appassionato , to palestine group avatar

Sima Bahous, the executive director of UN Women, said more than 10,000 Palestinian women have been killed in the seven months of Israel’s war on Gaza – including scores of women and children horrifically killed by an Israeli air strike while sleeping in tents in what was supposed to be a safe zone in Rafah.

“This war must stop because women and girls are bearing the brunt of it,” Bahous told a UN Security Council meeting on Tuesday.


joaocosta , to random avatar

This could be 's equivalent moment to 's Euromaidan and Revolution of Dignity in 2013-14...

We stand with people who want their country to be a free, democratic and European sovereign nation.

Justis4u , to palestine group avatar

@LauraLK @palestine It was a disgrace by many countries in the @UN to take a country like and partition it Resolution 181, and recognise the new partition and deprive the original country of its state status

oatmeal , to palestine group avatar

#ICC / Israeli Mossad chief ‘threatened’ ICC prosecutor over war crimes inquiry | Israel

[…] "You don't want to be getting into things that could compromise your security or that of your family."

The allegations detailed in the Guardian paint a troubling picture of alleged intimidation tactics and excessive pressure applied by Israeli intelligence against an ICC prosecutor.

Cohen's covert contacts with Bensouda took place over several years leading up to her 2021 decision to open a formal #ICC investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes.

A close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Cohen personally led the #Mossad's efforts as part of a decade-long campaign by Israel to undermine the ICC probe.

The efforts escalated in 2019-2020 with Cohen allegedly showing Bensouda photos of her husband taken covertly and suggesting the ICC probe would hurt her career.

[…] Another Israeli source briefed on the operation against Bensouda said the Mossad’s objective was to compromise the prosecutor or enlist her as someone who would cooperate with Israel’s demands.

#Israel #IsraelWarCrimes #Netanyhu #DRC

oatmeal OP , avatar

[cont’d] #Israel / Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed

[… ] Khan recently disclosed in an interview with #CNN that some elected leaders had been “very blunt” with him as he prepared to issue arrest warrants. “‘This court is built for Africa and for thugs like Putin,’ is was what a senior leader told me.”

[…] One former defence official familiar with Israel’s counter-ICC effort said joining the court had been “perceived as the crossing of a red line” and “perhaps the most aggressive” diplomatic move taken by the Palestinian Authority, which governs the West Bank. “To be recognised as a state in the #UN is nice,” they added. “But the ICC is a mechanism with teeth.”

Israel has waged a nearly decade-long secret "war" against the #ICC, deploying intelligence agencies to surveil, hack, pressure, smear and allegedly threaten senior ICC officials to derail inquiries into alleged crimes in Palestinian territories.

  • Israeli agencies intercepted communications of ICC prosecutors Fatou Bensouda and Karim Khan, providing Netanyahu advance knowledge of their intentions. Bensouda was allegedly personally threatened by then-Mossad chief Yossi Cohen.

  • Israel held secret back-channel meetings with the ICC using intelligence to try to undermine the Palestinian territories case, arguing Israel's military investigates itself properly.

  • The U.S. under #Trump imposed sanctions on ICC officials over the Afghanistan probe, believed partly aimed at the Palestinian case, working together with Israel against the ICC.

  • Despite intense pressure, Khan proceeded with seeking arrest warrants against #Netanyahu and #Gallant over alleged extermination, starvation and deliberately targeting civilians in Gaza.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


faab64 , to random

Secretary-General António condemned 's massacre, which killed 45 civilians in a displacement camp burning them alive.

"There is no safe place in Gaza. This horror must stop", he added.

faab64 , to palestine group

Urgent: The Secretary-General of the United Nations: We condemn the practices of “Israel” that led to the martyrdom of dozens of innocent people who were searching for shelter, and there is no safe place in , and this horror must stop.

@palestine @israel

faab64 , to palestine group

A coalition of NGOs has urgently appealed to the Security Council to enforce the International Court of Justice's orders regarding Israel's offensive in Rafah, Gaza.

Organizations such as , Plan International, and , alongside other prominent relief and human rights organizations, emphasize the critical need for immediate action to uphold international law and ensure Israel's compliance with the ICJ's mandates.

@palestine @israel

RememberUsAlways , to palestine group avatar

If there is no deal to rescue then there will be no .

will not stop pounding now as the sympathy in the and around the world try to extract demands using hostage and martyr.

I can't blame Israel for it's actions now. The legacy media world has taken the side of . has nothing to lose and no one will stop them.

Certainly not the nations LoL. The world abandoned .

JSharp1436 , to random avatar

🔴 A deadly landslide which villagers in say struck like "an exploding bomb" may have buried more than 2,000 people alive, a government agency fears

The figure - provided by the acting director of the country's National Disaster Centre - is far higher than the 670 the suggested over the weekend

Exact casualty figures for the disaster, which tore through the village in the early hours of Friday, have been difficult to establish

RememberUsAlways , to palestine group avatar

To all the bad opinions regarding aid trucks from people who have never driven a truck:

Go to and drive a truck through a zone, then report back.

The problem is finding willing to risk their lives as the trucks are attacked by mobs of civilians standing around in a live fire war zone.


nando161 , to random avatar

#UN Special Rapporteur on #Palestine, Francesca Albanese:

⭕ As the #ICJ orders #Israel to stop its offensive in #Rafah, Israel intensifies its attacks on it.

⭕ The #news I am receiving from the #people trapped there are terrifying.

⭕ Israel will not stop this madness until we make it stop.

⭕ Member states must impose sanctions, arms embargo and suspend relations with Israel till it ceases its assault.

