@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar



He/Him. Marxist-Leninist, Butcher, DnD 3.5e enthusiast and member of UCFW local 880. I administrate a DnD 3.5e West Marches server for Socialists called the Axe and Sickle. discord.gg/R5dPsZU

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Marxism is a materialist worldview, not a moral one. I could give my personal opinion, but Marxism can never answer a question that begins with "Is it moral/ethical/permissible to...?"

A tractor is a means of production. Owning a tractor would make you a member of the Petite Bourgeoisie - a person who owns their own means of production, but does not own enough to get by without also working, typically self-employed. Leasing the tractor to others doesn't change this, but it is an example of Rentierism - something that will not exist under Communism. If you owned a thousand tractors, and could live comfortably off of the rent you charged others to use them, that would make you a Capitalist, a member of the Bourgeoisie.

Different people will have different thresholds over whether they think some Rentierism is acceptable. I believe it is fine as long as you remain small-scale and have affordable prices. Others may disagree, believing that either all Rentierism is acceptable until Socialism is achieved or that Rentierism is never acceptable. Marxism cannot give an answer to a moral question, and so the answer is personal.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

If I was in Middle Earth, I totally would have used the Ring against Sauron.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

They're allowed to complain, but that doesn't make them correct. I don't believe it to be wrong, because to a large extent people have a right to know public figures - they lack a right to privacy and must fight for every bit they want.

If I, say, found a coworker's cringy Reddit account and shared it with other coworkers in a mean-spirited way, that would be rude and a transgression of privacy. If I found out that my state Senator, or my favorite YouTuber, had a private Reddit account and shared it, that would be okay (or even good, an act of transparency).

And there are of course levels to everything. Take the YouTuber example. We would obviously consider it more appropriate to share if the Reddit account showed they were bigoted or fraudulent somehow; or if it was boring and not notable. Less so if it contained highly vulnerable, personal stories, or (and pardon me if this is a bush you were beating around in your post) nude photos or videos.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

The image is referring to Cuban "refugees" who fled to America after Castro's revolution. It was Communists.

The implication was that the gusanos deserved it for being slave-plantation-owning quasi-nobility.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

One thing that people seem to take for granted is that these government-hosted instances would be open to the public for account creation, while this doesn't necessarily have to be the case. Not everyone can get a statedepartment.gov email address. Not everyone needs to be able to get a @statedepartment.mastodon.gov handle. Just leave it to public officials only.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Simply dangle several vertical road segments by a rope. It's the strongest, most efficient design

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Joseph Stalin

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Stalin was not perfect; for instance, he stopped at Berlin. But he also defeated Hitler and built the Soviet Union into an industrial superpower.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

You're right, the millions of Nazis and Trotskyites killed by Stalin probably would not agree that he had a positive impact on humanity. Thankfully I am neither a Nazi nor a Trotskyite. Which are you?

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Stalin is definitely not "Arguably as bad as Hitler". The only major WWII leaders who were actually "Arguably as bad as Hitler" were Mussolini, Hirohito, Churchill, and Truman.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Right except the "semi-" bit.

How do you get rid of "wet dog" smell in a dishwasher?

This is a thing with every dishwasher I've had, some models seem better than other. You wash the dishes and when they dry, they have a musty odor I can only describe as "wet dog". Other people often don't seem to notice this, so maybe I am just sensitive to it. Though if I point it out, then they smell it....

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

The channel Technology Connections had a great video on dishwashers. It depends on how you run your washer. Powder detergent in both the pre-wash and main wash compartments is the recommended option. If you skip the pre-wash (such as by using an "Eco" or Energy/Water-saving setting), then it makes no difference between putting the detergent in the compartments vs. the bottom of the dishwasher as long as your compartment is working correctly. If it isn't, then indeed putting it on the bottom of the dishwasher is better.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

People tracked down his Reddit account. He was a Chapo

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Blocking imports of Chinese EVs while American manufacturers keep their EVs as luxury products and prioritize CE vehicles is not only blatant protectionism, but another way to kill the planet for the sole purpose of enriching a small minority of very wealthy people.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

One additional suggestion I might make is to allow you to report the post to your own instance admins but not the host admins. This would be useful for when you want a post to be hidden or an instance defederated and you don't want to also send your identity to the instance you're reporting.

This might be used for:

Reporting spam coming from an instance that is unlikely to delete it.

Reporting CSAM on an instance that supports it.

Reporting hate speech on instances that believe hate speech is covered by free speech.


Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Man definitely looks like he's named Joos

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

The United States of America is a bourgeois dictatorship, not a democracy. The only important election of our lives will be the first one after the Workers take control.

I plan on voting Claudia and Karina 2024 and I recommend that others do the same.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I think it's just a growing pain of the contradictions of Federation resolving themselves, mostly in the political sphere.

You have left-wing instances (lemmygrad.ml), center-right instances (lemmy.world), and right-wing instances (sh.itjust.works). Even if different instances defederate with each other, there will always be overlap instances (lemmy.ml being the biggest, but also lemm.ee, startrek.website, mander.xyz, programming.dev, etc.). And while individual users can block specific instances, this doesn't prevent them from seeing and responding to their posts. Communists and Liberals and Libertarians, who each believe the others are literally as bad as the Nazis (and I'm not making a value judgement here - maybe some of them are right), are forced to interact with each other on occasionally political topics.

The hard right, unlike in Reddit, isn't really a figure here - and moderators on Lemmy don't know how to handle political disagreements where both sides are within the sphere of acceptable discourse.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I know this is a bit account (nothing against you btw I think the bit is great) but honestly this is 100% correct.

Lemmy was nice when it was just FOSS enthusiasts trying to build a better social media. Now new people have joined who are using it for its intended purpose, instead of just trying to roll a snowball.

All of those FOSS enthusiasts have the same horrible opinions and attitudes that everyone else does, once you get them talking about something actually important and contentious rather than their treats and toys.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

I was part of the PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation, a Marxist-Leninist political party in the U.S.) delegation to a local area coalition-building meeting w/ several other Left-wing orgs (DSA, SRA, CPUSA, IWW, + a couple others too unimportant to remember).

Only a few minutes into the meeting while discussing future additions to the coalition, one of the SRA guys said "Anyone but tankies". I honestly burst out laughing. We're the tankies! We're already in your coalition! Ffs.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

This is very sad - the DPRK and it's government have made every good-faith attempt to pursue reunification and reconciliation but the occupation government, controlled by Capitalist interests, has never stopped its aggression towards the North or considered reunification through any means but subjugation seriously.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Any American ship within firing distance of Yemen deserves to be bombed. They could simply leave yet choose not to.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

The "No Fly Zone is a declaration of war" truism only works when you're declaring one over another nation's sovereign territory. Oman has every right to determine what military aircraft can enter their airspace, and if another country's military violates that airspace, they will have declared war, not Oman.

Biden’s Strikes in Yemen Are Unconstitutional, Bipartisan Members of Congress Say ( theintercept.com )

The U.S. and U.K. led a series of airstrikes in Yemen on Thursday evening, setting off alarms globally about how the attacks play into the smoldering regional risk of conflict — including a stream of questions from Congress about whether Biden was legally authorized to conduct the strikes at all.

Drewfro66 ,
@Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Who cares if it's "Legal" or not under U.S. law?

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