Nonilex , to random avatar
Nonilex OP , avatar

The decision was a victory for not only because it clears the way for a map that is favorable to the . It also sets a high bar for determining when a map can be considered a , rather than a one. has previously found the bars racial but that federal courts cannot police partisan gerrymandering.

Nonilex OP , avatar

Writing for the majority, Justice Samuel noted many predominantly precincts in were moved out of one district & into another. But “because of the tight correlation between race & partisan preferences, this fact does little to show that , not drove the legislature’s choice,” he wrote.

Nonilex , to random avatar

threaten w/ —as work to them

…The bill in CT, pending before an cmte, is 1 of a raft of measures advancing nationwide that seek to do things like prohibit or forbid the of school & public librarians…. Legislators in 22 mostly blue states have proposed 57 such bills so far this year, & 2 have become ….

Nonilex OP , avatar

But the -friendly measures are being outpaced by bills in mostly that aim to restrict which can offer & w/ or thousands in for handing out “obscene” or “harmful” titles. At least 27 states are considering 100 such bills this year, 3 of which have become …. That adds to nearly a dozen similar measures enacted over the last 3 yrs across 10 states.

Nonilex , to random avatar

The federal government updated how it classifies people by & for the 1st time in over a quarter-century, aiming to better capture an increasingly country & give policymakers a fuller view of the their work impacts.

The changes mark the first time since 1997 that the US Office of Management & Budget () has revised a policy on the collection of such data.

Nonilex OP , avatar

Karin Orvis, the ’ chief statistician, said in a Thurs blog post on the WH website that the revision will “enhance our ability to compare information & data across federal agencies, & also to understand how well federal programs serve a .”
… Such data guides how federal ofcls analyze everything from outcomes to the redrawing of .

Nonilex , to random avatar

to use deemed
heard arguments on the redistricting case in Oct but has yet to rule🤬, essentially running out the clock for the . A ruled Thurs that time had run out to draw a new congressional district in & said the state could use its existing map even though it had earlier determined that map was unconstitutional.

Nonilex OP , avatar

The panel of 3 judges last year concluded that ’s -led “exiled” 30k from the district to make it safer for a incumbent, Rep .
appealed, & both sides asked to expedite the case to ensure a final ruling was in place well ahead of season. The justices heard arguments in October but have yet to rule.

Nonilex OP , avatar

During arguments, a majority of the appeared inclined to reinstate the lines the state had wanted. 5 months later, the justices have yet to rule. Both sides had asked the justices to rule by Jan.
By hanging onto the case, effectively allowed the clock to run out for the .

jeffowski , to random avatar
Pat Morita's Nightclub Days | REDD FOXX SHOW (1977)

When I say It means having a full array of people on TV.
As a misplaced Asian half-breed, it mattered to me that I could see this on TV as a small kid, even if I didn't understand it.
Why would you take that away from a child?

jeffowski , to random avatar
jeffowski , to random avatar
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