?

I like simplicity. Life is a beautiful prismatic projection and it doesn’t matter that much what our Pantone swatch turns out to be.

(Sorry, /mini rant)

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

I like 14-4317 TCX. 😎👌

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

The second half of this experiment is far less wholesome:

To verify their findings, these scientists reran the experiment by cutting off ants’ legs at the knees. Those ants consistently undershot their targets, showing definitively that ants do actually count their steps.

So yay, verified results via torture!

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

I call shenanigans. This comment was a damp fish at best. It felt like haddock.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

If you’re from Michigan but living in Florida, you, sir, are a moron. I barely care about jurisdictional laws you’re breaking; your lack of judgement is already disqualifying. To be so close to Canada and choosing to spend time tucked beneath America’s ballsack is in very poor taste.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

I was being mostly facetious (I’m not originally from either place, but I lived in Florida for a while and live in Michigan now).

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Find. We’ll raise rates for everyone then. Thank you for your feedback!

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar


Jokes aside, if the US falls to fascism, it’s gonna be a massive problem for Europe. Imagine fascists in charge of the biggest nation with a history of colonialism, and the world’s largest stockpile of nukes.

It would be awesome if the other first-world nations started taking this threat seriously, before it’s too late.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Very true. But I doubt elephants have the capacity to intervene.

LillyPip , (edited )
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

We are all gas with a slightly denser particle distribution.


LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

These people think it’s the 1600s. Fucking medievals.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Some online friends called 911 on my son when he was just a few weeks shy of 18 and he was placed on a psych hold for a week for self-harming thoughts.

Don’t get me wrong, I am very grateful they saw signs he’d managed to hide from us, but since the paperwork took a few weeks to process, he not only had to deal with his mental health issues, but also got an 18th birthday present of a $20,000 bill for inpatient services under his name. That definitely didn’t help his mental state at all, and it took years to sort it out.

Later, he told me all he learned from the whole experience was to never tell anyone what he really thinks. As a mom, that scares the shit out of me.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Fun fact: most health insurance CEOs will fit into a bucket if you try hard enough.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Good. Fuck this paedophile fascist and all his fascist buddies.

I wish hell was real so he could rot in it, but I’ll settle for the rest of his life being ruined, his fortunes forfeit, and hopefully some jail time.

I also urge any of the young women he’s abused to come forward. I know that’s very hard, believe me, but this bastard needs to be held to account in every way possible. You will have support.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

"traditional" rule of law

Wherein white men aren’t held to account and you can buy your own justice with enough money.

Wherein women who are victims are told to shut up lest their own reputations are ruined for accusing any white men.

Yeah. That’s what we should strive for. /hard S

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

The definition of ‘woke’ is ‘having social empathy’ so no, he’s entirely incapable of that.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Get a job programming video codecs. Then you get to feel superior and inferior at the same time. Also eternally frustrated by doing things that help everyone and no one, and that you can never finish. It’s the best of all worlds.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

I keep saying this and people say I’m crazy, but whales, elephants, and some other animals for sure have religion (a codified mythos of spirituality passed down through generations). Our experience is not remotely unique.

Recent studies show that birds, whales, and many other animals use consistent grammar and have accents. They’re not just making mindless sounds, they’re communicating with purpose. We’ve documented empathy in several other species. Some other species outperform us in memory and certain cognitive tests.

And many animals have been observed objectively playing and having fun. It’s pretty narcissistic to think we’re that much more advanced than other animals. Just because our culture places great emphasis on our ability to manipulate our environment doesn’t mean those that don’t aren’t as ‘evolved’ as we are. That’s very egotistical, and has led to some of our subcultures oppressing even other humans that lived nomadically or with nature as ‘subhuman’.

Wanting our cheese wrapped in plastic doesn’t make us more highly evolved. We’re just as evolved as everything else alive right now, and of course it’s probable that some other animals appreciate fun. It’s a concept even our newborns understand. It’s ludicrous to assume otherwise, imo.

LillyPip , (edited )
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Some pods of whales will revisit certain coordinates yearly, or on longer timelines that are extremely regular, where there’s no discernible reason (no food, they’re not mating, etc). They hang out for a while, then leave. They don’t do anything special there but vocalise more, and they’ll put off hunting for this social interaction. It’s reminiscent of early human history when we were nomadic and would sometimes gather, foregoing hunts in favour of sharing stories, often in the form of legends. Our earliest mythologies and spiritualism grew from this, and there’s no reason to discount their behaviour as so different from early hominins.

Elephants have been known for revisiting the bones of family members for decades, and a recent paper has been submitted with evidence they’ve been observed burying their dead on purpose – carrying babies for miles to man-made trenches. They obviously can’t do that with their larger dead, but they appear to prefer their dead to be protected from predation if possible, and they stay with the bodies for days, trumpeting. That strongly suggests they have some kind of opinions surrounding death, which again, in our own ancestors is inextricable from spirituality.