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  • appassionato , to palestine group avatar

    “At a time when the people of Gaza are staring down famine; when hospitals are attacked and invaded; when aid organizations are blocked from reaching people in need; when civilians are under bombardment from north to south; it is more critical than ever to heed the calls made over the last seven months:

    “Release the hostages. Agree a ceasefire. End this nightmare.”

    Martin Griffiths, the UN’s chief of emergency humanitarian relief


    appassionato , to palestine group avatar

    “The United States values the critical work of the ICJ as the principal judicial organ of the United Nations."

    “The court’s contributions to the peaceful settlement of disputes and its work as a guardian of international law has never been more important.”

    Blinken, 2023


    oatmeal , to israel group avatar

    / What's expected today?

    The International Court of Justice will announce a decision today on potential orders against Israel regarding its ongoing attack on Gaza, specifically in Rafah. Israel fears the court will order a halt to the to the war, or at least the Rafah operation, due to worsening humanitarian conditions. Such an order would put Israel in a difficult position - defying it could lead to international sanctions, though the U.S. would likely support regardless of the legality of its actions in Gaza, as it did so far.

    is reporting that according to the assessment of "diplomatic officials," the likelihood that the court will accept South Africa's request and order a halt to the war in Gaza tomorrow, is not very high, but nonetheless, this time it is "realistic and certainly not negligible."

    If this scenario materializes - Israel will be dependent on the U.S. vetoing the order. But according to assessments in Israel, in the current situation the American veto is not guaranteed, and it is possible that Washington will condition it on Israel taking one action or another. For example, in exchange for Israeli agreement to the Saudi initiative.


    oatmeal OP , avatar

    In the current circumstances, the court rules that Israel must take effective steps to ensure immediate access to Gaza for any investigative committee, fact-finding mission and investigative bodies - to be appointed by the in order to investigate allegations of genocide.

    The court rules that the catastrophic situation in necessitates the immediate and urgent implementation of the orders from January and March - relating to the entire Gaza Strip and especially .

    Israel must open the Rafah crossing.

    @israel @palestine

    joaocosta , to random avatar

    "This situation was avoidable. The civilians and soldiers who have died since the new offensive began can’t be brought back, but through adequate weapons and provisions, and permission for to strike Russian territory, the west can ensure that their friends and families won’t face the same fate – and that the residents of and the villages where I work can keep rebuilding their homes and their lives."

    dangillmor , to random avatar

    A reminder that less than two weeks ago, it was revealed that Trump solicited a $1 billion bribe from the energy industry, offering in return the gutting of environmental regulations.

    A week ago, Big Journalism had already consigned this epic scandal to the memory bin.

    Had Biden done anything remotely like that, I guarantee that it would still be among the top stories of the day -- and Congress, including Democrats, would be moving toward impeachment.

    figstick , avatar

    @blazeoryan @mikeblake @dangillmor
    That "commitment to allies" excuse doesn't work when you're talking about the people who literally rule the world. What, is Biden's boss gonna come down and give him an earful for NOT giving weapons to a genocidal state?

    And if #Biden is so hamstrung by these commitments, then what about his commitment to the #UN and the #ICC, which he's now threatening to destroy?

    #FreePalestine #ceasefire #ceasefirenow @israel @palestine #gaza #joebiden #genocide

    faab64 , to israel group

    WTAF: Secretary of State warned if United Nations recognizes as an independent State, United States, allies and affiliated businessmen will cut funding for , thus cutting United Nations ability to run huminitarian aid for Global South countries.

    He is threatening the world on behalf of , while pretending that they support a 2 state solution.

    This is the most outrageous comment I've ever read from Blinken. I'm not sure if it's accurate, because the only source is the post on ShiTwitter:

    @palestine @israel

    plink , to israel group avatar
    ariadne , to random avatar

    "Israeli soldiers and police tipping off groups that attack Gaza aid trucks" ...
    "Individual members of Israel’s security forces are tipping off far-right activists and settlers to the location of trucks delivering vital supplies to , enabling the groups to block and vandalise the convoys, according to multiple sources.

    intercepting the vital supplies to the strip are receiving information about the location of the aid trucks from members of the Israeli police and military, a spokesperson from the main Israeli activist group behind the blockades told the .

    The claim of collusion by members of the security forces is supported by messages from internal internet chat groups reviewed by the Guardian as well as accounts from a number of witnesses and human rights activists."

    DrALJONES , to random avatar


    On apartheid Israel

    When apartheid South Africa came under growing international pressure at the UN, the General Assembly initiated boycotts.

    It suspended South Africa, stripping it of its Member State rights & privileges. The apartheid regime could no longer be seated, speak or vote at the General Assembly & other UN organs.

    "Apartheid South Africa changed course because it became a pariah & isolated regime"

    It's Israel's turn


    Miro_Collas , to palestine group avatar

    UN humanitarian chief delivers ‘apocalyptic’ warning over Gaza aid | Gaza | The Guardian

    Israel and the US simply don't care


    Miro_Collas , to palestine group avatar

    Israel’s war on Gaza live: Battles in Jabalia and Rafah as Israel advances | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

    • Thick smoke over Jabalia refugee camp as Palestinian fighters battle Israeli forces
    • Number of child deaths as starvation grips Gaza likely ‘tip of the iceberg’: Analyst
    • UN aid chief says ‘world has lost its way’ as people in Gaza suffer


    Miro_Collas , to palestine group avatar

    Why is Israel cocky at the UN but coy at the ICJ?: Marwan Bishara - YouTube


    ManyRoads , to random avatar

    Just what the world needs another massive disaster.

    "‘Hell on Earth’ as violence escalates in Sudan’s el-Fasher

    UN says it has received only 12 percent of funds sought for war-wracked Sudan as ‘famine is closing in’."

    plink , to israel group avatar
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