
26 years old, USA

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Franzia ,

I'm out of the loop, but I imagine all toxicity about official mod support is people who are also angry at the BG3 mod community for acting out its anti-bigotry.

Franzia ,

I mean... A lot of my vocabulary is anti-human, too. Its believable enough to make me wonder.

Silicon Valley county becomes first in U.S. to declare loneliness a health emergency ( )

A mountain of research has linked loneliness to an increased risk of dementia, depression, anxiety, heart disease, stroke and early death. The Board of Supervisors of San Mateo county, which includes part of Silicon Valley, passed a resolution on Tuesday that declared loneliness a public health crisis and pledged to explore...

Franzia ,

This and the replies here are actually kind of inspiring. I guess I dont work right now and its very stressful because I feel stuck in my parents home, I dont have the power to craft my life the way I like just yet. But if I never had to work? It'd be so cool to just make art about what life feels like. I'd probably try harder at improving the social experience around me, as opposed to being so confident I need to move away in order to ever be important or build wealth.

Franzia ,

I'm pretty sure the people who still use Twitter use it for the drama. Mastodon and Bluesky just aren't as spicy to them. Hell, Mastodon takes setting up to even get anything interesting.

Franzia ,

My initial position was that AI art would be exciting when a more carefully curated training data is used.
But after some talking with friends, I think we're living in a world that has minimal respect for copyright already, except when a corporation has a problem with it and wants to bring down the hammer of the law.

It does hurt and its easy to be emotional about artists' livelihoods being threatened by AI, they aren't the only laborers threatened by job loss to automation, but this one hurts the most.

So now its just up to AI and artists to make interesting art with it. And for artists to adapt to this environment that has automated art tools.

Franzia ,

A surprisingly high number of leftists still use it as well.

Franzia ,

Oh. This happened to me as a kid, like, 20 years ago during the ADHD "No child left behind" scare. All the teachers wanted every problematic student to be put on Ritalin. They even had the pills on hand, no doctor on premises, and would try to use this secluded secret room and other coercion tactics to try and get kids to try Ritalin.

No one was fired or arrested, it was suggested in an anonymous letter to the editor that the "bad teachers be let go" when they built and opened a new elementary school building.

Franzia ,

I'm sure you've heard this but just to reiterate, I'm super excited for this and I'm proud of you

Franzia ,

Like I care. Amazon bought it, they have a monopoly, hey maybe these consumer facing startups would be more profitable if all the money wasnt already distributed so unevenly?

Franzia ,

Damn I wish I was girls who take estrogen
Maybe next year :3

Franzia ,

I'm sickened by the trope of near-future American civil war. What would you even call this? Doomer-fiction? Present day reality fiction but written by someone who is sad and also suspiciously impressed with themselves for thinking up this thing everyone has been thinking about?

However, the talent pool here calls for me to actually see this movie. It better be fucking good! This is gonna be my exception to the rule.

Franzia ,

I disagree because the way I see it: This is not about leftists, but rather Democrats and Republicans. The right wing class war is and intentional distraction from class solidarity, and a lot of people got distracted by it during the 2016 - 2020 presidency. MAGA is only but a portion of conservatives, and conservative a get distracted when they buy into MAGA talking points. The people we see on TV might be owner class, but our working class friends and allies get distracted by it too.

Franzia ,

What I'm trying to say is: Leftists are not the ones distracted by the culture war. But liberals and conservatives are being distracted by, aptly put, Mr. Burns.

In this case I do blame the guy defending himself from both, because the class war includes all of the working class. If I can de-worm their brains, great, and if I can't, we still have a class war to win. We have to get along regardless or conservatives distracted by fascists continue to be useful for them.

Franzia ,

Seriously I love this community so much

Franzia ,

I've had this conversation! This is where a lot of tranaphobia came out of me. Like "yeah I wanna be a girl, but not trans - trans people are freaks. I'm not like them." Fortunately, trans people have very good representation now.

I was really lucky to have met so many great trans people at the perfect times... And it didn't change much for me. It was, and still is, about accepting myself. So many conversations about it, yet none led to me doing anything about knowing I'm trans.

Franzia ,

Omg congrats 🥰 I similarly came to egg conclusions as a teen and then sort of shelved it because people were vehemently opposed to what I was trying to express. I'm 26 now 😋 and now I'm 100x more annoying and stubborn, so its the perfect time to transition.

Franzia ,

we maintain our perfect track record of not blocking real instances

Seriously shocking to see free speech absolutism referenced by anyone on the left. Why torture yourself with garbage takes?

Oh. Just defends the USSR in the post. There isn't anyone with a more trash take than that.

Franzia ,

If you have realistic and normal leftist takes you don't end up going "farther left" to soviet bootlicking. I think tankies are just too closed minded / dumb / lazy / impatient to see the incremental path towards socialism that other leftists seem to focus on.

Franzia ,

I really want cycling highways though. Like bike lanes are for commuting. Where's the lane for having fun? For cyclists, scooters, etc. 😔 this is still an unbelievably urban environment, too, and more integration of the natural environment would also be fucking nice.

Franzia ,

This reminds me that Blahaj zone has kept the Hexbear posts up as a matter of public record. They are so fucking deranged lmao.

Franzia ,

This rules list is overwhelming. Some of these things I haven't heard of or can't think of an example of.

What is good faith discussion about ideology, but no sectarianism? Like I can be a... M & M's fan and you a Skittles fan, and we both want a world that supports more Candy, but I can't say you're wrong and I can't say when we disagree it will result in bad candy being in charge?

What are the consequences for bad behavior? Am I gonna have my comment removed? Will that removal include an explanation? Will I be banned?

What is a historically classified socialist country and why can't I say they are wrong? That sounds like a highly academic discussion to me.

wikipedia isn't a valid source

Wikipedia is a great source though, 99% of the time the text on wikipedia sums up what's in several sources linked below. So now I could go to wikipedia and the writer could have made a decision based on 3 different slightly conflicting sources, I pick the first one - now my argument seems stronger but it might be missing extra context.

A lot of the time I would rather someone link me to Wikipedia than Corporate News (CNN, NBC).

Oh okay so we can have fun on the weekends when the normies are off from work 😋 neato, sounds like a board designed to be a headache 5 days of the week.

What do I even post here, theory? I don't care much about theory.

What is this community aimed at accomplishing?

Franzia ,

We need words for the things we want and the communities around those ideas.

Franzia ,

Been loving this channel for a while. Coolest video is them flooding a forest and showing fish swimming underwater, but above a forest floor. Real trippy.

Franzia ,

I'm a woman now and technically, they didn't say it's wrong for a woman to stand while she pees.

Oops this is Men's Liberation. Sorry. Back to lurking. Good luck, men.

Franzia ,

BYD has chosen not to approach the US market until at least 2030.

Edit: Busses

Franzia ,

Hey I find myself naturally gullible, and I don't appreciate this reduction.

Franzia ,

I find this argument persuasive but I think it's incomplete. I can't complete it, but here's what I like about your rhetoric:

When I fell for right-wing crap, I was snapped out of it when their debate opponent showed them to be spineless, cowardly, and hypocritical. He didn't say they were, rather used a... tactical approach. To get me to snap out of it and make the conclusion myself.

I especially like the argument that we are all ripe to be conned and critical thinking education can help save us. This mimics the strongest pro-sex education argument. It can prevent abuse.

And on "you can't use reason" - I've recently come across the idea that you can't logic your way out of mental illnesses, and logic can actually add to the problem. This is... probably also relevant to those who are tricked by this.

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