I personally think some other animals have religion – I have no real evidence as that’s just my opinion. I think we vastly underestimate animals and overestimate our relative importance.

e: link

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Someone is for sure making a video titled ‘top ten things to search & replace that give away your paper as ai generated’ as we speak, and this is #1. The smart ones are selling a plug in that does it for you.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Needs NSFW tag.

This is porn. ‘I know it when I see it.’

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s still fear. They’re just hiding their fear behind machismo. Like bullies always do.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m not good at detecting sarcasm in text; less so when there’s no text.

I see a performative monkey. Was that the intent?

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

However, I would guess that someone who is extremely anti-Israel would never be captured in a photo like that.

It’s trump. He has no real position on anything except what he thinks might make him look good. I’d bet everything I have that he doesn’t even understand the situation enough to have a cohesive position, and just figured wearing a little hat and putting his hand on the wall like other people do would play well with a group he wants to like him.

He’s like a child. He’s said so himself. This photo is a publicity shot, nothing more.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

It means he visited during peacetime and his handlers thought this would get him more Jewish support, which he was sorely lacking due to his very public antisemitic comments in the past.

It was very transparent. There’s no deeper meaning here than that.

e: and it worked in some circles, apparently, since some people are still posting this photo to argue he’s not an obvious antisemite.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah. We are laughing at them. It’s their own fault for being laughable.

They’ve been doing far, far worse to everyone else for thousands of years, so a bit of online snickering shouldn’t hurt them. Like witch trials, the inquisition, the crusades, the holocaust, lynchings – that’s all fine, but their god forbid we make a few jokes online… that’s too far.

Lol Prudence, fucking suck it up.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

That time was not wasted.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

These lunatics have a disturbing amount of control in the US government.

Laughing at them might be fun, and I was doing it until recently, but they’re not joking. The worse our climate disasters become – and they will very soon – the more scared people will become, and the more these groups will take advantage of that fear. We’ll see more climate refugees, more desperation, and more fear. These groups prey on fear, and they’ll amplify it on purpose.

True fascism thrives on fear, which is why these people amplify it like they do. When climate disasters accelerate, these groups will harness the social upheaval to take control. I don’t know what we can do to stop it, but we should all be thinking about and sharing ways to head it off, because they’ve got plans in place already.

I know I sound paranoid, but I’ve been watching them and these aren’t my ideas, but theirs. They talk about this a lot, and if we aren’t prepared, their plans could actually work. I don’t want to live in the fascist future they’re planning. If we don’t combat it, we’ll be living in the Handmaid’s Tale before most of us realise.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Or ‘I dunno what was wrong, but banging it helped’ as ‘percussive maintenance’.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

This will sound ridiculous to most people:

I didn’t go to school after the 8th grade. I dropped out for several reasons, but even without lying, I talked my way into a very good career in IT. There was no database of schooling and I was hired on my personal merits, then I built a user experience department before that was actually a thing.

Within a few years, I was responsible for hiring but couldn’t hire anyone like myself. I wasn’t allowed to even consider anyone without a college degree, so I would have had to reject myself.

I’m not sure where I’m going with this. That was 2002, and now in 2024, we’re rejecting people who might be awesome at their job (not to toot my horn, but I was very good at what I did and won industry awards) because they can’t afford to get a degree, as I couldn’t.

Most industries are pay to play now, and you can’t even break in by being exceptional nowadays. We’re trapping people out of what they’re great at and would love to do just because they were born into poverty.

Imagine the gifts we’re suppressing and squandering.

LillyPip OP ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

It doesn’t.

LillyPip OP ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Nope. Also I stuck it on paper and it came off cleanly. It seems to be a regular sticker.

LillyPip OP ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

You could be right. That would make sense.

Thank you!

LillyPip OP ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ll probably do that, thanks!

LillyPip OP ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar


I didn’t work directly with the crematorium, so I’ll have to track them down, but thanks!

I was wondering if this was a known thing that I just wasn’t clued into, but apparently not.

LillyPip OP ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m so sorry. That’s really hard. I hope you’re okay.

LillyPip OP ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

It does not. It’s paper, with a bit of a sheen.

I think the suggestions it’s an inventory sticker that was accidentally included make the most sense.

LillyPip OP ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

Thank you. I’m sorry for your loss, too.

LillyPip OP ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s definitely black. It has a bit of sheen and looks dark blue in the photo because of that.

LillyPip ,
@LillyPip@lemmy.ca avatar

If this is real, I would absolutely feel for him. She would be an adult, though, and capable of making her own decisions.

It’s far worse when it’s someone’s child.

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